Chapter 14. Game of masks
{Location: The Mask of hatred temple} (Morro's POV)
I'm right above Killow in the trees as the sons of garmadon wait for something. I glace up at Nya, holding my finger over my mouth.
Killow looks at the stone wall, "The quiet one should be here soon."
Ultraviolet isn't anywhere and that concerns me.
"Ah, who have you found Mr. E?" Killow chuckles.
Mr. E walks up, pushing Kit forward.
I knew we should have taken Kit with us. Sensei is getting old, it's hard for him to fight much less keep her safe. I look at Pixal, fully functional, waiting on a branch bending from her weight.
Nya points down, counting down from 3 with her fingers.
We jump. I bare my fangs as I pose with my staff at some guy with a red mohawk, "Surprised?"
People jump out from more trees, a crew of five and Ultraviolet has their weapons aimed at us. She cackles while having her sia aimed at Skylor, "Not really."
Katara steadies her daggers, "Pixal, I thought you said we outnumbered them."
"That was before I knew how many there were." Pixal's closest to Mr. E.
Killow chuckles, tapping his mask, "You second rates aren't as good as those other guys."
"Well, we'll still get all Ninja-up on ya." Skylor aims for his head.
Nya rolls her eyes while pointing her spear, "What does that mean?"
"I don't know. Usually, Kai does the talking. It sounded better in my head. Where's Seliel?"
"AHHH!" Seliel is shot out of the top like a gusher, falling fast. I steady the wind until she's in my arms. She's wet and looks panicked, "Guys, the quiet one is-"
The stone wall bursts open. A woman wearing the last mask walks to us. She pulls it off, showing Harumi.
Seliel gets out of my arms, dumping water out of her helmet, "Harumi."
"What a standoff we have now." She smiles as the sons of garmadon clap for her.
I poke my target's face, telling him to stop, "You made to call that blew Pixal's cover." I bare my wolf fangs.
"Careful wolfy," Ultraviolet, holds a sia over Kit's neck, "I wouldn't want to upset the child."
Nya looks back at the Bounty, "Anyone got any ideas?"
"You're the one who wanted to be a leader." I stay steady. I hope Sensei's around.
Both parties stare at each other, daring the other to break the standoff.
Kit's eyes glaze white then back to blue, "We should run."
"Why?" Harumi's voice is now filled with spite, she taps the mask against her thighs, "Is this upsetting to your delicate nature?"
"No," Kit points up as some kind of crab scorpion monster erupts from the lake, "Because that's coming."
Everyone breaks as we run from the beast. We group on this little island thing as our escape is cut off. I stand between Harumi and Mr. E as it circles us, "Anyone wanna fight that thing instead of each other for a while?"
It's quite until it jumps where Nya and Skylor are. They bearly hold it up with water while Mr. E and Killow put on their masks as the sons of garmadon scatter.
I roll as Seliel faces off with Harumi.
Kit's spinjutzus away until the beast crashes on land, "COuld I have my sword back?" Mr. E tosses it back without a second thought. Kit smiles as she tries cutting at its leg, "Thanks." She's forced back as Katara fends off Mr. E.
I put my staff away, running up its leg, pushing down a needle sized pocket of air into its skull. It screcks before smacking me away. "Ow!"
Seliel helps me up as Nya and Pixal force it into the water, "You ok?"
"Nothing I can't handle." I throw a gust at it, trying to force it in as the girls pull back.
Nya nods to Skylor, "NOW!"
Skylor freezes it, it's tail half way up. She pulls down her mask, "We did it."
Katara tucks her daggers away, "Where are the sons of garmadons?"
The Bounty takes off, Harumi cackles while holding Sensei.
I take off in airjutzu without a second thought. Nya screams at me, probably saying something around the lines of, 'get back here. We need a plan.' But the river monster breaks out of the ice. Occupying them as I land on deck.
"Stop right there," Harumi holds Sensei by the neck, holding a syringe over his heart.
I venter forward only to get surrounded by Mr. E and Killow as Ultraviolet kneels over a pot of tea.
"Careful," Harumi sneers, "This venom from the Great Devourer. Take another step and I push it in faster then you can bark."
Sensei tries pulling her off only to get in a worse spot, "Be strong Morro. You can't-"
"Shut up, old man." She looks at me.
I slowly knock my staff off of my back, "Give him back."
"No. I need him for the ceremony tonight."
"I wasn't finished. Give him back before I lose my cool." I change my fingernails to wolf claws, and make sure my fangs are big as my wolf form grows fur on me, "I am not so nice in wolf mode."
"I have all the cards." Harumi nods to UltraViolet, she pours a cup of tea, holding it in front of me. Harumi snickers as the Bounty is above the clouds at this point, "All I want from you is to drink that. Drink it or the old man's heart might not survive the evil I'll put in him."
I take the cup, keeping my fangs while losing my claws. Sensei's in a bad spot, and like an idiot, I left the team. Harumi tightens her grip. I slowly sip down every ice-cold drop, "Happy?" I'm overcome a flash of sleepiness. I fall down as Harumi hits the back of Sensei's head.
She smiles as my vision blurs out, "Very."
{Location: The ruins of the Jade palace}[Hours later]
"MORRO!" Sensei's yelling snaps me awake.
I flip out at the sight of a knife coming at me. I get up only to slam into bars. I'm in a birdlike cage. Harumi's holding the knife and looks away different, "Got a costume change?"
"What gave it away?" Harumi's in an all leather, black outfit with spikes. Her forehead and eyes are painted red and her hair is down. "Now hold still."
