28| Unplanned Outcomes
I sat in the passenger's seat as Peter continued to drive down the familiar road that lead to our old house. Most of the ride was spent in silence until Peter looked over at me with a slight smirk on his face. Everything seemed to lead back to that damn house. It was going to be the beginning and end of everything. "Don't frown."
"Do you want me to jump from excitement?" I asked in annoyance as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I thought that you and Derek of all people would want justice for what the Argents did to us." Peter said not taking his eyes off the road, but his hands tightened around the wheel revealing how he truly felt. He felt betrayal on our part for not taking his side, for seeing him as the enemy. And maybe if Peter had approached this differently we would have. If he hadn't murdered Laura I might have been able to sympathize with him. "Especially Derek, since this is so much more personal for him."
I knew that Peter was baiting me and that he was only telling me this so that I could ask more about it. But I had to know, I had enough of being kept in the dark by Derek. Even if Peter wasn't someone that I could trust to tell the truth. "What are you talking about?"
"Derek never told you did he?" He continued adding fake sympathy into his voice.
"Lately I feel like everyone is keeping secrets from me." I countered my voice void of any kind of emotion. "But how about you just tell me what you're clearly dying to tell me?"
"Alexis, I'm not telling you this because I want to hurt you, but because you deserve to know." Peter told me and I wasn't stupid enough to fall for his attempts of manipulation. "Kate is the one responsible for the fire."
"Your telling me this as if it wasn't something I already knew."
"What you don't know is that your brother was rolling around in bed with the woman that murdered our family." He stated and I froze, immediately shaking my head knowing that it couldn't possibly be true. Even if a part of me wanted to believe that Derek would have told me this. "I know what your thinking, and it is true. Derek led Kate right to..."
"I don't want to hear it Peter." I told him as I looked out the window, satisfied Peter remain quiet the rest of the drive until we arrived at our old house. Peter reached out into the front seat grabbing a plastic bag and throwing it on my lap.
"So you can get out of that ridiculous dress." He stated stepping out of the car. I watched as he entered the house, before I opened the bag. I pulled out the clothes and shoes that were inside quickly changing into them before stepping out of the car.
I knew that there was no running from him, and Peter knew it too, that's why he left me alone knowing that I would have to come back. With a sigh I walked into the house where Peter stood looking around him. "I'm not the bad guy here. It's the Argents who are at fault for leaving us all to burn in this fire."
"Just tell me what you're planning." I told him not wanting to stay on the subject any longer. All I have ever wanted to do was forget, and I didn't want Peter putting any ideas in my head. I didn't want to continue living in the past, it was painful and already followed me everyday of my life.
"Just wait." He muttered slowly and not much time passed before I began hearing voices outside. I heard Derek and Scott before Allison and Kate attacked them, taking a step forward in an attempt to stop Kate, Peter immediately stopped me as he got a tight hold of my arm.
"Wait. Lets see how this all plays out." Peter told me as he slowly let go of my arm. Nothing made sense. It was all chaos in my mind and I couldn't seem to focus on trying to find a way out of this. Maybe like Stiles I had simply given up.
"Kate! I know what you did. Put the gun down." I heard Chris yell out.
"I did what I was told to do." She replied, with determination and knowing what I did now I felt that burning hatred that Peter wanted to take a hold of me.
"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16-year-old boy with no proof he spilled human blood." Chris argued, and I closed my eyes realizing that I couldn't let any of this go any further, no matter what Kate did do us, killing her just wasn't the right thing to do. It would make me no better than her. "We go by the code. We hunt those who hunt us. Put the gun down before I put you down."
I ran out of the house causing everyone to turn my way as Kate and her brother held their weapons directly at me, but I didn't acknowledge them as I met Scott's eyes.
"Alexis what are you doing here?" Scott questioned having not expected me here. But the fact that he hadn't been able to sense me revealed how little control of his abilities he had. He still had a lot to learn and maybe if things went terribly tonight he would never learn how.
"He's here." I was all I said as I looked over at the house, Scott seemed to understand what was happening as he immediately looked over at Allison.
"Allison, get back."
"What is it?" Allison asked as she looked at Scott with fear in her eyes. She was in over her head, she knew about us now but I doubted her family had given her the full story.
"It's the Alpha." I replied as I took a couple steps back when the door of the house slowly creaked open and a black blur ran out. As the blur ran it knocked us all down to the ground, Peter was so fast he didn't even give us a real fighting chance. Everyone except Kate he was thrown to the front porch of the house.
"No!" Allison exclaimed as Peter grabbed Kate by the throat dragging her into the house. I immediately stood as Allison ran into the house after her aunt and I stopped in my tracks when I watched Allison staring in horror as Peter's claws were digging into her aunt's neck. Derek and Scott also walked into the room as we all stood in silence waiting for Peter's next move.
"She is beautiful, Kate. She looks like you. Probably not as damaged. So I'm going to give you a chance to save her. Apologize." Peter said with pain in his voice, his hold on Kate only getting tighter. "Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it. And I'll let her live."
"I'm sorry." Kate breathed out with panic in her eyes. Peter closed his eyes at her words before his claws ripped through her throat.
I should have felt something at the gruesome sight. But I felt nothing.
"I don't know about you, Allison, but that apology didn't sound very sincere."
"Run!" Scott ordered with a growl, Allison immediately reacted as she ran out of the house leaving Scott, Derek, and I alone with Peter. The three of us shifting into our werewolf forms. Scott and Derek were the first to run forward to only be instantly thrown across the room.
Seeing this I ran forward jumping on the table gaining enough moment to kick Peter on the chest causing him to fall backwards. But the small victory didn't last long as Peter immediately got up fighting against the animalistic instinct that was telling him to turn into his full alpha form. Derek and Scott got back up as we continued to try to fight Peter who was able block all of our moves without effort on his part. We were more of an inconvenience to him than anything. Even together we were no match for him.
