31| Problems
I sat in my room trying to study for chemistry knowing that if I failed another one of the quizzes I would certainly fail the entire class. Luckily I didn't have anything to worry about now that Lydia was back, and hopefully everything in our life would stop being so complicated.
They found Lydia at the side of the road where the the ambulance attack had occurred a couple of nights ago. She was entirely nude and there was no explanation as to how she survived some of the coldest nights of the year. But Stiles was there, and according to him Lydia was fine. Other than being shaken up, she seemed to have no memory of what had happed the last couple of nights when she was wondering the woods.
Looking over at the clock at my bedside I realized that it was getting late and Derek still hadn't come back to the loft. Suddenly I felt my eyes uncontrollably shift, and I gripped my bedsheets as I tried to fight for control. I didn't understand what was going until I realized the the last time this happened was when someone was in danger.
Except this time it was different it was someone who I didn't recognize. As I gained control I knew that there was only one explanation for me forming a pack link with someone who I didn't choose. Sitting up I ran out of the loft and followed Derek's scent to a nearby abandoned warehouse.
It wasn't to far from the loft, but it was almost haunting knowing that my opinion on my brother could possibly change forever. I wanted to believe that maybe I was wrong, that I had lost control for only a moment. But there was no mistaking the feeling of creating a new pack bond. He had turned someone.
I could feel it.
It was raining outside but I couldn't care less as I walked across the parking lot. I was beyond angry, but that wasn't my main concern. Someone was obviously in danger, that was the only explanation as to why I could have suddenly lost control in that way.
"Derek what did you do!" I yelled out into the warehouse as I stepped inside the abandoned school bus sitting in the center of the dusty room. Derek was inside attaching some chains to the seat railings of the bus, he didn't even bother looking up at me as he continued doing whatever it was he was doing. And I couldn't help but feel anger at the fact that he thought that he could get away with this. That it seemed to mean so little to him.
"What are you talking about?" He finally asked, although he knew perfectly well what I was talking about.
This time I could almost feel myself about to lose control, only this time it really was just out of anger. "You know what I'm talking about. Who is it? Who did you turn?"
Derek let the chains fall onto the seats before turning to face me, the sound of metal hitting against metal rang throughout the empty warehouse. The action was clearly done in an attempt to intimidate me, but my brother knew better than to think that I was someone who would back down from a fight. "What makes you think I have to run anything by you?"
"And what makes you think that you can go around turning people into werewolves?" I countered as I walked over to him.
"I can as long as they're willing."
"You do realize that there's a full moon tomorrow? How to expect to control a newly bitten beta?" I continued questioning, in hopes that he would realize what he just did. There was no reversing what was already done, but I knew my brother and he had to be planning on creating a bigger pack. Seeing the way the bite destroyed Scott's life was reason enough to want to stop him from doing it to anyone else. "Why did you do it? So, you can be a powerful alpha?"
"I'm doing it to protect you! There's strength in numbers, and this is the only way that we will have a fighting chance against the Argents."
Derek's words left me slightly stunned as I realized that he was actually afraid of the Argents and what they were capable of. And if there's anything that last night showed us is that Allison's grandfather wasn't going to be as understanding as Chris Argent has been.
"Derek? Derek!" Someone's voice echoed from the outside of the bus causing my brother and I to quickly turn around at the sound of a familiar voice. I turned around just as Issac Lahey stepped into the bus, and I looked at him wide eyed realizing that he was the person that Derek turned. The person that he just made part of the pack.
The shy boy that sat next to my during Chemistry agreed to be turned into a werewolf and I couldn't understand what would ever lead him to make such stupid decision.
"What's wrong?" Derek asked as he looked over at a Issac who was soaking wet from the rain. His wet hair falling into his face as he tried to control his breath. He was terrified and as much as I hated him for the decision he made I couldn't ignore the instinctual pull that drew me to him from the pack link that bonded me to him. I felt his fear as my own.
"My dad." He said between panicked breaths. "I think he's dead."
"What did you do?" Derek asked sternly as he stepped around me to get closer to his newly bitten beta. As much of an asshole that my brother was being, his natural instinct to take care of his beta had also taken over.
