Our Lives
"You know what, I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorises the same violent acts as heroic and villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. 'Symbol of Peace'? Hah! You're just a device used to repress violence. But violence only breeds more violence."
-x- Third Person View -x-
Tomura Shigaraki spat, a vile smile stretching on his cracked lips, arms spread out as he eyed All Might.
"You villains are always muttering about this just to make yourselves feel right! But, the violence that you villains do hold not noble cause!" All Might said, still holding onto the 'Nomu'.
"It's three against six." The dual-element quirk holder, Shoto Todoroki stated.
"And your Warp Gate's weakness has been exposed." The bi-coloured female, Shiro Kurayami said, gripping onto her swords tightly as she stood beside the bi-coloured male.
"These guys are insane! But if we back All Might up, we can push 'em back!" The redhead, Eijiro Kirishima grinned, punching both of his hardened fists together.
"No! You all must run!" The Hero All Might ordered, making them look towards him like he was crazy.
"If it were not for me, you would have still been in trouble, no?" Todoroki questioned, making the hero look at him with a grin.
"That is but a different story. But I thank you, Young Todoroki." All Might thanked, the said boy looking at the hero.
"But it is fine now! It's time you see how a Pro Hero give everything he's got!" The hero stated, making the greenette, Izuku Midoriya worry.
"But All Might, you're bleeding. And, your time is-" The boy suddenly cut himself off, remembering that there were other people here as he glanced at his fellow classmates.
'There it is again... Him talking about something about time...' With furrowed eyebrows, Shiro looks at her green haired friend in confusion.
"Kurogiri, Nomu, go and deal with All Might. I will deal with these children.-" Shigaraki said, earning the nods of the warp gate. "-Let's just clear this up quick and go home."
"Hey! We still get to do this after all!" With his grin, the redhead Eijiro then gets into a fighting stance, awaiting for the leader of this situation to dash at them.
As Shigaraki ran towards the group of future heroes, the hero All Might was now engaging the 'Nomu' with a fist fight as both were seemingly evenly matched, shockwaves and vibrations could even be felt throughout the ground as they continue their heated battle.
-x- Shiro's View -x-
"A head-on fist fight...?!" Midoriya questioned, being pushed back by the pressure and sheer force of the fist fight.
"W-Wow!" Kirishima exclaimed, trying to regain his balance as he used his hardened arms to block his face.
As even I felt the waves of power from the fight, my feet were suddenly pushed off the ground, making me yelp in surprise as I was now bracing myself to hit the ground. But what I didn't expect to hit was a hand wrapping around my waist, stopping me from flying back which made me look up, seeing a pair of grey and turquoise eyes looking back at me.
"T-Todoroki-kun... Thanks..." I muttered, feeling him let go of my waist as he nodded, both of us now watching All Might in amazement as he continues to fight against the 'Nomu'.
"It's quirk is not a Shock Nullification but Shock Absorption right?! So there has to be a limit to this?!" All Might bellowed, his grin wide on his face as he punches 'Nomu'.
"Made to kill me? If you're able to withstand me at a hundred-percent, then I'll be giving over a hundred-percent of what I've got!" He yelled, trying to bypass or at least penetrate through the 'Nomu's endurance limit, landing blow after blow on each other as they battle through the U.S.J.
"Amazing... Even though he got hit so many times, he's still able to land a punch." I muttered, staring in amazement at the Pro Hero as his punches were so fast, not even the 'Nomu' could keep up.
"A Hero... can always break out of a tough spot...! Hey, villain! hear my words and hear them well! Go beyond, Plus... Ultra!" With a final punch, All Might then hits the 'Nomu' by the gut, sending him flying through the ceiling as it broke though the roof, the ground around even breaking out from the sheer pressure of the punch.
"Is this some comic book scene or something?" Kirishima questioned, disbelief clearly written on his face as he looked at the results in front of him. "It's like he nullified the 'Nomu's Shock Absorption. His brute strength is insane."
"What amazing power... Does this mean that he rushed at him so fast that he couldn't even regenerate?" Bakugo muttered, looking at All Might who was panting but still held his wide grin.
"I sure have gotten weaker. In my prime, just five hits would've been enough but now I had to use over three hundred blows." All Might grins, turning towards the Hands Guy as he continued to speak. "Now Villains, I'm sure we all would like to end this as soon as possible."
As I turned to look at the Hands Guy, he had this frustrated expression, hands scratching his neck furiously.
"I kinda pity his neck..." I muttered, seeing the skin peeling off from him scratching it so much making me scrunch my nose in disgust.
"Weaker...? No way, we've been completely overwhelmed. I can't believe he did that to my 'Nomu'...Did he use a cheat?" Hand Guy muttered, still continuing to scratch his neck.
