What Do You Do When Your Boyfriend Is In Shock? [2]
It had been several hours after Trophy's body was placed in Test Tube's lab. Trophy wasn't dead, but, if he was, everything would've been worse and less worse. Less worse for Paper, who had to see Trophy's bleeding body stumble towards him and then collapse on the floor. Worse for everyone, including Paper, who would've had to learn Trophy had died.
The party still went on, as Lightbulb tried distracting everyone from the odd "trophy bleeding out of the mouth and eyes" thing. She was mostly successful, but she lost Fan, who went to blog the situation, Knife, who followed Pickle, and Pickle, who ran upstairs.
Pickle only heard Paper scream like that once before, and that was when Paper had a major psychotic break years ago after working for 2 (very stressful) days straight. However, nobody else, except for OJ, heard it before.
It had been several hours after Paper and OJ found Trophy's body. Paper was in shock and had spent those several hours cuddling together in their private bedroom. Paper was entirely unresponsive while OJ was messaging Knife, Pickle, Test Tube, and Paintbrush in a special group chat about the situation.
Test Tube told Lightbulb to keep the party going to distract everyone, Paintbrush and Test Tube went to work on a cure for whatever Trophy had, and Knife and Pickle were assigned to grab whatever cuddly and cute thing they could find and throw it into the private bedroom.
After an hour, Paper had fallen asleep, so OJ decided to move, but, somehow, Paper's hand managed to cling on so hard to his arm, that OJ would have to wait until Paper got up, which would be possibly another 12 hours, to get up and walk around.
OJ decided to fall asleep, not expecting anything to happen between 9 in the evening and 9 in the morning. Trophy had probably drank something that messed with his body or ate something that messed with his body, it couldn't possibly happen to anyone-
OJ woke up not even 20 minutes later to even more screaming and a loud thud on the floor. The scream had obviously come from Cheesy, who was scared pretty easily and pretty often by either Knife or Trophy.
Nickel was also screaming, meaning it was either Baseball or Balloon that had fainted. The next person to speak explained who it was. The person who spoke was Suitcase, who asked, "What happened to Balloon?". OJ messaged Knife about what happened, who explained that Balloon had fainted and bled in the exact same way as Trophy.
This time, the party was over, as everyone saw what had happened and people were already preparing to leave and/or help the two get better. However, as they were doing that, a third person fainted, this time being Ballpoint Pen, who fainted directly onto Balloon's leg.
However, unlike the two of them, he was bleeding excessively from the mouth and eyes. More people moved on to Ballpoint Pen and forgot about Balloon entirely. However, Suitcase, Baseball, and Nickel made sure Balloon go to Test Tube's lab.
Three people in the span of five hours, all infected in the same specific way.
Everyone was freaking out, especially Suitcase, who was Balloon's girlfriend, and Cheesy, who had a major crush on Trophy. What's even worse was Paper was great at calming people down, even though he had major anxiety issues, but he was in shock and OJ was stuck with Paper.
Paintbrush decided to try pulling an Indiana Jones with Paper and tried switching places with OJ, only for Paper to wake up exactly when they did it. The first words Paper said when he woke up was, "Let me guessed, I decided to cling onto you and you tried switching him out because he needs to deal with people?".
They didn't want to add even more stress onto Paper, so they decided to lie and say that OJ was, in fact, going out to deal with people, which was technically the truth. Paper decided to fall asleep on Paintbrush's lap, finding them comforting as well.
Eventually, OJ managed to stop Suitcase from having a heart attack and prevented Cheesy from leaving the hotel to follow Trophy's body into Test Tube's lab, which Cheesy was very close to doing.
Pickle and Knife decided to take over the situation and allowed OJ to go back to Paper, who wasn't asleep but wasn't exactly awake either. OJ went back towards Paper and his "sleep-sitter" and sat down next to them, only for Paper to put his hand on OJ's leg and squeeze it gently before humming slightly. Paper then muttered, "Mmmm...squishy", before falling asleep, which made Paintbrush burst into hysterics.
Paintbrush has terrible humor/humour choices.
Eventually, hours had pasted and Paper had woken up. Paper, who was somewhat sleepy and lazy, decided to do his "chores" (dealing with his garden, cleaning, accounting stuff, and meals) in the dead of night, with almost everyone still awake except for The Cherries, in a night gown, night cap, and pajamas all colored gray.
Some of them were confused to why OJ was watching Paper through a window as he watered his plants in the dead of night while wearing his "night clothes" (Paper is over 100 years old (totally canonical)).
After a couple of minutes, Paper decided to ly on the grass and look at the stars, before falling asleep on the floor, having finished everything he wanted to do (yes, Paper wants to do those "chores" that OJ usually does).
Nobody noticed he was asleep, not even OJ, until after 30 minutes. The weather started getting harsher (more violent winds and colder temperature) so OJ decided to grab Paper, who was the lightest inhabitant in the hotel, and carry him back to the room.
Paper has a terrible sleep schedule, keep that in mind (I guess).
Everyone "prayed" (except none of them are religious) that the three of them would be okay and come out fine and alive, even if they didn't like Trophy or Balloon or Ballpoint Pen. However, they were about to praying even harder when another person suddenly fell to the floor with the same conditions as the other three, just at a slower and more controlled rate.
Within the next thirty seconds, Paintbrush was in the room with Paper, as OJ didn't feel comfortable leaving Paper alone and couldn't be there, and a fourth person was being wheeled into Test Tube's lair.
It was chaos. Crying, screaming, shouting, confusion, stress, and anger around the room. Luckily, Paper was sleeping heavily, so he heard none of it. Paintbrush, on the other hand, was worried for their friend, hoping they were okay.
OJ was now worried that he was going to be the next one infected by the disease, as he probably ate the same things they ate and on a larger scale. OJ almost had a panic attack in the hotel's living room in front of everyone. Luckily, Pickle and Knife carried him off and calmed him down, leaving him in their room to sleep for the evening.
Pickle and Knife were now in control of the crisis and Hotel OJ.
All they could do was "pray". Everyone, who wasn't asleep or distracted with something else, which would be Test Tube and Lightbulb, was "praying" for Trophy, Balloon, Ballpoint Pen and finally...
Fan was the least likely to live. Even though he had it the least worse, he fell from two flights of stairs beforehand, so some permanent damage was almost guaranteed. If Paper knew this, then Paper would be hysterically crying for possibly days, as the two were second cousins, which they found out from a DNA test.
OJ, in the heat of the moment, did something irrational involving him and Paper before falling asleep, hoping Paper would never found out and, if he did, Paper would be either completely fine with it or accept an apology from OJ.
It was chaos.
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