"That's the thing. It wasn't me." Issac told us as he attempted to catch his breath. HIs eyes briefly meeting mine before he turned his attention back to Derek.
"What do you mean it wasn't you?" I questioned as I walked over to an Issac who could only stare at me with wide eyes. "Then who was it?"
"I...I don't know." Issac stuttered as he ran his hand through his wet hair in frustration. But for someone who apparently had just witnessed his father's murder he didn't seem to be grieving. "I couldn't really see what it was. But...it wasn't human."
I walked towards the school wanting to tell Scott and Stiles about what was going on with Issac before they learned about it any other way. My mind was plagued with conflicting emotions and loyalties. I felt for Issac and the abuse he had experienced in the hands of his father. It didn't entirely excuse the fact that he chose the bite, but I understood that he no longer wanted to feel powerless.
"Alexis!" I heard someone call out, and I turned around find Lydia and Allison walking in my direction. It was my first time seeing Lydia conscious after what happened at the formal and the instant relief I felt at seeing her couldn't me disguised. A genuine smile spread across my lips as I also made my way towards them.
"Hey." I greeted and I surprisingly found myself pulling Lydia into a tight hug. "Lydia. How are you?"
"I doesn't really matter considering I don't remember a thing." She replied as we slowly began walking towards the entrance of the school. She brushed off my question like nothing out of the ordinary had happened to her.
Lydia's hair was perfectly curled and her makeup was as perfect as it had always been before the attack. No one would have guessed that she had gone through what was undoubtedly a traumatic experience. But I understood her decision to act as if nothing had happened.
"You really don't remember anything?" I asked wondering what could have possibly happened that make her run off into the woods for two days. Wondering how she even survived it all without a single scratch.
"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying, 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia replied confidently as we walked up the steps, but I knew that she was just hiding the fact that she was just as confused about this whole situation a we all were.
"Are you ready for this?" Allison questioned as we stopped at the doors that would led us to the inside of the school where Lydia was no doubt going to be what everyone would be gossiping about.
"Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." She replied, Allison and I froze in place as we shared a shocked look. Her words hit a nerve with both of us, whether she realized it or not. I pushed the thought aside as Allison and I both walked behind Lydia who pushed the doors open causing everyone inside to stop what they were to doing to stare at her as if she had suddenly frown an extra set of arms.
Although Lydia was someone who enjoyed having all eyes on her this was definitely the exception as all she could do was freeze at the doorway, the reality of what happened to her for the past two days finally settling in. I couldn't help but feel guilty all over again, if it wasn't for my uncle Lydia would have never been in this situation to begin with.
"Maybe it's the nine pounds." Allison suggested giving Lydia the boost of confidence that she needed. Lydia flipped her hair past her shoulder and began to walk away with her held up high. I smiled at the fact that Lydia was so much stronger than she looked as Allison and I began to walk behind her.
"I actually have to go." I told them before I slowly started to walk away not giving them a moment to question where I was going.
I had to tell Scott and Stiles what was going on. Once I got to the lacrosse field I saw as all the players were lined up in front of the goalie. I watched as one of the players ran forward only to get tackled by the goalie who began smelling them, and that's when I realized that the goalie was Scott.
"Uh, coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm gonna..I'm gonna sit this one out." I heard Jackson say before walking towards the nearby benches, his actions left me wondering what exactly was going on with him, but I pushed the thought aside knowing I had more important things to worry about.
"Stiles!" I called out, he looked around the field before his eyes settled on me giving me a confused look. I motioned him over, and once coach turned away to begin yelling at Scott, Stiles ran over to me.
"What is Scott doing?" I asked as I looked back onto the field as he tackled another player, and I couldn't help but be amused at the sight.
"There's another werewolf and Scott he's..." Stiles stopped as he looked at me questioningly. "You know about the other werewolf."
I nodded as I looked back onto the field where Issac was looking our way, before looking starlight ahead, as he was next in line. I knew that he was hearing every word and some part of me felt like I was betraying him by warning Scott and Stiles. "It's Issac."
"What other Issac is there on the lacrosse team?" I questioned with slight irritation at the pointless question. "But that not the worst part, last night..."
"This is not good." Stiles muttered as we looked back onto the lacrosse field where Scott and Issac were running towards each other at the same speed before colliding into each other. And at that point Scott knew too, but that really wasn't what he was referring to.
