*I do not own Dc just the plot. I also don't own that photo.*
It hurt all over. My arm hurts, my legs hurts, my head hurts, but what hurts the most is my heart. Every day that I've been here my heart has hurt more and more. I miss Wally so much. I want to run my hands through his hair and fall into his beautiful green eyes.
It's a wonder that I'm still sane. The only way to keep me this way, is to think about Wally and that he's safe. Master had just beat me for a lie. Mistress likes to do that. She says that it builds charcter and helps me listen better. I was still thinking about Wally when Mistress walked in.
"Dickie are you ready for our game?" her voice is like silk and venom. She reminds me of a snake with her beautiful looks, but venomous attitude. She walks up to me and I close my eyes. I know what's about to happen. She takes my face in her hands and starts to kiss me.
"Stop!" I hear a familiar voice yell in front if us. Mistress pulls away to look at the voice. I look as well. The Flash stands in front of us, but he's taller than I remember.
"Let him go. If you listen I won't hurt you, but if you don't I will hurt you so horribly that you will wish you were dead. You should be grateful that I don't kill you know for hurting Dick like that." I could hear the anger in his voice.
"I don't know what your talking about. Dickie loves our games, don't you Dickie?" I know I won't get out of this so I nod my head. Flash almost explodes with anger at that point. He runs up, untied my chains, picks me up, and runs out of there. A couple of minutes later, we arrive at the Batcave.
"Dick?" I hear all of them yell. I'm about to answer when I'm suddenly overcome with dizziness. I starts falling towards the floor.
My last thought before I hit the ground was how glad I was to be back with all of my family.
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