Nurse Blake Hunt
"What time are you off?" Sam leaned against the archway of the nurse's station.
"I am finishing discharge paperwork for room 8, and helping with a new arrival into 12, then I am homebound."
"Good. You were tired after I dragged you shopping yesterday, I'm sure you'll be ready to pass out when you leave here." She tucked a loose lock of her short blond hair behind her ear and dug into her bag to find her keys and phone.
"I'm not even going to lie to you, Sam, I don't even remember if I even brought in the bags. I got myself inside and then to bed." I laughed as I finished my notes on another patient.
"Blake," our supervisor rounded the corner with a file in her hand. "12 is here."
"Already?" I glanced at the clock and realized they were earlier than expected.
"Yup, no one is with her, but I was told that a family member will be here soon. I need you to make sure you hook her up with everything she needs. Shouldn't take you that long."
"No problem. I'll take good care of her," I replied with a smile.
She dropped the folder in front of me and walked away.
"Wow... Why do you do that?" Sam gawked.
"What?" I said as I scanned the file.
"You know damn well that another nurse could handle the intake," she whispered.
"12 was expected an hour ago, but then there were complications. We got word she would be transported around the time I was done, but I volunteered to get her situated. She is a little bit earlier than I was expecting, so hopefully, I can get out of here on time."
"You're too nice sometimes. One of the reasons I love you."
"Wasn't always this way, but thanks? I think." I laughed and stood to head out to my new patient.
"I'll see you next week. Have a good long weekend."
"Don't miss me too much," I said as she gave me a one-armed hug.
"Ha! You wish! See you girly!" Sam laughed and pushed through the door to the staff staircase.
I skimmed through the file as I made my way to room 12. There was a lot to her with such a short time in the hospital. The transport team and a few others were already there assisting with the transition.
The head EMT handed me the clipboard they had from transporting and briefed me on the things he had documented on their commute.
They cleared out and the room fell silent. Her machines whirred and hummed as I looked down at her.
The generic hospital blanket hid her tiny body, but I knew there was a lot more to the little pink bundle.
"Hi sweet girl," I whispered to her. She stirred. "My name is Blake. Welcome to the world."
She was beautiful. The sweet newborn slept while I took her vitals and changed her diaper.
It wasn't until I turned to my rolling unit to input my notes and her vitals did it hit me.
Mathis, Girl.
What were the chances? I hadn't heard anyone else with his last name, but it wouldn't have been too far-fetched. I'd stopped typing as I lost myself in the memory of the summer I'd met him.
Ryder and I had lasted a good year before the honeymoon phase of our relationship ended abruptly. With his father's health failing, Ryder had more than a fair amount of familial drama and work on his plate and it ended up outweighing what we could handle.
Since our split, it had been another year and I was failing to move on.
With a deep breath and heavy sigh, I snapped back to reality and set my mind to getting my work done.
My last task of the night was discharging a sweet baby boy who had been with us for six months. He had reached his goals and the decision had been made to let his care continue from home.
Mom and dad of 8 were there, talking to the doctor when I was paged back to room 12. There wasn't much more for me to do except get the parents a few last items the doctor had promised them. Excusing myself, I stopped into room 12 first.
"Good evening, I'm nurse Hunt. May I please have the security code?" I said as I stepped into the room. A tall man in an expensive suit stood at the side of the plastic domed crib.
"Good evening," he said as he reached into his pocket. "I have "N-I-B-0-0-3-15-M-A-12." It matched what I had on record for the little one's security code.
"Thank you." I rounded the other side of the crib and checked the monitors. "Vitals are where they should be. I'm not sure what I can help with, but was there anything else I can assist with?"
"Yes, I-"
When he stopped, I looked up to see a familiar face. My breath stopped. Standing in my assigned room of the NICU, was Ryder Mathis in a suit.
Heat sparked when our eyes locked and I could feel my body heat.
"Ryder..." I breathed.
"Blake? Almost didn't recognize you in scrubs," he laughed.