Sheriff Stilinski was walking across the field followed by two other officers, and I already knew why they were here. Coach ended practice as he waited for the officers the reach them. And I felt dread wash over me knowing that they were for Issac, that they thought he was responsible for the death of his father.
"Come on." Stiles said as he got a hold of my hand and lead me out across the field where the rest of the players had already gathered while Sheriff Stilinski took Issac aside. Scott walked over to us as we stepped aside not wanting anyone to overhear our conversation.
"Issac went to see Derek last night. His father's dead." I told them once we were at a far enough distance.
"He killed him?" Scott asked, horrified at the idea of Issac possibly losing control in that way.
"No. No, he says it wasn't him." I replied quickly.
"Well, Issac is his son so that might make him suspect." Stiles told us, and he was right Issac and his father lived alone, so that would make him the number one suspect on his father's murder. No matter how unfair it seemed.
"That means they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours." Scott reminded us.
"During the full moon." I added realizing just how complicated this situation was really getting, Derek should have never let Issac come to school. It wasn't safe.
"How good are these holding cells at holding people? "
"People, good." Stiles said slowly, as a worried expression also came over him. "Werewolves, probably not that good."
"Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?" Scott questioned as he looked over at Issac who was now being handcuffed by Sheriff Stilinski. "He does."
It was difficult to continue the day as if Issac wasn't currently detained at the police station during the full moon when he could lose control at any moment.
"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked me as he leaned across the counter. I looked to my side at the empty seat that Issac always occupied before turning around to face Scott and Stiles. It wasn't until now that I felt his absence, and it was frustrating knowing that we couldn't do anything to help him just yet.
"I don't know, he won't tell me anything." I admitted, out of everyone in Beacon Hills I truly had no idea why Issac Lahey was so special. Or what Derek could possibly see in him.
"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving." Stiles added, but that wasn't entirely true. No one knew why some people rejected the bite. It was just one of the consequences that getting bitten came with. I had never questioned it until now.
"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asked optimistically.
"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness. Wait." Stiles stated before turning around to to face Danny who was sitting at the back of the class. "Danny. Where's Jackson?"
"In the principal's office talking to your dad." Danny replied a hint of annoyance in his voice whether it was because Stiles was interrupting him or that his best friend was stuck in the principals office I didn't know.
"What? Why?"
"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac." Danny stated before looking back down at his textbook, clearly not open to answering any more questions.
"Witness." Stiles muttered before he turned back to us. "We gotta get to the principal's office."
"How?" I questioned, before a mischievous smile spread across Stiles' face telling me he had an idea. He ripped a sheet of paper out of his notebook before crumbing it up in his hand.
"Everyone please turn to page 73." Harris instructed as he turned toward away from the class giving Stiles a chance to throw the paper ball at the back of Mr. Harris' head. "Who in the hell did that?"
Harris looked around the room before his eyes landed on us, Scott was pointing at Stiles as Stiles was point straight ahead at me. Seeing I had no other choice I let out a sigh before pointing at Scott.
"The three of you principals office. Now!" Harris ordered at the pointed at the door. Scott, Stiles and I gathered our belongings before walking out of the classroom together. Of course ever single one of Stiles' plans involved us getting in trouble.
"Stiles you do realizes this is going to be your second detention this week." Scott asked as we walked down the empty hall.
"And I don't expect it to be my last." Stiles replied, as we took a seat at the chairs lined at the outside of the principles office. Scott and I tried to listen into anything that Jackson was saying that could be useful, but the only thing that we learned was that he lives right across the street from Issac and his father.
Suddenly the door to the principals office opened and Stiles immediately picked up a magazine from a nearby chair in an attempt to hide his face. Jackson came out of the room, but didn't even give us a second glance before walking in the direction of our chemistry class. A couple seconds later Stiles' father walked out and looked at the three of us questioningly.
"Hi, Scott. Alexis" Sheriff Stilinski greeted as he looked at his son who was pretending to read a magazine. He simply shook his head in disappointment before walking off and only when he was a couple of steps away did Stiles put down the magazine.
