19| The Chase
Speeding down the streets of Beacon Hills at 3 AM was not ideal, especially with hunters and the police chasing after us while we chased after Derek who was chasing after the alpha. Things were getting messy and so much more complicated than they had ever been. With ever complication it felt that we were farther away from taking down the alpha than ever. Or maybe it was all these new com-locations that meant that we were getting closer to taking it down.
"Will you slow down!" Scott exclaimed from the passenger seat as I pressed farther down on the gas.
"Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here." Stiles replied in irritation as he looked back at all the cars that were following us. I could hear both of their hearts beating wildly in their chest and though I admittedly was afraid too, I would never show it.
"If she goes any faster she'll kill us!" Scott continued to yell clearly paranoid, though I couldn't blame him. After everything that we had been through death by car crash was not the way that I wanted to go.
"Well, if we don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" Stiles yelled back constantly looking back at all the vans that the hunters carried that were only a few feet away from us. "So Alex go faster!"
"Alexis slow down!" Scott countered as I took a sharp turn on one of the streets.
"Scott back. Now." I yelled not taking any more of Scott's constant complaints. Without another word Scott jumped to the back along with Stiles. He must have seen that his presence was only putting me more on edge.
"They're gone." Stiles stated as the van that was following us was nowhere in sight having taken a sharp turn in another direction. We were supposed to be leading them away from Derek and the alpha, unfortunately they but have realized what was going on. "Hold on." He jumped up to the passengers before grabbing the walkie talkie and turning it on.
"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works." The Sheriff Stilinski ordered, and without another word I turned around and headed towards the iron works knowing that Derek not only had the police to deal with but also the hunters.
When we finally got to the iron work Derek was hiding behind a wall as Chris Argent fired his weapons at him I came to a sudden stop as I slammed my foot on the break in from of where my brother was hiding. Stiles opened the passenger door before he stumbled join Scott in the back. "Get in."
Derek ran forward and as soon as Derek was in the car I stepped on the gas as bullets fit the side of the car. "What part of laying low don't you understand?" I yelled at my brother as I stepped on the gas trying to avoid any bullets coming out way.
"Damn it, I had him!" My brother yelled.
"Who, the AIpha?" Scott questioned as he and Stiles fought in the back for who would squeeze between the front seats.
"Yes!" Derek exclaimed in frustration. "He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up."
Stiles' head popped up between the seats as he looked over at my brother. "Oh, hey, they're just doing their jobs."
"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."
"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott muttered form his seat in the back. "I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." Derek only looked back at him in annoyance before looking over at me. "All right. How did you find him?" Scott asked but my brother seemed hesitant to reply. "Can you try to trust us for at Ieast half a second?"
"Yeah, both of us." Stiles added as Derek let out a groan go annoyance. "Or just him. I'll be back here."
"Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."
I looked away from the road and over to my brother this all being new to me too. The fact that there were thing that he was hiding from me was unsettling.
"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles exclaimed as he squeezed between the two seats again. "Why him?"
"I don't know yet."
"What's the second?" I asked as I slowed down now that we were clear from the hunters and the police. "What else did Laura tell you?"
"Some kind of symbol." Derek explained as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket holding it up to show us the drawing on it. Not recognizing it I went back to looking out to the road as Scott reached out to grab the drawing. "What? You know what this is?"
"I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace."
The next morning was like every other morning in Beacon Hills. Planning out what our next move would be so that we can finally have the advantage for once.
"This is gonna be impossible, you know." Scott stated already discouraged by the idea.
"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles asked as we entered the school and walked down the hall n our same routine.
"How?" Scott asked bluntly.
"It's easy. You just say, 'Hey Allison , can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you'?" Stile sarcastically suggested earning annoyed looks from both Scott and I.
"You're not helping."
"Why don't you just talk to her?" I suggested not seeing why Scot was making such a big deal about all of this. Allison seemed to be understanding enough. And she liked Scott just as much as he liked her, he probability of her forgiving him almost insanity was high.
"She won't talk to me." Scott replied already frustrated at the idea, though I doubted that he had really done anything to try to fix his relationship with Allison. "What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?"
"That's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on her good side, remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace." Stiles told him. but when we both looked over at Scott he had a distant look on his face as he smiled to himself. "You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?"
Scott nodded slowly as he looked down at his feet. "Yeah."
I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I had to find myself surrounded by boys.
"AII right, stay focused, okay?" Stiles stated as he patted his friends shoulder encouragingly. "Get the necklace, get the AIpha, get cured, get Allison back. In that order."
"Why can't Alexis do it? I mean say she wants to borrow it for a day?" Scott asked as he looked at me hopefully.
"I'm not that close to Allison. And if you start talking to her you might get her back." I attempted to convince him and it appeared to work as Scott nodded in understanding. "I mean this is what this is all about right? Getting Allison back?"
