03| After Party
It seemed that even though I had assured Lydia that I wouldn't go to her party I would find myself her anyways.
The second I stepped into the large house I sensed Scott not too far away. Now that I was here I realized how terribly Derek and I had handled this situation. We should have told Scott what was happening to him the moment we realized that the bite had changed him, maybe we would have avoided all of this trouble of hunting him down.
As I made my way through the crowds of drunk teenagers, someone suddenly stepped in my path. Had it not been for my enhanced reflexes I would have undoubtedly run into them, and as I focused my attention on their face ready to push them out of my way I realized that it was Stiles with an incredibly annoyed expression on his face. "Now what are you doing here?"
"Last time I checked I was the one invited to the party."
He seemed speechless for a moment before looking around at the crowds around us who were too busy drinking and engaging in their own conversations to pay any kind of attention to us. "Still you're everywhere, how are you involved?"
"Again with your stupid accusations, well I don't have time for them." I replied feeling my own heart rate spike with irritation. I had long ago learned to control the shift during the full moon, but it took an incredible amount of concentration.
The full moon's effects were almost intoxicating. It was almost like a temptation wanting to pull you into the darkness and allow you to lose complete control.
"Are you okay?" Stiles questioned, and just as Scott suddenly rushed inside quickly making his way through the crowd, his heart rate beating at a ridiculously fast rate.
"Yo, Scott you good?" Stiles asked his best friend, concern laced in his voice but he was ignored as Scott pushed his way out of Lydia's house. Allison quickly rushed after him, and I didn't hesitate to run after her knowing that if she was able to catch up to Scott he would lose what little control it seemed that he was desperately holding onto.
When I was out in the crisp night air I saw Derek at the bottom of the steps, but I walked past him as I rushed after Allison.
"Allison!" I called after her as Scott drove away recklessly and there was no hiding the disappointment and hurt on her face as she turned around to face me.
"Alexis." She greeted with a sad smile as her eyes wandered over to Derek with curiosity.
"This is my brother Derek." I introduced to ease any of her worries of uncertainty. In my mind Allison was still a grey area where I was so uncertain whether or not she was a trained hunter like the rest of her family. But I couldn't deny that I truly did wish that she wasn't. "Do you need a ride?"
Allison nodded wordlessly as she followed Derek and I to the car. I only met my brothers questioning eyes for a moment knowing there was no time to explain, although this probably just seemed like a waste of our time.
"I can't believe that Scott would just leave me like that." Allison muttered in disbelief once we were all inside Derek's care, I could still feel my brother's questioning gaze but chose to ignore it as I focused my attention on Allison.
"Maybe it's best if you stayed away from him." I replied knowing that it would be best if Allison and Scott ended whatever attempts at a relationship they were starting. Both for her safety and his. If this continued any longer it was almost certain that one of them would end up hurting the other. "Someone who leaves you like that isn't worth your time."
"I guess you're right." She replied as she sadly looked out the window.
The rest of the car ride was mostly spent in science except for Allison occasionally offering Derek directions to her house. During the car ride I turned up the heat until it was almost unbearable. This whole thing was a shot in the dark but as Allison removed her jacket from discomfort, maybe the plan wasn't as futile as it seemed.
"Thanks for the ride." Allison said once we came to a stop in front of her house. "Nice to meet you Derek."
Derek offered a tight lipped smile in return as she stepped out of the car, once she stepped inside her house Derek drove off into the woods. I looked at the back seat to find Allison's discarded jacket. "So what was that about?"
I took Allison's jacket and placed it on my lap. Whatever was happening between Allsion and Scott as dangerous as it was there was no denying the attraction between the two. "Bait, for Scott."
Derek seemed impressed, but only for a moment as we drove in direction to the woods. As human as we were most of the time there was also a natural instinct within us as werewolves. Scott had to be somewhere in the woods, the only thing we could hope for was that the alpha or the hunters hadn't gotten to him before us.
We wandered deep in the woods in silence waiting for any sign of Scott. Doubt started to come over me as I placed Allison's jacket on a nearby branch as my brother and I came to a stop. If Scott was in these would he would come to us.
"Do you think the alpha got to him?" I questioned once my impatience began to set in. There was no denying that I did feel some amount of worry. If the alpha had gotten Scott to join it's pack there was no knowing what that would do to Scott, not to mention he would only increase the alpha's strength.
"That or he's tearing up half the town." Derek replied dryly.
"Cause that's obviously the better option right?" I countered irritated by his impassive tone.
"Where is she?" A voice questioned in the darkness, before Scott stepped into the moonlight. A wild look in his glowing eyes. At some point he had discarded his shirt and from his erotic heartbeat it was clear that he had been running for some time now.
