14| Beginning of a Nightmare
It was days like these that I was sure that I would go insane if I stayed another day in Beacon Hills. It already was difficult to be back in the town where my entire family was murdered, but having to put up with Scott and Stiles was becoming another reason why I desperately wanted to leave as soon as possible.
"What are we doing?" I asked as Scott and I followed Stiles into the school parking lot. Scott seemed to share my concern as he nervously tipped his sweaty hands on his jeans.
"You'II see. Hold on. Okay. Stand right there." Stiles instructed as he made Scott stand at one end of a truck. "Do you have your keys" Without question Scott quickly pulled out his keys, and Stiles positioned his hand so that he was now holding the key in front of him. "Perfect. Hold 'em up Iike so. Now, whatever happens, just think about AIIison. Try to find her voice Iike you did at the game. Got it?"
"Okay." Scott muttered with uncertainty.
"Just keep holding it right there." Stiles ordered as he slowly began to walk away.
"What are you doing?" I whispered as he got a hold of my arm guiding me away from Scott who was still looking around like he expected an attack at any moment.
"Just play along." Stiles whispered back as he put his own keys on the truck before dragging it out across the its polished surface. When we got to the other end of the car I understood what he was going, horrified at the sight of the key scratches damaging the perfect paint job on the truck. "Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro!"
The men turned around to see what Stiles was talking about before they realized that Scott was standing at the other end of their cars with keys in his hand. "What the hell?"
Without another word one of them punched Scott sending him to the floor as the rest of them joined in and began kicking and punching him. From where I was standing I could already hear his heart rate rising, but Stiles' heart monitor seemed to prove just that as it began to beep wildly.
"Come on, stay calm. Stay calm. Oh, that's not okay." Stiles muttered as he saw his friend getting violently beat up. "Scott. Come on, buddy." As their assault continued I suddenly had an urge to go help Scott but I pushed that feeling back as I watched along with Stiles until his heart rate suddenly began to decrease.
"He did it." I said slowly as I realized the Scott had now gained control.
"Stop! Stop it right now!" Harris yelled out as he pushed everyone way from Scott, he looked up as his eyes locked on Stiles. "What do you idiots think you're doing? Hale what are you doing with these two idiots?"
"I ask myself that everyday." I mumbled as Stiles and I walked over to Harris.
"All three of you detention. Now!" Harris exclaimed as he pulled Scott to his feet pushing him towards the entrance of the school while Stiles and I followed.
"I'm going to kill you." I told Stiles as we all entered the chemistry room. It shouldn't have been a surprise to following along with Stiles' plan was going to lead us all to detention, but I had no desire to waste my time.
Scott and Stiles sat in the front row so I began to walk towards the back of the room until Harris cleared his throat.
"Where do you think you're going Hale sit with those two."
I turned around in irritation as I looked over at the empty seat between Scott and Stiles. "I would rather sit by myself Mr. Harris."
"Well now that I know that you don't want to sit next to them Ms. Hale, you are definitely going to sit next to them." Harris replied with a fake smile on his face clearly enjoying this. Keeping myself from growling at him I took the empty seat in-between them as I put my head on the desk hoping that the hour would go by quickly.
"Excuse me, sir?" Scott suddenly said as we were fifty minutes into out punishment. "I know it's detention and all, but, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired." Harris looked up but decided to ignore Scott as he went back to grading papers. Scott sighed before looking over at Stiles who had been surprisingly quiet. "You knew I would heal."
"Yep." Stiles replied looking straight ahead.
"So you did that to help me Iearn?"
"But partially to punish me."
"Yeah. Well, that one's obvious."
"Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me." Scott explained and for the first time I saw the fear of possibly losing his best friend in Scott's eyes.
"I'm not angry anymore. Look, you have something, Scott. Okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So that means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something."
"I know. And I will." Scott assured him.
"You two are such girls." I told them in annoyance as I put my head on the desk again, trying not to snap at either of them for being in this situation that I willingly put myself in.
"AII right, you three, out of here." Harris told us as he used his pencil to point towards the door.
"Thank you." I said with a sigh of relief as I quickly got out of my seat. As much as I wanted to promise myself that I wouldn't go along with one of Scott or Stiles' idiotic ideas, I knew I was only going to be fooling myself. Because I had a feeling that I would only continue to get myself into more trouble caused by these two.
I had yet to understand why Derek believed that Deaton, Scott's boss at the animal clinic, was the alpha. Mostly because he refused to explain, the only thing that I knew was that we were now headed to the school to meet up with Scott and Stiles. The last thing I expected when I came home from detention was to discover that my brother had kidnapped the town's veterinarian, and had placed the unconscious man in the trunk of his car.
"Derek I don't think he's the alpha." I commented at he drove us back the school. Scott's boss was currently in the back of the car and although Derek couldn't be more sure I didn't get the same feeling.
"Why do you say that?" He asked me as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Because of your new friendship with Scott and his hyperactive friend? Do I have to remind to about not getting attached? Because this is temporary, we're only here to find the one responsible for Laura."
