Chapter 7
Blake Hunt
"Stop fucking and get up, it's already one in the afternoon," Kayla called from the other side of Ryder's door.
With a quiet giggle, I readjusted myself on Ryder's chest while he continued to sleep soundly. His arm wrapped around my back, I was savoring the time with him.
Sometime in the early morning, he had snuck downstairs and gotten us water bottles and some of the pizza that was left.
My plan was to clean up the house when I got up, but he had other ideas. Stealing my phone, he texted Kayla and asked if she would make sure Cole and Troy moved their asses to get it done.
I didn't know how that went over, but there had been a lot of shuffling around noon.
As I watched the steady rise and fall of Ryder's chest I thought about the night we had just had. He told me not to hold back, and I didn't. I was loud and I didn't care who heard. With the party going on, I wasn't even sure if anyone would have heard us.
When he finally stirred, I knew that this would be the time we would have to actually get up.
"Are you awake, gorgeous?"
"Mhmm," I hummed.
"We need to get up."
"Says who?" I said as I nuzzled my nose against his smooth skin.
"Your best friend out there who thinks we still have stamina."
I laughed and rolled to my back. "What if we just stayed in bed all day?"
"I'd be for it," he said as he rolled to his side next to me.
Slowly, he dipped his head and kissed the corner of my mouth. Just as gently as the first, he kissed the opposite side. My heartbeat sped up with the compassion and ease he was showing.
"Ryder," my voice came out quieter than I was expecting. His eyes darted to my lips as I said, "I wanted-"
My words escaped me as his lips ghosted over mine. fluttering my eyes closed, I savored the feeling. His tongue darted across my lower lip and I chased it. Pulling him down into a kiss, I urged him to give me more.
Shifting weight, he accepted. Gentle and full of affection, this kiss was unlike any we had before.
Something from the night before had changed things between us. I didn't care about what anyone else had to say, including Cole. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to do something for myself.
I wanted Ryder.
"Can I take you to dinner tonight?" He asked.
I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me. With a smile, I nodded and pulled him in for another kiss.
"If we are going to go to dinner, I probably need to shower. Actually, both of us. we smell like sex and pizza."
"I could go without smelling like pizza, but sex... Sex with you, I would wear proudly." With a cocky grin, he rolled out of the bed and headed toward the bathroom.
Chewing on my lip, I watched as he looked over his shoulder at me. His body was amazing and I loved being able to admire it.
"Earth to Blake?" He repeated.
"Share water?"
"I'd love to." Sliding from the bed, I followed him.
We took turns washing each other and trying to tame down the temptation to ravage each other. With all that, we had done overnight and into the morning, my body was already threatening to explode with the lightest of his touches.
I stayed in the shower longer to finish my hair. Letting my conditioner soak in my hair, my mind raced to pick a restaurant.
When I got out, Ryder was sitting on the bed with two outfits laid out.
"I have no idea what to wear. Where are we going to eat?"
"Ha! I was actually town between two different places but both of them are nicer restaurants."
Pulling the side of his cheek into his teeth, he gave it deep thought for a moment before jumping up, pulling off his towel, and getting dressed.
"How long do you think you'll be?" he asked as I toweled my hair.
"Give me about twenty minutes, but are you sure you want to head out so early?"
He answered with another question, "Do you really want to hang out with Cole and Troy?"
"Twenty minutes!"
He left the room as I went and changed, dried my hair a little more, and threw on makeup. When I reached for the door, I realized I hadn't grabbed my purse. As I turned to retrieve it, an outbreak of a loud commotion caught my attention and I raced downstairs.
"What the hell is going on?" Cole said as he came up from the basement stairs.
"Ow! That fucking asshole punched me!" Troy was babying his jaw and pointing at Ryder.
My eyes went wide as I tried to take in the scene.
"What happened?" I asked.
At the same time, Cole said, "The fuck is wrong with you Ryder?"
"You ready?" Ryder looked at me.
"What? No, I still need-"
"Can you go without it?" He walked up to me and pressed me into his side.