"What are you-"
"How have you been?" He cut in.
My head spun as I tried to connect the dots. As I answered him, I looked at the visitor's sticker on his jacket. Parent/Guardian. Was he the father to this beautiful baby girl? She definitely had his nose.
"We should catch up. Dinner?" He glanced at his watch and added, "What time are you off?"
Without thinking, I answered him honestly.
"Perfect. There is a restaurant I want to go to." As he spoke, I watched his lips move. Absorbing what he was saying without full comprehension. "I won't take no for an answer, Blake."
He had moved beside me and my hand was in his. Looking up, I nodded.
"Blake, you okay?" there was a smirk on his handsome face.
"Just tired. Long few shifts."
A playful smile played at his lips and he said, "Mhmm, sure, lover, whatever you say." Heat spread at his words. "You still have the same number?"
"Yes. Wait, I can't-
"Perfect, I'll text you. I'm going to go back to my hotel and I'll see you soon. Good?"
"No?" He confirmed that he had heard me correctly.
"I have plans tonight."
"Oh," his handsome features didn't hide the disappointment.
"I'm happy to try to get together with you, still. How long are you in town?"
The right side of his mouth lifted, giving me the flutters through my belly that were all too familiar. "For awhile. Can I call you to work out the details?"
Without another word, he kissed my cheek and left.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!? I scolded myself in my head. I shut my eyes as tightly as I could and stood at the baby's bedside.
I shook myself from the daze I found myself in and returned to room 8.
"Nurse Hunt brought the-" The doctor stopped when she saw that I was empty-handed. "Nurse Hunt will bring those extra bottles and the printed information on the medications you'll be going home with."
She gave me a warm smile and I backed out of the room to retrieve the items I had forgotten.
When I was done, I took a quick shower and changed back into my scrubs. The bags of clothes from the day before were still in my back seat and I managed to change in my car. In the darkest corner of the parking garage, I didn't have any worry of being seen.
Kayla and Cole had come into town and we were meeting at a new restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh.
"I shouldn't go," I said beneath my breath, but everything in me wanted to cancel and call Ryder. "You're being stupid, just go!"
Starting the engine, I gripped the wheel and shook my head; making the decision to navigate to the restaurant.
As I pulled up to the address, I was stunned. The restaurant was anything but casual!
Valet out front was intimidating, and I was sure that I had the address wrong. Pulling into a spot down the street, I sent a text to Kayla.
I think I may be in the wrong place.
My phone pinged nearly as soon as I reached for the back seat for the rest of the shopping bags. I needed something to fancy up my skinny jeans and shirt.
Right place.
Shocked, I snagged the sequined shawl and shoved my phone in my pocket. Hooking my keys to my belt loop, I headed towards the restaurant.
They were already there and had gotten a table. Cole was waiting at the hostess stand and waved me over to him. With a warm hug and a bright smile, we walked to where Kayla was perusing the menu.
"This place is amazing," I said as I marveled at the high ceilings, large chandeliers, and overall gorgeous space.
"We got the hook-up from the owner," Cole said as he got situated next to Kayla in the circular booth.
"That is pretty awesome!" I glanced over the menu and nearly moaned looking at all the food choices. Honing in on the seafood selection. "I would love to have a hook-up from the owner of this place. I could probably eat one of everything on this damn menu!"
I only noticed their silence as I heard an all too familiar voice beside me.
"Evening, Blake," his voice was velvet on my skin.
I looked up to see Ryder. Standing at our table in a different suit, looking delicious as sin.
"Good evening," I greeted back. "Do you mind?" He motioned to join us.
When I glanced at Kayla and Cole, their lips were pursed and their eyes were evasive.
His arm slid around my waist as he guided me further into the booth.
"Did you two know?" More an accusation than a question.
"Absolutely," Cole said proudly as he finished off his drink.
Heat rose to my cheeks, and I felt foolish.
"Is this yours?" I asked Ryder.
"It is."
"And this is?" I started to ask a question, but his hand on my lower back distracted me.
