Chapter 3
Blake Hunt
I watched as he weighed his options. In the few short days that we had spent together, I knew that he didn't act impulsively. Everything he did had a reason.
He smelled like the bar; cigarette smoke and alcohol, but I didn't care. Moving my hands up his biceps, I couldn't help but admire his muscles. He was toned and it was clear that he took care of himself.
A friend of my brother. A man who my brother was already feeling threatened by... It all made me want to break down whatever invisible boundaries were set between us. It made things harder that arms are my weakness and this man was sexy.
The look in his eyes changed and I felt heat boil through me. I'd broken him down and he had made a decision.
"Fuck it," was all he said before his mouth was on mine. Hot and heavy with a crushing gentleness that I had never experienced before. His hands gripped my hips and anchored us together.
Head spinning as my breath slammed out of my lungs at his mouth on mine. It was what he wanted. I could feel his confidence, from his stance to the heat of his mouth. Accepting the kiss and him as I pulled him into me. He was causing a high that I couldn't describe.
His strong hand slid up my back, pushing my shirt up as he reached the back of my neck. Gripping me to him; I realized I was melting into him. No one had made me feel this way.
My balance was affected. As he pushed into me, I leaned back, pushing us further into the room. Coming up for air, I held onto him. I didn't want it to end.
His mouth burned a trail along my jaw to my neck. His fingers sank into my hair and the noise that I made was nearly unrecognizable of being mine.
I barely registered what was happening around us when I felt him tense. The commotion outside his door sounded like a drunken hoard of elephants and I knew exactly who it was.
Ryder went still. Slowly pulled his head away from my neck as he stared down at me.
The loud boom against his locked door sounded like a body being slammed against it.
Absently, I rubbed my thumb against his skin in hopes to ease any tension he was feeling.
"Party pooper! Startin' tu think you ain't got the balls to get yo'self a chick..." Cole's drunk slurred taunts were cut off by Scott.
"Leave him alone, man. Let's get you to your room and set you up right," his voice trailed down the hall. Scott redirected Cole and had him on a different topic by the time their voices disappeared.
The small interruption seemed to cool the heat between Ryder and me, but neither of us had moved. His eyes were closed and his lips pressed together.
Without much thought, I asked, "What's holding you back?"
Without opening his eyes, a crooked smile spread, "Nothing."
"Liar. There is something." I was still out of breath and I could hear how breathy my words sounded. Bringing my hand to his cheek, he leaned his head into my touch.
"Morals," he said quietly.
"Life lessons and experiences that have set my standards-"
"I know what morals are, I just don't understand why you're holding back," I had cut him off. There was no need for a defining what he meant. I just wanted to understand.
At that, he opened his eyes and took me in. His expression was unreadable.
It was in my nature to be blunt and filterless, but I didn't know him. I wanted to know him, so I was willing to tread carefully.
As I was about to speak, he spoke.
"I think you should go." The air between us had gone cold and his demeanor changed.
Pushing past me, I tried to object as he disappeared into the bathroom without hesitation or even a glance.
Rolling my head along the back of my neck, I took a deep breath and slowly made my way back to my cushy spot on the couch in the living room. The rest of the house was dark except for the glow from the television.
Flipping through channels, I saw a shadow move through the kitchen.
"Hey, hey Chickadee! Almost didn't see you over there," the familiar male voice chimed.
"What gave me away?" I sat up to smile back at Scott who had grabbed two bottles of water from the stash in the fridge. As he came over, I scooched to make room for him next to me.
"The flicker of the TV gave you away," he said as he sank into the cushions. "Hope we didn't wake you when we got back."
"You didn't. I was up."
"Aw, then you heard?" He pursed his lips as he asked, almost embarrassed, and looked over his shoulder at me. "Cole was just being Cole."
"Yeah... Still not a good excuse for him being a grade-A douche," I scoffed.
Leaning into him, he raised his arm to wrap it around my shoulders. "Very true, not sure I can train that out of him, though Sis."
"You're too good for him, Scott. He doesn't deserve a friend like you." Being friends with our family for so long, there was no way Scott would abandon Cole. My parents had all but adopted him into our family. Shoot, even my grandparents loved Scott, sometimes it felt like more than us!