"Just my purse. It's up on my bed."
"I'll grab it. Meet me outside?"
"Um, yeah. Sure."
Ryder ran the stairs three at a time and I stood there trying to understand what had happened. Ryder wouldn't have hit Troy without a good reason.
"So this," Cole indicated to Troy's face, " is what it comes down to? You're getting into bed with some lunatic who goes around punching people?"
"Excuse me?" I was furious. "First off, he is no lunatic. Second, he is a supposed friend of yours who YOU invited. And third, he wouldn't have punched Troy for shits and giggles. He isn't you."
My voice had risen and the situation had drawn out the rest of the people in the house.
Casual as default, Ryder made his way back down the stairs. "Ready?" He handed me my purse and slid his hand into mine.
As we turned Cole called out, "Fine, but tell me why you punched Troy."
With a short pause at the door, Ryder turned his head and said, "He called your sister a whore."
Several gasped and I saw Cole's jaw hand open. Troy began to babble excuses and threats toward Ryder.
Ignoring all of Troy's protest, Ryder led us outside without much hesitation. As we got to my car, I turned and slid my hand up his chest.
"I need to know. What all happened?"
"I don't want that asshole ruining our night. I promised not to instigate and I didn't. He made a comment and when I didn't bite, he called you a whore. I punched him. The end. If he can't take a hint, that's on him."
I wanted to argue, but he had a point. We didn't need the distraction.
Slowly, I nodded in agreement.
Holding his hand, I walked with him to my car. I chose the seafood restaurant that my parents loved. It was a family favorite and I felt like it was only right that I took him there for our first date.
We drove in comfortable silence and he watched the scenery as it passed. Taking in the small town and little shops as we drove. The outside of town was starting to get developed, but it still had its small-town vibe.
When we got there, he hurried to get out of the passenger side to open my door. At first, I thought something was wrong as he jumped out and ran to my door. When I realized he was being chivalrous, I laughed and accepted his outstretched hand.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"But of course," he replied with a boyish grin.
We settled into a cozy booth that had a perfect view of the lake. The sun was starting to sink and the light was perfect.
"Hey," he said, snapping out of my haze. "Thank you."
I tilted my head and looked at him. "Thank you for what?"
"For coming out with me. For dealing with my stubbornness. For being an unexpected temptation."
Smiling at the compliment, I said, "You're more than welcome, but I think you are the temptation."
"Is that right?"
"Yup. Kinda untouchable, really."
"How so?"
"You were brought to my family's vacation home with my brother. Automatically, you are someone I shouldn't be interested, but there you were." I shrugged and toyed with my menu. "I couldn't resist. You are too handsome not to try something with."
"Handsome, huh?" He joked.
His cocky smirk was delicious and heated me to my core. I loved that look.
"Not going to lie to you, you were killing me with the bikini."
Laughing at the comment, I knew I would get in trouble with that one. I hadn't expected Cole and his friends as early as they showed up that first day. Ryder was another thing I wasn't expecting.
"Cole give you shit about it?"
"A little, yeah. I took what I had in the dorm and I didn't have anything that would make me look like a nun while swimming."
"Thank God," Ryder laughed.
We bantered back and forth through our meal and sat and talked long after the plates had been taken away and the check had been paid.
"So I have to ask, what is next for you?" He seemed pretty private about what he wanted to do as a career.
"I got a dual major in accounting and business. My dad has been pushing me to pick up some of the family business, but I'm still trying to figure that out."
"You don't want to?"
"It's not that I don't want to, it is that my dad's businesses have always been his. I'm not sure I want to take them on."
"What does he do?"
"He owns and operates a few major hotels across the country. That and he just opened a new restaurant that he wants to give me."
"Give you?"
"Yeah," he sighed.
"That seems strange to open it just to give it away. Did he have a change of heart?"
"Mom. Mom wants to travel and spend time on a beach with him. She says she is tired of seeing him always stressed. He has been reluctantly making his managers take on more of the duties that he has had in the past. He even has an assistant who he plans on transferring some properties to."