"I know and this has nothing to do with Scott and Stiles. This has to do with the fact we've been tracking down the alpha for weeks now and I don't get the same feeling from him as I do the alpha." I argued annoyed with the points the he was brining up. "And if there's anyone getting attached to Scott its you."
Derek took his eyes of the road to look over at me with an angry look in his eyes. "Nows not the time to fight over this." He countered as he parked in front of the school where a familiar blue Jeep was already waiting.
"Where's my boss?" Scott asked as he approached us.
"He's in the back." I told them as they both looked into the back seat where Scott's unconscious boss was hunched over with his wrist tied up.
"Oh, he Iooks comfortable." Stiles commented with his usual level of sarcasm. Scott began to walk towards the school.
"Wait. Hey. What are you doing?" Derek questioned.
"You said I was Iinked with the AIpha. I'm gonna see if you're right." Scott replied as he turned towards me. "Alexis you coming?"
"As you have proven before your plans are stupid and I don't want any part in them." I told him as I leaned against my brother's car, after this afternoon I had learned my lesson.
Derek turned towards me with questioning eyes clearly wanting background on what Scott just said. "Alexis go with them."
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"Like you said, if they do something stupid stop it." I looked over at my brother and let out an annoyed growl as I walked ahead of Scott and Stiles and into the school. Stopping I turned around to face them as they abruptly stopped before they ran into me. "What's the plan?"
"We're going to bring the alpha to us, that way we can prove that my boss isn't the alpha." Scott explained as he lead us into the principled office. "Stiles do the thing." Scott ordered as he pointed to the speaker on the principles desk.
"I'm guessing this is your plan Scott?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Because even though Stiles' plans are stupid they aren't this stupid."
"I'm going to take that as a compliment." Stiles muttered as he began to set up the speakers. "Okay, one question. What are you gonna do if the AIpha doesn't show up?"
"I don't know." Scott admitted causing me to roll my eyes.
"And what are you gonna do if he does show up?" I continued to ask seeing how horrible this plan is.
"I don't know." He repeated.
"Good plan." Stiles commented as he was finally able to connect into the schools speaker system. "AII right."
"You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right?" Scott asked Stiles' nervously clearly not entirely confident in his own plan.
"Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack?"
"I hope not."
"No. It doesn't work that way." I told them with slight irritation. "I think this is a horrible idea."
Scott nodded in agreement acknowledging how horrible his own plan was, yet he still stepped up to the speaker. He took a deep breath before releasing a sound that resembled a cat being thrown in a blender, my eyes widened as I felt my mouth open slightly in shock.
"Was that okay?" Scott asked us, but Stiles and I only shared a look of horror mixed with amusement. "I mean, that was a howl, right?"
"Yeah, technically." Stiles mumbled in a not so convincing way.
"Well, what did it sound Iike to you?"
"Like a cat being choked to death, Scott." Stiles admitted with slight disappointment in his best friend.
"What do I do?" He asked with slight panicked as he looked over at me. "How am I supposed to do this?"
I shook my head knowing that our situations were completely different. "I was born a werewolf it comes naturally to me."
"Hey, hey. Listen to me." Stiles suddenly stepped up as he placed a hand on Scott's shoulder. "You're calling the AIpha. AII right? Be a man. Be a werewolf, not a teen wolf. Be a werewolf. Do it."
"Okay. Okay." Scott muttered mostly to himself as he got closer to the speaker again. We waited as he took a deep breath before letting out a loud howl that caused some of the objects on the desk to shake. Stiles and I shared another look of shock before looking back at Scott who now had a wide grin on his face. Then I suddenly realized what a howl that powerful could do.
"Derek is going to kill me." I muttered as I headed back towards the parking lot.
As we walked back out into the parking lot I stopped in front of the school doors a weird feeling coming over me. "What is it?" Scott asked as he also stopped.
"I don't know." I replied as I put my hand on the door pushing it open. "It's probably nothing."
It was more of a hope. I hope it was nothing. But all of my senses were screaming that we were in danger.
"I'm gonna kill both of you." Derek yelled at Scott and Stiles before turning to me with an equally annoyed look you. "You too. What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"
Scott smiled clearly proudly of himself. "Sorry. I didn't know it would be that Ioud."
"Yeah, it was Ioud. And it was awesome." Stiles cheered in excitement only gaining an irritated look from my brother.
"Shut up."
"Don't be such a sour-wolf." Stiles countered as Scott looked in the back of Derek's car.
"What'd you do with him?" Scott muttered in confusion causing the rest of us to look over at him.
"What? I didn't do anything." Derek questioned as he looked into his car realizing that Scott's boss wasn't inside anymore. One of the car doors was wide open telling us that he escaped. The feeling I got back at the school began to become stronger as I recognized the power I felt whenever the alpha was nearby. I didn't even have a chance to say anything before the alpha appeared behind Derek it's claws going through my brother's chest lifting him effortlessly.
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