Two Guys a Girl and a Kid
This was literally a random thought I had one day lol
The funeral was louder than necessary. Williams's mother, Tamara, wept bitterly on the front row, cradled in her newly rich husband's scrawny arms. She wept as if she were an actual devoted mother. She cried as if she'd never locked her son in dark closets as punishment and starved him for days at a time, leaving him skin and bones as a child. I glanced at Jasper, my son, downcast face, I half expected him to ball his eyes out at the passing of his father, yet, here he was, his eyes restraining water droplets from leaving their domain. His pudgy round face was pinched into a scowl and his shoulders were squared as he sat next to me like a poised cat. He was holding it in. It was not as if his father had never been apart of his life, at one point he had been...when we were together, five years ago. William and my relationship was good in the beginning, we were newlyweds that couldn't keep our hands off one another. We had rich conversations and a love for music and art. Three years into our relationship, Jasper was born. But as time passed by and the richer William got from companyembezzlements from his company, we drifted apart. When he cheated with my best friend, Crystal, of twenty years, I had had enough. One time I could forgive but to have a full-blown relationship going on for two years, and father two children with her who played with my child was all I could take. Jasper considered those little rugrats to be his cousins when in reality they were his half-sib..siblings. It was no wonder every time I asked Crystal who their father was she never knew because she was "drunk" those particular nights. Yeah right, floozy!
My eyes searched the room, at max there was twenty-five people that showed up to the small funeral parlor outside of Daunting, Iowa.
I hated funerals. I hated the fact that I had to sit here and pretend like I gave two craps that this man was dead. I didn't wish for him to die yet I did not care at all that he was dead. His mother attempted to kill me and my son and had it not been for Yoshi and Matthew she would have succeeded. Her son did nothing to prevent it so in my book he was just as guilty. He knew once he put our names on his over the top insurance policy it would be the end for us. His mother was a money-hungry hungry-hippo that would walk a tightrope to get to her bag. Me on the other hand, I was a grocery store clerk for a chain retailer and while $15.36 hr was not much money it was still an honest living and if stretched correctly along with the child support it was enough. If I would have went to college and gotten a degree maybe I would have been the manager of a company by now. Who knew? Who cared? Because I didn't.
My eyes sauntered back to the shell of a man laying in the casket surround by red white and blue flower arrangements. He had served not one day in the Military yet his mother had set up his funeral as if he deserved to be honored. I rolled my eyes to his taught powdery brown face and stiff body dressed in a powder blue suit in the white casket. The pastor stood on the pulpit and preached lies about William to the grieving crowd. He was not going to heaven because he was an atheist that wanted nothing to do with God. As a matter of fact he taunted me for my faith all the time when we were together. He did not give money to charities, he was not a great father to any of his kids, he screwed his best friends wife and had kids with her which made him a terrible friend and he had NEVER been a doting husband.
I stifled a laugh when Deborah got up and ran like a wild animal to the casket and covered her son's body balling like a baby. Who the heck wore red to a funeral? Well, I couldn't necessarily talk, I wore jeans and a tee-shirt. Yoshi was dressed in khakis and a green polo shirt and Mathew was dressed in his usual jogging suit. Today Mathew chose to wear a bright yellow jogging suit because in his words "Today was a beautiful day. And no one dead or alive was going to ruin it for him."
Oh, by the way, Yoshi and Mathew are my bodyguards/babysitters. The short version is Cruella, William's mother, sent some of her family to "take care of me and my son" last week in the middle of the night. They beat me something awful too. Beverly, the cowards niece, was stomping my face in with her Timberland boot while two of her boy toys watched when Mathew, my downstairs neighbor happen to pull up from a night of partying and saw at the same time Yoshi was taking out his trash. I was grateful when both men came to my rescue. Mathew had a mean left hook and knocked two of the gangsters out. It helped that he was trained in that MMA stuff. Yoshi simply pulled out a piece of steel from his waist band and without a word fired at Beverly grazing her arm. Beverly and her goons retreated into a silver BMW leaving me with the two men. I laughed at Mathew chew out Yoshi for firing at a woman in which Yoshi replied, "I don't fight, Id simply rather get to the point." Thankfully my son to remain sleep while they beat my behind.
Anyhow, ever since the incident, both men have stuck closer than glue to me in which it ultimately led to me offering them a job as my bodyguards slash babysitters. I was set to inherit millions, I don't know how many but enough for Tamera to send her goons after me. I half suspected Crystal to come for my left next being he only left her the house and two cars. I figured William left me the money because of his guilt over his infidelity. I offered Mathew and Yoshi a million a piece to protect me and Jasper for five years or until Tamera died and I no longer had to look over my shoulder. Yoshi readily agreed because he had no family besides a brother in Asia. Mathew was hesitant because of the lifestyle he was currently enjoying but recently he lost his job after getting caught fraternizing with his secretary fifteen years his senior which was his bosses wife, and now here he was. After I obtain the money I planed on buying a house on five acres of land in the country and enjoying the piece and quiet. I also planned on building a guest house in the back for the guys but Yoshi offered to stay in the house with me and let Mathew have the guest house.
"Why? She shrieked, interrupting my thoughts, "Why did you have to go! Why did you leave everything to that tramp!" Her husband and stepson attempted to pull the old bat off the corpse but she held on to him. It was then I noticed the casket slightly move. If that thing fell on the ground I was getting the heck out of dodge.
