02| Beta
I looked at the school with distaste remembering the couple of times that I had come to Beacon Hills High with my mom and sisters for one of Derek's basketball games. It all seemed so long ago already and like it never actually happened to begin with.
Without a word I stepped out of the car taking in the sight of all the students rushing into the building. It had been a while since I had formerly attended school, and I knew that Derek was only making me go now because he wanted to investigate the alpha further without me.
"Good luck." Derek said quickly before speeding off in his precious car, as childish as I felt I sighed as I took a seat at a lonely bench in front of the school to wait for the principal to escort me to my first class.
The seconds seemed to drag on as another car parked in the now emptying parking lot. A girl stepped out of the truck with a displeased expression on her face as she practically slammed the car door before dramatically taking a seat next to me.
"Hey, are you new here too?" She asked, as she adjusted her dark hair nervously. It was clear that she wasn't very happy to be here either, but it was rare when a teenager actually enjoyed starting over at a new school.
For one look at her I could tell that she was probably the popular girl at her old school. Probably loved by everybody from her kind smile, and she would probably be loved here too.
"Yeah, I'm Alexis." I introduced myself knowing that there was no point in seeming indifferent, although my stay at Beacon hills wasn't going to be long I didn't want to make that stay incredibly miserable either. The least I could do was start some small talk with this girl who was in the same position as me.
"Allison." She replied with a wide smile before her phone began to ring. She offered me an apologetic smile as she got up to answer her phone.
Seeing as the principal was clearly running late I began to braid the ends of my hair in boredom until I finally heard footsteps heading our way. Looking up I watched as a middle aged man hurriedly rushed down the steps leading into the school with a folder in his arms.
"Oh, my God, I didn't actually forget a pen!" Allison suddenly exclaimed as she looked nervously through her bag, when she noticed that the vice principle was only a few steps away she pulled the phone farther away from her mouth.. "I gotta go. Love ya."
"Sorry to keep you two waiting." He apologized before leading us into the school where he brought us to the counseling office to get assigned our lockers and class schedules. "Where did you say you were from?"
"Well, we spent a lot of time in San Francisco." Allison replied dismissively and from her tone and very obvious irritation it seemed that she moved a lot. Another thing I could relate two as Derek, Laura and I always tended to be on the move.
"So you're saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" He asked for clarification as he escorted us to our first period which we coincidentally had together.
"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family."
"Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while." He replied in a friendly way as we turned the corner before turning to me with a smile. A part of me couldn't help but wonder if this was the same principal Derek had when he attended Beacon Hills High. "And you Miss Hale welcome back to Beacon Hills."
"It's been a while."
"It should be easier for you girls to adjust since we have all come back from break." The principal continued his attempts at small talk although it was pretty clear that neither Allison and I wanted to continue with this honestly awkward conversation.
Luckily our class seemed to not be that far from the principal's office as we came to stop, the principal giving us an encouraging smile before opening the door. The class was already in complete silence except for the teacher who didn't seem very pleased that his class was being interrupted.
It was an odd instinct that caused me to turn my head meeting the eyes of Scott McCall. He seemed clearly confused as his eyes strayed to Allison who was standing beside me. His heart was beating unbelievably fast and from the intensity he was looking at her with, I wondered if they knew each other, but from the little I knew about Allison it seemed impossible from the fact that he family was always on the move.
"Class, these are our new students, Allison Argent and Alexis Hale." Our principal said to the class who couldn't seem any less interested. But the name Argent made my blood run cold. It was a name I knew all too well as the Argents were the first family of hunters. A family of hunters that effectively destroyed my own. The anger flooding through me was intoxicating, but I held onto that anger to anchor me from doing something incredibly reckless. "Please do your best to make them feel welcome."
"Take your seats." The teacher quickly instructed us, not at all interested in the fact that he now had two new students in his class.
Allison took the empty seat behind Scott and as I walked towards the other empty seat beside hers I came to a stop as I met the eyes of a wide eyes Stiles. Deciding it was simply best to ignore him and pretend that last night's events didn't happen I took the empty seat behind him.
I was truly naive of me to think that Stiles would do the same, because the second that I sat down he immediately turned around to face me.
