Chapter 1
Ryder Mathis
The weather had finally broken from the rain and nasty we'd been getting hit with, making the drive to the Hunt's lake house perfect. Sitting in the back seat of Cole's truck, I watched as the scenery wirred by and my friends bantered on.
"Hey, yo, Cole. Is Blake gonna be there?" Jamison hung on the back of Cole's seat.
"Absolutely not. This is my week," Cole bit back as his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel.
"Who is Blake?" I asked, only knowing I'd get shit for not speaking up more during the ride.
"Cole's twin," Jamison hung back and punched the back of Cole's seat.
"Aw, good deal." I zoned back out and slid my headphones back in place. Whatever else was said, Cole punched Scott, riding shotgun, as Scott and Jamison howled with laughter.
Laying my head back against the headrest, I rested the remainder of the trip.
Finals week had been draining and Cole inviting me out for a week of mindless fun was the last thing that I had expected. Although I didn't know what to expect, my hope was for a semi-relaxing week away with the guys.
Cole and I had met in a business class in my second year. He was shit with numbers but they made sense to me. Most of our meetings had been at the library to study but in my final year, he convinced me to come party with him. Outside of studying, we had hung out a few times, which is where I met Scott and Jamison. All three of them were roommates and hosted parties that the entire campus would talk about for weeks.
Surprisingly, they didn't have to tell many people. Word of mouth about their parties was explosive. With the last one they threw, they nearly burned down the trees in their backyard with fireworks, I was sure had to have been illegal.
Just like me, they all three had just graduated. The last party they threw was monumental. There were midget strippers, a dancing dog, and a few other acts that I missed. I hadn't stuck around long, but judging by the trailer, I'm pretty sure some guy was unloading a donkey or pony as I left.
I shook my head and drifted off to the memories of this past year. Wild! Before I'd met Cole, I stuck to myself. With school and work, I kept myself busy.
With little warning, Cole came to a slamming halt and I heard him bellow a string of curses. Blinking at the bright surroundings, I could see the shimmering lake through the trees. As my eyes adjusted, I could see two cars in the large driveway.
"I thought we were supposed to be on our own this week. Who's that?" I sat up in my seat as I lowered my headphones to my neck.
"We are," grumbled Cole as he threw his door open, got out, and slammed it behind him.
Turning to Jamison I asked, "What's with him?"
"Yeah, he'll be fine." His crooked grin and squinted eyes told me he knew more about the situation than I did. Pointing past the windshield, he indicated the cars.
"I don't get it. Whose cars are those?"
"Well, the little red one is Blake's." Scott responded.
"This makes this trip so much better," Jamison climbed out, smoothing out wrinkles in his clothes. Quickly following after where Cole had headed.
Music blasted from the back of the house. Curious, I walked with Scott. Leaving our bags in the car to get later.
When we reached the back deck, I took in the scene before me. Looking out across the water, the back of the house had a deck that looked down on a giant pool and hot tub. The lawn was well maintained with a fire pit set close to the water near the dock and boathouse. I remembered that Cole's family had money, but I wasn't expecting this.
Floating on a raft in the pool was a curvy girl with bright, cherry red hair, calling out to Cole. I watched as she paddled over to him and he crouched at the edge. There was a blond stretched out on a lawn chair, reading. A brunette greeted us and introduced herself as Emily; hands full of beach towels. Snagging Scott to help her, I leaned against the rail and soaked in the warmth of the sun.
"Where is Blake?" Cole asked the chick in the pool.
"Inside, getting drinks," she said as she slid off the float. "Come join me?"
"Nah, I gotta find Blake." As he went to stand, she captured his hand and held him to the side of the pool.
"Don't tease me, Cole Hunt! Come play with me." She pouted her lips and lowered her chin, looking up at him through her lashes.
In one fluid movement, he went from crouching to laying flat on the pool deck, cupping the back of her head and pulling her into him. Whispering something into her ear. As Scott and Jamison roared down the deck stairs, Cole sprang to his feet. The girl in the pool looked flustered from whatever Cole had said to her, but my attention was diverted as the sliding door to the house opened behind me.
"Hey you, come help," a woman's voice behind me said. As I turned, she was gone.
Peering into the house, I could barely make out the leggy brunette with her back towards me, standing in the kitchen. Her neon yellow bikini made her skin look dark in the shadow of the house. Her hair was tied up on top of her head and her entire back was exposed beside the string across her back and the small amount of fabric that covered her ass.