With a deep sigh, he said, "I know. There is a lot your brother and I have gone through, though."
"Right, nonetheless, there is only so much shit you should take before you make a push back."
Scott shrugged and took a few large swigs of water. "Who says I'm not pushing back?"
I laughed and relaxed against him, slipping into a comfortable silence. We watched TV until we passed out.
The slam of the front door behind us is what jerked me awake.
Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I realized Scott was still with me on the oversized couch. I'd sunk into the crease, laying length-wise beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, with my arm draped over his chest. Tapping his chest with my fingers, he woke.
"Hey Chickadee," he groaned and then yawned.
"Hey, time to get up."
As he rolled off the couch to stand and stretch as I followed suit. Peeking out the front window, I could see Ryder jogging away from the house with his huge headphones on.
"Hey," I said without looking over my shoulder, "What is his deal?"
Scott chuckled as he came up beside me. "He has a lot that he keeps pretty close to the vest."
"Okay, and?"
"Oh, no, no. You want to know, you ask him."
We watched him until he was out of sight. Turning to Scott, I said, "Truly, I tried. I really don't understand him and I want to."
"Which is..." he started.
"Driving me [you] crazy," we said together.
He hung his head and walked us back to the couch we had fallen asleep on. "I will tell you something about him, but it must stay between us."
"Spill," I said as I sat with him.
"I don't tell you this lightly, because you know what I'm saying..." He waited as I remembered what he always would tell me when I needed to talk or vent.
"What people say to you isn't your business to repeat, so it goes no further than you."
"Precisely. Now, I will not give you details, but Ryder did confide in me that there was a situation involving someone close to him being raped." I couldn't stop the gasp. He fanned his hands downward before continuing in a hushed tone. "One reason I can not give you details is because I don't know much about the incident. He divulged this to me on a drunken night after two years of me working on him."
"Wow," I whispered.
"He doesn't really date around in the years I have known him. That isn't saying he hasn't had his occasional, very rare, flings, but he is very guarded. From everything I have seen, he tends to get serious if the relationship warrants. His last relationship, he put his everything into it."
"What do you mean?" I played with the fringe on a blanket that hung over the back of our seat.
"Those walls he has built around himself are there for a reason. When he gets involved with someone, he doesn't half-ass anything. Courting and chivalry are not dead with this guy. Another reason why he and I get along so well. We believe in showing our dates a good time, being respectful, and putting them before ourselves." He heaved a sigh and turned his attention to the stairs as we heard doors opening. The rest of the house was waking up.
Leaning into me, he whispered, "I truly think that some of his reluctance to mess around with you is because of Cole." Kissing the top of my head, he headed upstairs.
I hummed, taking in the information that Scott had just shared. I didn't know what to think except that I wanted more. I wasn't quitting. It wasn't in my nature and Cole needed to stop cock blocking me.
"Come on big man, what's wrong?" Kayla teased as she rubbed Cole's shoulders as she winked at me.
Cole groaned and didn't make eye contact with me as they both headed towards the kitchen. Judging by his behavior from the night before, his hangover was probably making it hard to be in the light or around loud noises.
A light rain had started by the time I had changed and brewed a pot of coffee. Cole and Kayla disappeared downstairs into the darkness of the basement.
I poured myself a cup of coffee when the front door opened. Turning to see Ryder in the entryway, breathing hard, and dripping wet.
Locking eyes with me, he peeled off his soaked shirt with one hand. I swallowed hard as I watched his muscles ripple with every move he made. following a bead of water roll off his smooth, muscled chest to detour into a line on his abs.
"Blake?" His question met my ears.
"Huh?" It was only then that I realized my mouth was hanging open as I unabashedly stared at him.
With what looked like a slight smile, he dipped his head and shook it slowly. Repeating what he had said, "Where is the best place for my wet clothes?"
"Oh, um, you could hang them in the bathroom. We can run some laundry later. I'm sure you aren't the only one with things we can wash."
"Thanks," he said before heading up the stairs.
I heard him stop mid-way up the stairs. Pouring cream into my coffee, I stirred it as I stepped back into the living room. Looking up, he looked at me as I came into view. With a quick jerk of his head, he motioned for me to join him before continuing up the stairs.
