41| Consequences
Unsurprisingly, Jackson got away. Leaving Scott, Stiles, Alison and I realizing that we were way in over or heads. We fully planned on telling the Argents, Sherif Stilinski and Derek about what happened, and that was why I now found myself at the abandoned bus stop we our pack hid out at. I was second away from telling my brother about Jackson before I got a text from Scott telling me that Jackson was at the police station issuing restraint warrants towards him and Stiles.
"So what did you want to tell me?" Derek asked his arms crossed over his chest waiting expectantly.
I out my phone away and took a seat on the old couch that Derek brought in a couple of days ago. "Nothing." I replied in a bored tone. "Just that you were right. It's impossible to catch the thing."
I knew he was mad at me for leaving in our search for the Kanima. I knew that he knew the truth, that I was out all night with Scott and Stiles. I also knew that he wasn't going to tell me anything about it.
"But you know who it is?"
"No." I stated trying to keep my breathing and heartbeat even, knowing that this was a test.
"Do Scott and Stiles know who it is?" My brother insisted not satisfied with my answer.
I shrugged, trying to seemed bored knowing that all eyes were on me. "I don't know. They don't exactly trust me anymore."
"So why do we need their help?" Issac asked, clearly irritated about the idea of having to work with Scott or Stiles.
"Because it's harder to kill than I thought." Derek said as he walked to the other side of the room, and Issac, Erica and I automatically followed. "I still don't know who it is."
"And they do?"
"They might." My brother replied completely oblivious to his beta's disapproval. "Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."
"Scott or Stiles?" Erica asked her interest clearly piqued. She looked over at me with a satisfied smile on her face. I still couldn't understand why she seemed to hate me so much. I didn't even know her, or had know she existed until now.
Issac on the other hand seemed extremely unsatisfied with the way that events were playing out. "You know, the full moon's coming, Derek."
"I'm aware of that." Derek replied as he opened a large wooden trunk and began to pull out a variety of chains and harnesses that seemed like something our of an R-rated horror movies. I couldn't imagine that he actually planned on using those on Issac and Erica, or Boyd who always seemed to be anywhere but here.
Erica picked up some fallen chain off the floor and smiled. "These look comfortable."
"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted." Issac said looking at the chains with mild disgust. It was clear that his frustration was building up by the second, in a way that showcased by brothers questionable leadership skills.
"There hasn't been time."
"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means you're alone against the argents."
"They haven't found us." My brother said with disinterest.
"Yet!" Issac exclaimed, his sudden outburst being very uncharacteristic. Though I couldn't blame him for being frustrated that he wasn't being given what he was promised, or not having full control over shifting during the full moon. "So how about we forget the Kanima?"
"We can't!" Derek yelled as he threw down the chains he was holding. "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing. We have to find it first."
Seeing as he was about to have another outburst I placed my hand on Issac's shoulder as a warning. He seemed to have slightly relaxed, but the anger coming off of him in waves was almost intoxicating.
Issac left without another word, undoubtedly dust office he called a bedroom. Derek also left a few moments later leaving Erica and I alone. We stood there in silence, and all I could do was wait until she said whatever it was she was dying to tell me.
"I've been thinking about whether to go after Scott or Stiles." Erica began to say as she sat down across from me casually. By the look on her face I already knew that her intention was to attempt to anger or upset me in some kind of way. "And after a lot of thought I think I'm going to go after Stiles."
I looked at her with a face of indifference. There was no way that I would give her the satisfaction of any sort of reaction from me. "Why are you telling me this?"
"If I'm being honest I didn't know which one at first." She continued as she smiled at me, and gave her a fake one in return. "Scott or Stiles? It could have been either. But I was right. Stiles it is."
Satisfied she stood up and walked away, and leaving me confused with whatever she thought she knew. The truth being that her delusions weren't worth my time, I had more important things to worry about than teenage girl drama.
I hadn't been waiting outside of Alison's house for very long, when her car pulled into her driveway. She was undoubtedly coming back from one of her and Scott clandestine meetings.
When she stepped out of her car she seemed extremely confused. Since what happened a couple of months ago with my uncle we hadn't exactly gone back to trying to be friends, the same could be said for Lydia who I have hardly spoken a word to since.