"How can I help?" I clamped my eyes shut and tried to adjust to the lack of light inside. She didn't respond, instead I heard her drop something on the counter and padded her way closer to me.
"Hot shit, where'd he find you?" As I opened my eyes, she was standing in front of me.
"School, and who?"
"Tired?" Her chest mere inches from me as her hands played up my sides. Being slightly ticklish, I jumped, causing her to laugh. Her cocky grin was familiar and her eyes were a stunning icy blue.
"Just a long drive and the difference between outside and inside the house... I just needed a minute for my eyes to readjust."
"Mhmm, sure, lover, whatever you say. Are you up to helping me with these drinks?" She hadn't moved and I wasn't about to go anywhere. "I'd be happy to thank you later, just don't tell my brother." She gave me a wink and pushed away from me.
In seconds the pieces were fitting together. In those seconds, Cole was coming through the door, pissed and ready for a fight. Coming for me. Plowing into me through the small seating area off of the kitchen. I backed up as much as I could before my back hit something hard.
"What the fuck are you playing at, Mathis?" As he spewed, the woman in the kitchen slid her way between us. Her ass rubbing against me made my hand grip her hip. Instinctually, my other braced against Cole's chest.
"Will you back the fuck off Cole? What the hell is wrong with you?" She spoke before I could, but Cole's eyes never left mine.
"What the fuck are you doing with my sister, Mathis?" He demanded.
"Hello? Idiot, I am talking to you!" She pushed at his chest for him to back up, making him back step once before advancing again. With no response from him, she continued, "Didn't you hear? He agreed to be my lover. We are having children out of wedlock. He is willing to give you some gorgeous nieces and nephews. If you'll excuse us, we better get to work." She gripped my hand and started to lead me down the hall. Turning only to make another sarcastic comment, "Won't mommy and daddy be so proud of me!"
I shook my head as Cole's angry stare followed us. Up the stairs and into a bedroom. With a dramatic slam, she turned on me.
"So, Mathis?"
"First or last name?" she asked.
"What's your first name?"
"Mmm... Ryder Mathis. That's a fucking sexy name," she purred.
"OH FUCK! YES RYDER! FUCK ME!" She belted out, exaggerating her tone into a breathy moan. Slamming her hand against the door behind me and stomping her foot into the carpet.
Cole yelled something from downstairs followed by a loud bang.
"You're going to get me killed," I said as I rubbed my hands over my face.
"I'll protect you from my big bad brother. Plus, I don't think you want my brother seeing that you were extra happy to feel me against you," she said as she pointed to my crotch.
"So you must be-"
"Blake. Yup, that's me."
"I have to admit, I did not think you were a chick."
"Not many people do and Cole doesn't really like telling people he has a sister."
"Well, thanks for the save."
The phone on the dresser rang and her attention shifted. "Hold on a sec.." She held the phone to her ear, "Hello? No, it's totally okay... He'll get over it... Uh-huh... Right, we'll be down in a few... Yes, we," she looked me up and down before finishing her call. "Delicious... Mhmm... Right?!... Yeah... See you in a minute."
Readjusting my pants, I shut my eyes and leaned against her door. I had no clue what to expect when we joined the others or if Blake and her friends would actually be staying. Cole had mentioned that it was supposed to be his week, and as far as I understood, the girls weren't supposed to be there. From what I had seen of the inside of their home, there was plenty of space for all of us, but I had no clue how many people were actually here.
"What are you listening to?" Not waiting for an answer, she slipped my headphones from around my neck and held one side up to her ear. As I reached for my phone, her delicate hand slipped into my pocket to retrieve my phone, herself.
Offhand, I couldn't remember what was on when I stopped it, but watching her I knew it was rock. Her lashes drifted closed and a slow smile formed on her plump lips.
She was trouble. Everything in me was telling me to keep my distance and keep my junk attached. I'd never seen Cole get pissed like that and the last three years of knowing him didn't mean shit if I fucked with his sister.
As she swayed to the music, I took her in. She wasn't wearing much, which didn't help. All I could think about was what she looked like without the suit on. It had been too long since I'd had had a decent lay.
"If you like this, check out... this." She was messing with my phone and pulled up an artist I didn't recognize. She slipped the headphones over my ears and pressed play.
Chanting met my ears followed by a barrage of heavy metal marching beat and a male lead. I absorbed the music, just like any new song I listened to. Blake was full of surprises as she watched me listen to the music she had put on for me.
The corner of her mouth twitched when I realized her hand was playing with the hairs at the base of my neck.
