20| Cousin Miguel
There was a certain sense of doom that came along with trusting Scott to do something important. He wasn't the smartest and tended to get distracted easily. His priorities were mixed, and I had absolutely no faith that he would be able to get us the necklace that we needed so desperately.
"Are you sure Scott's going to get that necklace." I asked Stiles, not completely confident that Scott would actually be able to do this.
"Totally." He replied in a totally unconvincing way as he opened the door to his house. "Come on I don't want my dad to see you." Stiles whispered as he grabbed my wrist and quickly led me towards his room.
"Why?" I whispered back.
"Because then he gets ideas." He muttered as we walked into his room. The second he closed the door I turned around to find Derek in the corner of the room.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered to my brother.
"Alex you know I can't defend you when your called psychotic if you're talking to yourself." Stiles stated as he was about to turn around to face me.
"Hey, Stiles!" His dad suddenly called from downstairs.
"Yo Da...Derek?" Stiles exclaimed in surprise once he turned around to find my brother standing in a corner of his room. Derek put his finger to his lips before pointing at the door. Stiles then rushed over to the door to beat his dad before closing the door behind him. I listened in to there conversation to make sure the the Sheriff wasn't suspicious of anything, he had to realize how weird all the things going on in this town were.
"What'd you say?" I heard Mr. Stilinski ask his son.
"What? I said Yo, Dad." Stiles quickly covered, seeing that the rest of their conversation really wasn't any of my business I turned back towards my brother. I gave him a questioning look wondering what he was doing here when I told him to continue hiding out in our loft. It really shouldn't have been a surprise that he didn't listen to me, he never really did.
The second that Stiles stepped inside the room Derek grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him up against the door. "If you say one word..."
"Oh, what, you mean, Iike, 'Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun'?" Stiles asked sarcastically, and Derek knew that he couldn't really say anything back. "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." Wordlessly agreeing with Stiles' statement my brother let go of Stiles but not before pulling on his jacket. Stiles laughed as he pulled Derek's jacket in return as an attempt to boost his ego, only causing Derek to take a menacing step towards him.
"Oh, my God!" Stiles said as he practically jumped away from my brother. I could only roll my eyes at them as I dropped my book bag on the floor beside his bed.
"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek immediately asked as Stiles once again took a seat in front of his desk.
"No. He's still working on it." Stiles admitted with a sigh. "But there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there."
"So it wasn't Scott." Stiles replied and couldn't deny the fact that it was actually really smart of him to have thought about that. It was something that I had quickly dismissed even though it was definitely a cause for concern.
"Well, can you find out who sent it?" I questioned feeling a flicker of hope.
"No, not me. But I think I know somebody who can." Stiles stated as he pulled out his phone and began to text someone.
"Care to explain what you're genius plan is?" I asked as I took a seat on his bed while my brother began looking through my chemistry book. Stiles explained his plan involving Danny and tracing the text. I really didn't know how he planned to convince Danny to do something so illegal for no reason.
The second that Danny walked in he looked around curiously before his eyes landed on me. "Alexis what are you doing here?" He asked me before he looked over at Derek who was sitting down in the corner. "I see." I tried not to gag at what Danny was suggesting as he took a seat beside Stiles. "Ready to do lab work?"
"Actually." Stiles slowly began causing Danny to immediately roll his eyes. "I need you to trace a text."
Danny looked at Stiles wide eyed like he couldn't believe what he just heard come out of Stles's mouth. "You want me to do what?"
"Trace a text." Stiles repeated.
"I came here to do Iab work. That's what Iab partners do." Danny continued as he opened his text book with a shake of his head.
"And we will, once you trace the text."
"And what makes you think I know how?"
"I Iooked up your arrest report, so...I"
"I was 13." Danny defended immediately clearly not appreciating the fact that Stiles knew such an important detail about his life. "They dropped the charges. Whatever." He muttered as he opened up his chemistry book sliding it in-between him and Stiles. "No, we're doing Iab work."
Both of the them began to do their lab work so I pulled out one of my notebooks and began working on my math homework. Although I wanted to get Danny to do this as quickly as possible I also knew that I had to act normal and not pressure Stiles about it. After a couple of minutes Danny looked back up in the direction where my brother was still sitting. "Who's he again?"
"Um, my cousin Miguel." Stiles said causing me to look up from my book. I pursed my lips together trying to hide the smile that was forming as I looked back down at my book.
"Is that blood on his shirt?"
"Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds. Hey, Miguel." Stiles called out as he turned around to face Derek who slowly looked up with an almost murderous stare. "I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." He stated before looking back over to Danny. "So anyway, I mean, we both know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably..."
Derek walked over to one of the drawers pulling off his own bloody shirt and search for another. "Stiles?"
"Yes?" Stiles questioned in irritation as he turned back around.
"This." Derek said as he tugged on one of Stiles' shirts. "No fit."
"Then try something else on. Sorry." Stiles apologized to Danny, who's attention was now on my shirtless brother. I could almost see a new plan forming in Stiles' mind once he realized that Danny found Derek attractive. "Hey, that one Iooks pretty good, huh?" He asked Danny when Derek pulled on a horrible blue and orange shirt that was clearly a couple sizes too small. "What do you think, Danny?"
"Huh?" Danny said snapping out of whatever thoughts he was having.
"The shirt." I said beginning to play along. "Does it look good on...Miguel?"
Danny sighed as he looked back up and I could hear his heartbeat begin to rise. "It's...it's not really his color."
Stiles looked over at me triumphantly before turning back to Danny. "You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny Boy?"
"You're a horrible person." Danny muttered.
"I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text..."
"Stiles! None ofthese fit." Derek complained in an almost childish way. I groaned at his behavior as I shut my notebook shut and walked over to him.