My eyes shifted to Mathew who flashed me a faint grin, his rich brown skin contrasted nicely against the yellow. His neat dreadlocks hung down to the middle of his back. He glanced at his Rolex then looked at me, "Are leaving before or after the fireworks?" His voice was a deep timber.
"I shook my head, "We can leave now if its all the same to you. I foresee this not getting better anytime soon," I gave Jaspers shoulder a squeeze, his eyes were tinted red, he was innocent in all of this yet it wouldn't be long before Tamera came over and turned her wrath on the both of them. She always said Jasper didn't look like her son and her son was never fat! Yeah, he wasn't fat because she starved him at times. Jasper was the splitting image of his father, brown skin, light freckles on his nose, same circular head and mushroom nose. That was Williams twin.
I glanced over at Yoshi who tapped his foot impatiently glaring at Tamera and her antics, his fist were bald up resting on each leg. A grumble in his native tongue let loose before he realized I was looking at her, my lips curled up, "Ready?"
"More than." He abruptly stood to up to his 5'11 stature, his hair dangling down his chest out of his usual man bun, and shuffled sideways out the pews.
I turn to Jasper, "Let's go honey,"
"We're not staying?" He sniffled wiping his eyes.
I pinched my lips together and shook my head, "Remember when I said we would only stay for a short while?"
He nodded, "Is it because grandma is acting senile again?"
A choked out a laugh drawing a few curious yet angry gazes my way. "Yes, son, thats exactly it."
"I wanted to say goodbye to daddy."
"Wave to him sweetheart, hes in heaven now so he can see you."
Jasper held his hand up and waved at the corpse, "Bye daddy."
I slid my hand in his and helped him up. We made our way down the aisle as quietly as possible when all of a sudden Tamera screamed my name, "Evelyn, you crazy bitch! You killed my son!" My back stiffened, did she just call me the B-word in church? Immediately Yoshi took Jasper's hand and stepped back. Mathew took position in front of me. I turned around and the bull was breathing heavily marching down the isle, her curly wig flapped up and down with every step. The goons and her niece followed behind her along with one of her brothers. Each man was intimidating in their own right, stocky, muscular, murder written on their faces in the form of a hard scowl.
"Whats going on, momma?" asked Jasper, fear heavy in his voice.
I peeked at him over my shoulder at his petrified face, he squeezed Yoshi's poor hand with a death grip yet Yoshi's eyes remained on the folks marching down the isle like an angry bride. "I don't know baby, stay with Yoshi. Grandma is really angry over your father's death nothing to worry about, okay." He didn't believe me as his eyes went to the raging lunatic behind me.
"No!" She yelled attempting to move around Mathew he extended a hand out blocking her the good security guard he was. "You killed my baby! You killed him and now you are planning to steal all his money you worthless whore! You divorced him and still have your hand out like a beggar on the street!"
Anger swiveled around in my soul, eating me up like a malignant cancer, I balled up my fist at my sides and let out a winded breath, if punching old people wasn't frowned upon I would sucker punch this long-winded heffa. "I did not kill your son, your son died in a car accident four states away from me. I did not beg your worthless, cheating, STD-infested son for money. If anything it was probably guilt for all the hell he put me through when we were together!" I glared at her wrinkled botox face returning her firey glare.
"Well, I never!" She charged at me again but was blocked by Mathew. Mathew glanced at me with a sympathetic look, "Lets go before things can get any uglier."
I grind my teeth together huffing and puffing, glancing at her, "Your right, shes not worth it. I only came so my son could say goodbye to his father but once again this washed-up silent movie troll ruined it!"
Her eyes darn near popped out of her head her face molded together into a horror movie scowl, "You hussy! My son cheated on you because you trapped him with this lie," Her disapproving gaze went to Jasper, "and he felt stuck. That fat porky the pig child is not my grandson!"
Yoshi mumbled something in his native tongue then told Jasper, "Get behind me." It was the only thing I heard because I slipped around Mathew and grabbed Evelyn by her Brazillian wig pulling her head to the side. How crazy I must look snatching this old lady p but the anger inside of me reminded me of all the physical, mental, and emotional abuse I put up with from that slime ball. Evelyn managed to grab a patch of my hair yanking my head down to the side.
"You were nothing but a jump-off."
"Okay flowers in the attic crazy psycho witch!"
Mathew pried Evelyn's fingers off my head and pulled me away but not before I could snatch the old curse's wig off her head swinging it around victoriously then throwing it at her with a smirk.
"I told you not to go," Yoshi grumbled from the passenger seat. Fair enough, he did tell me it was a bad idea.
"I second that." Mathew chimed in glancing at me in the rearview
"Liar!" I yelled then covered my mouth looking over at a sleeping jasper. The kid feel asleep as soon as we hit the highway, he could sleep through a tornado if you let him. I scooted to the edge of the seat nestling a hand on each headrest and poking my head out to look at Mathew, "You said it was a beautiful day to go to a home going." I hissed sizing him up.
"Only after you made it clear you were going. I also remember telling you last week to forgo going to the funeral. Evelyn told just recently if you showed your face at her precious son's homegoing service she was going to send you home... in a box."
"That pet cemetery rat is mad because I inherited all her son's precious money and she didn't get one red cent." I popped back in my seat.
The End. I ran out of gas with this one.
I ran out of gas with this one. LOL.
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