Feeling brazen and bold, I gripped her by her waist and spun us, pushing her into the door. With a small gasp, the look she gave me dared me to cross that boundary. With a hand to the center of her chest, I flipped the headphones back and bent my head to hover near her ear.
"You're playing a dangerous game, Blake." I could feel her heart pounding beneath my hand as her breath quickened.
"I don't like playing it safe, Ryder." She turned her head to nudge my head towards her, but I held still. "Who knows, it maybe fun to be dangerous."
Smiling into her neck, I could feel her nails skimming my skin in an attempt to urge me to continue. "You're trouble, Blake. I haven't known you 30 minutes and you've staked your claim on my future children, made me your lover, and your brother is ready to kill me."
"Imagine if you stopped teasing me and actually let me loose. I'm a big girl, Ryder. My brother doesn't control me, and he sure as shit doesn't get to tell me who I can and cannot fuck."
Just the small interactions with her, I was finding it hard to fight the urge. "Tempting," I eased back from her enough to properly look at her.
"Too bad," she pouted before lifting my hand from her chest. She guided my middle finger to her silken lips. Keeping eye contact with me, she kissed then teased her lips against my skin.
I couldn't stop the groan from escaping. Heat coiled in my belly as I watched her cheeks hollow.
"Fuck," I breathed. Barely able to register if the word came out of my mouth.
She hummed as she let go of my hand, "Too bad you're a prude. We could have so much fun together."
"Hey, I am not a-"
"It's fine, Ryder. You let me know when you want to play with me. I am happy to play with myself until then." With a wicked smile, she opened the door and headed down the stairs we had just climbed. "Oh, hey bro."
I listened as she interacted with Cole. There was no way I was going back downstairs yet.
"Don't 'hey bro,' me, Blake. First, what the fuck are you wearing? You're my sister, that suit barely covers... well, anything!"
"Your friend didn't seem to mind it." I could hear the amusement in her voice.
With what sounded like a groan or a growl, he dropped the issue and continued, "Second, what are you doing here? This is supposed to be my week." Cole must have waited for her because I could hear their conversation from her doorway.
"I graduated. I walked the stage, got shit-faced, and came here."
"You didn't drive shit-faced, did you?" His tone changed into being concerned.
"Hell no! I had Emily drive us but Kayla brought her car too. We got here two days ago. Been drinking and partying since!"
"This is my time, Blake, don't fuck with that."
"Oh, please! I get the following week. What if we combine our time? You and your boys stay this week, we stay this week. You guys stay next week, we stay next week. It makes a short vacation a little longer. Plus, mom and dad stocked everything and have set a service to deliver our food. The only runs we would need to do is booze. Granted, we go through more than that, but we can run out."
"Share our time here?" Cole asked.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Because I want to get my dick su-"
"Stop. I'm not being a cock block for you if you don't do it to me, but I definitely don't want to hear about it." Her words oozed disgust.
"I don't need my little sister hanging around when I bring someone home."
"Psh.. first of all, I am older by six minutes and forty five seconds. Plus, Kayla is here."
"You're seriously trying to say that nothing is going on between you two?"
"Kayla? I would never hook up with one of your-"
"Save it, asshat. I know you two were together! Even when she was with Luke, y'all were fucking."
"Blake," he started and stopped abruptly.
"I don't care. She couldn't wipe that smile off her face for weeks after you left. I don't agree with the fact that she did it before her and Luke were done, but whatever."
"They broke up?"
"Yeah. Two-ish weeks ago. She wasn't the only one in the relationship who was unhappy. She caught him eating out the RN from our old dorm."
"Shit. That sucks."
"In more than one way," her laugh filled the house and I smiled at her dirty mind.
"Hey, I need you to know," Cole's volume dropped to almost inaudible. "Ryder was seeing someone. I don't know if they are still together, but I need you to know."
"I am capable of taking care of myself. Plus, I don't know the guy but he is my kind of delicious. What is wrong with me wanting to have the same fun you're planning on having?"
"Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Yeah, yeah, you caveman. Ugh. Now help me with these drinks."
"There is a lot here, were you expecting more people?"
"No, just you and your band of idiots," she retorted.
Their voices moved and I peered out her window. She gave one-armed hug to Scott and Jamison. She set the drinks down and while she was distracted, I watched as Cole slipped out of his shoes, emptied his pockets, and snuck up behind her. Throwing her over his shoulder, he took off towards the pool. Her shriek was audible from inside the house. With a last-minute twist, Cole turned his back to the pool and went in with her.
