36| Abomination
Erica, Boyd, and I were seated in the bleachers watching as our team was being brutally beaten down by the opposing school. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my sweater, the cold night air only getting colder as the game went on.
We were only here because Derek wanted us to find the perfect opportunity to talk to Stiles. I had a feeling that Derek already knew what we were up against, he just wanted Stiles to confirm his suspicions.
Scott was on the field playing while Stiles was stuck on the benches. All we had to do was wait for the perfect moment to take him to Derek. There were only twenty minutes left in the game, and Beacon Hills was still losing, but at that moment Stiles stood up from the bench. The three of us watched as she went behind to bleachers to where Allison was sitting with Gerard as she handed him something.
"What are they up to?" Boyd questioned. Whatever their plan was, I was sure it had something to do with that thing that's been killing people. But there was no way of knowing for sure until we talked to Stiles.
"He's leaving." Erica told me as we watched Stiles walk towards the parking lot.
"I can see that." I replied as I put my attention back to the game.
"Then why aren't we going?"
"We don't want to make it obvious." I assured her never talking my eyes off of the game. If we went right after Stiles now someone was bound to be suspicious that we were following him. That someone being Gerard, who without a doubt was paying attention to anything that could be seen as unnatural. We couldn't take that chance. We had to be smarter than him. "Anyways we can find him easily."
"Where's Stilinski? Where's Stilinski?" Coach began to yell out into the crowd as he looked for Stiles. His eyes suddenly settled on Boyd who was sitting between Erica and I. And it didn't take a genius to figure out what Coach was thinking. "You! You! You play lacrosse?"
Boyd attempted to stand up, but Erica was quick to pull him down back onto the bleachers. "He won't like this."
"Yeah. But I will." Boyd stated getting to his feet and I immediately blocked his path before he had a chance to get on the field.
"Boyd, the hunters are here." I told him as I got a grip on his tan leather jacket pulling him closer. "Do you really want to risk it?"
Boyd's smirk persisted as he took a step away from me pulling off his jacket. There was no denying that Boyd had a strong build, that being the reason why Coach chose him in the first place, but that would only bring in more attention.
"Oh, ha, ha, ha!" Coach exclaimed with excitement as Boyd walked down the bleachers towards the benches. "We got ourselves a player!"
"Your going to let him play?" Erica asked in disbelief as we watched Boyd start pulling on a lacrosse gear. It was risky especially with Gerard in the crowd. One wrong move and Boyd could loose control. One wrong move and Gerard would easily figure out that Boyd was a werewolf.
"Scott's on the field." I told her as she also got to her feet. "He'll make sure Boyd doesn't lose control. I trust him. Anyways we have to get Stiles. That's why were here after all."
Erica nodded as we made our way down the bleachers. I followed Stiles' scent down the parking lot and into the empty hallways of the school. "What do you think it is?" Erica suddenly asked me and although she normally wouldn't show it there was doubt in her voice. We didn't know what this things was or what it could do. All we knew was that it was killing people, and in a way that made it more dangerous than the hunters.
"I don't know." I told her honestly as I stopped in front of the principles office where the door was left slightly open. "But that's what we're going to find out."
I walked into the principals office as Stiles continued to open up cabinets with the keys he had in his hand. I could only wonder what he and Scott were up to, but at the moment that wan't my priority. "Stiles."
Stiles jumped as he placed his hand over his chest once he realized that it was just me. "Now you want to talk. Well, guess what I'm a little busy."
"Actually Stiles you really don't have a choice." I replied earning a very confused look from him, but not only did he seem confused. He also seemed afraid.
"So what your going to force me to talk to you? About what exactly?"
"You see it's not us that want to talk to you Stiles." Erica stated as she walked out from behind me. Realizing I wasn't alone Stiles immediately straightened up, although he tried to put on a strong demeanor his heartbeat gave it all away. "So are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way."
"It's not like I really have a choice. Either way is going to led to me talking, so what's the point of making me choose, if either way I don't really get a choice. Since I'm going to end up talking either way." Stiles began to ramble, and I knew he was saying all of this just to distract us. Erica looked at me with an extremely confused expression, while also looking at me for what we were going to do next.
"Get him. Just don't hurt him, or he's not going to talk." I told Erica as I walked out of the principles office, I heard the struggle inside the office, but ultimately it didn't take long for Erica to pull Stiles out.
"So, are you guys going to kill me?" Stiles questioned as we walked down the empty and dimly lit hallway. "And then throw my body in a dumpster? It's not like Erica hasn't done it before."
"You really think I would hurt you?" I asked him as I turned around to face him. For some reason his question almost made me snap. It was like he didn't know me at all. And maybe it was true and he really didn't. "I mean if that's what we really wanted we would have done it already." I told him taking a step closer to him before I turned to Erica who still had a tight grip on his arm. "Right Erica?"
"Right." She replied with a smile as she extended her claws from one hand showing them off to Stiles.
I turned back around as I started walking down the hall again knowing that Erica would follow. "Alexis I have to say, your doing a good job with your whole bad guy act. It's actually pretty convincing."
