22| Misunderstandings
I woke up with a gasp as my hand immediately went to the back of my neck to find that the wound was healing a lot slower than usual.
"Oh thank god!" I suddenly heard Stiles exclaim and that's when I actually took in my surroundings. I was in the passengers seat of the Jeep as Stiles drove down the road. "I thought you were dying. You were barely breathing."
"Where's Derek?" I immediately asked, I knew that he was okay and that he wasn't hurt. I could feel it, but if he wasn't here that means he had to be with Peter. And I wasn't sure if that was much better.
"When I carried you out he was still having a show down with your evil uncle." He replied slowly.
"You carried me out?"
"Well don't act so surprised." He countered with a nervous smile.
I sighed as I looked back at the road, recognizing that this was the way towards the high school I could only guess that we were on our way to see Scott. "I told you to get out of there." I muttered slowly. "You didn't listen."
"And I told you that I wasn't going to leave you." Stiles stubbornly replied. "What happened? What did he do to you?"
Looking down at my hands I felt a tear run down my cheek but I quickly ripped it away with the sleeve of my sweater. "He gave me his memories. I saw it. I saw all of it." I muttered under my breath. "I saw the fire. My family. I saw them...I saw them...I saw how he..." I hadn't even noticed that I was now completely crying or the Stiles' had parked the Jeep on the side of the road until I felt as he placed his hand on top of mine.
"You don't have to tell me." He assured me slowly.
"It's not easy reliving memories that you have tried so hard to forget." I replied as I quickly ripped all the tears away. Wincing I also wiped the blood away from a cut on my cheek as suddenly Stiles reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind me ear.
"Your not healing." He stated.
"I am, just really slowly." I told him, as I finally looked up to meet his eyes. "Wounds from an alpha, they take longer to heal."
Stiles nodded as he started the car again pulling out into the road. We spent the rest of the drive in silence until Stiles parked his Jeep near the locker rooms. "I'm going to get Scott. Just stay here." He told me as he stumbled out of his car. "Just don't go anywhere." He continued before he began running towards the direction of the school.
I sat there for a while, but I couldn't just sit here like my brother wasn't with Peter. Opening the door I got out of the car and began walking in the direction of the house. It only felt like the right place to go. Peter, Like Derek couldn't seem to let go of place.
I walked up in front of our old house, the new memories flashed before me but I pushed my feelings aside as I walked up the steps of the house. Stopping at the doorstep I listened in and heard both the heartbeats of Derek and Peter.
It sent a chill through my body just the remember that it was Peter that was responsible for everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks.
"Derek? I know your here!" I called out as I finally stepped inside the house.
"Alexis you shouldn't be here." Derek stated as he stepped out at the top of the staircase.
"Actually she's exactly where she needs to be." Peter declared as he also stepped into view a look of satisfaction on his face. " Hopefully you see things my way now?"
"I'm not helping you kill people." I replied as I looked over at my brother but he refused to even meet my eyes.
Peter walked towards me, but I stood my ground. Unwilling to give him the satisfaction of showing my fear and grief.
"I'm not going to kill everyone. Just the responsible ones. The ones that hurt us. Ripped our family apart." He told me, and although all I ever wanted was to see the ones responsible for the fire suffer, I also knew that it wasn't right. That wasn't the way. It wouldn't bring my family back. No matter how tempting it was to just give into the animalistic instinct that wanted to rip the Argents apart. "But I need your help to do it. With you in my pack I will become so powerful. I can help you reach your full potential."
"The answer is still no."
"I thought you wanted to protect you friends?" Peter asked me as he twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers. "Scott? Stiles? Even..."
"Allison." Derek finally spoke up and I could only look at him in shock.
"You're on his side?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "He killed our sister. He killed Laura!"
Derek looked away again, in a way that made me hopeful that maybe he wasn't doing this willingly. "It was a mistake."
"What?" I asked as me voice slight cracked. The fact that Derek was doing this didn't anger me. It hurt. "You have to be joking."
"It happens."
I shook my head in disbelief as I took a couple steps back. This wasn't my brother. My brother would never agree to work with the person who murdered our sister. I was horrified. "I'm not going to help you hurt my friends."
"Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most." Peter replied. "But I knew it was going to be hard to get you into my pack to begin with. Your instinct to protect your pack is to strong. But, once you accept me as your alpha so will Scott."
"I'm never going to join your pack." I stated confidently before I turned towards Derek. "And I can't believe your siding with the person that we came here to hunt down in the first place. The person who tried to kill us just an hour ago!"
I turned around to face to door only to have Peter block my way. I let out a deep growl, that only caused Peter to smirk as he moved out of my way. "You have my sister's stubbornness. You'll come around."
"Never going to happen." I countered before I walked out of the house feeling relieved that Peter was letting me go. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if he hadn't, but he clearly needed me as a willing participant.
"Where are you going!" Derek called from the porch, but I didn't reply as I continued walking straight ahead. And I headed towards the first place that came to mind. As much as I hated to admit it there was no where else for me to go.
Once I was in front of Stiles's house I hesitated before climbing through the window that I knew led to his room.
"Oh my god!" I heard him exclaim as he suddenly he raised what looked like a baseball bat. Catching it in my hand before he hit me with it I ripped it out of his grasp.
