34| Strength In Numbers
I walked into the warehouse were Derek, Issac and now Erica were training. Physically their transformations were unlike anything I had every seen, they were unrecognizable from the people that they were before. It was like the teenagers they were never existed.
"What the hell Derek?" I questioned as I walked over to them, but my brother didn't show a bit of emotion as he crossed his arms over his chest. Clearly my opinion meant very little to him. "You have to stop this."
"I'm your alpha you don't get to tell me what to do. It's the other way around." He replied and there were no words to describe how disappointed I was in my brother and the way he had changed since he became an alpha.
When Laura became alpha after the fire it was out of necessity. So that we wouldn't be vulnerable omegas without a pack or alpha. What Derek wasn't out of necessity, it came from a place of greed. A desire for power.
"You really think that turning teenagers into werewolves is going to make you stronger? And not just any teenagers. Teenagers that were never given the time of day."
"Ouch that hurts." Issac commented as he took a step closer to me.
"Don't worry Issac she's just jealous. Well... jealous of me at least." Erica continued as a smile spread across her face and I simply rolled my eyes at her. I wasn't about to fall for her taunting, especially when I knew that she just wanted to get a reaction out of me.
"You really think that this is going to change who you are? Your still those teenagers that nobody ever noticed." I told them before turning back to Derek. "They aren't Scott. They will never be Scott. And you are truly out of your mind if you think that you will be able to make them like Scott."
Derek froze at my words, he clearly hadn't expected me to figure out what he was doing. And I wondered if he had even realized it himself. "I don't want them to be like Scott. I want them to be better."
His words struck me in a way I couldn't explain. I had never realized how much he seemed to be proud of Scott. Maybe it was my ridiculous pride that made me feel a hint of jealousy never having felt that my brother was proud of me. Not that I had ever been too proud to be a werewolf. It was just something that I had accepted and never entirely embraced.
Because I had alway known that if we were never a family of werewolves that we would all be alive. That the fire that killed our entire family had never happened. That maybe we would have had a chance of living like a normal family that wasn't being hunted down. But that wasn't my reality.
The next day I stopped by my locker to get the books I would need for the rest of the day when I heard two familiar footsteps heading in my direction. I didn't have to look up to know who's they were and I waited until I felt both of them behind me.
"Well....are you going to say something?" I questioned as I turned around to face Scott and Stiles. Although Scott seemed a little hesitant, Stiles only seemed slightly annoyed.
"Alex, where were you last night we were calling you?" Stiles asked as I closed my locker.
"I told you I wouldn't go."
"Okay, so how about you tells us who's next?" Scott stated firmly, and I could feel the irritation radiating off of him. "Who is Derek offering the bite to next?"
"I don't know." I told them but that clearly wasn't the answer that Scott wanted. Unfortunately, it was the truth. Derek refused to tell me who he wanted to offer the bite to next. Although he spoke of how important it was to stick together as a pack he didn't trust me.
Not as a member of his pack, and definitely not as his sister.
"I know he needs another. You have to know who."
I took a step closer to them, and they both took one back. And for some reason I felt hurt, and I'm sure they noticed it too as their faces softened. "Look I don't know who's next. But Scott I'm sure he wants you too. He wants you to be a part of our pack. Don't you see the pattern? On how he's choosing them? He thinks that he can shape them to become like you."
"Why are you siding with Derek?" Stiles asked me, and I was sure he couldn't possibly understand. Scott and Stiles always did what was right. The world was black and white to them. Derek and I lived in shades of grey. And because they couldn't see past the wrong I was doing, it seemed that they had missed the clue I had given them. Although I had no idea who Derek's next target is, I was sure that Scott and Stiles would be able to figure it out. "You know it's wrong."
"Because he's my alpha." I stated firmly. "But more importantly he's my brother."
Without another word I started walking down the hall and through the sea of students who were heading off to class. And I couldn't help but feel that I was I had two sides to choose, and my answer to Stiles clearly defined who's side I was on. Yet, a part of me ached because of the fact that I felt that I was splitting myself from my pack.
They couldn't feel what I felt. If they did maybe they would be more willing to bend their moral code and accept Derek's offer.
But that wasn't what I wanted. I knew Derek was wrong. He was putting clueless and desperate teenagers in danger. With all the promises of greatness that Derek made I was sure that he didn't completely explain the danger that we were always in for being what we are.
We all stood behind the doors of the ice rink waiting in silence. I was angry and disappointed, and even as Derek assured me that Boyd would be the last I wasn't entirely sure that was true. Just like Derek had no trust in me, my trust in him had diminished.
"He's coming." I told Derek as I felt Scott getting closer. Derek had just given the bite to Boyd only an hour ago, and I knew better than to try to convince Derek not to. Once he had his mind on something it was difficult to convince him otherwise.
It was no surprise that Scott and Stiles had been able to figure our who my brother's next target was. They had gotten annoyingly good at solving mysteries.
