Forgive Me
"Hey Katsuki. Bet you waited long enough already, huh? Guess I'm done hiding."
"So you finally showing yourself, you coward...?"
"Sorry for keeping this from you Shoto."
"Secret's out, fellas. Kind of unexpected, huh?"
"And it seems our Quirkless wonder, Shiro Kurayami wasn't so Quirkless after all!" The crowds were quiet, the three of us not moving as we stare at each other.
"Knew you two-faced bitch seemed sketchy." Bakugo growled, his glare pointed at me as I continued to stand with a smirk.
"I'm hurt, Katsuki. Calling me that." Placing a hand to the position of my heart, I mock a hurt expression until I turned toward Todoroki who had been staring with a look of disbelief.
"Shoto, I know I've got a lot of explaining to do, both to you and the whole class. But for now, the battle is still top priority." He blinked a couple of times, looking away towards Bakugo with a serious expression.
"I'm gonna enjoy blowing both of you outta my path to the top." Bakugo muttered, getting into a crouching stance as he sped toward me, his palm releasing sparks of explosions.
"Funny." Was all I said as I felt the power surging through both of my hands, directing my right palm towards him as a burst of black and purple shot toward him.
Dodging to the side, the black substance the exploded behind him, particles dispersing in the air into nothing as Bakugo continued to advance.
"Shoto, the reason on how I knew how to train you,-" I opened both my palms, manifesting the surge of power and molding it to different shapes. "-is because I knew how to do it myself."
Two long swords appeared in my hands, one of black and purple energy in my right while the other held a white and golden one.
"Well don't just stand there! You're in this battle too!" Snapping my head to where he stood, I slashed my white blade at him, crescents of white and gold advancing toward his being at an alarming speed.
As if on instinct, Todoroki dodges my attack, the crescents hitting the concrete, causing rubble to explode.
"Hey!" Hearing Bakugo yell, an explosion emitting from his palms while he shot them in front of him, hitting me as I hiss at the burning pain.
The skin on my left arm was red and burnt, bits of it peeling off and showing different ranged degree burns tattered across it. Glaring at the ash blonde, I hit him in the side with my black sword, causing him to get thrown to the side just slightly from the impact.
"As much as I like the attention from you, Katsuki.-" Smirking upon the angered look on his face, he once again runs at me. "-but, I'd like to have you focus a little more on Shoto."
Flipping backwards, I watch as I land behind Todoroki while Bakugo aims an explosion at where I was previously, causing the explosion to attack the bi-coloured male instead.
"WOAH! Kurayami just used Todoroki as a meat shield! Throwing him into the battle against Bakugo!" Present Mic said, the crowds roaring as the two males start to fight it out with one another.
Stomping his foot onto the ground, a large glacier of ice advances towards Bakugo, encasing him in the solid again.
"Oh, this'll be fun." I grinned, hearing the 'boom'-ing sounds of Bakugo trying to escape the ice as he nears the edge.
Right when he manages to mole through the glacier, I cross both swords in front of me and release them, a large ball of black and white energy hurling at him, his eyes widening by a fraction with shock until all I could see was an explosion of black and white.
"And now both Kurayami and Todoroki team up against Bakugo?! What a power couple, people!" My eyes stayed focused on the area Bakugo was, knowing full well that he couldn't have gone down that easily.
"You think that could beat me...?" A deep growl came from the smoke, his silhouette appearing with a malicious smirk, scratches donning his arms and face as he had sparks dancing around his palms.
"I would never." Retorting, I taunt him with a gesture, making him growl as he ran at full speed in my direction, Quirk activated and ready.
"Stun Grenade!" Bakugo yelled, his hands sparking with explosions as he cupped them together, a bright flash-bang emitting from them as he tried to blind me.
"Have you forgotten about my abilities, Katsuki? Aegis Shield." From that, the familiar dome of panels surrounded me, this time shining with even more energy.
"The brighter the place is, the more powerful my light side gets." I reminded, the stun grenade wearing off as I watch him standing before me with a scowl.
Dispelling my shield, I get into a stance, my swords both gripped tightly in my hands as I brace myself for any incoming explosions.
"You're forgetting one thing, Shiro." The voice made my eyes widen, turning around to face the opponent, but it was too late.
"Never turn your back on your enemy!" Stomping on the ground, a giant glacier of ice hurdles my way, its speed impossible for me dodge as I stay frozen.
It was like I was in slow motion, the ice had spiked up from beneath my feet, sending me up to the sky as it hits me.
Trying to regain my bearings, I prepare for using my Quirk to land, my swords now gone and my palms facing the ground that was nearing fast.
"Don't think for a second I'm gonna let you fucking go!" Just as that was said, Bakugo comes swirling in a flurry of explosions, coming from above with a glare.
In that moment, I actually felt fear and helplessness.
Throwing my arms in front of my face, I felt the impact of the giant explosion hit me, the hit unbearable as I was harshly forced back down to Earth.
My back hit the ground, causing pain to spread through my body as I gasped, black spots dancing and filling my eyes as I tried my best to stay conscious.
I heard Present Mic say something but couldn't make out the words, every sound just coming into a massive blur to me as I stared up at the sky in a daze.
A figure loomed over my body as they stared down at me, my eyes gradually shutting as my world turned dark.
The last things I saw were a pair of heterochromatic eyes that shone with worry.
A barely audible sentence came from my mouth, before I slipped into the darkness and have it consume me.
"For-give... M-me..."
======To Be Continued======
I'm so sorry for not making Shiro stay in the fight longer!! But I have my reasons for making her third that you'l soon find out! So just wait and see!!
Anyway, I've been so overwhelmed with the numbers of notifs that I receive every single day for this book!! I get almost 50+ notifs everyday about UNEXPECTED!! I really love you guys so much!!
I'll come to explain Shiro's Quirk more soon, I promise!!
-Kuno HikaYashi
3rd August 2018 (Unedited)
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