26| The Formal
Getting out of the car I walked up the porch steps to the front door of the McCall house. I knocked at the door waiting for someone to open as I thought about how terrible this night was probably going to be. I had no doubt in my mind that Peter was going to act tonight, and we were completely blind to what he could possibly be planning.
After my encounter with Peter the other day I couldn't shake the feeling that things were going exactly how he wanted them to. My uncle didn't seem at all concerned.
"Hi, Ms. McCall." I greeted as soon as she opened the doo, a bright smile on the woman's face.
"Alexis hey! You look amazing." She replied a lot more excited about this dance than I could ever be. "Are you going...what's the word Scott used...stag...stag too?"
I nodded slowly feeling uncomfortable. Not only did I not know her well, but it was the feeling that I was lying to her that didn't sit well with me. She had no idea what was really going on, Melissa was entirely oblivious to what was happening to her son. That maybe after tonight she would possibly not see him again. Maybe even Scott wasn't aware of the fact. "Yeah, Scott and I are going as friends."
"Well that's great." She replied with one last smile before looking behind her. "Scott! Hurry up!" She yelled before turning back to me with a smile on her face. "He'll be down soon."
I didn't have to wait long before Scott hurriedly made his way down the stairs before stopping front of his mom who quickly fixed his tie. "Come on lets go." Scott told me as he tried to walk out the door only to be stopped by his mom.
"Stop right there. I need to get some pictures."
"No!" Scott and I exclaimed in unison, both horrified of the idea of having our photos taken. This wasn't a moment that we wanted photographed, and if my suspicions were true it wouldn't be a night that we would want to remember.
"No?" Ms. McCall repeated in surprise, yet the look in her eyes told us that she wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Wait right here you two. I need to get my camera."
Scott and I watched as his mother ran into the other room, and we waited in silence at the front steps not sure exactly what it either of us should do. It was awkward and a situation that was knew for the two of us. But mostly it was the nerves of everything going on around us that caused us to feel uncomfortable in our own skin. "You look nice."
"Thanks." I replied starting to become anxious, wanting to get this night over with as soon as possible. The compliment didn't even completely register in my mind as I continued to try to figure out what Peter could possibly be planning for tonight. He liked to make a show and tonight offered up the perfect stage.
A few seconds later Ms. McCall rushed back into the room with a camera in her hands.
"Okay now smile." She ordered as she held the camera up in front of us, seeing that we were standing apart from each other she made a gesture telling us to stand closer together. Scott sighed, but still stood beside me. Cautiously he placed his hand on my back, almost like he expected me to snap his arm in half because of the gesture. And maybe a couple of weeks ago I would have.
Forcing a smile at the camera a part of me couldn't help but think what it would be like if my mother was still here. Seeing Scott's mom being to excited to see his son go to a high school dance made me miss my mom more than ever. The realization that I would never live these kinds of moments with her was devastating. And even Derek wasn't here for a moment like this.
"Perfect." Melissa said as she looked down at the camera with a satisfied smile. "Now have fun you two."
"Okay. Bye mom." Scott said quickly before grabbed my hand pulling me out the door before closing it behind him. With a sigh I began walking over to the car as Scott followed behind me.
"Is Derek okay with us using his car?" Scott suddenly questioned as we got into the car.
"I don't know he isn't here to yell at me about it." I replied numbly as I drove down the road that would take us straight to the school. The entire drive we sat in silence knowing that we weren't going to the dance to have a good time, but to try to prevent something bad from happening. That moments ago taking those pictures was all a show and the last bit of normalcy that tonight would offer.
"Okay so here's the plan." Scott stated as I turned off the car while we sat in the school parking lot watching students happily make their way into the building. "We're going to get up onto the roof and then..."
"Now I see why it's Stiles who comes up with the plans." I muttered in disbelief at his need to overcomplicate every situation.
"You have have a better plan?"
"I get into the dance and open the back door of the gym to let you in." I stated as he looked at me blankly.
"I like that. We'll go with your plan." Scott said as he got out of the car, I rolled my eyes as I also got out of Derek's car joining Scott outside. Nervously I tugged at the hem of my dress suddenly feeling self-conscious about all the eyes around me.