"We have to talk about last night." He said, which caused Scott to quickly turn around with a questioning look. Getting a better look at Scott made it incredibly clear that the Alpha was desperate and was willing to bite anyone to form his pack. No sensible person would think that someone like Scott McCall would make a suitable beta in a pack. "I'll tell you later." Stiles reassured Scott, before returning to giving me his full attention.
Faking a confused expression I opened my textbook to a random page, looking away from him. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Ugh... you ran off into the woods in the middle of the night without a word, don't you think that needs an explanation?"
"Mr. Stilinski, I find it unbelievable how you can disrupt anyone's learning environment." Mr. Harris stated in an incredibly passive aggressive way that was a surprise to me, but was luckily enough to make Stiles shut up and turn his attention back to the front of the class. "We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133."
The day seemed impossibly long and increasingly tiring when having to avoid Stiles and Scott who seemed determined to seek me out whenever possible. But Scott and Stiles weren't the only concern on my mind as all I could really focus on was the fact that there were hunters in Beacon Hills now. And not just any hunters.
The Argents were in Beacon Hills.
And they were undoubtedly here to hunt down the alpha too. Some part of me wondered if it would be best for Derek and I too leave and let the Argents take care of the alpha for us. But this wasn't just about finding any alpha.This was about finding who killed Laura.
"Now you have to talk." Stiles declared snapping me out of my thoughts leaning against the locker beside mine. For a moment I felt shocked that I hadn't realized that he was beside me to begin with, but then irritation set in as I came to the painful realization that it would be almost impossible to get rid of Stiles unless I talked. Which was something that I couldn't do.
"I already told you, there's nothing to talk about." I stated, grabbing my chemistry textbook and slamming my locker shut, startling Stiles who jumped causing my backpack to fall on the floor.
I watched as he scrambled to pick his backpack off the floor before turning his attention back to me acting as if nothing had happened. "Fine." He said as he looked around the hall as if anyone would actually be interested in listening into our conversation. "Will you at least tell me if you saw or heard any wolves last night?"
His words admittedly shocked me as I wondered whether Scott had told him about the attack last night, but even if he had there was no way they would have guessed that last night's events had anything to do with werewolves. If I wasn't one myself, the idea of supernatural creatures would seem absurd. "You do realize that there aren't wolves in California right?"
"See that's what I told Scott but he..." He stopped mid sentence and gave me a suspicious look. "Nevermind."
As much as I didn't want anything to do with Scott McCall's troubles, the full moon was quickly approaching and as harmless as he seemed now that wouldn't be the case in a couple of days. "What about Scott?"
"I won't tell, unless you tell me what you were doing out in the woods." Stiles replied, crossing his arms across his chest, effectively causing my irritation to spike to what had to be unhealthy levels.
"Fine, didn't really care anyways." I told him walking around him and heading down the now emptying halls of the school. It was really no surprise that he decided to follow me, but I knew that he was too closely tied to Scott. There was simply no way that he wouldn't find himself in the middle of this mess.
"Hey guys." Scott greeted as he came up behind us doing his best to match our pace as he struggled with the lacrosse stick he was holding. I gave him a questioning look realizing that we had never really been introduced before but he was acting as if we were good friends, though Scott's attention was completely focused on Stiles."Stiles ready for tryouts?"
Seeing as Stiles was now distracted it was the perfect moment to slip away without either of them noticing, but my curiosity took over causing me to come to a stop as some girl I didn't know stepped in front of us.
"Can someone tell me how a new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" The girl bitterly commented, we all turned to see what she was referring to, only to see Allison with Lydia Martin and the captain of the lacrosse team, Jackson Whittemore, at the other side of the hall.
"Because she's hot." Stiles commented blunty as if it were obvious, the girl shot him a look of disapproval as I wondered why everyone in this school or any school seemed to be so obsessed with popularity. "Beautiful people herd together."
As Stiles got into an argument with her, I looked over at Scott who was looking intently towards Allison. The fact that he liked her couldn't be anymore obvious, suddenly the three of them turned in our direction causing Scott to quickly look away to face the lockers.
He honestly couldn't be any more awkward and it was becoming painfully clear why he and Stiles were friends. As Allsion, Lydia and Jackson made their way towards us, I felt as Scott began to panic, not sure what to do other than stare at them approaching us.
"Alexis, it's been such a long time." Lydia said as she pulled me into a very much unwanted hug, but I really didn't have a chance to react as it was something that I didn't expect.