I jump back from her other cut. Looking around. Below is a river filled with dangerous sea life. The cage I'm in is made of vengestone but is hooked to some kind of machine. Sensei's in a similar trap on the other end. I bare my fangs as she pulls me to land, "I'm allergic to knives. And getting stabbed."
"I don't want to stab you." She sticks her whole shoulder in, reaching for my gi, "I just need your hair."
I swear to the first spinjutzu master that this is all instinct.
Before she grabs me, I sink my fangs into her shoulder.
"AHH!" She sricks, dropping her knife and lock of my jet black hair. "YOU BIT ME!"
I let go, kneeling down as I spit out her blood, "What'd you expect when YOU COME AT ME WITH A KNIFE!"
She yanks a hair out of my scalp. Holding her shoulder, "SOMEONE GET ME A BANDAGE!" She takes her knife back as I try to not swallow the blood in my mouth. She pulls a lever, raising me up while lowering Sensei. She quickly cuts off a chunk of his beard, placing our hairs in a wooden bowl.
I grip the bars as my fangs change back to teeth, "Take it from someone who's tried to resurrect an evil realm before. This never works for the bad guys."
Ultraviolet walks up, holding a grey hairbrush and an ace bandage, "Good thing she's not a bad guy but a bad girl."
"Just hurry up. I want to be strong when our Lord comes through." Harumi lets Ultraviolet fix her shoulder. Harumi looks at me as the masks are placed in a triangle formation, "Let me guess, your next words are, my friends will stop you."
"Well there were a few curses in there but that's the idea." I look around, it's night but the moon's covered by clouds.
"Good." Harumi shoots away Ultraviolet while pulling out a grey hair from the hairbrush, "I want them to watch the return on Lord Garmadon. They even know where we are, I send your detective friend back with plenty of cuts and bruises."
"You're arrogant."
"Weren't you once?" She sneers, "The ghost who wanted to be the green ninja. The man who wrecked Stixxs. The demon who possessed the green ninja. What moral high ground to you have on me, nephew of Garmadon? How could anyone possibly forgive you much less love you? I know I never did."
Sensei feels his new shorter beard, "Leave him alone. You are making a grave mistake. My brother fought hard to change. Please don't take-"
"He was a hero. And Ninjago needs real heroes. Not your gang of little kids playing dress up and almost saving the world." She puts the hair in the wooden bowl.
I sink down to my feet, she had to touch that scar, didn't she?
"Rip the fabric between realms. Oni, I call upon you. Connect me to the departed realm!" She chants in ancient Ninjago. A blue triangle connects the masks as she raises her arms, "Hear my voice! By the power of the oni masks, I wish to speck with the blackest, most evil of men to ever come from Ninjago. To bring him back. Lord Garmadon!"
Behind her the sons of garmadon smile excitedly. Only Mr. E stands apart, holding the lever threating to dunk me or Sensei into the water. I look around, trying to spot the girls or Katara anywhere.
Harumi screechs as a portal opens up, "I have the connection to his family. His brother," Sensei's cut beard glows black in the bowl, "His wife," I'm guessing Misako's hair dose the same as heavy breathing comes from the portal, "And in place of the son tonight, the nephew." My hair somehow gets blacker.
The portal breaths, as an arm reaches out of it, "Ninjago. It's been a while."
Shivers run up my spin.
That's not Garmadon.
But someone just as, if not eviler.
Harumi reaches for him, "YES! Follow my voice. Come home and destroy your family. Come to finally make Ninjago into your own image!"
I start pulling at the bars. No, not him. I manage to make a hole when Mr. E catch on. Plunging me into the river. I hold my breath. I'm ok with water now. Just not water filled with things that want to eat me. I look up thought the salty water as Mr. E runs off.
Seliel pushes the lever to the other side, yanking me up, "It's a little soon for a bath no?"
I spit out water, "Don't save me," I point as Sensei goes under, beyond this, there's a full-on fight between the sons of garmadon and the girls, "Save him."
"Shoot." Seliel plays back and forth as Harumi keep calling him closer. "I COULD USE SOME HELP HERE!
Nya flip kicks Ultraviolet, throwing her spear into the thing. "HOW'S THAT?"
"Perfect." Seliel doesn't last long as Mr. E charges her.
I rip off the bars with my wolf strength. Pulling Sensei out, "WE HAVE TO STOP HER!"
Sensei holds on to his hat, "Of course. What do you recommend?"
I could sure use a miracle right about now. Just anything to not see him again. "When I say, we dive in and knock off that bowl. I'll get her."
The clouds part, showing off the glorious full moon. Harumi stops cold staring at it.
"NOW!" I jump with Sensei on my heels. I tackle her, pinning her as the bowl and portal disappear. The masks drop and the sons of garmadon flee until they run into the police. I dig my nails into the back of her head as the moon shines bright, "DID YOU know who that actually was?"
She sure is a quiet one.
My nails become claws, spotting her white hair with red dots, "Answer me!"
She says nothing, does nothing until the moon's covered again, "What? NO! It was supposed to work."
"Morro," Katara gently touches me, pulling my hand off of her, "We did it. We won. Let her go."
I get up as Skylor pushes her into AJ's open cuffs. I feel goose bumps on my arms. Shaking.
The ceremony was ruined. He's not here.
He'll never come back.
Sensei touches my shoulder as the cops drive Harumi away, "You've met my brother when he wasn't well only once. But back there, you were so concerned one of a sudden about him coming back. Why?"
I don't look him in the eye as the girls cheer along side Kit, "I didn't like the stories. I didn't want to meet his nasty side." I lie. I lie thought my teeth with a fake smile. "I'm just glad we won."
And he didn't come back.
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