35| About Survival
Derek and I watched the crime scene unfold in front of the mechanic's garage from our spot in the woods. Leaning against the tree I watched as Stiles argued with his father about what he just uncovered, but of course Stiles would never tell his father the truth. That would only put the Sheriff in danger and the last thing we needed was getting more people involved in whatever was happening.
When we heard about what happened Derek immediately brought me here, and I knew it was because he already had the suspicion that it was the thing that killed Issac's father. For my brother this seemed personal and it wasn't just because of Issac. But I didn't wan to think about that too much, I didn't want to be disappointed anymore.
I sighed as I turned my attention back on the busy parking lot as I watch Stiles walk over to where Scott was hiding a few feet away.
"You okay?" I heard Scott asked as the two continued to move away from the crime scene.
"You were right. It's not like you. Its eyes were almost like, reptilian." Stiles confirmed, and I remembered what Scott had told us about something attacking him and Allison the night of the full moon. If this thing continued to attack it would only alert the hunters and that would only cause problems for us. "There were something about them."
"What do you mean?"
"You know like what you see a friend in the Halloween mask, and you feel like you know who it is but you can't figure out who it is?"
"You're saying you know who it is?" Scott asked hopefully.
"No, but I think it knew me." Stiles replied and those words made Derek and I look at each other with wide eyes. If it was someone we knew or who knew us this complicated everything.
"What do you think?" Derek asked me as he got a hold of my hand pulling me away from the scene to a far enough distance where he was sure the Scott wouldn't be able to sense us. I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head in disbelief.
"You mean other than the obvious?"
My brother gave me a blank look clearly not amused with my comment. But, being amusing wasn't what I was going for. There really wasn't much else to say, everything was pretty clear. There was another supernatural being in Beacon Hills and this one didn't seem to have the same self control that we did. But I also knew that there was something that even I didn't want to admit. And that was the possibility that my number one suspect was Lydia, but that was something that I would never tell my brother.
I couldn't put her in danger before I knew for sure.
"Why don't you go talk to them? They trust you." Derek suggested and now it was my turn to stare blankly at him.
"Your joking right? You mean they did trust me." I practically snapped. "You know before you went all power crazy and I decided to side with you?"
"You know why I'm doing this." My brother argued as he stuffed his hands inside the pockets of his leather jacket. "The hunters are coming after us. They want to make sure that we are out of the picture and to do that we need a pack. There's strength in numbers. Issac, Erica, and Boyd will make us stronger. Help us against all those hunters. This isn't about power, this is about survival."
"And you think that your antisocial and untrained betas are going to even out the odds?" I questioned in disbelief knowing that Issac, Erica and Boyd wouldn't stand a chance against a highly skilled hunter. "Derek you're only putting them in danger. Not only do we have to worry about the hunters, but we have to deal with a giant homicidal lizard. They stand no chance."
"You're right. Then we're going to train them." My brother stated firmly and I had to roll my eyes at the fact that he missed the whole purpose of my little speech. He was a lot more stubborn than I thought.
I sat next to Boyd on the stairs as I continuously watched Issac get thrown down yet again by my brother. Bored with watching the same scene getting replayed right in front of me I stood up and walked to the other side of the abandoned warehouse beside me brother.
"This clearly isn't working so why don't you try something else?" I asked Derek who seemed to be struggling to control his temper.
Derek looked over at me, as Issac continued running his way and from the corner of my eye I could see that Issac planned to take advantage of the situation. That was exactly what I was hoping for, but Issac was clearly going for the same move that Derek had taken him down with countless times before. And without even turning away from me Derek was able to grab Issac by the shirt and slam him down on the floor.
"Anyone want to try not being completely predictable?" Derek questioned as he looked at each of us in the eyes, but everyone chose to remain silent.
Issac began to pick himself up from the floor with a groan from having been thrown to the floor yet again, and still none of them understood what it was that Derek was expecting from them.
Erica ran up and with a small jump wrapped her legs around my brothers torso before pulling him into a heated kiss. I rolled my eyes in disgust as I leaned against the wall behind me. I needed something to support me in case I vomited across the floor.
"That could be us you know?" Issac stated as he stood beside me. I was in a horrible mood as it was in no place to be dealing with Issac's flirtations. Especially not when Erica had thrown herself at my brother.
"And you know that's never going to happen." I told him annoyance clearly laced in my voice as I turned to face him. "I'm sure I've made that perfectly clear all the other times I've turned you down."
"You'll come around." He muttered in response a small smile playing on his lips clearly enjoying what he thought was a game. But I simply ignored him as I turned back towards my brother who was now pushing Erica away.
"It's the last time you do that." Derek scolded as an irritated look came across his face. At the moment I couldn't be anymore annoyed at Erica. Sure Issac could be irritating at times with his failed at attempts at flirting, and Boyd just usually kept to himself. Erica on the other hand continuously tried to find new ways of of trying to annoy me.
"Why?" Erica demanded through gritted teeth as she took in sharp breaths from the anger of being humiliated. And I smirk came across my lips at seeing her this upset. "Because I'm a beta?"
"No, because I have someone else in mind for you." Derek stated before he sent an unsure glance in my direction. That look only confirmed that what he was planning was definitely going to be something that I wasn't going to like.
"Are we done?" Issac asked clearly irritated and exhausted, as he rubbed his arm a pained look coming across his face. "I got about 100 bones that need a few hours to heal."
"Okay." My brother stated as he took a step towards Issac, before getting a hold of his arm and twisting it back. The sound of bones cracking was very clear as Issac let out a cry of pain.
I felt a shadow of that pain go through my arm and I had to bit back the angry words that were directed at my brother. As much as Derek's new betas made me angry, the getting hurt made my blood boil. It was an unfortunate instinct that came with being the pack link.
The need to protect them even when I had no genuine desire to.
"You think I am teaching you how to fight?" Derek yelled as he let go of Issac's arm. Everyone froze at my brothers sudden outburst and I could practically feel the fear and uneasiness radiating from Erica and Issac. "Look at me! I am teaching you how to survive!"
"What are they waiting for?" Boyd finally spoke up as he stood up from the seat he had occupied for the past couple of hours.
"I don't know. But they're planning something." Derek told us before he turned towards Issac, and from the look on his face it was clear that he already knew where my brother was going with this. "And you, especially, know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, it killed someone else last night. Until I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything that I know. As fast as I can teach you."
"Good luck with that." I muttered as I was about to walk away. After seeing Derek's three betas fail to do much of anything right for hours all I wanted to do was get away from all of them as soon as possible.
"Alexis your up." Derek stated as he looked at me sternly telling me that this wasn't up for discussion. "Show them how it's done."
I growled at my bother in irritation as I walked to the far end of the room right across form Derek. With a deep breath I shifted before running forward, all too familiar with this training I knew exactly what Derek was expecting. And that was my advantage.
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