"Okay, I'll see you inside." I told him as I walked towards the entrance of the school that was decorated with balloons and other cheap party decorations. Once I made it into the gym my eyes lingered on the large group of students dancing to the band that was on stage. All of them oblivious to the murderous alpha and the bloodthirsty hunters that were plaguing their town. That outside of their ignorant bliss people were about to die.
I looked around making sure that the teachers that were chaperoning the dance weren't paying attention before opening the exit door of the gym. Scott let out a sigh of relief as he slipped inside closing the door behind him.
"Where's Coach?" He asked me and we both looked around the gym to find Coach at the other end of the room yelling at Greenberg, which really shouldn't have been much of a surprise. "Good."
"So now what?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"We make sure the Coach doesn't see me." He replied as he got a hold of my hand pulling me through the crowd of people. We walked up the bleachers and sat down as we looked out into the crowd making sure that Peter was no where in sight. But now that I had a firm hold on his scent I would be able to tell if he was inside the building. He couldn't hide from me anymore.
"Well Allison and Jackson look miserable." I stated as I looked over at the pair who were standing near the food table awkwardly. Both of them looking like they would rather be anywhere else, a sentiment that I shared.
"I could say the same about Stiles and Lydia." Scott added as I followed his gaze to where Stiles and Lydia were both sitting down at a table with frowns on their faces.
"Can this night get any worse?" I said with an annoyed sigh as I looked down at my hands.
"McCall! I see you! Come here, buddy." Someone suddenly yelled from across the gym causing Scott to immediately get to his feet. The annoying pitch of that voice caused Scott's heart to start beating rapidly in his chest at the realization that he was now seriously in trouble.
"You just had to say something." Scott muttered as he frantically looked around for another place to hide.
"Come here. McCall! Get out of my way!" Coach continued to yell as he pushed students out of the way in his attempt to make his way to us. Scott ran down the bleachers and began to also push his way through the crowd in an attempt to get as far away from Coach as possible. "McCall! It's a small gym, buddy. I'm gonna find you. I got you, McCall! Come here, come here!"
I watched as Scott made his way directly to Danny pulling him into the dance floor. Scott wrapped his arms around Danny's neck as they pretended to dance slowly, I felt my eyes widen in disbelief, surprised by Scott's quick thinking. But unsure if his little last minute plan would actually work.
"McCall! You're not supposed to...." Coach stuttered as he came to s stop in front of the dancing pair. "What the hell are you..." In that moment the entire gym went silent as the music stopped playing. And suddenly all eyes were on Coach who's face had gone deathly pale in fear under all the disapproving eyes. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Yes, Coach?" Scott questioned as he pulled Danny closer to him.
"Hold on, you...I was just saying he's not supposed to...I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't... you guys don't think...you don't I was..." Coach began to ramble nervously realizing the terrible situation that he had just found himself in. "Just dance, everybody. Just dance! It's a dance! It's a party!" Coach yelled out as he chuckled awkwardly. The band slowly began to play again as people awkwardly began to go back into their mindless conversation and dancing. "What the hell were you Iooking at, Greenberg!"
I pressed my lips together trying to hide the smile that was forming on my lips. But after the moment passed I sighed as I looked down at my hands. I could't stop thinking about my brother and what they could possibly be doing to him. That Peter was out there bloodthirsty for revenge, and although I would like nothing more than seeing the Argent ripped apart for what they did to our family I couldn't imagine Allison being included in that bloodbath.
"You look really miserable being at your first high school dance." I looked up to find Stiles standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets. For someone who was commenting on how miserable I looked, he didn't seem to be having a very good time himself.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned as he took a seat beside me. Stiles shouldn't be miserable. He was here with the girl that he had always had a crush on, the girl he had claimed to love. "Where's Lydia?"
"She walked off to try to find Jackson." He admitted, and suddenly I understood. That even when he had gotten a chance with Lydia, she would never truly see him. As many problems as she had with Jackson, it was also obvious that Lydia loved him. And that was tearing Stiles apart. "Not that it shouldn't have been a surprise."
I nodded not sure there was anything I could say to make him feel better. "I'm sorry."