"Opening weekend," he said as he flagged the waiter.
As a table we ordered, but as soon as the waiter left, I said, "Ryder, what is all this?"
With a chuckle, he said, "Dinner."
My eyes shifted as I looked at the interior decor. We had been seated in a rounded booth in a secluded part of the restaurant.
"This doesn't feel like just dinner, Ryder," I admitted.
"And if it isn't?" The rest of the restaurant and those at our table faded away. He looked into my eyes in such an intimate manner that I was quickly losing my composure.
I shook my head, "I'm confused. At the hospital," I paused trying to find my words. "With your daughter, I thought-"
He let out a bark of a laugh before covering his mouth and tilting his head in amusement. Looking back at me, he remained silent as my temper flared.
"What is so funny?"
"She is not my daughter," he said smugly.
"She's not?"
"Then?" I asked.
"She is my niece."
"Your-" I shut my mouth quickly.
My cheeks were burning. How could I have made this mistake? Guest tags were always labeled better. His tag had said Parent/Guardian not Father.
I closed my eyes and took a breath before looking at him again. Still looking entertained with my mistake.
"Would you like me to explain?" He asked.
"My sister got married last year and almost as soon as the ink was dry, her husband, Aaron, got the order to deploy. He had been home once since then and now their little girl is here. He comes home in two months and until he is home, I have been in town here and there to help her. Her pregnancy was really rough and there were a lot of appointments she asked me to take her to."
I absorbed all the information and found him so much more attractive for being willing to help his sister.
"Embarrassed?" He asked.
"Understatement of the year."
"Don't be. I can see how you would have thought that." His smile was genuine. "So tell me about what you've been up to. Single? Seeing someone? No ring, not engaged."
Tilting my head and giving him a playful smile. "I don't wear my jewelry at work." His smile faltered and I realized his assumption." But I am happy."
"That-that's good to hear. I'm happy for you," he replied as he looked down at his lap and adjusted his napkin.
It was my turn, giggles erupted till the point my cheeks hurt. Confused and laughing with me, he threw his hands out to his sides.
Kayla and Cole had joined in the amusement.
"What?" Ryder said as he looked at them and then back to me.
"I'm not seeing anyone. I'm not engaged or married," I calmed myself and watched as his laughter stopped. "There aren't even any potential suitors."
"Shoot, I don't think anyone compared," Cole chipped in from across the table.
I shot him a look as Kayla jabbed him in his rib cage. Humorous as I had tried to be, my mouth went dry when I looked up at Ryder.
Time slowed as his arm came down from the back of the booth to curl me into him. His other hand guided my chin towards him and I closed my eyes. Butterflies ignited in my chest as he pressed his mouth to mine. Colors burst in my head as I submitted to his kiss. The weightless feeling I was feeling made me dizzy, but I only wanted more
When we parted, my lips tingled for more. Breathless and intoxicated, I had questions that I wanted answers to, but at that moment they were meaningless.
A caress of my cheek brought my gaze back to him.
"I'd like to pick things up where we left them. No hesitation and no question this time. I know what I want," he rasped.
"I was in over my head with everything before. I know, now, what I want, Blake." There was a tenderness in his apologetic tone. Something in his eyes told me this time was different.
"What do you want, Ryder?"
There was no denying him. He was the vision in my head whenever I needed release. He haunted my dreams and clouded my judgment. I had never been more sure.
"I want you, too."
A squeal and clapping on the other side of the table alerted me to the fellow couple. We weren't alone and the pressure that was building within my lower belly wasn't going anywhere.
I smiled and leaned into Ryder, sliding my hand beneath the suite jacket.
"I am so fucking happy right now. It is about damn time!" Kayla cheered.
"Me too, sis. You deserve to be happy, even if it is whit this dick," Cole jested to Ryder.
"I can't wait anymore," Kayla turned to Cole. "Can we tell them? I think I am going to explode."
Cole rolled his eyes and his face spread with a huge smile. Ryder and I looked between them, happy for whatever unannounced giddiness they were radiating.