"Shut up Stiles." I told him as I pushed open the doors that led into the pool. Derek was standing by the edge of the pool with his holding a water polo ball and a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he saw us walk into the room.
"Stiles." My brother greeted.
"What did you see at the mechanics garage?" My brother immediately asked. Stiles pulled out of Erica's grip, but that really didn't matter as the two of us joined Derek's side to wait for Stiles' response.
"Several alarming eta violations I am seriously considering reporting." Stiles replied with his usual level of sarcasm, something my brother was definitely not in the mood for. Derek sunk his claws into the ball immediately deflating it as a way to intimidate Stiles into talking. "Holy God."
"Lets try that again." Derek continued as he let what was left of the ball all to the floor with a loud thud.
"All right, the thing was pretty slick looking. Um, skin's dark. Kind of patterned. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay? Because I have someone I really need to talk to." Stiles told us undoubtedly irritated with the situation that he currently found himself in. Derek, Erica and I didn't say a word as we looked back at him with blank expressions signaling "All right, fine, eyes. Eyes are, um, yellowish. And slitted...um, has a lot of teeth. Oh. And it's got a tail, too. Are we good?"
Something on the balcony above caught my eye forcing me to look up. The action causing my brother and Erica to do the same as we stood there frozen looking at exactly what Stiles was describing to us. The look in the creatures eyes alone was enough to make me slightly fearful of the thing, not having seen anything like that before. "What? Have you seen it?" Stiles asked us frantically. "You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I am talking about."
"Stiles get over here." I told him not taking my eyes off of whatever it was that was watching us carefully. Stiles turned around and scrambled to get to us as he looked up at the balcony. As always Erica impulsively shifted and before she was able to take a step forward the thing jumped up off the balcony hitting Erica with it's tail immediately knocking her unconscious as she was thrown against the wall.
Derek turned around as he pushed me into Stiles creating a barrier between us and the creature. "Run! Call Scott!" He yelled but as he turned towards the creature it's tail hit his neck. Derek touched the small wound on the back of his neck before he lost balance and fell into the pool.
Stiles looked at me with wide eyes seeming to understand what happened next he gave me a simple nod before diving into the pool. I turned back to the creature shifting as I ran towards it. The thing hissed as it swung its tail. Already knowing that it seemed to be its signature move I slide down on my side avoiding the impact. I gained enough momentum to get to the other side grabbing onto a metal pool stick with a net at the end. It was used to get objects out of the pool, but at the moment it was the only thing I could use to defend myself.
I couldn't get to close to the creature because I could end up like my brother. Paralyzed from the neck down. Whatever poison this thing used acted quickly, and I couldn't take any chances.Swinging the metal pole I was able to hit it's side causing it to release a hiss, but as I tried to pull back it's tail wrapped around the pole. With little effort it pulled my forward using the pole and then throwing me back.
Next thing I knew I was being engulfed by chlorine filled water as I quickly made my way up to the surface. I gasped, sucking in a lung full of air as my eyes met that of the creatures. It looked at me and titled it's head, almost like it wasn't entirely sure about me. The creature moved forward setting one claw into the water before releasing another hiss and running off.
I couldn't explain what I felt. But for a moment it seemed like the thing wanted us to stay in the water. Like that was it's plan.
"Did you see that? It can't swim." I heard Stiles shout from where he was at the center of the pool, breaking me out of my thoughts. He was still holding onto my brother who did his best to keep his head above water. They both looked like they were struggling so I immediately swam over to them.
"Do you have your phone?" Stiles immediately asked me as he spit out some water that made it's way into his mouth when he spoke. I looked over my shoulder to see the creature walking along the edge go the pool, looking right at us.
"Yeah, it's in the back pocket of my jeans." I told him as I brushed my wet hair out of my face.
"Then what are you wait for?" Stiles practically snapped as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Call Scott."
"Stiles, I don't know if you've noticed." I told him softly trying not to let my annoyance get the best of me. "But we're in a freaking pool!" I suddenly snapped. "My phone is not waterproof."
"I really don't need this attitude from you right now." He replied as we both adjusted Derek's arms around our shoulders.
"Maybe if you weren't asking stupid questions I wouldn't be giving you attitude."
"Will you two just stop it?" Derek ordered, successfully shutting us both up. "We have to find a way to get rid of that thing. We won't last in here any longer."
"I dropped my phone at the edge of the pool." Stiles told us as he looked at the other end of the pool, where I could see his phone laying face down. "If we get to it we can call Scott. I'll go get it."
"No I'll go get." I immediately told him before he decided to go off.
"What? Why?"
"Stiles, I'm physically stronger and faster than you in every way." I argued as I did my best to avoid getting any chlorine filled pool water in my mouth. "I'll be able to get to it faster."
"Your right. But I'm a fast thinker." Stiles suddenly replied as he immediately ducked under water and began to swim away. My brother's weight suddenly pulled my down now that Stiles wasn't helping, and I had to try to balance his weight so he wouldn't make the both of us sink to the bottom of the pool. Everything happened so quickly that I didn't even have a chance to be mad at Stiles.
