The Finale pt.2
Those voices, it was Shiro and Bakugo. Shoto's eyes went wide at the sound of their voices. They were there, with that man.
"Apologies, Bakugo and Kurayami." Just as Shiro was about to gag to the side, the voice of a man stopped her. Looking up from the ground, she saw a man in a suit and without a face.
And to be honest, it made her want to puke even more. He reminded her of that one character in some horror game she had seen before.
"Huh?!" And next to her was Bakugo, who also looked like he wanted to vomit, judging from the disgusted face he was making.
Then more splashing sounds came from behind them, and Shiro turned around. She could see the rest of the League of Villains dropping in like they had. "You've failed again, Tomura."
The no-faced man was talking to Shigaraki. "But you mustn't lose heart, there will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band."
"And the boy and girl, because you determined that they were important pawns." He was reaching a hand out towards Shigaraki, like he wanted to help him up from the ground he was kneeling on. "So try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do."
"It's all for you."
Okay, so Bakugo and herself were now surrounded by villains and an unknown man that had unknown amount of power. And judging by how destroyed this place was, Shiro could only assume it was this guy that did it. So that's even worse.
How were they going to escape from them now?
Shoto couldn't stand it, he felt pathetic.
His whole body wouldn't move, and his heart was pumping from the fear of his own death. Yet Shiro is there, right behind them and he wasn't doing anything to save her.
'If I could just, get Bakugo and Shiro out of there...! Then we could...!' He willed his own two feet to just step forward, to be brave enough to save his classmates.
To be a hero.
And with much whatever courage he had mustered up, he could feel himself move. His feet were stepping forward. He could jump over this wall and rush to their rescue right now!
But Iida had stopped him, pushing him back with an arm.
"I knew you'd come." Shoto's heart dropped, were they compromised? Had they been found out?
Then the sound of something falling from the sky was heard. "You're gonna give it all back, All For One!" All Might had arrived, and he was going head-to-head against the villain.
"Here to kill me again, All Might?" Large amount of power was being thrown around between the two of them, so big that the ground broke beneath them, and send rocks flying.
"Whoa!" Shiro was being flung back from the sheer power of them. It was crazy, All Might's punch was blocked by that man!
Trying to get a hold of herself after that blow, Shiro looked up from the ground, spotting that Bakugo was a few ways away from her. "I'm taking Bakugo and Kurayami! And this time, I'm smashing you into a prison cell! You and your little League of Villains!" All Might dashed forward back into the fight.
"Sounds like there's a lot on your to-do list. You and me both." The villain had his arm directed to All Might, and a weird swirl of power starting manifesting around it. Then he shot it, and sent All Might hurling back into more buildings.
Shiro was pushed back again from the power, and more rocks were thrown and pelting her. She could feel her own skin get cut and blood bleeding from them.
"All Might!" She could hear Bakugo from somewhere close by, but with all the smoke and dust it was hard to make up shadows. "Don't fret. That won't be enough to kill him. So..."
"You need to flee, Tomura. And take the two with you." Coughing from the dust, Shiro was trying to get out of it and find where Bakugo was. "Kurogiri will help with your escape."
Right as she had come into sight of Bakugo, Shiro saw the villain having some sort of tendril like things sticking into Kurogiri's body. 'Okay...'
"Forcible Quirk Activation!" Suddenly Kurogiri's warping portal appeared behind him. The villain had retracted his Quirk away from his body. "Now go."
"Crap." Muttering curses under her breath, she watched as All Might had returned to battle and now the League of Villains were preparing to flee.
"Time to go, Shigaraki! While the gentlemen in the pipe mask is holding All Might back!" Compress had used his Quirk to collect the unconscious villain with patches. "And take our pawns."
The villains had yet to notice Shiro, but they sure had their eyes on Bakugo. "What a pain..." And all at once, the villains jumped on him. She knew that Bakugo was smart, and that he'd avoid close-contact with any of them.
And she was right, he had used his Quirk to stay away from them, blasting Compress before he could touch him. It was hard for him to fight all of them at once, and he only had two hands and that much strength to last.
She decided to join the fight with him. "To hell if you think you can just get us that easily!" Running straight into it, Shiro had activated her Quirk, summoning the appendages on her back, and flung them at knife girl before she could stab Bakugo.
"Took you long enough!" Landing next to the blonde, she smirked at his words. "What? I thought you could handle it."
