30| Omega
I walked in Chemistry, where Scott and Stiles were already in their usual seats. Taking my seat I finally noticed who Scott and Stiles were talking about. The guy who I now knew was Issac Lahey was at the seat beside mine looking down at the pencil in his hands.
The second the final bell rang Harris began passing out a sheet of paper that I realized was a quiz. I groaned knowing that there was no way that I was going to pass this, after the events of the past couple of days studying for Chemistry was the least of my worries. And even if I had studied I was so tired it was like the words were swimming on the page.
"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." Harris called out once he noticed that Stiles was talking. I hadn't even noticed that he and Scott were whispering behind me because me exhaustion wouldn't allow me to focus on more than one thing at once.
"Can you do that?" Stiles countered only making the situation even worse for himself.
"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently." Mr. Harris continued to threaten as the class attempted to contain their laugh. Scott looked back for a second with a look of amusement ton his face before Harris cleared his throat in annoyance. "Will I see you at detention you too, Mr.McCall?"
"No, sir." Scott immediately replied as we all turned our attention back to the test in front of us. Just as the class settled back into silence the scratching from one of the chairs in the back broke the silence as Jackson ran out of the class.
Knowing something was wrong I stood up with the intention of going after him when Harris also stood from his desk. I could hear Jackson's heart beating wildly in his chest and I could smell the fear coming off of him. It wasn't normal and it felt instinctual to want to know what was wrong.
"Miss Hale please sit down before I make you join Mr. Stilinski after class." Harris scolded, and with a sigh I took a seat trying to to put my attention back to the test in front of me. I was at a point where I couldn't fail another test or I would be failing the entire class.
I put my name at the corner of my paper knowing that those were probably going to be the only points that I was going to receive. An hour later the bell rang and everyone stood from their seats and began exiting the classroom. Everyone except Stiles, who was stuck in here for another hour.
"I need to ask you a favor." Scott said as he followed me down the hall to my locker.
"Am I going to regret saying yes?" I asked skeptically as I placed my textbooks back in my locker.
"No, but your certainly not going to like what I'm going to ask."
"Just ask Scott."
"Can you come with me to Kate's funeral?" Scott said quickly causing me to slam my locker shut to face him. He flinched as he gave me a hopeful smile, but I was furious at the fact that he would even ask. Like if he didn't know the history behind what he was asking. Or the way that it would affect me being there.
"I am not going to that bitches funeral. There is just no way." I told him as I began to walk down the hallway that was already flooded with student eager to get home.
"Come on I know that it's a lot to ask, but it would be nice if you were there."
"Do you even know what your asking me?" I continued in complete disbelief.
"I'm asking you to be there for Allison, who would really appreciate your support." Scott countered, and I didn't know if that was a good enough reason.
With a sigh I turned towards Scott contemplating what I wanted to do. I was ready to turn him down before I remembered what Allison had told us yesterday. About the others coming to town. Suddenly it made sense, of course the rest of the Argents would come into town for Kate Argents funeral. And suddenly that became reason enough.
"Fine. But I'm only going because knowing that bitch is going to be six feet underground is going to bring me a lot of joy." I replied through gritted teeth feeling the need to control the anger that was suddenly beginning to take a hold of me. It was an anger that I knew would never go away. It was stuck to me permanently.
But it was a pain and anger that I never wanted to go away. It wanted to die with that hurt because sometimes it felt like it was the only thing that allowed me to make it through the day.
Scott and I were hidden behind a gravestone as we watched a crowd of reporters continuously snap pictures of the funeral and the Argents. The police department was attempting to control the crowds of reporters who were attempting to get better shots of the ceremony.
"You know when you told me we were going to Kate's funeral I thought you meant actually attend. Not watch from afar." I muttered as I watched an older man approach Allison and her family.
"Do I have to remind you that the Argent's hate us?" Scott told me as if that wasn't completely obvious.