"So are you going to tell me why you're so miserable? I mean other than the fact that your brother is in the hands of hunters and your uncle is trying to kill us?" Stiles said with his usual level of sarcasm, only this time I found it oddly comforting.
"Well if those two options are out, how about the fact that I'm stuck at a high school dance wearing a dress and heels?"
"Well, I think you look beautiful." Stiles told me causing me to look over at him, he froze seeming almost in shock with himself probably regretting his words. Pressing my lips together I nodded before looking away from him again.
"Thanks." I said softly as I looked back down at my hands, not wanting further knowledge how awkward the situation had gotten.
"Do you want to dance?" He asked me hesitantly.
"No." I simply replied as I looked back into the crowd of dancing teenagers. They were dancing without a care in the world and I couldn't imagine myself doing the same. Especially not with Stiles.
"Come on it might help get your mind off of all the crazy crap that's going on." Stiles continued to insist as he stood up extending his hand to me. Looking at his hand in disbelief I shook my head sure that he had to be joking.
"No?" Stiles repeated in disbelief, irritation clear in his voice. "No. Your going to dance with me. I'm tired of seeing you this way. Always pretending that you're some cold heartless person. But you've shown me that you aren't. I've seen that vulnerable side of you. And you can't hid the fact that you're hurting...not from me. This all really sucks, but if we have a chance to be normal why not take it?"
I looked away from him, not sure what to make of his words. But it was true, this could very well be the last time I had the chance to do anything normal. And maybe Stiles did know more about me than I would have liked, but ultimately I had learned to care about him in the last couple of weeks. He had become a friend that was there for me whenever I needed it, and it was more than I'd had in a very long time.
I stood up as he looked at me with wide eyes before reaching out for his hand. "Let's dance."
Pulling him down from the bleachers and into the crowd of people, I stopped to face him. He looked at me nervously, almost unsure of what to do, so I got a hold of both of his hands as I placed them on my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Admittedly it was weird, being this close to him. Neither of us seemed sure about what to do now that we were actually on the dance floor, but the slow music playing around us seemed to ease that tension a little.
"We're going to find Derek." Stiles stated confidently after a while, and at the moment that was the last thing I wanted to think about. Even if I did appreciate his words even more knowing just how much he hated my brother.
I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder, wanting to forget all the crazy things that were going on even if it was for just a couple of minutes. There was nothing we could do about Derek right now, we didn't even know where to start. "I don't want to talk about that."
"Right." He muttered under his breath as we continued to dance. Our silence didn't last long before I heard Stiles' heart beat begin to rise. He was nervous and he felt guilty over something. I pulled away from him a little to meet his eyes to find the saw guilt I felt from him reflected in his eyes. "I should tell you something..."
Before he could continue I froze in place an unsettling feeling washing over me a taking hold. I couldn't explain how I knew but I felt it deep in my core. My instinct to protect my pack overwhelming everything else.
"Lydia." I muttered, utterly confused about why she would be in danger. Out of all of us she was the only one who didn't know, the only one who wasn't involved in this whole mess. It didn't make any sense.
"What?" He asked confused, but he could never understand what that feeling was like. That feeling of knowing someone was in danger or that they were hurting.
"Just stay here, I need to find Lydia." I told him before making my way through the crowd of people still dancing in comfortably unaware.. Following that instinct I began running out of the school until I got to the lacrosse field. I wasn't even entirely sure when I had decided that this was the way to go but that was the least of my worries as I caught sight of Lydia in the middle of the blindly lit field.
"Lydia!" I called out causing her to turn her head towards me, the fear coming from her was paralyzing.
"Alexis?" She questioned and I was about to let out a sigh if relief before I saw the silhouette of a man slowly walking towards her. It didn't take much to figure out that it was Peter and that's when that same unsettling feeling came over me, his powerful presence taking hold. "Jackson?"
At that moment I didn't care how much stronger Peter was than me, all that I knew was that I needed to get my Lydia. That I needed to protect her, and even though she might not be the kindest person she was still someone that I was linked to in a way that I would never be able to understand. "Lydia! Lydia! Run!" I yelled out, kicking off my heels before I started running across the lacrosse field to get to Lydia. But I was to late.
It always felt like I was too late to be of any help. And I had failed Lydia.
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