"What are you doing here?"
"I have to talk to you." I told Alison, feeling that I needed to tell her Derek's suspicions about Gerard. If he there was more happening with Gerard and the kanima, Alison had to know.
"Can we talk inside. It's freezing out here." She replied as she pulled her coat tighter around her. I hadn't noticed how cold it was until now, mostly due to the fact the I ran from the abandoned stop to Alison's house.
She seemed to realize what she just said and shook her head. "Yeah, I can't exactly walk through the front door of your house. I'll just climb in through the window."
"Right." She said before entering her house. It wasn't very difficult to climb up the tree beside her window and get inside. Though I did wonder why this place wasn't coated with mountain ash or wolfsbane.
Once I was inside Alison bedroom, I instinctively turned around to find Lydia sitting on the bed casually.
"You scared the hell outta me." I told her, though she simply looked at me with a mix of irritation and confusion.
She stood up from the bed and was about to tell me something, when Alison burst into the room. She froze at the sight of Lydia and immediately closed her bedroom door.
"I've been sitting here for an hour, waiting for you." Lydia stated crossing her arms over her chest waiting for some sort of explanation.
"I can't hang out right now, Lydia." Alison stated, in a way that was maybe a little too harsh. Lydia looked over at me, and although she was very good at masking emotions, I could hear her heart heating wildly in her chest. I could smell the desperation and loneliness from her, which caused a sense of guilt to wash over me. We did this to her.
"I don't need anyone to hang out with. I need someone to talk to." Lydia replied her once stoic self-control beginning to crack.
"I...I understand that it's important, but if it can just wait..."
"Why is everyone always telling me to wait? Why can't anyone have 'right now' available?"
Until now I hadn't thought much about what Lydia. She always seemed so put together, that I never stopped to realize that she was going through a difficult time too. Of course she was after what happened a just a couple of weeks ago at the dance. Everyone avoided her like the plague, gossip spread that she had gone mad after the accident.
And it was all our fault this was happening to her. All because of my uncle.
"Because you can't have everything right now." Alison replied in frustration, which we were all feeling after the events from tonight. "You know what I need? I need someone to translate five pages of archaic Latin. Obviously, that's not gonna happen anytime soon."
"I know archaic Latin." Lydia stated casually, like it a sixteen year old girl knowing such specific form of Latin was normal.
Alison froze as she turned around to finally meet Lydia's eyes. "You know archaic Latin?"
"I got bored with classical Latin."
"Just how smart are you?" I questioned earning a satisfied smile from her. She clearly seemed happy to be needed.
"Just show me the pages." She simply replied as she sat down at Alison's desk.
In an instant Alison pulled out her tablet with all the Beastiary pages relating to the kanima. I was surprised by how quickly Lydia was translating the passages, although so far this was all information that the already knew.
The lack of sleep as beginning to taking over as I began to doze of periodically until I heard Alison's voice cut through Lydia forcing me to sit up straight again. "Are you sure?" Alison questioned as she leaned closer to Lydia. "Ms.Morrell said that word means friend. 'The Kanima seeks a friend'."
Lydia shook her head confidently. "She was wrong. It means master."
"The Kanima seeks a master." I repeated seeing how one simply word could change the complete context of the statement.
"Why? Is that important?"
Alison nodded slowly a panicked look in her eyes. "Yeah. Someone's not protecting him."
"Someone's controlling him." I said as I began to feel a sense of dread. If this was complicated before, it now seemed impossible to beat.
I didn't know why Alison wanted to meet up in the Library before we started any of our classes. We had already discussed the new meanings of everything that Lydia had translated. I could have used the extra fifteen minutes of sleep.
Yet, now I found myself between two rows of bookshelves with Scott and Stiles who were eager to know all this new information. A part of me felt ridiculous having to go through all these measures to make sure that Alison's family wasn't aware that their daughter was still around werewolves. But, with cameras around every inch of the school these measures were necessary.
"It's everything Lydia could translate." Alison said as she slipped the tablet across the book shelf. "And trust me, she was very confused."
Scott took the tablet and began going through the online text. "Yeah, what'd you tell her?"
"Something stupid." I said as I adjusted the strap to my backpack. "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."