The door opened again and while we were expecting our principal to come get us, the man that stepped out left us frozen in our seats. Images of what happened a couple of nights ago surfaced as I recognized the man as Allison's grandfather. The fear that suddenly gripped me was unmatched, but I wasn't going to let a hunter intimidate me.
"Come on in." He told us before stepping back inside his office. Scott, Stiles and I looked at each other in surprise, and from the look on Scott's face I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was. Quietly we stepped inside the office as we sat in the three chairs in front of large wooden desk.
Once we were all settled in Allison's grandfather picked up three files that were sitting at the top of his desk. "Alexis Hale." He read off of one of the files before he looked up at me with wide eyes. "You wouldn't be related to Derek Hale, would you?"
"Does it really matter?" I questioned as I sat up straighter, he looked at me and smiled before turning back to the files in his hand. He hide his emotions well, but I could smell the anger and hatred coming from him. The smell was enough to want to make me sick.
"Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete." He continued to read before moving onto the next file. "Mr. Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."
"Oh, actually I'm already..."
"Hold on. McCall." He read again interrupting Stiles. "You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."
"We were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other at all." Scott began to ramble nervously as Allison's grandfather chuckled in amusement.
"Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."
"Just a hard breakup." Scott said softly as he looked away from the man.
"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen, guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." Gerard Argent told us and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the comment, he was choosing his words carefully and enjoying every moment.
"Heh, is that so?" Stiles muttered sarcastically, but luckily they were words that our new principal didn't hear. I could almost slap Stiles for being sarcastic in a moment like this.
"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention." He told us before his eyes landed on me. "How about you Miss Hale? Out of these two boys you seem to have the least amount of detentions. What would you think about spending a detention with me?"
"Something tells me I don't really have a choice." I countered in a challenging tone that caused him to chuckle in response.
"I'll stay in detention with her." Stiles suddenly announced, and we all looked at him in slight shock.
"Mr. Stilinski are you telling me that you willingly want to get yourself in detention?" Allison's grandfather asked in disbelief.
"Well, yeah." Stiles replied with a simple shrug.
"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way Mr. Stilinski."
Stiles looked around and reached over for a pencil that was sitting on his desk and snapped it in half. "Now you have no other choice but to give me detention."
"Then it seems that both of you will be joining Mr. Harris in detention then."
Stiles groaned beside me, definitely regretting what he just willingly got himself into. "Of course it had to be Harris."
"I thought it was going to be a detention with you?" I asked as I looked at him, anger probably clear in my eyes. I had nothing to hide he already knew what I was, I could only hope that this wouldn't put Scott and Stiles in danger.
"I did. But I just remembered that I have a school board meeting that I must attend." He replied as he placed his hands on top of his desk. "Scott you can go now. I'm just going to talk to your friends here about detention."
Scott nodded before he gathered his things, leaving the room without another word. Stiles and I on the other hand had to stay with Allison's creepy grandfather, and all I could think of was how he could have possibly become the principal over night. "So you two, make sure you stay out of trouble now. Wouldn't want you to get into anything that you will regret."
"Noted." Stiles said as he picked his backpack from the floor. "Can we go now?"
"Of course." And with that Stiles and I immediately stood up from our seat and practically ran out of the principles office.
"You didn't have to do that." I told Stiles once the door closed behind us.
"You mean leave you in a room alone with a werewolf hunter. Yeah I think I did." He replied as we walked down the familiar halls that led us back towards Harris' class. "And is it really that hard for you to say thank you?"
"Why should I say thank you, when you and Scott were the ones to get me stuck in this problem in the first place." I countered as I adjusted the strap to my backpack.
"There really is no winning with you is there?"
"No." I confirmed as we walked into Harris' room, where he was already waiting to start detention. "But thank you."
Stiles smiled and I almost want to take back my words. I hated that I actually felt safe knowing that Stiles was willing to go through detention with me to not leave me alone with an Argent. I hated that I felt scared to begin with, But I really was grateful for Stiles in this moment.
"Now you two are going to have to sit through an extended detention for what you have done." Harris told us as we took our seats at the front row. Today had to be the worst day for us to get stuck in detention, we had to find a way to get Issac out of police custody before things went wrong. And knowing our luck they were definitely going to wrong.
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