Stay With Him
"Who is this you've brought, Shoto?" She asked, a smile on her lips as she looked at me.
"This is Shiro Kurayami. Shiro, this is my mother."
And here I was.
Sitting on a wooden stool right next Todoroki, right in front of his mother. Within the confines of a small hospital room. And none of us were talking, you can imagine how awkward I felt.
I was looking down, not knowing if I should look directly at her or not, whether if I should start the conversation or wait for her to start it instead.
Twiddling my fingers, I continue to sit there silently waiting for either of them to break the awkwardness.
Or is it that I have to ask fir-
"So Kurayami-san, Shoto has been mentioning you to me ever since he came visiting." I snapped my head to him at her words, seeing the tint of blush on his cheeks from embarrassment.
I smirked in my head.
"He did?" Keeping up an innocent act, I turn to her with a polite smile.
"Oh, almost all the time! I haven't seen him with such a smile before!" She smiled, a knowing look in her eye as she shifted her gaze to Todoroki, who stayed silent.
Mrs. Todoroki continued to gush on about all the different things he's said to her, myself replying and nodding in amusement while Todoroki kept silent in embarrassment.
I've been hearing all the times we've ever hung out together, from the start of the school term to now. It was interesting to see how enthusiastic his mother was about it while Todoroki's face only got redder and redder.
"So, Kurayami-san.-" She smiled at me, finishing her recap on everything Todoroki's ever told her. "Tell me about yourself. From all that I've heard, you seem to be a nice person."
"Well, there's really not much to tell." Most things have already been said to her by Todoroki, so I didn't even know what else to tell.
"Oh, nonsense!-" A look of realisation crossed her face, her eyes turning to Todoroki. "-Shoto, dear. Could you please tell my nurse that I've run out of tea? She should be right by reception by now."
He blinked at the sudden request, nodding slowly before standing up. Todoroki glanced at me with a questioning gaze for a second, then turned and left out of the door, sliding it close.
Once the door was closed, I was surprised to feel Mrs. Todoroki softly grasp my hand, a smile on her face.
"He usually never talks much, or even smiles. But with you, he does it all the time. And I've to thank you for that." So she had made him go out for a reason other than tea.
"Every single time that he talks about you, there's always this look in his eyes. He really cares for you, and in a whole other way than how he cares for me." She said, a knowing look on her face as I blushed at her words.
"And I know you care for him too, it's written all over your faces. Just try to stay with him and show him that you do. Shoto isn't good at understanding or facing his emotions, he prefers to hide them." I looked at her, the certain motherly seriousness in her eye along with the gentleness in them shown that she really did love him.
I smiled, nodding. "I will."
-x- TICK -x-
"Summer Camp here we come!" The sounds of Kaminari's and Ashido's cheers by the front could be heard, myself laughing and chatting with Yaoyorozu who walked along with me.
Today was the day that both our class and Class 1-B would be heading for the summer camp. The majority of us were excited about it, our bags in hand as we all headed to where the buses were. Class 1-B were already there loading their bags and boarding their bus by then.
"What? Some Class A kids are getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?!" I turned to spot Monoma there, a condescending expression on his face as he stared us down.
I chuckled, turning away to continue onto the bus after placing my bags into another compartment. I took a seat by the side, watching as the rest of the class made their way in as well, Todoroki took his seat next to mine.
After a while, we started to move. The bus was filled with the chatter from all of us as we continued to sit in the bus. I hummed, looking out the window at all the trees that we're passing. "What do you think this camp's gonna be, Shoto?"
"Could be anything, but I doubt it's going to be easy." He answered, myself nodding in agreement as I continued to stare out the window.
"I'm sure we can handle it. We've battled head on against villains and one another, should be okay." I chuckled, reminiscing on all the things that have happened to us in just a number of months.
It was a miracle that we were even alive now.
A yawn escaped from me, having to get up so early to finish packing and come to school had made me tired.
Todoroki must have noticed, as he scooted closer and gently pushed my head to lean on his shoulder. "I'll wake you up when we're there. Get some sleep." He said.
"Thanks, Shoto." I smiled, grabbing onto his hand and locking our fingers together, closing my eyes as I felt a soft peck on the top of my head. "Anytime."
As I leaned on his shoulder slowly drifting to sleep, with the bus running over bumps over the road occasionally lulling me, I could hear Mrs. Todoroki's words in my head again, the words that I have promised to keep.
"Stay with him, you really do mean a lot to him."
======To Be Continued======
What a boring chapter, lmao. This is a filler since like, the Summer Camp's gonna start soon. Welp.
First week in school and I'm already dying. Yay. This school year is supposedly very important, so I have cut down on my time in writing for homework and tuition soon.
But I won't delay the updates. Definitely not. Not when the book's gotten this far.
-Kuno HikaYashi
4th January 2019 (Unedited)
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