♡Chapter 2♡
11:15 am.
The two were now staring at each other a bit coldy.
I stared at my wrist which was held, Softly? I found myself feeling a weird sensation in my stomach. Like a small caterpillar in its chrysalis, or was is a butterfly?
I suddenly felt him grab my wrist as he said, "Im sorry but i just didn't see you. My names Hyunjin by the way."
I stared at him blankly, then after a second i said, "Oh um im Y/n," i say barely holding my giggle in. Why did I find this funny?? He was different from other boys.
"But hes still a boy!!" I thought shaking my head fiercely.
Hyunjin POV
"Are you ok?" I said as i watch shake her head weirdly. "Um yeaaah?," she replied.
"Well i know this is weird but, could i get your number?". What was i thinking?!?! This girl was a complete stranger and she was probably a stalker fan.
I knew I was going to regret this.
After a minute of realizing what i was doing and i finally look up to see a gorgeous face which I recognized immdiately. "Hyunjin?? Hyunjin from Stray kids?!,". "Umm yeah?". He said.
"Its good to meet you im a big fan." I say trying not to sound cold but failing.
Fimally i said "Sure," and gave him my number. "Do you work?." He asked.
"Yeah I do actually, im a fashion designer." He replied by saying that was a really cool job.
We kept talking and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen. I literally had just given my phone number to none other then my Celebrity Crush.
After talking for what felt like an hour, we finally parted ways.
I opened the door to my house and walked up to my room barely missing breaking my pinky toe on the stairs.
I suddenly heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said without looking up
"Hey sweetie!" The door opened to reveal my Mom. I muttered a weak "Hi" and hoped she would just leave the room.
"You ok?" She asked, " You look really tired and flushed" she said as she placed her hand over my head.
I heard her sigh and look down. I lnew what she was thinking.
I had gone through a lot over the past years. It was painful to remember all the good memories I had with my Dad, I wondered if my life would have been different had I chosen to live with him.
No. I could never do that to my Mother, she meant to much to me.
I always wonder when I would ever heal from those internal wounds that scarred me in my childhood. I sighed and watched as my Mom murmured something to herself and left the room.
As soon as she left my room without even knowing I checked my phone to see if i had any messages, I didn't but it was time to continue writing my new song so i sat down and forgot everything that just happend.
Soon after I heard a *PING!* And checked my phone to see a message from Hyujin. "Hey so i just talked with my boss and he has agreed to meet you tomorrow to see if you'll be our fashion designer,". "Really?!!." I asked, "Yeah really i promise!."
Hyunjin POV
I reached the dorms still thinking when i suddenly get a bear hug, "Hey Hyunjin! Your finally back!," Said Chan.
All the members came and surrounded me all wanting a hug. "Hey guys!! Its good to be back,". "I made brownies!" Said Felix, "And i helped him," said Jeongin. I laughed and sat down at the table with them to eat the brownies and chat.
Both of them forgot what happend until the next day when once again fate brought them together.
Authors note:
Hey you! Did you like that the story was longer now? If so then please tell me take care!!
Reading this months later hits different.
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