"What's wrong, you're not coming? I thought you said you'd 'clear' this or something? Come and get me if you can." All Might dared, making the Hands Guy step back a little to my amazement.
"All Might..." I trailed, amazed at how strong he is even though how much damage he took.
"As expected, we are not needed in this fight." Todoroki said, making me look up at him as he notices my gaze, to which he sends back.
"C'mon, Midoriya! we gotta get outta here! We wouldn't want to be taken hostage and drag All Might down!" Kirishima called, Midoriya only standing there and not giving out any sort of reply.
From the corner of my eye, I see the villains that were previously taken down -by Aizawa-sensei- getting back up, making me break my gaze from Todoroki.
"Todoroki-kun... The villains..." I muttered at him, him turning to look at where I was staring at to see the villains.
"Right." He replied, myself already feeling the cold that was emitting out from his right hand.
"We can still kill him. All that damage he took, he must have weakened greatly." Kurogiri said, calming the Hands Guy down slightly as he agrees.
"You're right. We can still take him down." Him and Kurogiri suddenly rushed towards All Might, who was obviously weak as he had blood dripping from his mouth.
"All Might would deal with the main guys! But let's help take down the others!" Kirishima yelled, also noticing the now conscious villains coming closer, but Midoriya was still staring at All Might.
"No!" Turning my head, I see Midoriya powering up and rushing over to the two villains -more specifically Hands Guy- with a readied fist.
"Izuku!" I called, trying to stop him but to no avail as he continued to dash towards the Hands Guy.
Before Midoriya could hit Hands Guy, a portal opened in front of him, a hand coming out of it as it was close to touching Midoriya. But a sudden 'Bang' was heard, a bullet had shot the hand, making it back off.
"What the-" Hands Guy said, turning his head to see the other teachers and Pro Heroes at the entrance, Iida there with them.
"Tenya Iida, Class Representative of Class 1-A has arrived with reinforcements!" He reported, making me smile as I look at him.
"Yeah! Iida, you're amazing!" I called, him hearing me as he turned his head to look at me, saluting at me making me laugh.
"Sorry we're late everyone! I gathered all who were available and immediately rushed over here!" Principal Nezu said, himself seated on one of the teacher's shoulder as he waved.
"Our plans have failed. let's just return home." Hands Guy said, but Snipe shot at him several more times, making him fall to the ground.
"Tomura Shigaraki!" Kurogiri called, opening a warp gate for them to escape, Thirteen trying to stop them but was too late, seeing as they had already gotten away.
"Oh, so that's his name..." I mumbled, remembering to refer him as 'Shigaraki Tomura' next time.
"If this many Pro Heroes have gathered here. Then it means that the rest of the school is safe." Todoroki said, looking at me as I nodded, giving him a smile.
"That's something good. At least the rest of the school's safe!" I said, a slight curl seen going upwards on Todoroki's lips.
"Yeah..." he replied, me still shocked to see the smile on his face as I stared at him.
"We want to make sure that all student are fine, so please gather by the front of the gate. We will deal with the injured." A voice ordered, Cementoss standing in front of Kirishima who nodded.
"Come on. Let's go." I said, gesturing to the gate as Todoroki still stood there, looking at me.
"What's wrong, Todoroki?" I asked, stopping my movement to go to the front gate as I stood in front of him, confused.
"You need to be taken to the infirmary." He stated, making me look down at my injuries which were temporarily numbed by the ice formed by Todoroki previously.
"Ah. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. A few days, and these would be all healed up. Now come on! Let's go!" Not waiting for his response, I grasp his hand and run to the front gate.
-x- TICK -x-
"18, 19, 20...Other than the boy with both legs seriously injured. It seems everyone else did not suffer from major injuries." The detective said, counting who was here as he concluded his result.
"Let's have the students return to their class for now. We won't be questioning them any time soon, right?" The detective said, Asui suddenly asking about the condition of Aizawa-sensei.
"Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture... Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any brain damage. However, his orbital floor has broken into small pieces, and his eye may suffer from its after effects." He answered, proving my assumption correct that the injury could affect the future use of use quirk.
"What about Thirteen?" Ashido questioned, me tuning out of the conversation as I glared at the floor below me.
After a while, we were finally released to head back to class, me still zoned out of the class' conversation. I was walking at the back with Todoroki, who was also not listening to the class.
"Does this effect our lives at U.A. now...?"
======To Be Continued======
What's this?! It's an UNEXPECTED UPDATE!! *cringes and dies of loneliness*
Okay, so I was bored since it was school break and I just thought 'hey, why not update? I've got extra finished up chapters anyways.' And BAM here it is!
So enjoy! I'll be posting another one tomorrow as well!
-Kuno HikaYashi
13th June 2018 (Unedited)
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