"Shut your trap!" Ignoring him attitude, she only continued defend against the villains. "Oh please. Now we have to get away, but how?"
Shiro had used her Quirk to lift a nearby piece of debris, throwing it towards the reptile-like guy, and then hurriedly tried to dodge the hand that shot to her face. "Woah, hands off man!" Right as she dodged to the side, Bakugo was quick to turn and blast the hand away.
"Nice!" They made a good team, she and Bakugo. They were defending themselves from the villains quite nicely by having each other's backs.
But she could feel herself getting drained. Having been kidnapped and deprived of food and water was a good thing to drive her Quirk. She was losing energy fast.
They had to get out of there, but with All Might preoccupied with that other guy. And them having to fight six other villains, she couldn't think of a way they could escape.
-x- -x- -x-
Shoto could hear the sounds of battle going on from behind the wall, he could also hear Shiro and Bakugo trying to fight against the league by themselves.
They have to come up with something to save them, but how could they be able to get to them without joining in the battle directly?
"Everyone! Iida!" Midoriya had come up with a plan.
"Don't think about it, Midoriya!" Iida was trying to stop them from interfering and joining the fight, but what other could could they have right now? All Might has his hands full. And the other heroes are all knocked out cold. "No, there's a way!"
"It technically won't count as fighting, and it'll help us get away from here. Plus, we'll be saving both Kacchan and Kurayami at the same time."
"Just spit it out already." Shoto was impatient to hear the rescue plan he had, they had not a second to waste to save them. "But it relies on Kacchan's cooperation..."
Midoriya had went deep into thought about this plan and how they were supposed to execute it to their favour. "If we try this plan, I probably shouldn't be the one." He knew that with how independent Bakugo liked to do things, it wasn't likely that he'll comply with the idea of being saved by them.
"It has to be you, Kirishima. You're the key to our success here." Now all eyes were on Kirishima. "Let's do it."
Shoto was standing in his position, waiting for the signal that Midoriya will give once they were ready to move. He was to create a large ramp upwards for the others to run-off from.
But he still wondered, what was he supposed to do with Keii? He knew that the cat was to help them know where Shiro was, but what then? What else could he do other than that and heal wounds to be so important to this mission?
"Todoroki!" Shoto snapped out of his thoughts, focusing on activating his Quirk. Midoriya, Iida and Kirishima had broken through the wall, that was his signal.
So with a quick stomp of his foot, ice had formed and grew to the size of a glacier-like ramp right in front of them. And then, the three of them took off, going so high that they flew over the villains' heads.
Todoroki could see that the villains had noticed their little stunt. And the unknown villain had tried to rush to get them, but All Might moved fast enough to keep him busy.
Kirishima had his arm stretched out. "YOU GUYS!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs to call out to both Bakugo and Shiro. "COME ON!!"
Shiro was shocked and relieved at the same time when she heard Kirishima's voice from above. She wanted to laugh at how reckless they were to be here, but honestly if they weren't, she wouldn't know how they could get away.
"Oi! Stop staring and let's go!" Bakugo was yelling at her, him already launching off his explosions downwards, just barely dodging Shigaraki's hand and now flying upwards already.
"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!" She couldn't help the grin on her face. With her Quirk, she slammed the tentacles on the ground to send herself up as well.
"Oh no you don't!" She wasn't fast enough to react to whoever said that, and by the time she could turn to see what was going on, one of the villains -Twice- had already come close enough to her.
He was holding some sort of tape in his hands, and had sliced her Quirk off, the light-formed tentacles disappearing almost instantly.
"Shit!" Shiro just barely got away from the sharp tape in the villain's hands by jumping away. She was going to trying and get away again, but she was surrounded, and Kirishima had already flew too far across for her to reach.
This was not good, the villains had her blocked on all sides. She was drained of energy, her breaths were heavy and she could feel the sharp pain that starting rising in the back of her head.
'This is definitely not good.'
======To Be Continued======
Part two of the finale!! Woohoo!
And today is also our beloved hedgehog Katsuki's birthday if y'all forget ahahahahah
My way of humour to publish a Shoto book on his birthday back then lmao
Anyways, so part three will published maybe around tomorrow or the day after. Just to give a little more suspense muahahahaha
-Kuno HikaYashi
20th April 2020 (Unedited)
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