"I don't see why. They're the ones hunting and killing us." I countered, before turning my full attention to trying to figure out who the older man was.
"Gerard. I'm so sorry." Allison's mother told him as they gave each other a hug, the sight making me want to vomit.
"Yo." Stiles said as he crouched down beside us, just getting released from detention.
"Do you remember me?" Gerard asked Allison as he stood in front of her, and judging from he look on Allison's face she was extremely uncomfortable.
"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asked as he also noticed the older man.
"Definitely an Argent." I replied before turning my attention back to the man. Suddenly the man turned in our direction and the three of us immediately hid farther behind the headstone, hoping that we weren't seen. A well trained hunter had good instincts, and something about this man sent a chill though me.
"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa." The man said to Allison as he took a seat beside her. "So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa."
"Hey, you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral. I mean what if they're the non-hunting side of the family?" Stiles suggested trying to calm us down, and it wasn't until he said this that I noticed how tense Scott and I were. "There could be non-hunting Argents. It's possible, right?"
"I know what they are. They're reinforcements." Scott stated, knowing that they were here for us.
Suddenly Scott and Stiles were pulled to their feet as they both held onto my arms pulling me up with them. "The three of you. Unbelievable." Sheriff Stilinksi muttered as he pulled us away from the funeral.
On the way he began to lecture us about invasion of privacy and the consequences of trespassing. He opened the door to his car where the three of us climbed inside. I couldn't believe that I was in the back of a cop car in-between Scott and Stiles, but at this point I really shouldn't be surprised.
"If Derek finds out he's literally going to kill me." I muttered before Sheriff Stilinksi got into the front seat, and before he could continue lecturing us static began to come through the radio.
"4-1-5 Adam." A voice came through the police radio.
"I didn't copy that." Sheriff Stilinksi replied as he picked up the radio. "Did you say 4-1-5 Adam?"
"Disturbance in a car." Stiles whispered, obviously understanding what the code meant.
"They were taking a heart attack victim...D.O.A. But on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em." The other officer replied, hearing this Stiles, Scott and I looked at each other in shock. We didn't need to say anything to understand what we were all thinking. That it might be Lydia
"Hit the ambulance?" Sheriff Stilinski repeated, confused about what he was hearing.
"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere."
"All right, unit 4, what's your 20?"
"Route 5 and post. I swear, I've never seen anything like this." The man replied confusion and fear laced in his voice.
"All right, take it easy. I'm on my way." Hearing this Stiles slowly opened the car door as Scott and I followed him out. Once we were all out we ran towards Stiles' Jeep before the Sheriff would notice that we were gone. Not that I figured he would care much.
The man obviously had bigger problems to worry about.
"What the hell is Lydia doing?" Stiles asked once we reached the ambulance. The van itself was covered in blood, it looked like a wild animal had torn someone apart. There were about a dozen police officers on the scene as we watched them from behind a tree.
"I don't know." Scott muttered not taking his eyes off the horrific scene in front of us.
"What kept you from doing that, was it Allison?"
"I hope so." Scott replied, and I refused to think that Lydia would actually do this. That she was this out of control. Focusing on the scents in the area I realized that Lydia's scent wasn't at the scene.
"That's not Lydia." I muttered as I took a couple steps closer to the scene. "That's not her scent."
"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked as he looked over at me questioningly.
"Lydia didn't do this." I clarified, but from the way both boys were looking at me I slowly began to question whether or not I was in denial. That I didn't want to guilt of knowing that Lydia had become a monster because of me. Because my evil uncle wanted to prove some kind of point. But I had to go with me instinct.
And that instinct was telling me that Lydia was nt responsible for any of this.
"Then who did?" Scott asked, and I knew that we were all relieved to know that Lydia wasn't the one that was doing all of this.
"That what we're going to find out." I replied before running of in the direction that the scent lead to. I heard Scott also take off after me, but I was to focused on wanting to find out who was doing this to slow down for him.