I watched Stiles swim to the other edge of the pool barely able to make it to the edge before that lizard creature was able to get to him. Seeing as Stiles was now busy trying to get a hold of Scott I looked over at my brother who was struggling to keep his head above water. "You know what that thing is. Don't you?" I finally asked him.
"I have my suspicions." Derek replied as if what he had just admitted to me was nothing at all. He just admitted to keep another secret from me. Of doing yet another thing behind my back.
"I thought we were supposed to trust each other Derek? How do you expect me to trust you and follow you, if you won't even tell me that were up against?" I exclaimed in a low voice but before we could even continue the conversation Stiles was already swimming back in out direction.
"He hung up on me." Stiles told us a look of annoyance from his face. This wasn't the first time that Scott had failed to answer our calls when we needed him. "We need to think of something else."
I sighed knowing that we were running out of options. "We swim to the edge and I end this." I told him not thinking of taking no for an answer.
"Are you out of your mind? Have you seen that thing?" Stiles exclaimed as he got a hold of Derek's other arm going back to helping me carry his weight.
"There is absolutely no way I am going to let you go against that thing on your own." Derek continued to argue, their arguments only making my roll my eyes.
"Last time I checked neither of you are in any position to try to stop me." I reminded them. With Derek being paralyzed from the neck down he really didn't have any other choice. "I have to do this, we have no other choice."
Neither Derek or Stiles said as word telling me that they agreed. Stiles and I began swimming towards the edge of the pool doing are best to carry Derek along with us. Before we made it to the edge a growl was heard throughout the room, and there was no doubt that it was Scott. The three of us simultaneously released a sigh of relief as we swam faster.
Scott began to fight the creature just as we reached the ledge. I climbed out of the pool first helping take my brother away from Stiles as I pulled him out setting him on the cold tiles. There was a loud crash followed by the sound of glass shattering, but it seemed that Scott had it under control as I turned back to Stiles getting a hold of his hand and also pulling him out of the water.
Derek slowly began to move as we watched Scott slowly pick himself up from the floor where he was surrounded by shards of glass. He immediately picked up a piece of glass holding it in front of him to us it as protection against the creature, but instead of reacting the thing just looked at it's own reflection for a moment.
Beside me Stiles was started to cough up water, causing the creature to snap out of whatever trance it was in as it let out a loud hiss before starting to climb up the wall. Suddenly it broke through the skylight, more pieces of glass falling into the pool.
I sat there frozen in shock. My wet hair still stuck on my face, but I couldn't care less. The only thing going through my head was that creature and the way it looked at me. And for some reason I felt that we might know whoever that thing really was.
Erica and I were standing behind Scott and Stiles who were looking through some files that they stole from a USB drive they managed to steal from Gerard. The second they open the file I recognized it as a Bestiary, I could vaguely remember the one that my mother used to have. The memories slowly flooding my mind forced me to look away, wanting to forget, Wanting to pretend somethings never happened.
"Is that even a language?" Stiles exclaimed as the looked through the book. "How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?"
"It's called a Kanima." Derek stated making all of us look at him in shock. I already had a feeling that Derek knew more than what he was telling me and this only confirmed it. He expected all of us to blindly trust him when he wasn't even capable of trusting us. Of trusting me, and that was something I was quickly becoming tired of.
"You knew the whole time." Scott muttered in realization as he looked over at me. All I could do was look away, almost out of shame. Because even I didn't know what my brother was planning. I truly was just following him blindly.
"Only when it was confused by its own reflection." My brother continued to explain although it was obvious that this really was information that he didn't want to share. But he knew that it was important for them to know what they were also up against too. "It doesn't know who it is, or what."
"What else do you know?"
"Stories or rumors. A shape-shifter, but it's not right." Derek stated as he struggled to find the right words to describe exactly what it was that we were up against. "It's like a...."
"An abomination." Stiles suggested as my brother simple nodded in confirmation. Now that we knew what it was the question now was who? Who was turning into this creature who's only purpose seemed to be killing.
"Derek? We need to work together on this." Scott declared. "Maybe even tell the Argents?"
"You trust them?" Derek asked in disbelief. At the moment the Argents were an even bigger threat to us. What Gerard had against us was personal, and from what we've seen from him all he wants to do is to kill us and make sure there are no werewolves living in Beacon Hills.
That all the Hales were dead. His purpose was the same as Kate's. He had no code. He just wanted revenge for Peter killing his daughter.
"Nobody trusts anyone!" Scott snapped, visibly surprising all of us. "That's the problem. While we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, faster than any of us, and it's killing people and we don't know anything about it."
Scott was right. If we worked together we would be able to solve this problem a lot faster. If we weren't too busy fighting over which side was right, we would be so much stronger because we wouldn't be divided. We would be a real pack. Scott was right. But that was something that Derek would never admit.
"I know one thing." Derek stated firmly as he took a step forward. "When I find I'm gonna kill it."
Without another word Derek turned around and began walking towards his black Camaro on the other side of the parking lot. Erica and I shared a concerned look, and for the first time I felt that we were both on the same page. But, regardless we followed after my brother, whether it was the right thing or not. And I knew that turning away from Scott and Stiles yet again would only divide us even more.
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