Even when we attended elementary school together a couple of years ago we had never spoken, the fact that she was acting like we were long lost friends was incredibly unwelcome. "Yeah it's been six years." I said as I pulled away.
"So we're having a party this Friday and you should definitely come." Lydia continued as she brushed a strand of hair away from my face, and there was no mistaking her critical eye. Her confidence was almost as overwhelming and Stiles' anxiety and Scott's constant state of panic.
The thought of going to a party was revolting and there were simply more important things that were on my list and going to some party would be something that I couldn't do even if I wanted to. "I don't know I still have a lot of unpacking to do."
"Well the offer still stands." Lydia replied with her practiced smile never leaving her lips as she stole a curious glance at Scott, Stiles and the other girl who were silently watching our exchange.
"We were going to watch the lacrosse tryouts, you should tag along." Allison said as she looked at me with pleading eyes. I could only assume that Lydia was forcing her to watch these tryouts, sports had never been something that I was interested in but it seemed like a large part of the highschool experience that I really didn't want to experience.
My instinct was to turn down her offer, but the knowledge that Scott was going to be out in that field was enough to make me reconsider. Lacrosse from what I knew was a pretty violent game and anything could trigger Scott into turning in front of everyone. "Sounds like fun." I muttered as I followed the trio down the hall, not bothering to look back at Scott and Stiles. For now it was best for me to keep my distance from Scott until Derek and I discussed what our best approach to keeping him away from the alpha would be.
Lydia linked her arms with mine and Allison's once her boyfriend left for the locker rooms. There weren't many people watching the tryouts and as the three of us took a seat on the bleachers I began to regret my decision to come watchin the first place.
There was something unsettling about sitting beside Allison Argent knowing how her family was made up of monsters who lived by a code that benefited nobody but themselves. There was no knowing whether she even knew what her family was or if she was part of what they did.
"I've actually never seen a lacrosse game." I admitted, the only game I've ever seen was basketball but that was a long time ago, when Derek was in high school. In fact being in this school was a constant stream of memories that I wasn't sure were welcomed.
"You're not the only one." Allison replied with a laugh, then Coach Finstock blew the whistle for all the players to get set up. I quickly located Scott, he was standing goal, as the other players lined up, when the first player threw the ball at Scott it hit him directly in the face. The fact that he couldn't even catch the ball with his enhanced reflexes, was truly embarrassing.
All of a sudden Scott proved me wrong when he caught his first ball and every ball after that. Even Scott made no attempt to hide the fact that he was shocked about his sudden talent at a sport that he clearly was terrible at before.
"He seems like he's pretty good." Allison commented, she seemed very impressed as she observed Scott catching every ball that was thrown his way. The smile on her face telling that maybe Scott's feelings weren't one sided after all, as unbelievable as that seemed. But the sudden realization of them being together set in.
"Yeah, very good." I said as I continued to observe the way that continued to make perfect plays that would have been impossible for a normal person to accomplish. Lydia stood up and began to clap wildly for Scott, along with the others who were watching. They were only 30 minutes into practice when I felt Derek's presence from across the field, and he didn't have to say a word for me to know it was time to go. "I have to go."
"Why so soon?" Lydia asked as I gathered my belongings, she pouted a little, probably upset that her new toy was leaving her side so soon. And although he seemed interested in becoming my friend, I wasn't interested in becoming hers.
"My brother's here, see you guys tomorrow." I attempted to say in a bit of an enthusiastic tone, I jumped off of the bleachers and made my way to the school parking lot where a familiar black car waited.
"You need to keep an eye on him during school." Derek ordered the second that I got into the car, he didn't waste any time heading down the road that led to our old home. A road that I would prefer not to travel by everyday, but had no voice in the matter.
"So you want me to babysit him?"
"Call it whatever you want." He retorted as he pulled up in front of the ruins. He wasted no time in heading towards the woods at a quick pace, I ran after him confused on why he would want to go back to the same place that we have been visiting the past couple of days in search of our sister.
We found her and there was no point in coming back to all the places where we lost the people we loved.
Derek came to a sudden stop at the clearing where we discovered Laura. "Try to catch the Alpha's scent."
"Derek you know it doesn't work that way." I replied, beginning to get annoyed by how stubborn he seemed to be of the idea that coming back here would give us any sort of clues.
"Maybe you can catch some scent that can lead us to it."