"Get the necklace." He muttered to himself as he walked in the other direction. "Get the necklace."
Everything around us seemed to by unraveling. From the alpha getting bolder in its attacks to suddenly Jackson knowing the truth about Scott. That was unexpected. And certainly not something that we had even thought of. Jackson Whittemore was not someone who I expected to be a problem or a threat. He was only an annoying jock who wanted to be the best. And he was until Scott McCall was bitten.
"How the hell did he find out?" I asked as we walked down the hall avoiding to bump into other people. Jackson might be obsessed with wanting to be better that Scott, but I never thought that he would actually investigate the reason for Scott's sudden changes.
Scott seemed to still be in a state of shock at the fact. Probably due to Jackson now having so much power over him for knowing his secret. Someone like Jackson is not a person that you want as your enemy. "I have no idea."
"Did he say it out Ioud, the word?" Stiles asked him.
"What word?"
Stiles looked around the hall making sure that there was no one listening into our conversation before continuing. "Werewolf. Did he say, 'I know you're a werewolf'?"
"No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly." Scott exclaimed his voice raising slightly in frustration.
"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems." Stiles replied hopefully. "I mean, he doesn't have any proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone, who's gonna believe him anyway?"
"How about Allison's father?" I reminded him, maybe Jackson didn't know about the Argents but that didn't mean that him telling other people wouldn't lead to it eventually reaching the ears of the Argents. They wouldn't hesitate to kill Scott, especially when he had gotten so close to one of their own. "The werewolf hunter?"
"Okay, it's bad." Stiles muttered in realization.
Scott ran his hand through his hair in frustration, clearly not taking any more of this. "I need a cure. Right now."
I couldn't help but feel guilty at my brother giving him false hopes. There was no cure. But I was only feeding into that lie but not telling him the truth. It was deceitful, but necessary knowing how truly powerful the alpha was.
"Does he know about Allison's father?" Stiles continued to ask.
"I don't know."
"Okay, where's Derek?"
"Hiding, like I told him to. It was necessary after two idiot accused him of being a serial killer." I replied as I looked around making sure that no one was listening into our conversation. "Why?"
"I have another idea. It's gonna take a Iittle time and finesse, though." Stiles began to explain and I rolled my eyes knowing that this plan of his was only going to get us into deeper trouble than we already are. "We have that game tonight. It's quarterfinals."
"And it's your first game." Scott reminded him.
"I know, I know." He replied with a look of disappointment knowing that he might have to miss his first game. He was always on the bench, and possibly not playing couldn't be easy for him. "Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"
"She's in my next class." Scott replied slowly.
"Get the necklace." I told him, knowing that the necklace was not only an important clue about who the alpha could possibly be but also who was responsible for the fire.
I was tired of not getting anywhere and simply waiting for the alpha to make their next move. It was time for us to try to be one step ahead, and we could only do that by finding their identity.
We all set our trays on the table as we took out usual seats in the cafeteria. "Did you get her to give you the necklace?" Stiles immediately asked not wasting any time. Because time was certainly something that we did not have.
"Not exactly." Scott muttered with a sad and confused look in his eyes.
"What happened?" I asked and although I didn't care much about his love life pretending I did would get Scott to actually take charge for once.
"She told me not to talk to her. At all."
"So she's not giving you..."
"She's not giving me the necklace!" Scott shouted before Stiles fully finished his sentence. The cafeteria suddenly went quiet from Scott's sudden outburst but after realizing nothing interesting was going to occur they went back to their usual pointless conversations.
"Well, did you find anything else out?" Stiles continued.
"Just that I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic." Scott exclaimed in frustration as I looked over at him in annoyance.
"You idiot. You realize I'm a girl too right?" I asked him.
"Well, yeah but your not like the other girls, your like one of us. One of the guys." Scott said as his eyes widened realizing that his arguments were not help his case. "What I mean is...well you shouldn't be...but you are....but you're still complicated even if you aren't..."
"What Scott means is that by social status you shouldn't be sitting at this table. You should be at that table with Lydia and the other lacrosse players." Stiles stated before Scott continued to ramble pointlessly. "Even though sometimes I question you're sanity."
"Whatever. Girls we aren't psychotic its guys that are total idiots." I told them as both Stiles and Scott stopped to think. Considering that they didn't attempt to argue I could only assume that the agreed. "Can we just figure out what we're going to do next."
"Okay, I came up with a plan B just in case anything Iike this happened." Stiles stated as he shoved curly fries into his mouth, my lips curled in disgust at his lack of table manners. Though at this point nothing about Stiles should surprise me anymore.
"What's plan B?" Scott asked looking up from his tray of food.
"Just steal the stupid thing."
