11| Mistakes
Without another word I stepped around Stiles forgetting our previous argument instantly. It was like an instinct took over that wanted to lead me to my brother. If Derek really was in trouble i had to get to him as soon as possible after almost having lost him last week the last thing I wanted was to feel the helpless again.
"Wait. Wait, where are you going?" Stiles asked as I immediately made my way down the stairs and towards the black Camero parked in the driveway.
"I have to make sure Derek is okay." I replied simply as Stiles trailed behind me.
"Fine then I going with you."
"No you aren't." I stated as I stopped in place almost causing him to bump into me.
"Yes I am. Do you know how annoying it is always seeing you run off without an explanation?"
"Do you know how annoying it is that you want an explanation for everything?" I countered as I crossed my arms over my chest. Stiles also crossed his arms over his chest as he looked back at me stubbornly. As much as I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of winning this argument, I also didn't have the time to be stubborn too. Derek was in danger and I didn't have the luxury to waste time. "Fine."
He stopped as we got to the car to look at me in surprise. "Fine? Really?"
"Yes, really. Now are you coming?"
"Yeah. Uh...can I drive?" Stiles asked as he looked at the car with wide eyes.
"You're joking right?" I asked in disbelief. "Derek will probably kill me if he knows that you're getting in this car...and he doesn't know I took the damn thing anyway."
"Enough said." Stiles muttered before getting into the passengers seat. I quickly got in and drove out of the driveway and into the main road. Again I allowed my instincts to take over and before I knew it I recognized the direction we were head. We were going back to the house. I couldn't imagine what Derek could possibly doing at our old house again, though he still did seem to be obsessed with our childhood home. Still not able to let it go.
Suddenly that same instinct had me slam on the breaks.
Stiles gasped frantically as the seat belt prevented him from flying out of the car. "What the hell was that?"
I focused my senses and could hear that it wasn't Derek inside the house. "It's the Argents." I replied with gritted teeth as I went in reverse and parked the car at the side of the road.
"We're like miles away from the house how can you..."
"I just know." I said as I opened the car door. "Lets go Derek isn't in the house."
Only waiting a second for Stiles to get out of the car I began to follow my senses that told me where Derek was. It wasn't easy to keep that instinct under full control, especially the that instinct wanted me to shift.
"Wait." Stiles exclaimed as he gasped for air. "I can't run that fast."
I ignored him as I continued to run towards where I feel my brother was going to be until I saw him running shirtless in front of us. Probably sensing I was there he turned his head towards us and headed our way. "What are you doing here?"He asked me clearly not happy to see me, he looked fine and had no injuries. I could only imagine that he was easy able to escape the Argents without much of a struggle. Stiles stopped beside me as he gasped for air placing his hands on his knees. "And why would you bring an idiot along with you?"
"What happened? It was the Argents right?" I asked ignoring his questions.
"Yes it was them." Derek confirmed my hatred towards them only growing stronger.
"Kate?" I continued knowing that out of all of them she was truly the worst. Since we found out that she had returned to Beacon Hills, it had put us on edge, only because she was known for straying away from the hunter's strict code. Derek only looked down and that was all he had to say to confirm that it was her.
"Now how about you tell me what the hell are you doing with him?" He asked looking over at Stiles who was still recovering from our run.
"He found a video of the Alpha the night he attacked the video store." I told him, Derek's suddenly became interested but I continued before he could get his hops up. "And no you can't see the video because he deleted it."
"He what?"
"Like you said he's an idiot." I told him, as Stiles finally straightened up.
"You know I'm right here." Stiles exclaimed in annoyance. "So the Argents are after you're werewolf ass it doesn't surprise me."
My brother took a threatening step toward Stiles, who moved behind me out of his view. Derek growled in irritation before turning back towards me. "I'm late for your conferences."
"They aren't important you don't have to go." I quickly assured him knowing that there were more important things to do than to go to some stupid conferences.
"Actually their mandatory." Stiles added.
"No. Nope they really aren't." I attempted again, and as Stiles was about to open his mouth again I elbowed him in the stomach.
"Give me the keys." He ordered as he extended his hand out towards me, with a sigh I dropped the keys in his hands. "You better be doing good in school. Or...will find a way to punish you."
I rolled my eyes at his horrible threat as he began to run towards the direction of the car. "You don't even have a shirt!" I yelled as he disappeared into the woods.
"Wait how are we going to get back home?" Stiles asked me, since Derek took our only way of getting home. "I mean it's getting dark. Like really dark."
"We walk." I replied as I began to walk towards the direction of the main road. Stiles was right it really was getting dark and now I had to take Stiles' home. The last thing we wanted was for the alpha to choose another stupid teenage boy wandering on his own in the woods.
"Why don't you want Derek at the parent, teacher conference thing?" Stiles asked as we continued our walk.
"Can you really imagine Harris and my brother having a civilized conversation together?" I told him, and he stopped for a second just to imagine it as his face paled.
"Good point." He replied before tripping over a tree branch. As the kids picked up I caught the the familiar scent of Scott and Allison.
"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered as I realized that we couldn't contact Scott because he was taking a romantic walk through the woods with his girlfriend.
Stiles looked at my with questioning eyes but I ignored it causing him to groan in frustration. "What? What happened?"
"I figured out where Scott was all day. He was here with Allison probably not to long ago." I informed him. "That's why you couldn't get a hold of him."
"I'm going to skin his werewolf ass." Stiles muttered, and although Stiles being annoyed with Scott was nothing new. This time he seemed truly angry with his best friend. "Can't believe he chose a girl over his best friend. Can you figure out where he is now?"
"I can try." I told him as I tried to focus all my senses on where Scott was. I began to hear his voice arguing with him mom, and as their conversation continued I began to here people screaming followed by gunshots causing me to flinch.
"What happened?" Stiles asked noticing how I suddenly became startled.
"Scott he...he's at the school." I replied slowly as I tried to piece together what just happened. "I couldn't concentrate fully... but there were gunshots."
"Gun shots." Stiles repeated as his face suddenly went pale. "My dad. My dad he was at the school." He said in realization as he turned towards me. "Can you check if he's okay?"
Seeing how worried he was getting I nodded as I once again tried to focus my senses but this time on the Sheriff, but I couldn't. I simply didn't know him well enough to even recognize any traces of him. I attempted to do it again and ended up getting the same result. "Sorry, I can't. I still don't have full control, I was lucky I could do it the first time."
Stiles nodded quickly before getting a hold go my hand as he began running towards the main road forcing me to meet his pace. "Now we run."
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