"Wow," I said. It was all that I could think to say.
"I think Cole mentioned, but your mom owns her own clothing line. Is that right?"
"Kind of. She owns her own boutique. She buys from private sellers and up and coming designers and pushes their lines. I helped her with a lot of the social media aspects, but once she got the hang of it, business boomed for her."
As he sipped his water, his brow furrowed and I anticipated the question that he would ask. I continued, "It was all possible because my grandparents came from money. They invested in her and the rest is history. My dad was a professor, but has since retired."
"And what do you want to do?"
"Nursing in a NICU. Already have a position lined up in Pittsburg. I start in a month."
"NICU," he repeated as he turned his beer with his index finger and thumb. "That is really admirable."
My cheeks heated and I ducked my head, "Thanks."
"What made you pick working with babies?"
"I've loved kids since I was one. I got my CPR and first aid training through a babysitting course the Red Cross offered and kept going. I realized I liked being their superhero."
Shrugging, I played with the condensation on the outside of my glass. Talking about myself wa something I wasn't good at.
His larger hand wrapped around mine and entwined. Looking up at him, he smiled and asked, "Wanna get out of here?"
I smiled as I looked up at him. "I'd love to."
We walked a few blocks to the pier and found that the creamery I'd loved as a small child was still in operation. We ordered and sat on a bench looking out at the water.
"Can I confess something?" He turned his head to look at me over his shoulder. Taking a long lick from his cone, waiting my reply.
"Um, sure," I said before taking a sip of my milkshake.
"This is the best date I have ever been on."
I giggled at his tone. "The best?"
"How first dates have you actually been on?"
"Not many, three maybe?"
I laughed harder. Biting my lower lip, I looked at him. Wish a goofy look on his face, I shook my head and said, "I'm flattered. Thank you."
"You should be. You're the reason it is the best." His humor was dry and I had to stop and really look at him.
He was calm and oblivious to what he was doing to me.
Setting my cup on the bench, I turned and straddled his lap. "Do you realize how crazy you make me feel?"
His serious facade broke as he smirked. Trying to ignore me on his lap, he licked his ice cream. "How about you tell me."
Seeing the challenge in his eyes, I licked my lips and shifted my hips. His body reacted immediately. His gaze shifted to watch my mouth as he tilted his hips to better press against me.
"You're kind. You're strong and handsome," I said as I rubbed his arms. My eyes lingered on my hands over his muscled physique. "You're smart and have great taste in music. And then there is the physical."
He hummed enjoying watching me as I spoke. His attention was pulled from his cone.
I leaned into him, whispering, "And I absolutely love how you turn me into a sloppy," holding his gaze, I lowered my mouth to his cone and swirled my tongue over his ice cream. He groaned. "Wet," I continued and took another lick. "Mess," I finished and took the top of his cone in my mouth.
Grinding my hips into his. "Fuck," he whispered.
The cone disappeared from my mouth as he flung it onto the ground beside us. His strong hands gripped at the back of my neck and hip as he mashed his mouth against mine.
Moaning into his mouth as his tongue swept across my ice cream-coated lips, seeking entry. Sucking my lower lip with a moan, he pulled me unbelievably closer.
Leaning me back, he followed. His tongue swept into my mouth to dance with mine. Heat coiled low and my clit throbbed. I wanted to fuck him on that bench. I didn't care who saw.
Tilting me further, his mouth dislodged from mine and he trailed hot kisses and nips down my chin, neck, and collar.
"I bet you're a sloppy wet mess right now, aren't you?"
Moaning his name, I could barely think straight.
"Should I just find out, myself?"
When I didn't respond, his fingers found my nipple through my layers of fabric and pinched.
"Good girl," he growled.
He quickly glanced around before he slipped his hand up my shorts. There was no denying him, I'd been wet for him most of the night.
His fingers grazed over my panties with the slightest touch. The look in his eye turned wicked.
"Where are your keys?"
"My what?"
"Keys," he demanded
"In my purse, why?"
Without another word, he threw me over his shoulder, grabbed my bag, and started running for the car.