"You know the Alpha's scent changes when he's in his human form." I tried to rationalize with him trying to make him consider the facts. This alpha clearly knew what they were doing, they seemed to have everything planned out. It was a waiting game now. "Anyways Alpha's know how to hide their scent."
"Can you at least try." He insisted, so I decided to give him the satisfaction of trying. I took a deep breath as I focused all my senses on finding any scent that could lead us to the Alpha. As much as I tried I couldn't get another scent other than the small of blood from Laura and Scott, my concentration was broken when I heard the rustling of leaves.
"Maybe the killer moved the body." I recognized Stiles's voice from a distance, they were undoubtedly heading this way. Probably looking to investigate last night's events just like we were.
"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks." Replied Scott, I turned towards Derek who seemed to have heard their conversation as well.
"Stay focused, I'll deal with them." Derek said before he began to walk away, annoyed by him giving me orders I decided to follow him. Since he had taken up the role that Laura had left behind he was more unbearable than ever. "What are you doing here?" Derek questioned as he approached the pair who looked at my brother with wide eyes, their fear unmistakable."This is private property."
I stood just behind Derek watching as Scott and Stiles shifted uncomfortably under my brother's intense stare. But it was surprisingly Stiles who seemed to snap out of his daze as he took a step forward in an attempt to seem unaffected. "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know."
"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but...uh, forget it." Scott muttered quickly as he took a hold of Stiles' jacket in an attempt to signal him it was time to go.
Remembering that I still had the inhaler in the pocket of my sweater I pulled it out just as they began to head out of the woods.
"Scott!" I called out as I tossed him the inhaler that he caught effortlessly. The inhaler itself was useless to him now, but if it helped him feel just a little more human in the upcoming days then maybe it was best for him to have it.
Again I found myself watching lacrosse tryouts after school. I was standing near the bleachers, watching Scott's irresponsible display of his enhanced coordination and strength. Of course he had no idea what was the cause of this sudden change, but he had to have started to feel the upcoming full moon's effects by now.
Taking in the amazement from the other players on the team I suddenly met Stiles' eyes.
A big mistake.
He immediately made his way towards me, but something about him felt different. And he didn't have to say anything for me to know.
He figured it out. Or at least he believed he did.
"You know what's happening to Scott don't you?" Stiles questioned as he turned back to look at his friend who was expertly playing the game in complete bliss.
"What's wrong with Scott?" I asked hoping that he would tell me everything he knew if I pretended to seem concerned. It seemed that Stiles had a tendency to not stop talking and maybe that was something that I could use to my advantage to get more information about what was really happening with Scott.
"You can drop the charade" He replied frantically, surprisingly more serious than I had ever seen him. I could feel that he was worried. Worried for Scott and whatever was happening to him. However, it seemed that it was Scott who had yet to understand the implications of what was happening to him. "I know that you know something."
"And according to you, what do I know?"
"I don't know what you know. But you know something!" He yelled as he pointed a finger at me. I was about to turn away when he got a hold of my arm. Looking down at his and around my arms I looked up to meet his eyes and whatever he saw in mine caused him to immediately let go and step away from me.
"Touch me again and I will castrate you." I warned, his eyes widened and he looked down at his pants and then at me.
"Point made. But you still have to tell me what you know."
"What makes you think that I know anything?" I asked curiously, Stiles obviously has been very observant about this whole situation.
"How about you and your brother popping up when all this crazy shit started?" He said his voice rising with every word and I couldn't deny that he was right about that. But even if Derek and I hadn't shown up to Beacon Hills there would still be an alpha in this town, and things could have played out exactly like they did that night.
"All I'm going to say is that I would stay away from Scott tonight if I were you." As much as Stiles had a way of deeply irritating me I wasn't going to let him become Scott's chew toy. If he had any sense of self preservation he would take my advice.
"Well thanks for the help, that clarifies a lot." He replied sarcastically as I walked away from him, admittedly nervous about tonight.
Derek and I had to find a way to contain Scott tonight. A task that wasn't going to be easy, and now it wasn't about protecting him from others. It was about protecting him too. There were hunters here now.
Hunters that unlike us wouldn't hesitate to kill.
A/N: Another chapter! It feels amazing to resist these characters after so long. Editing this has really helped me feel productive during my current writers block for my other stories. Hope you all enjoy!
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