"Stiles it's me." I assured him as he turned on the lights in his room.
"Are you out of your freaking mind!" Stiles exclaimed in a low voice, looking down at the baseball bat in my hand I threw it over on the bed before looking up at a very irritated Stiles. "I told you to stay in the Jeep and you didn't listen. You abandoned the Jeep!"
"I know. I just had to talk to Derek." I replied as I took a seat at the edge of his bed.
"And there's nothing else to talk about. Everything was pretty clear." I muttered as Stiles took a seat next to me.
"Why are you here?"
"I guess I just didn't know where else to go."
Having to spend the night in Stiles' room wasn't ideal. I would have thought that being around him for an extended period of time would cause me to want to rip my hair out.
It surprisingly my source of irritation this morning wasn't Stiles. It was Jackson, who had apparently caught the Argent's eye I. Last nights lacrosse game. They believed that he was the third beta because of the neck injury he received from Peter the night of the attack on the video store. It was rare to be turned by a scratch, in fact it was rarely heard of.
But the slight possibility was enough for monsters like the Argents. Now we had to keep an eye on Jackson on top of all the other things that we currently had to take care of.
"Where?" Stiles asked as he drove quickly down the the road.
"Take a right here." I muttered from the back seat as Scott turned around to face me in shock.
"How do you do that?" He asked me, clearly frustrated with himself over not having complete control over his abilities. Abilities that he had never truly cared about before.
"Just close your eyes and think about Jackson, and if you focus well enough you'll hear how loud his heart is beating." I told him, hearing Jackson's rapid heart beats in my ear like a drum. We were getting closer.
"Take a left now." Scott instructed Stiles having successfully tapped into his hearing abilities. He smiled at me clearly proud of himself, and I only gave him a half hearted thumbs up in return.
"Once you get more experience it will just come naturally."
Scott turned back around and gave me a grateful smile. "Thanks." I nodded in response as the Jeep suddenly came to a stop in front of a familiar Porsche. An extremely nervous Jackson was standing beside Chris Argent who offered us a fake warm smile. One that anyone could easily see through.
"Yo. What's up?" Stiles questioned from the driver's seat. At seeing us Jackson let out a sigh of relief, Argent must have been questioning him about, trying to find out if he really was the other beta.
"Is everything okay?" Scott asked innocently.
"Hey, Scott. Your friend here was having car trouble." Argent replied. "We're just taking a Iook."
"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck."
"Yeah. You want a ride?" I asked now gaining Argent's attention, his smile faltering as he looked at me.
"Hey, come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Stiles continued, Jackson nodded nervously as he took a couple steps forward. I watched as Argent pulled something out of the engine of the Porsche and walk over to the front of the car.
"Hey, boys." He called out as he keyed the ignition causing the engine to come to life again. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." Without another word he walked over to his truck and drove away leaving us alone in the lot.
"What, are you following me now?" Jackson asked as Scott climbed out of the car.
"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot." Scott exclaimed while Stiles and I quickly got out of the Jeep. "You almost gave away everything right there!"
"What are you talking about?" Jackson questioned entirely oblivious as to why Scott was so angry.
"He thinks you're the third Beta." I told Jackson irritated by how clueless he was, even though he thinks that he knows everything about us he simply didn't understand the dangers of what it was actually like to be one of us. It was much more than enhanced abilities and power. It came with a cost.
"He thinks you're me!" Scott yelled as he slammed his fist down on Stiles' Jeep.
"Dude, my jeep." Stiles said with a sigh.
"I can hear your heart beating from a mile away, literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you, too!" Scott ranted and as he was about to slam his fist on the Jeep Stiles quickly grabbed his wrist.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, okay, okay. How about we just step away from Stiles' jeep?" Stiles stated in irritation.
"You know what, this is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed, okay? This is your fault." Jackson countered as he shoved Scott back against the Jeep.
"Can we stop hitting my jeep?" Stiles asked in frustration as suddenly Scott and Jackson both prepared themselves for a fight. I immediately put a hand on Jackson's chest stopping him from taking another step forward as Stiles took a hold of Scott's arm. "Yo, all right, yo, guys, stop. AII right?"
Once the two idiots settled down Stiles and I moved away from them as they continued their discussion.
"When they come after you, I won't be able to protect you." Scott explained as he looked over at Stiles. "I can't protect anyone."
"Why are you Iooking at me?" Stiles exclaimed with slight panic.
"You know what? Now you have to do it. Get me what I want, and I will be fine protecting myself." Jackson continued stubbornly.
"No, you won't! Just trust me, all it does is make things worse." Scott yelled.
"Oh, yeah, really? You know, you can hear anything you want and run faster than humanly possible. Sounds Iike a real hardship, McCall."
"Yeah, I can run really fast now, except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me! And I can hear things like my girlfriend telling people that she doesn't trust me anymore right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you!" Scott snapped. "It ruins your Iife."
"It ruined your Iife. You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it." Jackson muttered back. "You know what it's actually like? It's Iike you turned 16 and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." Jackson stated before walking in the other direction and driving away in his luxury car.
Jackson wasn't someone that I wanted to protect or cared to. But the link that I had formed with him was enough to make me put some effort into his safety. Even if he didn't deserve it.
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