Zhan ate his food with the egg beside him which seems to find every means to get up on xiao zhan lap. "My little baby is clingy isn't he? Or maybe hungry?" Zhan asked the egg though he was not expecting any answer. Zhan sighed and looked at wang yibo who was busy going through the minister's reports, one minute you could see him frowning or clicking, zhan was actually happy atleast he doesn't have to think so much or stress himself about state affairs though he sometimes found himself in that mess.
"Hey your majesty i wanted ask does this little eggie eat or?" Xiao zhan asked wang yibo who dropped the report from his hands and looked at his empress and shook his head, his empress is just so naive and unknowledgable.
"Yes else he is not going to hatch." Yibo answer made xiao zhan to think for a while, what can an egg eat? Since when did an egg eat? How could he be so weird and stupid! Of course eggs doesn't need to eat! His majesty must be making fun of him.
"Making fun, i have seen chicken eggs, they don't eat but they're eaten when fried or boiled." Zhan answered, yibo looked at the egg then back to xiao zhan, zhan immediately hugged the egg close. "I carried this egg in my stomach for months! This is my baby! Don't even think of eating this egg because before you do it, i will make you a barbecue first!" Zhan added, yibo sighed his empress becoming over protective again, who talked about eating the egg? The baby sneered when he read his daddy's thoughts. He wanted to eat him earlier! He is smart enough to remember everything his daddy has done and he is going to tell his mommy. He knows his mommy is going to seek justice for him.
"It's easy, feed him your blood, trust me the more you feed him the sooner he will hatch." Xiao zhan was left dumbfounded, give him what? Impossible!.
"Are you trying to say my little munchkin is a vampire for him to be given blood? I will not do it!" Xiao zhan shouted and averted his gaze.
"Well then forget about the egg hatching, I am busy now i don't want any disturbances." Yibo answered and continued with his work not bothering with xiao zhan who is on the verge of exploding in anger. He is excited to meet his baby, but then he has a very bad phobia, whenever he sees blood he always gets very scared and loose consciousness. He is sure he couldn't do it yibo felt the empress restlessness, he got concerned and stopped what he was doing, he went to where zhan was sitted, picked him up and placed him on his lap after sitting down, he kissed zhan cheek with his eye's showing care and pure love. For these few months the cold king seemed to have completely changed and treated xiao zhan well and gently too.
"Is their something you want to tell me my empress?" Zhan lowered his head and nodded his head.
"You said I should give him my blood, I am scared of blood, it's so scary, i....i really can't do it." Yibo smiled and used his magic, a piece of white cloth appeared covering xiao zhan eye's, yibo cut xiao zhan wrist without xiao zhan feeling any kind of pain. Yibo let the blood trickle on top of the egg, the blood immediately dissapered with the egg glowing red, finding that to be enough, yibo licked the wound and helped the wound close in an instant.
"Are you going to cut or prick my fingers, please be gentle." Xiao zhan shouted scared, he was not aware that wang yibo was already done and the baby is already sated.
"My empress i have already finished, i will be here to help you, you can give him your blood three times a day." Zhan felt wang yibo soft lips on his wrist, yibo kissed him gently then removed the blindfold. Zhan was surprised seeing the egg has become bigger compared to before.
"Wow see my baby is really growing!" Yibo smiled, he transferred a bit of his Qi into xiao zhan body to check if their's any abnormality, yibo smiled seeing his empress is perfectly fine, zhan closed his eye's and rested his head on wang yibo shoulder when he felt the warm Qi in his body, the feeling was really great and calming.
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