Looking around the empty 1st floor, I wondered who else had gotten up. Scott never came back down and I could hear Kayla and Cole playing a round of pool in the basement. Slowly ascending the stairs, I followed Ryder into his room.
He looked up as I leaned against the open door frame. "So you and Scott?"
Completely caught off guard, I snorted as I laughed. "Absolutely not."
"He is like a brother to me. A nicer, not a complete douche, kind of brother."
"But you two were on the couch... I thought..."
I raised an eyebrow and bit my lip to stop myself. His bafflement and expression were humorous.
"Scott and I have never hooked up or been sexually involved, ever. I think at one point he hoped things would get heated, but he and I found our conversations were so much more stimulating. I've kissed him," I said as I watched Ryder's eyes shoot to mine. I continued, "but it was once at midnight on a New Year's eve where our families were together."
Ryder's look softened. "Oh..."
"Wait, are you jealous, Mathis?" Cocking my head to the side, I walked further into his room.
"What? No!" His voice barked in the small room.
"It's okay if you are. I can tell you who else I've kissed if you require it."
"Psh, no," his Adam's apple bobbed as he ran his hand over his face, suddenly much redder in the face than he had been.
"I think it's cute, but I definitely prefer honesty." Folding my arms over my chest, I got right to it, "In all truth, tell me here and now, am I wasting my time with you?"
The silence between us changed. I could tell what he wasn't saying. All I needed was confirmation from him.
"I'm gonna get a shower," he said as he avoided the topic.
Stepping into his path, I skimmed my hand over his bare abs. My intention was to stop him, but I found myself mesmerized by the water that ran small rivers from his hair to his shorts. "Tell me," I whispered.
"No, you won't answer or no, I'm not wasting my time?"
Just like before, I could tell. His gaze intensified, boring into me, as he pulled his headphones from his phone. I recognized the opening of the Avenge Sevenfold song that came to life from the speaker of his phone.
Ryder pushed into my hand and I stepped back. When he didn't stop, I realized where we were headed. Bathroom. Only stopping when my back hit the door leading into my room, but he kept coming.
Pushing a strong muscled thigh between my legs. My pants suddenly soaked from his wet ones. I became painfully aware of my surroundings. My breath was coming out in pants from his intensity and determination.
My body was ablaze. The heat he was creating with his stare alone was creating an insatiable ache.
He tossed the phone onto the counter, sliding into the sink and amplifying the speakers. Strong hands traced down my arms. As one hand enveloped mine against his chest, the other pushed lower.
"No," he said again, this time much rougher, "You're not wasting your time."
Good, but the words didn't come out. A shudder raced through me as his hand smoothed over my thigh and felt the soaked fabric.
With a wolfish smile, he bent his head to my ear and whispered, "Looks like I made you wet."
Opening my mouth to give him a mouthy comeback, but all that came out was a breathless moan as he lifted his knee and pushed against my core.
The other bathroom door closed and I realized his hand over mine had disappeared. His hand held my thigh as the other came up to caress my neck. The rough pad of his thumb pulled at my bottom lip as his fingers curled around my neck.
Watching my reaction, he pushed his thumb into my mouth. Humming with excitement, I happily curled my tongue and played with him. His jaw dropped as he reveled in the warmth of my mouth.
When I withdrew him, I asked, "What's holding you back?"
He laughed and said, "Nothing."
Twirling us away from the door, he picked me up and started to move. His mouth claimed mine and I wrapped my legs around him. Lost in the intoxication of the moment, I didn't realize what he was doing until I heard the squeak of the knobs.
Cold at first, water rained down on us. Gasping at the shock, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. Fully clothed and making out in the shower, neither of us relented. Unlike before, nothing was cooling the heat between us.
Dropping me to my feet, we shed our layers until all that was left was our intimates. We leaned against opposite sides of the walk-in shower. Breathing hard, lips swollen from the assault, and physically craving each other.
I eyed him as he eyed me. He was so much more tone than I had realized. The veins along his arm protruded from his recent exercise and his hands looked like they needed to be on me. I craved his touch.
His fitted briefs hid nothing. He was big.
Biting my lower lip, I smiled up at him as I knelt in front of him. "Hail to the king," I said with the song.
