After boogying for a solid 120 minutes, we were all pooped. Jesper and I were exhausted from our dance moves, while Jamie managed to tire herself out just by sitting. I mean, seriously, who gets tired from sitting? Isn't that the epitome of relaxation? But hey, Jamie is Jamie, a rare and unique specimen indeed. We were so knackered that we all craved some shut-eye and decided to ditch the sleepover idea.
Upon my return, I decided to head back home instead of staying over at Jamie's house, also known as the 'palace'. Jesper and Jamie kindly dropped me off, but as I stepped inside my humble abode, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me. Although they are my dear friends, I couldn't help but feel a tad embarrassed about the stark contrast between my house and their magnificent palace.
I walked out of the car towards the doorbell and later called, "Mom? Mom?"
"예, I am coming," she replied. (Yes)
I walked in as my mom asked me, "So, yeah, how was your day today? Weren't you supposed to be at Jamie's house for a sleepover?"
"Mom, Jesper and I went to the dance studio for practice. After that, I was tired, so I decided to drop the idea of a sleepover"
"Hmm, I understand, So what would you like to have?, Melon Mojito, Banana milk, Ginseng tea or Dalgona?"
"I don't know Mom, make whatever you like." I spoke in a husky voice.
"알았어, I'll make 'Ginseng tea'. (Okay)
"As you wish, Mom!" I pretended to be happy.
Well, it's like talking to a brick wall! I could shout "Banana Milk" from the rooftops, and she'd still whip up a steaming cup of Ginseng tea. It's like she's under a spell or something. I just don't get why she bothers to ask in the first place. It's a mystery wrapped in a tea bag!
I went upstairs towards my room and sat on my beloved bed, the coziest place on earth, at least for me.
I was about to take a shower when a notification popped up on the screen of my phone. I quickly grabbed my phone and clicked on the notification. It was a message from 'Nam Seon Ho' which said -
"Hey, Yeha!"
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw his name pop up on my phone screen. The last time he messaged me was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth! I was starting to think he'd put me on the "Do Not Text" list or something.
I quickly shot back a response, because if he's messaging me out of the blue after all this time, it must mean he either needs something important or he's finally realized he can't live without my witty banter
"안녕하세요, 남 선 호!" I texted. (Hello, Nam Seon-ho!)
"Do you have my English notebook?" he replied.
Alright, let's get one thing straight - this guy is all about efficiency. He's like a human bullet train, never wasting a single second and always getting things done. But here's the kicker - his English book. Why on earth would I have that? Well, maybe I do... or maybe it's just a cleverly disguised doorstop.
"무엇?, let me check." I hurriedly replied and later checked my bag. (What)
I rummaged through my violet bag and what do you know? I found his book in there, but I have no idea how it got there.
"I do have your notebook. I apologize for that," I apologized to him.
"It's okay."
"I can come to your place and lend it to you if you need it urgently."
"아니 아니,I'll come to your place." (No, No)
I've had my fill of two house guests already, and I really don't need another one knocking on my door.
"Let's meet somewhere else?" I asked.
"Sure, how about the 'Onion Cafe?" he suggested, to which I agreed.
It was my debut rendezvous with a dude I actually recognize at a coffee shop.
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