Suddenly I was yanked back by the arm falling into my brother who steadied me. "I told you to not go running around this late at night. What are you doing out here?"
"I'm guessing the same as you...looking for Lydia." I replied as I tried to catch my breath, a few seconds later I heard Scott run past us, but turned my attention back to my brother.
"You have to start telling me where your running off to this late at night."
"I will, once you tell me what ever it is that your hiding from me. Last night you were doing more than just looking for Lydia." I countered, his eyed widened, not expecting me to accuse him. There was no denying that we had grown apart since he became an alpha, even if neither one of us wanted to admit it just yet.
"I'm your older brother, I don't have to tell you anything. You on the other hand do. I told you..."
"Not to go out at night." I repeated what he has been telling me for the past couple of days. "But you've never told me why."
"I'll tell you why. Follow me." He ordered before running in the direction that Scott went to. I heard multiple footsteps behind us and when we finally caught up to Scott, that's when I saw a man hanging from a tripwire similar to the one Scott was caught in last night.
Derek reached out pulling Scott behind a nearby tree as he held onto him tightly. I also hid behind the tree still not understanding what Derek had planned.
"Wait! Stop!" Scott yelled as he tried to get out of my brother's tight hold. Taking a closer look at the man I realized that he was a werewolf too, and by the way he was growling and thrashing around, he seemed out of control. And from how pathetic he looked I immediately recognized what he was. An omega. "What are you doing? I can help him."
"They're already here." My brother replied referring to the sound of nearby footsteps in our direction.
"I can help him!" Scott tried again, a part of me also wanted to go help the man, but I also knew that it was too much of a risk. And we couldn't afford to risk our lives for a man that we didn't even know. Not with so many hunters in town.
"Quiet!" Derek ordered when Chris Argent came into view, seeing this Scott stropped struggling.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Argent asked as he slowly stepped in front of the man.
"Nothing. Nothing, I swear. I swear." The man pleaded clearly terrified.
"You're not from here, are you? Are you?!"
"No. No, I came... I came looking for the Alpha." The man stuttered and we all stiffened as we realized that he head come here in search for Derek. It was something that I hadn't expected, but made complete sense. Every time there was a new alpha omegas desperate for a pack tried to find a new home. "I heard he was here. That's all. Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't, I swear."
"Gentlemen!" Allison's grandfather exclaimed as he and a group of hunters approached the man. "Take a look at a rare sight." He yelled with pride, like he just caught a trophy. "You wanna tell them what we've caught?"
"An Omega." Chris Argent replied simply.
"The lone wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack.Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. And possibly alone by his own choice. Certainly not a wise choice. Because, as I am about to demonstrate an Omega rarely survives on his own." Gerald continued to say as he pulled out a large blade holding it in front of him. With one swift motion a the blade went through the man cutting him in half.
I gasped as I immediately turned away horrified by the sight. Scott tried to look away, but Derek forced him to look up, clearly wanting to make a point. A point that I also finally understood. They're the reason why Derek didn't want me out on my own, the hunters are heartless and will stop at nothing to kill us all.
"Look. Look. Look at them! You see what they do?" Derek questioned as he let go of Scott, seeing that he finally got the message. "This is why you need me. Why we need each other. The only way to fight them is together."
"What are they doing?" Scott asked in a strained voice, still registering what we just witnessed.
"Declaring war." Derek replied with a growl as he looked straight ahead at the hunters.
"We have a code." Chris Argent declared as he stood defiantly in front of his father.
"Not when they murder my daughter. No code. Not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening? Because I don't care if they're wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless begging for their life with the promise that they will never, ever hurt anyone." Gerard told the other hunters, and as he continued his speech that when I understood the danger. This man would stop at nothing to make sure that he killed us. "Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them. We kill them. We kill them all."
It was shocking to hear his words. To hear that they were going to ignore the code that they always claimed to be so sacred to them. But it shouldn't have been a surprise, the hunters had no honor. They were heartless and cruel.
They were the real monsters.
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