Running towards Peter he shifted into his full alpha form raising his arm hitting me, and I was immediately sent back going through the wall falling on the wet grass outside.
"Alexis!" Allison cried out as she made an attempt to get to me but I immediately raised my hand stopping her.
"No. Stay away." I told her as Scott was also thrown outside moments later. Peter stalked out of the house from the hole in the wall slowly walking towards us. At this point it was clear that no matter how much we kept fighting against him that there was no way that we would ever win this fight.
Suddenly a bright light hit and we all turned around to find out that it came from the headlights of a familiar silver Porsche. Stiles and Jackson both stepped out of the car holding bottles in their hands. We sat there on the floor confused on exactly their plan was, before Stiles stepped up throwing the bottle directly at Peter who immediately caught it.
"Oh, damn." Stiles muttered as Scott immediately grabbed Allison's bow.
"Allison!" He yelled as he tossed her the bow, acting quickly she lined up an arrow letting it hit its target as it shattered the bottle in Peter's hand that immediately burst into flames. I instinctively moved away from he bright flames as Peter began releasing bowls of pain before Jackson also threw the second bottle that hit Peter's chest, this time igniting on impact.
But, Peter wasn't going to let himself fall as easily as he began stalking towards Allison still in flames. Scott stood without a second thought kicking my uncle in the stomach sending him flying backwards, and when Peter fell over the flames died out leaving him just as he was that night so many years ago. His flesh eaten away by the unforgiving flames.
I sat there in shock at the fact that this was finally over and at the fact that it was Stiles and Jackson who were able to stop the alpha. Shock that the nightmare was finally over.
We achieved what Derek and came here to do. We took down the alpha, we could finally leave Beacon Hills.
After all that was all I had wanted all along.
"No! Wait!" Scott suddenly yelled as as he got to his feet. I turned around to find my brother standing over Peter's burnt body as he got down on his knees. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family...what am I supposed to do?"
We all watched my brother anxiously as he looked down at Peter. Scott was desperate to get his life back to normal, but I knew that it was need for revenge that was clouding by brother's judgment.
"You've already decided. I can smell it on you!" Peter yelled, and from where I was sitting I could see the determination in Derek's eyes. Raising his hands and extending his claws, I stood up in shock and disbelief that he was actually going to go through with this.
That he would murder our uncle in order to become alpha.
"Wait! No, no! Don't!" Scott yelled before Derek 's claws cut through Peter's throat killing him instantly. Everyone watched in silence as my brother stood slowly looking up at us.
"What did you do?" I muttered slowly.
"I'm the Alpha now." Derek growled as his eyes shifted into a dominating shade of red, and I immediately felt my eyes shift as I accepted my brother as my alpha. I should have felt relieved.
Relieved that I finally had an alpha and that it was my brother. That now we would be stronger togetherness. But something simply didn't feel right. LikeDerek being an alpha was a mistake. And as much as I wanted to shake that feeling it stuck with me.
Scott, Stiles, and I slowly made our way through the busy halls of the hospital hoping that we wouldn't be stopped by any of the nurses again. Once we made it to Lydia's room we looked around before I opened the door her room getting down to the floor followed by Scott. "Shut the door. Shut the door." Scott ordered Stiles who was the last one to get in.
Immediately falling to the floor Stiles slowly began closing the door as it let out a loud creaking noise causing us all to cringe as Stiles froze. I sighed in annoyance as Stiles attempted to close the door again, but as he pushed it farther the creaking noise seemed to be getting louder.
Once the door was finally closed Stiles fumbled with the lock for a second before once again falling to the floor.
"Oh, God." Stiles muttered with a sigh before he noticed both Scott and I glaring at him in annoyance. "What?"
Without another word I got to my feet as we all began walking hesitantly towards a still unconscious Lydia. She survived the bite, but she should have been healed by now. The bite should have taken effect.
"Do it." Stiles said as he took a cautious step back unable to be anywhere near Lydia.
"You do it." Scott immediately replied also taking a step back.
"I can't. I'm way too worried." Stiles stated nervously as he looked away going pale.
"You two are impossible." I muttered as I pushed them both out of the way to stand beside Lydia. The truth was that I was just as worried, but I pushed my worry asked as I slowly lifted the bandage in her side. My eyes widened as I looked at the still fresh wound, it showed no signs of healing.
"Is it completely healed?" Stiles questioned his head still turned away.
"No, not at all." Scott replied as he looked down at her open wound just amazed and confused as I was.
Stiles finally looked at Lydia before looking at us equally as confused. "I don't get it. The doctor said she'd be fine."
"Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me. Which means..."
"She's not a werewolf." I stated, and I wanted to feel relieved but the fact that we didn't know what was going on with her only made me worried more.
"Then what the hell is she?" Stiles asked none of us taking our eyes off of Lydia's unconscious body.
I shook my head unable to come up with an answer. The lore stated that if the bite didn't turn you it could kill you. As far as I knew it wasn't possible to be immune. Either a person's body accepted the bite or it rejected it. Which meant that Lydia was either immune or she was something else entirely. "I...I don't know."
^^^A/N Well this is the end of part one. I really see part one as more of an introduction to the story as a whole as it's mostly all set up and introducing character relationships and dynamics. Throughout the series we will get to see Alexis begin to gain a better understanding of what it is to be the pack link and her taking her place in the pack. I know you all love your romance and trust me I love romance too, but you all know I am a slow burn girl and this is definitely going to be a very slow burn. You won't see it coming until it happens and that's really part of the fun. But tell me who would you like to see Alexis with?
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