If this was going to be a two-week vacation with them, I needed to make sure to set shit straight with Cole before I wound up in more trouble than I was ready for. I had a feeling that Blake and I weren't done. Fuck knows I didn't want to be done with her.
By the end of the night, Cole had talked to the guys and me, we all agreed to an extra week with the girls. Apparently, the girls had already decided that they were okay with it but needed our approval. Out of them all, Blake didn't seem surprised that we would agree.
With a late-night bonfire, I learned a little bit about the girls we would be sharing the house with.
Blake, Jennifer, and Kayla were roommates through their last two years. Jennifer was a little more of a mystery because she was quiet. All of them, beautiful in their own ways.
Blake had just finished her nursing degree and had a minor that she didn't talk about. She was open and easy to talk to, but it was clear she didn't like the attention centered on herself. She made jokes and was sarcastic, which usually deterred her brother from bothering her too much. It was interesting to see this side of Cole; the protective brother, compared to the guy I'd known at school.
Emily, we had already met, was in her final year of school to get her graphic design degree and already was working with a web design company. She was the only one of the four girls that was still working on their degree.
Jennifer was the slender blond who had buried her nose in a book for most of the time we were there. She was shy with glasses and a classic style, she reminded me of a librarian. Not sharing about herself, there was little I knew about her. A comment that Kayla had made let me know that she had graduated with Kayla and Blake, but I didn't know anything more than that.
Kayla was curvy with vibrant red hair, honey brown eyes, and was very charismatic. She was a music major who had DJ'd her way through school. I think she had said she played about eight different instruments and had brought her guitar with her to the lake house.
Blake and Cole had gone to high school with Kayla, and it showed through their inside jokes and stories about high school days. Another thing that became clear throughout the night was that Kayla and Blake liked music. Singing songs that they favored or that had been brought up in conversation. From show tunes and movie music to popular songs playing on the radio, it was fun to watch and easier to join in.
People disappeared back to the house and the evening ran cool. By the time I was truly feeling the weight of the day, I found myself alone with Cole, Blake, and Kayla.
"I think I'm going to call it a night. Go get unpacked and settled," I said as I stood up and nodded my goodnights to the others.
"I'll help you find a good room," Blake uncoiled herself from her chair.
"Any room that is open is fair game. He can manage on his own," Cole stated flatly.
I hadn't slowed my pace away from the small group when I heard Blake say, "Mmm, then maybe I'll go tuck him in. Night bro. See ya, Kayla."
We approached the house in comfortable silence. I was realizing that her silence could have been worse. She was quick on her feet, but I didn't know what she could do with proper thought.
Silently opening the door, she slipped in before me and in the process, hooking her finger into one of the loops on my jeans. With a wicked smile, she dipped her head and looked up at me.
"Trouble," I whispered.
"Fun," she whispered back.
Closing the door behind us, she guided me up the stairs and the down the hall. Releasing me, she opened the door and used her hand, palm up, to present the bedroom to me.
"Thank you. Why this room?"
She pointed to the opened door in the room. It led to a shared bathroom.
"Right next to mine and the bathroom is shared," she said. With full understanding, I smiled and shook my head. Continuing, she asked, "Do you need help with your bags?"
"Nah. I think I may just crash tonight and grab them in the morning." She lowered her gaze and chewed on the inside of her lip. "So, really, why this room, Blake?"
Without looking at me, the smile returned. "Maybe I want you to catch me. Maybe I want you-"
"Catch you?"
"Masturbating," she said casually, "or maybe naked. I've been so used to living with other girls that I may forget to close the door when I shower.
With a chuckle, I shook my head again. Taking a deep breath to try and clear my head, I wasn't ready for Blake.
As I stepped into the room, she leaned in. My phone vibrated in my pocket. The second vibration told me that someone was calling me. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was already 1 A.M. Taking a peek, there was no one I wanted to talk to.
"I should let you get that. Night lover." As I looked up, Blake was disappearing down the hall, towards her room.
The sexual tension she emitted was unreal.
As I kicked off my shoes and stripped, my phone buzzed with a text.
Hey babe
I really wish you'd talk to me.
I'm sorry. I really miss you. I want to fix this.
There were a few I had missed from being outside, but they were all similar. Apologies and wanting to talk. There was nothing to talk about, well, nothing that I wanted to talk about. She cheated; I left. It was something that I told her I wouldn't tolerate and she didn't seem to care at the time.
I was too tired to think about it or deal with her.
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