His upper lip raised on one side as he brushed my hair out of my face. "Kneel to the crown," he continued.
"Happily." I licked the length of him through the soaked material. His dick jumped to life under my touch and his eyes darkened as I looked up at him.
Slowly peeling his remaining layer away to gain better access, he hissed as I freed him. I reached out and ran my fingers along the underside of his length. Following behind with my tongue and watching him as his jaw ticked.
Reaching his tip, I took him to the back of my throat. Ripping the most delightful of sounds from his chest. Smiling as I recoiled, he was turning me on. Each reaction to what I was doing to him was making the throbbing between my thighs harder to ignore.
Using one hand in tandem with my mouth, I was able to play with myself with the other. When he took notice, he leaned forward to unclasp my bra and free my chest from its confines. The shift in weight was a relief. Skilled hands were on them moments after being set free. A glorious message that flooded my core with heat.
"Stand," his command was gruff and low, sending an excited shiver over my exposed skin.
His hands were extended and I accepted. Allowing him to help me to my feet. I dropped my bra and stood before him. Feeling exposed excited me.
Feather-light, I could feel his eyes on me. Traveling from my mouth down the valley of my chest to my soaked panties, he looked at me like I was his next meal.
Again, his hands roamed. Only, this time, there was nothing between us. Even the elastic of my underwear didn't slow him. His large hand slipped beneath my band and my breath caught in my chest with anticipation. He stopped just shy of where I needed him.
I traced my hands along his arms, reaching his wrists, and trying to urge him to continue but he wasn't swayed. When my eyes met his, my heart jumped and my face warmed. He was in control.
"Don't stop," I said, sounding more pleading than commanding.
"I don't intend to."
"Then stop teasing me!"
As soon as my words were out, he moved. Confident and sure, guiding his hand to exactly where I ached. No foreplay or teasing of my clit, his fingers plunged deep and hard into my folds. There was no hesitation and no question; he knew what he was doing. In and out. Again and again.
My vision blurred and I clung to his arm as his fingers fucked my pussy. The sloppy sound of his hand, my flesh, and the wet coming together was exhilarating.
"Fuck!" I moaned into his arm.
His movements were relentless as my knees weakened and threatened to give out. When my position against him slipped, it sounded like he growled at me. Stopping only to rip away my paties that were only stopping him from getting the angle he needed.
With them gone, Ryder knelt at my feet, lifting one of my legs over his shoulder as he pushed my body further. His hand back to it's furious pace.
My body bucked and fought the feelings that he was creating. Shattering the will to tame my orgasm as it threatened to rip through me. My muscles clenched around his hand and I doubled over, gripping at his back.
All the sudden, he withdrew his fingers.
"Ryder!" I yelped.
His head replaced his hand. Ryder's hot mouth nipped, licked, sucked, and bit at my clit sending jolts of pleasure through me. Dropping my head back, I plowed my hand into his hair and gripped him harder to me.
Already close to the edge, I shivered as I tried to suppress the ever growing pressure.
"Stop fighting it, Blake," he said as he pressed his chin to my clit and brought his powerful fingers back.
Looking down at him, I kept eye contact as my body rolled. Shoulders slumping, hips thrusting, legs buckling, all at his mercy. Biting my lip, again, I closed my eyes.
"Look at me, Blake. I want to watch your beautiful face as I make you come undone." As he spoke, I blinked down at him. I was so close. "There she is. Now, stop holding back. Come for me."
At his command, I did. My toes curled and my body turned molten. Exploding with his fingers working their ruthless magic. I came undone. Everything in me wanted to cry out his name, but I knew I couldn't.
He released my leg and massaged my thighs and hips. Working his way higher. Ass and hips as he stood. Both of us were breathing hard.
"I can reciprocate, if you give me a minute," I said breathlessly.
Ryder slowly shook his head and backed into the stream of the shower. Running his hand over his face to clear the excess water he said, "Watching you was enough."
"Wait," maybe it was the brain fog from orgasming as hard as I did, but I wasn't understanding.
"Thank you," he bowed his head and kissed me gently. "Watching you come because of me was enough to get mine."
While he showered, I regained my strength to move. Leaving the shower running, he gave me a wink before he exited.
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