"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Stiles confessed as he looked at me with a look that told me he was offended.
"Yeah. I'm not surprised."
"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott asked, changing the subject.
"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers." Alison continued to explain. "It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."
"All right, see?" Stiles said brightly. "So maybe it's not all that bad."
"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to." I added, his expression making a drastic turn.
"All bad, all very, very bad."
"Here's the thing, though." Alison continued into the fact that I found changed this whole situation. On that gave me just a little hope that maybe we would be able to deal with this, without anyone else getting hurt. "The Kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be until it resolves that in its past which manifested it."
Stiles nodded, as if this new piece of information wasn't the least but surprising to hear. "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself."
"What if It has something to do with his parents? His real parents."
"Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?" Scott asked, as if he expected any of us to know. None of us had an actual relationship with Jackson, and until recently I had no interest in anything related to his life.
"Lydia might." I stated, not knowing anyone else who has been close to Jackson. Or would want to for that matter. Oddly enough all this felt like detective work, something that we were not. Making it feel like we were still missing vital details of this story. "Or Danny."
"What if they don't know anything?"
"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." Alison stated with a new found determination that I had noticed was beginning to disappear.
"Okay, what do I do?" Scott asked immediately.
"You have a make-up exam, remember?"
Scott leaned into the gap between the book to get closer to Alison. Until know I hadn't realized how weird it must look to the other students that we were communicating in this way. "Promise me. If he does anything, you run the other way."
"I can take care of myself." Alison stated without a thread of doubt. And although she did come from a long line of hunters, she had just started training recently and the fact that none of us werewolves have had a chance of taking down Jackson on our own, didn't give me much faith that she could.
"Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me." Scott replied desperately in a way that I had to fight the urge to not roll my eyes. "If he does anything. Anything weird or bizarre anything."
"Anything evil!" Stiles added.
"Stop it with the teenage angst." I groaned, once I had enough of their back and forth. "He doesn't have a restraining order against me either. Remember? Granted he probably wouldn't talk to me, but I'll make sure Allison is nice and safe for you Scott."
Scott nodded clearly not satisfied with any of this, but he didn't have much of a choice. As far as I knew Scott was failing most of miss classes. I couldn't understand why, when the rest of us have been able to keep up fairly well. "Alright."
With nothing else to discuss and the bell having rung announce that we has to head to our first class we all began to walk our separate ways. But, out of impulse I suddenly stopped and grabbed Stiles' arm before he got to his next class.
"I need to talk to you." I said as I let go of his arm.
"What?" He asked slightly panicked as he looked around to make sure no one was close by.
"It's about Derek." I said quickly as I crossed by arms over my chest. "He sent his little blonde minion to try to get information out of you or Scott. He's desperate to find out who the kanima is."
"You haven't told him?"
"Of course not."
Stiles seemed a little confused as he looked around the aisle of stocked books, clearly paranoid. "Why are you telling me this? Obviously Scott and I aren't going to say anything."
"Because Erica said she was going to try to go after you specifically." I told him, unsure if telling him any of this was necessary. "And I don't know what little tricks she has up her sleeves."
Stiles smiled as he inched a little closer. "Is this the part where you tell me that you will do anything to protect me, and I reply with something like "I can protect myself" although we both know that I really can't."
I looked at Stiles having heard possibly on half of what he said, knowing that whatever it was I missed was going to be something completely unrelated and stupid. "Of course not. I don't have time to be babysitting you Stiles."
"Not exactly what I meant, but okay."Stiles replied. "Why me?"
"I've been thinking about that too. At first I just thought that it might be because you're weaker." I told him as I began to walk out of the library, with Stiles struggling to catch up.
"No way to say that nicely huh?"
"But that's not it." I said as I realized two things. She hated me because I was around Stiles. "She likes you."
Stiles froze and seemed like he was seconds away from passing out at the news. "Are you sure?"
"It's an educated guess."
"So what's your theory and initial hypothesis?" He replied with a crooked smile, and I actually considered strangling him for a moment.
"That if you don't get as far away from me as possible right now, I might actually use you as bait to catch the kanima. Or should I come up with another method?"
Stiles shook his head as he slowly began to walk away from me. "No, the message was clear."
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