He nodded as he turned towards Issac and Erica who were standing beside me. "Scott isn't going to back down without a fight."
"I'm not fighting Scott." I told him firmly and although my brothers eyes shifted to show off his now red irises I didn't back down. I could look the other way while he turned teenagers into werewolves, but the same couldn't be said for him wanting to hurt Scott or Stiles.
"I'm not asking you to fight Scott. I'm asking you to be on my side. Not his." He told me as his facial features softened. I couldn't go against my brother, I never could. But I also couldn't go against Scott and Stiles, especially when they both have been there for me in the past.
"Boyd. I just wanna talk. Hey, come on, Boyd, please." I heard Scott's voice echo from inside the rink and Derek turned his head listening in too."Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything."
"He told me about the hunters." Boyd replied, Derek slowly started walking towards the doors the led to the ice rink as Erica, Issac, and I followed behind him. Everything about this felt terribly wrong and I couldn't help but wonder how far things would go before Derek realized that what he was doing would end in a disaster.
"And that's not enough for you to say no? Whatever you want there's other ways to get it."
"I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day." Boyd replied, and that when I finally realized exactly why they were doing this. It wasn't for power, maybe that was part of the reason why, but what they really wanted was to be a part of something. To not be lonely anymore. And when Derek offered them to be a part of a pack, they wouldn't refuse.
A pack was a family. A family of people so deeply connected with each other that losing someone felt like losing a limb. There was no pain like it.
"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek." Scott replied and that's what Derek took as his cue to make his appearance.
"That really hurts, Scott." My brother declared as we walked out onto the rink. Scott looked over at me his eyes widening in shock, but I ignored his gaze as I followed my brother as we came to a stop. I wasn't sure what Scott expected of me, but he was clearly disappointed. He had to know that I would always stick by my brothers side. Derek was my brother, but more importantly he was my alpha. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus." He continued as he looked behind his shoulder at his newly bitten betas. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met? "
"Hmm. In a word... transformative." Erica replied with a growl as she showed off her new fangs. And as much as you didn't like this new Erica I couldn't deny that she had learned control rather quickly. With the right training she could become a strong member of the pack.
"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great." Issue replied as we all turned back to Scott who didn't seem pleased with the answers.
Scott nodded as he looked at all of us, analyzing what he was currently up against. "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight."
"Then go home, Scott." Derek ordered him firmly just as Scott shifter into his werewolf form.
"I mean fair for them." Scott growled and Erica eagerly ran forward ready to attack Scott. The fight between the two didn't last long before Scott was able to successfully knock her out. Seeing this Issac too ran towards Scott and although he was able to hold on longer than Erica, Scott proved to be the more experienced wolf.
Not that it should have been much of a surprise to my brother.
I looked over at Derek who had a look of satisfaction on his face. He was proud of Scott and how much he has grown since he was first bitten. Scott wasn't the scared teenager he was before.
"Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him." Scott yelled out as he looked down at Issac and Erica who were laying semi conscious on the ice. Getting a hold of both betas Scott slid them to Derek's feet. I gave Erica a light kick on the shoulder as she slid in front of me, and I couldn't help but feel slightly satisfied with how this played out. "He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"
"It's true. It is about power." Derek agreed as he shifted, his eyes glowing their dominant shade of red. I watched as Derek and Scott began to fight each other, but I knew how this was going to end. My brother was an alpha, he has the upper hand.
When Derek dug his claws into Scott's side that's when I sprung into action. I didn't even think twice as I shifted running towards the two werewolves. At the moment I was running on pure instinct. As Derek was about to make another move I stood in between him and Scott.
Behind me Scott was still trying to pick himself up from the ice, but I could feel his pain. And his wounds would take much longer to heal considering that they were from an alpha. "Derek that's enough." I growled in annoyance. "You proved your point."
Slowly shifting back my brother nodded as Issac and Erica finally got up from finally coming back into full consciousness. "Let's go." Derek order and Boyd finally getting out of his place in the sideline walked over to us.
"Don't." Scott coughed as blood stained the ice. "You don't wanna be like them."
"You're right." Boyd replied as he raised up his shirt revealing the bite mark on his side. "I wanna be like you."
Derek and his pack started to walk out of the ice rink but I stood frozen in place as I watched Scott slowly pick himself up from the floor. Just as I was about to take a step toward him I felt a hand wrap around my arm as my brother pulled me towards him.
I looked up at him, anger probably clear in my eyes as I immediately got out of his grasp and walking towards the exit of the rink. Derek was angry, and I didn't have to feel his emotions to know that. I just went against our pack, I favored Scott, and I knew that Derek wasn't going to take that well. But what I did I couldn't control. I had to protect Scott and the others even if it was against my own brother.
At least that was what I wanted to believe. Because the truth was that when the moment came I didn't know who's side I would choose.
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