"What in the hell are you doing in here?" Ruby called from the doorway of her room.
"I am trying to find something mildly sexy." Christina mumbled from her closet.
"Mildly sexy? What is that?"
Sighing Christina walked over to her clothing covered bed and sat. "Oh you know. Something that doesn't let him take his eyes off of me, but mild enough that he doesn't take me in the bathroom of the restaurant."
Ruby doubled over laughing.
"This isn't funny, Ruby."
Wiping the tears from her eyes she pushed some clothes over and sat next to her. "This is hilarious. If your sexy, your sexy. There is no mild about it. Plus, I think Finley would take you on the table of the restaurant while you were wearing a potato sack. It doesn't matter. This man wants you and I have the sneaking suspicion that he has wanted you for a while."
"What do I wear? He is going to be here in..." Christina looked at the clock and shrieked, "...half an hour. Help Me!!"
Ruby sighed, stood and went to her closet. She pulled out a black and white halter dress that Christina hadn't worn since her last date a few years ago. "Don't you think that is a bit old?"
"It's perfect. It shows off your curves but doesn't put it all out there. Wear those cute heels you have with the bows. He will be salivating seeing you. Now, get your ass moving and get ready for that sexy man candy." Ruby pulled Christina off of the bed.
"Did someone say man candy?" Dex's voice came from the hallway.
"What are you doing here?" Christina said grabbing her things to take into the bathroom.
"I brought Imogen over and figured I'd hang out for a while." He looked over at Ruby with a smile. Ruby blushed.
"Move out of the way. Am I too late to help?" Imogen barged in holding what looked like a makeup case and a cloth tote bag.
"How did any of you know what was going on?" Christina asked.
"Ruby." Imogen said.
"I texted Imogen because I know she can do kick ass hair and makeup. The other one I didn't invite."
"Hey!" Dex said looking offended. "What is going on?"
Silence descended as everyone avoided eye contact. Christina sighed. "I have a date."
"You have got to be kidding me." Dex crossed his muscular arms.
"No, I'm not. It's just one date, Dex. Just relax." Christina pushed past him and into the bathroom. Slamming the door she heard Dex talking loudly to Imogen and Ruby.
Starting the shower, Christina stared at her reflection in the mirror. She could feel the butterflies doing back flips. She couldn't decide if that small voice in her head saying it was stupid to go out with an athlete she was working with was right or not.
Twenty minutes later, Imogen was putting finishing touches on her makeup. Dex was pacing around the apartment while Ruby sniped at him. Looking at herself in the mirror Christina felt like a different person. She hadn't had a date in years. Let alone with a man that most women would give their left leg for one of his sexy smiles.
Sighing Christina looked at Dex in the mirror. "Will you cut out the damn pacing? You are making me more nervous than I already am."
Dex stopped and looked at her. His mouth dropped open. "Wow. Christina you look great."
Christina crinkled her brow. "You have been pacing behind me for the last ten minutes and you just now looked at me?"
"I've been plotting." Dex smiled villainously.
"Plotting what?"
"How to get a brain?" Ruby answered.
Dex glared at her. "I know exactly what I am going to say to Wilson."
"You aren't going to say anything. If you want to stand and look menacingly that is fine but keep your mouth shut." Christina poked him in the chest.
"You ruin my fun, Christina." Dex pouted.
A knock came interrupting their argument. Christina froze. The butterflies went into overdrive. Taking a deep breath she ran her hands down her dress.
Ruby answered the door. "Well, hello handsome. Come in."
Finley walked in the apartment holding flowers. They were a beautiful mix of roses and carnations in an array of colors. Tearing her gaze away from the flowers she took in the handsome man in front of her. He was dressed in a gorgeous blue suit with a crisp white shirt. His tie was a paisley design with blues, greys and white. His dark hair was styled. The little stubble she saw earlier was gone. His eyes sparked and she felt as if her body was on fire where ever he looked.
"Whew! I think I'm gonna need a cigarette." Ruby said fanning herself.
"Ruby!" Dex spat.
Finley blinked and seemed to realize they had company in the room. He finally handed her the flowers. "I got you these. I saw them and thought they were beautiful. But, now I realize they don't compare to you. "
Dex scoffed and mumbled something Christina didn't hear. Imogen smacked her brother on the back of the head. "Ow."
Christina took the flowers and held them up to her nose. "Thank you. Let me put these in a vase."
Christina walked quickly into her kitchen allowing her a moment to catch her breath. Her plan to keep things simple was already up in flames. While rummaging in the kitchen to find a vase, Ruby barged in and took the vase and flowers from her.
"Get out there and go out on your date. I know you are stalling. You may get that bathroom sex tonight so-"
"Ruby! Shush! I'm not stalling. I just needed a second."
"Oh please. No one heard me and your second is up. Go enjoy that sexy man. He is so into you and you are so into him no matter what you say. I mean how could you not. If I wasn't your friend I'd totally take him for a ride." Ruby sighed.
"Uh ok, Ruby. Maybe you need some alone time with B.O.B. tonight." Christina said walking out of the kitchen.
"Ooo...that sounds good." Ruby wiggled her eyebrows.
Christina walked back to where Finley was standing and he had a funny look on his face. She looked at Dex who was blushing and Imogen was trying not to laugh. "Everything ok?"
Finley cleared his throat. "Yeah. It's great. Ready?"
"Yep." Christina grabbed her coat and purse. Finley took her coat from her and helped her put it on. She blushed and nodded her thanks.
"Have her back by 10:30." Dex shouted.
"Shut up, Dex. Ugh! You are so annoying." Ruby jabbed him in the side forcing him to grunt in pain. "Knock it off or I'm getting my taser out." Imogen laughed and waved the two of them off.
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