"She's safe." Derek assured him as he began to walk out of the shadows and I followed closely behind deciding that it was best for Derek to take control of this situation. He had much more experience with control and training. It was Derek who taught me that anger was the best anchor, and we could only hope that Scott could find that same anger within himself too. "From you."
Suddenly Scott lounged himself towards Derek, a fight between the two breaking out between the two on the forest floor. "What did you do with her?"
I watched as they continued their struggle for dominance, one that I possibly would have let continue if it wasn't for a fast approaching sound in the distance.
"Shh! Quiet." I whispered as I violently pulled both of them off of each other. They looked at me with anger but I ignored their stares as I concentrated on listening to the sound of approaching footsteps. "It's too late." I said as I heard the hunters just a few feet away, they were too close to even attempt to run safely but it was more dangerous to attempt to hide. "They're already here."
"Run." Derek ordered, we all had a moment to react before the sounds of crossbows releasing arrowing were heard all around us.
We had only run a couple of steps before Scott screamed in agony. Derek and I came to an instant stop as we turned around to find Scott leaning against a nearby tree with an arrow deep in his arm.
"Take him." One the hunters ordered and although I still couldn't see their faces, there were enough of them to know that they were a threat.
Derek ran towards them without hesitation, and as I snapped out of my own state of fear and confusion I ran to Scott's side. I met Scott's eyes for a breath second before pulling the arrow out of his arm and tossing it aside.
Scott yelled in pain, but I ignored his agony as I pulled him by the arm as we continued running. It wasn't until I knew that Scott was out of his state of shock that I let go of his arm as we continued to run deeper into the woods. Thankfully I could hear Derek's footsteps only a few feet away and I had to be thankful that I didn't have to go back and face the hunters if they had got to him.
"Who were they?" Scott asked as he slumped against a tree breathing heavily.
"Hunters." I replied, as I met Scott's terrified eyes. I could only begin to imagine how scared he must really be having been forced into a world that he didn't know. With dangers that he had yet to learn about.
Even now I could still feel my own fear running through my veins as I realized just how close to being killed by hunters we just were.
"The kind that have been hunting us for centuries." Derek continued as he finally caught up to us.
"Us? You mean you!" Scott exclaimed as his eyes settled on my brother, his desperation unmistakable. "You did this to me!"
"Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for." Derek said irritation laced in his voice as he approached Scott. Although everything he described was ture and would seem like a gift to anyone else, something told me that Scott wasn't the type to desire power. That all he really wanted to do was fit in. What really bewildered me about Derek's words was the fact that he didn't deny that he was the one responsible for what was happening to Scott.. "The bite is a gift."
"I don't want it." Scott practically pleaded as though we had the ability to take away what was given to him.
"You will."
Maybe Derek didn't see it but intimidation wasn't the way to convince Scott to let us help him. In fact, it seemed that all my brother was doing was pushing him away. "And Scott you're going to need our help, we can teach you how to control it."
"So you and me, Scott, we're brothers now." Derek declared and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words. He was making this whole situation sound both ridiculous and serious, a combination that until now seemed impossible.
"How about her? Is she like my sister?" Scott questioned as he turned his attention to me.
"Yes Scott, I can be your sister." I replied in a tone that I would probably use on a child. Yet, Scott seemed oblivious of my tone as he nodded, seeming a little more calm before beginning to walk in the direction of the town that was only a couple of feet away. This close to town there was no way that the hunters would try anything, we could only hope that they didn't see any of our faces. If they did things had just become increasingly complicated.
Derek and I stood in silence for a moment as we watched Scott walk away. It wasn't until he had finally made his way into town that we headed back to our and that I decided to ask the question that had been echoing in my mind since meeting Scott McCall. "Why would the Alpha choose him?"
"The Alpha is obviously desperate for a pack." Derek stated as we reached his car, he paused for a moment before meeting my eyes. Concern shining brightly in his. "Be careful don't get attached. You wouldn't want to form a pack connection with him."
I took in his words for a second, the only person that I currently had a pack connection with is Derek, there was no one else. I knew how strong my connection could form, but I still don't know much of what I'm capable of since I still have had a chance to fully develop that part of my abilities, regardless of Derek's training. "Don't worry I won't."
The idea itself seemed ridiculous, the only reason why we were getting close to Scott was to gain his trust. To make sure he didn't hurt anyone and use him to find the alpha that killed our sister. After that we would leave Beacon Hills again and never turn back.
A/N: Going back and editing this story is only making me dread having to go back and read my Flash story which is probably ten times worse. I hope I have improved since writing this story and New Limits, but I have such fond memory of this story and their characters that I am determined to do finish these rewrites as cliche as this story is.
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