With a giggle, I gripped his shirt. As if I could read his mind, I knew exactly where this was going.
The parking lot was nearly empty and he rounded my car on the side where the bushes were.
"What are you-"
No sooner did he get the back door open, I was being gently tossed into it.
Ryder's eyes were dark with lust and his body's hunger for me was visible.
I shuddered as he ripped my shorts down to my ankles and sank to his knees in the parking lot.
Car door open, he bent his head to my sex. Rubbing his nose and mouth over the fabric that separated him and me, I moaned. He gripped my shorts by the crotch and shackled my ankles.
Looking down at him, I pleaded with my eyes for him to continue.
With his free hand my lace panties were ripped away and the cool air of the evening kissed my skin. His hot mouth descended.
My body rolled under him. His tongue did long sweeps through my pussy. As much as I moved, with him in control of my feet, there was little I could do.
Grabbing for the seat beneath me, I tried to stabilize myself.
Teeth nipped and tongue flicked at my sensitive bud of nerves. I was coming undone.
"Fuck," he breathed, "I need you. I need to fuck you."
"Fuck me, Ryder! I need it. Fill me. Make me cum!" Delirious with pleasure, I spouted what was in my head.
There was no hesitation as he rose, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled himself free.
One... Two.. Three rubs of his cock's head through my folds and I could feel he was ready. Plunging deep inside me, I saw stars.
When my vision cleared, I saw his hesitation and knew our mistake, but I didn't care. Tilting my hips, I rolled them against him. "Fuck me, Ryder."
With both of my knees over his shoulder, he had full control. My body shook and trembled beneath him and I knew it wasn't going to take long.
"Blake, you're so fucking gorgeous," he said as he stared down at me. Breathing hard, he said, "Your pussy gripping my dick as I fuck you... Ooh baby, I wish you could see how your pussy lips swallow my fucking cock."
His words alone were going to make me cum. Clawing at his back, I tried to buck my hips into his.
"Baby, you want this?" He asked with his sexy smirk.
I nodded and finally squeaked out, "Yes, Ryder. Fuck me!"
"My pleasure."
He kissed the side of my knee and reared back. He withdrew and then slammed into me. My breath left my lungs.
Surging in and out of me, I screamed. "Fuck! You feel so good. Don't stop!"
His fingers found my clit and I arched my back. "Not stopping. Not yet. We're going to make a mess of your car by the time we're done."
My eyes rolled back and my thighs shook. "I'm so close," I panted.
"Oh yeah? So am I baby. Say my name, Blake."
"Ryder," I breathed.
"Fuck! Ryder!"
"Cum on my cock baby," He groaned.
I let loose. Pulling him down as I came, I wanted to taste his tongue while we came together. I could still taste myself in his mouth.
The automatic shut off of my car killed the inside light in my car as we finished and we both laughed.
It had been a long time since I had this much fun with someone.
We pulled apart and looked at our mess. The Seat was coated with our pleasure.
"I'm sorry," he said as he caught his breath and fastened his jeans, The look he gave me didn't match his words as he gave me a guilty smirk.
I patted my center console and said, "I put a few in here if we needed them."
"If I'm being completely honest, I don't regret sliding into you without a barrier."
"I can't say I regret it either," I said as he pulled me to stand.
Only then did I glance around the parking lot in hopes we hadn't drawn any attention. The public setting sent a shivering aftershock through my system. I turned towards my car and pulled up my shorts.
As soon as they were up, I felt the sweet stickiness between my thighs. Ryder had ripped my panties and the material of my shorts against my sensitive core sent a new shudder of excitement down my spine.
His strong arms wrapped around me and he planted a kiss on my cheek. Neither of us were in a hurry to get back to the house.
We strolled along the cobblestone road until the wind chilled and the stars shown above us.
Meandering back to the house, we snuck by Jamison and Emily who were making out on the couch.
My head buzzed and my heart took flight as Ryder and I settled into his bed for the night. He pulled me into him and I fit myself into his larger frame.
Things with Ryder, at that point, seemed easy.
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