Kayla's left hand slammed down on the middle of the table before she waved it in the air, "I said yes!"
My jaw dropped and eyes widened at the beautiful ring she was flaunting. Grabbing her hand to examine the setting, I said, "It is stunning! Congratulations! I am so happy for you two!"
Scooting over to her, I wrapped her in a hug and she told me about my brother's romantic proposal and how well they had been doing in DC.
Cole and Ryder were standing, having given his congregations, Ryder's eyes were on me as Cole and him caught up.
Dinner was delicious and the conversation rolled through our table like we had never been apart. Kayla insisted on dessert and I agreed to stay, ignoring my overly full belly.
Ryder's hand slid over my thigh and I peered over at him. He wasn't looking at me, instead I found him taking in the restaurant and it's patrons.
"You okay?" I whispered.
"Hmm? Yeah, just thinking about making a bigger management office here."
"It isn't big enough?"
"Not if I'm going to make this my home, no." With that, he looked back to me. His hand drifting higher.
My belly clenched as his fingers squeezed.
"Ryder," I panted his name as I pressed myself into his shoulder.
"I would rather eat you for dessert," he whispered into my hair before planting an innocent kiss on the top of my head.
Unnoticed by our friends, I shivered and spread my legs for him.
His hand reached my apex and rubbed against the fabric of my jeans. I muffled my moan into his shoulder.
"You guys are so cute together. I am so happy that this worked out!" Kayla complemented us.
Biting my lip, I smiled at her and then up at Ryder.
His hand skimmed my cheek before leading me to his mouth saying, "I'm starving for a taste of you." Kissing me passionately as a dizzy spell danced through me.
"Let's get out of here."
"And them?" He asked, referencing my brother and Kayla.
"They will be fine. We can catch up more tomorrow."
Ryder flagged the waiter, asking that he box my dessert and put the table on his account.
Heat bloomed in excitement.
"You're leaving?" Kayla said with a pout.
"Leave them alone, babe. They have a lot of catching up to do." Cole winked at Ryder and gave me a smile.
"Love you guys. Call me in the morning and we'll have lunch." Saying it as Ryder extended his hand to me and we stood.
To-go box in hand, Ryder led me out of the restaurant and to a waiting town car. Quickly opening the back door for me and climbing in behind me.
He instructed the driver where to go before turning to me.
"Fuck, I've missed you." His mouth landed on mine. Gathering me into his arms, hands roaming my form.
Breathless, I stopped him and said, "I've missed you too, but what about my car?"
"We'll get it tomorrow. I don't want to waste another minute. I have a lot to make up for."
"Ryder, you don't-" have to make up for anything, I was going to finish. His actions stopped my train of thought.
Yanking my jeans and underwear down, he raised the partition as he angled my legs over his shoulders.
"Ryder!" I said, shocked by his action.
"Tell me to stop and I will." His hands stilled.
Breathing hard, I said, "No."
"Then let me-" He said as his head sank into my crotch. Licking long and languid strokes against my sex.
I cried out. There was nothing I could do to slow the orgasm. Within minutes, I was quivering, moaning, and grasping for him as my cream coated his mouth and chin.
"Please," I whimpered.
Inserting two fingers, I writhed against him. His dark laugh reverberating against my thighs as I gripped him.
The car stopped at a luxury hotel and I tried to breath a warning that we had arrived, but he didn't slow.
Mouth on my clit, fingers plunging in and out of me, I orgasmed again. Harder and stronger than the first. His wicked fingers withdrew from me only to be cleaned by his mouth.
My body hummed with excitement and I said, "Are we going to fuck all evening in this car, or are we going in?"
"Wherever, whenever, I don't fucking care. I would do this to you anywhere."
Fixing my jeans, smoothing my hair, and exiting the car, the driver tried not to look like he knew, but I could tell he did.
Excitement raged through me as I wove my fingers with Ryder's. His free hand wiping his chin, casually. I looked at him and knew. This time around would be our forever
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