"Couldn't we try at Ieast getting to Harris?"Scott tried, but even he knew that it was a horrible idea.
"My dad put him on a 24-hour protective detail, okay?" Stiles explained. "The necklace is all we got. Steal it."
Scott nodded realizing that there really wasn't any other option as he looked back down at his food. We continued to eat in silence after that until Scott's head suddenly shot up looking around the cafeteria desperately.
"Guys, he's watching us." Scott muttered causing Stiles and I to look behind our shoulder to see Jackson sitting at his usual table looking over at us with a smirk of satisfaction on his face. "Act normal."
"What's wrong?" Stiles asked not understanding what his friend was so paranoid about.
"Jackson's talking to me. He knows I can hear him." Scott whispered leaning closer to us as if Jackson would be able to hear us from the other side of the room. "Look at me. Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothing's happening." Stiles and I just looked at Scott doing what he was asking but he still seemed extremely anxious. "Say something. Talk to me!"
"I can't think of anything. My mind's a complete blank." Stiles stated as he continued to chew his food nervously.
"Your mind's blank?" I asked in shock that the guy who didn't know how to shut up suddenly couldn't think of anything to say. "You can't think of something to say? You?"
"Not under this kind of pressure." He stated as he looked behind his shoulder again. "FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore."
Scott began looking around the room until his eyes set on the wall of vending machines that Jackson was leaning against. Deciding I wanted to know what exactly Jackson was saying that would have Scott this on edge I found Jackson's voice among all the other voices.
"So what else can you do? Huh? Can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? No, I knew there was no way you suddenly got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're actually a cheater, aren't you? I mean, can you even play lacrosse?"
"Yes." Scott said through gritted teeth as he began to grip the edge of his tray of food.
"I'll bet my new co-captain 's gonna score a bunch of shots tonight, aren 't you? And while you're pretending you're not a lying cheat, I'm gonna ruin your life if you don t give me what I want. And you know what I'm gonna start with? Her. I'm gonna destroy any chance you have left with her. And when I'm done with that, I'm gonna get her all alone, and I'm gonna get my hands all over that tight little body."
"Scott, come on, you can't Iet him do this." Stiles said seeing how much Jackson's idiotic statement were actually getting to Scott, who seemed seconds away from losing all control. "You can't Iet him have this kind of power over you."
"Okay? I'm gonna do everything you never got the chance to do, and, Scott, she 's gonna beg for more. I'll bet she likes to get loud. Maybe she 's even a screamer." Jackson continued to taunt as he chuckled to himself. "How are you gonna feel, Scott When she's screaming my name?"
Suddenly Scott slammed his tray against the table once again causing all eyes on the cafeteria to be on us. The truth was that Jackson's words weren't only getting to Scott they were getting to me too. The fact that he was saying all those things about Allison was disgusting and I found myself standing up. "Hey, what are you doing?" Stiles asked grabbing my wrist before I even took a step towards Jackson.
"I'm going to shut him up." I replied as I pulled my wrist away and walked over to Jackson who was leaning against one of the vending machines.
"Hey Alexis." Jackson greeted with his usual smirk. I didn't reply as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the cafeteria and shoving his into the nearest classroom and closing the door behind me. "Assertive. I like it."
"Listen up Jackass, you're going to leave Allison out of this and you're going to stop getting involved in things that you don't understand." I stated, he had no idea what he was really getting into and he was just blinded by his jealousy and obsession of wanting to be the best.
"Are you jealous?" He asked me taking some slow steps forward. "Would you rather have my hands on that tight little body of yours? I bet you must be amazing considering what you are."
"I would rather rip my own throat out." I told him without a second thought.
Jackson chuckled as he took a step back. "Just give me what I want and I'll leave her and Scott alone. I'll even add that idiot Stiles into the mix."
I was in complete shock that being one of us was something that Jackson really wanted. All that being a werewolf had ever brought to me and my family was pain and tragedy. "You have no idea what you want to get yourself into."
"Of course I do. I'll be the best. Take back what's mine and if you three don't give it to me I'll tell her." He continued to insist.
"What you want we can't give it you. And even if we could, we wouldn't. Because Jackson you're already a monster, I can't even imagine what actually being one will make you." I replied, his eyes widened almost in hurt but it was quickly replaced by his usual smirk.
"Nothing you tell me will change my mind about this. And let me tell you that I don't only know about Scott, I also know about you." Jackson stated, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me. "Come on after I found out about Scott it wasn't hard figuring out about you and your brother."
I shifted my eyes and Jackson immediately took more steps backwards, showing him exactly what he had to be afraid of. Pushing him back against the wall I extended by claws, pressing them against his chest. Not hard enough to causing any pain, but just enough to prove my point. "Then if you know what I am, you know what I can do. So I suggest that give up this little obsession of yours before you only cause more problems for all of us."
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