"I'II need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." I heard Danny suddenly order meaning that Derek's little shirtless act actually worked. Looking through Stiles drawer I finally found a black t-shirt that would fit my brother and tossed it over to him.
"There. Now stop complaining." I muttered in annoyance as I sat back down on the bed. A couple minutes passed as I began to get impatient of the fact that this was taking longer than I expected. I had never been a very patient person, but the need to know more was really making it impossible for me to stay still and act normal.
"There." Danny suddenly announce, causing Derek and I to immediately stand up and and walk over to him. "This text was sent from a computer. This one."
Danny pointed to a name on the screen and I had to reread it thinking that I had read it wrong. There was just no way that it could be correct.
"Registered to that account name?" Derek asked just as confused and in disbelief at what this new piece of information suggested. Even if it made absolutely no sense.
"No, no, no, no. That can't be right." Stiles muttered and I couldn't really say anything as I kept staring at Melissa McCalls name on the screen.
"Did you get the picture?" Scott's voice came through Stiles' phone as he, Derek, and I sat in his Jeep. I couldn't help but be surprised that Scott had been able to get his hands on the necklace, Scott himself sounded on edge because of it.
"Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing." Stiles replied before Derek grabbed his wrist pulling the phone closer to him. Gasping in pain Stiles allowed his hand to be bent at the odd angle, yet still refused to let go of his phone.
"Hey, is there something on the back of it?" Derek questioned as Stiles complained of the tight grip my brother had on his wrist. "There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something."
"No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing." Scott stated nervously. "And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first Iine. Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start."
"I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him...tell him I'II be there, I'II just be a Iittle bit Iate, okay?" Stiles asked although he knew perfectly well that there was no way that he would be able to make it to that game. "AII right, thanks." Sighing he hung up, stuffing the phone in his pocket.
"You're not gonna make it." I told Stiles bluntly. Truthfully I wondered why Stiles was allowing himself to get wrapped ip in all of this. Out of all of us he was the one person who didn't have to be involved. Who could go on and live a normal life. Play his lacrosse game without any worry in the world.
But here he was. Doing all of this for Scott.
"I know." Stiles replied letting out a sigh of disappointment.
"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either." My brother added.
"Not till we find out the truth."
"By the way, one more thing." Derek said before Stiles got out of the car.
"Yeah?" Stiles questioned before Derek slammed his face against there steering wheel. I gasped in shock and I didn't know if I was amused or slightly irritated at the fact that the both of them were acting so childish towards each other.
"Oh, God!" Stiles exclaimed in pain as he put his hand over his face. "What the hell was..."
"You know what that was for. Go. Go!" Derek ordered as Stiles scrambled out of the car still releasing groans of pain. There really was no knowing which of the many things that Stiles had done would earn him such a painful punishment.
I also quickly got out of the car and joined Stiles as we walked through the surprisingly empty parking of the hospital. It was difficult to imagine that Scott's mother would have anything to do with all of this, but we couldn't easily dismiss her. "He's luck that he's you brother or I would..."
"You would do what?" I asked slightly amused.
"I don't know what I would do but it would be extremely painful." He muttered in reply.
"You know you don't have to do this." I reminded Stiles as we walked into the hospital. I was perfectly capable of doing this on my own, if anything Stiles was a liability if anything went wrong. "You can go play your game."
"Actually I do. It involves my best friend and...well that game isn't that important. There will be others."
"Of course there will be others." I agreed as we stepped into the elevator. "You'll just be watching them from the bench."
Stiles looked over at me as his eye twitched in irritation." "Cute." He stated sarcastically the elevator stopped at our floor. "Really, that's adorable."
I was about to reply when I realized that there was absolutely no one on this floor. That definetly wasn't normal for a hospital that was also busy. "Stiles doesn't something seem off to you?"
Stiles stopped and looked around before he looked over at me with wide eyes. "You mean that were in a hospital and there's absolutely no one here, and if we turned around the two twins from The Shinning could be standing behind us?"
I couldn't really find a way to reply to what he just rambled on about so instead I pulled out my phone and began to call Derek. "Did you find her? Did you find Melissa?" Derek immediately asked.
"No we can't find her."
"Did you say you can't find her?" He repeated in disbelief.
"Yeah, I said we can't find her." I replied in irritation as Stiles and I continued to walk through this floor. There had to be someone here, or we had to at least find the reason as to why this floor of the hospital was eerily empty. It felt like all my senses were heightened, my instinct telling me that there was something wrong. That I should get ready for a fight.
"Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been Iooking after our uncle." My brother ordered and I turned the corner where I knew that Uncle Peter's room was located.
"Why are we here?" Stiles whispered, but all I could focus on was the empty wheelchair at the center of the room. The room just like the hallways was empty. My first thought was to be worried about Peter, but nothing about all of this made any sense.
"He's not here. He's gone, Derek." I told him as I suddenly realized what was going on. It all seemed to click in one quick instant. Laura was incredibly smart and she would have never allowed herself to be killed that way. She was an alpha no one would have been able to get close enough to her to kill her. Unless she already knew and trusted the person who took her life.
Someone who could use the heightened healing abilities of an alpha to heal themselves.
Hanging up the phone I grabbed Stiles' arm pulling him out of the room. There was no time to explain. We had to get out of this building. I was no match for an alpha, even if Derek was here the chances of us getting out of here alive were slim. But Peter didn't want to kill us. He needed us to be a part of his pack. To make him stronger. He needed Derek and I.
But he didn't need Stiles.
"Wait. What's going on?" He asked as he looked at me in confusion.
"Stiles, get out of there right now." I told him as we turned another corner, my hand holding his wrist in a death grip. But he didn't complain, he had to realize just how much trouble we were in. "It's him...my uncle, he's the alpha."
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