♡Chapter 16♡
Nali POV
I woke up from a deep slumber to see the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Or was it?
I rubbed my eyes to make sure i wasn't still dreaming, but sure enough it was plain as day. The man of my dreams, the love of my life, the sunshine to my busy world, was drooling in deep slumber right on top of me!
I quickly got up and looked to see if i had some of that stuff on me.
Thankfully I had none, at least not visible.
How had I fallen asleep?
It seemed like i had slept in his lap,while he had no other choice but to fall asleep sitting right side up.
He also woke up and quickly wiped his mouth.
We both laughed and said our "Good morning" -s and stared at esch other quite awkwardly.
"Did you rest well Nali?" He asked.
"Considering I had your lap as a pillow, I slept well" i said giving him a sweet and teasing smile.
He giggled and asked me if I wanted breakfast.
At the same second my stomache growled fiercely.
"Im gonna take that as a yes." He said laughing.
"Augh but make sure to give me very little" I said groaning.
"Why? You sick or something?" He immediately regretted saying that because he knew far to well the reason.
I gently shuck my head and he apologized.
"Im sorry I forgot.." he said looking very ashamed.
"No its fine. I just hate it.."
Sadly like many Kpop idols I was stuck in the "The thinner The Better!" Saying.
All my trainee days were spent eating tiny bits of food and most of the time it was only vegetables.
It was a sensitive topic that no one liked talking about.
Especially me.
He served me a small amount of cereal and gave me a homemade smoothie.
I muttered a thanks to him but mainly kept quiet. So our meal was a very silent and awkward.
He then offered to take me home and when I agreed he left to get a bit freshed up.
He then came back out and as we were walking out he asked when we could hang out again.
"Honestly Hyunjin I don't know. Training keeps me busy and our debute is really soon i can feel it.
So I gotta train." I said "I never had before anyway." I said as an afterthought.
"O.K. its fine just text me when your available. And maybe instead of staying home we could maybe go out?" He said shyly.
I muttered a soft "Maybe" and I saw his face fall. I could feel my brain malfunction as i thought. What are you doing you idiot literal freaking Hyunjin is asking you out! Wake up! I wanted to slap myself.
The rest of the car ride was awkward.
I felt like a fool.
He hadn't meant it as an insult, so why was I being so touchy about it?
Unknowingly I zoned out and by the time I came to he was opening my door to get out. He looked, weird.
Hyunjin POV
We kissed as we embraced.
"Oh Hyunjin your lips are so soft!"
"Hm I bathe them in vaseline just for you Baby." I answered flirtatiously.
We were about to kiss again when..
There was a gag and someone jumped from my lap!
Nooo whyyyy it was such a good dream we finally kissed...
I thought.
I opened my eyes to see it was just Nali.
I quickly wiped my mouth as we both erupted with laughter.
Later as i asked her if she wanted breakfast she accepted but that i only give her a little.
A little?
I thought she might be sick and got worried and didn't give it a second thought and i asked.
The moment i said it i felt like the earth shattered.
She looked hurt by what i said.
I felt stupid.
Then i had the audacity to ask her out!
It didn't really suprise me she answered so coldy. When would i learn had to properly Woo a girl?!
I dropped her off and went to open her door. I still felt ashamed about what a had said so I didn't really wanna look her in the eyes so i looked down and saw her do the same.
Suddenly i felt something, something i never felt before. I wanted to kiss her so bad but i also wanted her.
Her body.
Out of lust i pushed back into the car so quickly she didn't even have time to blink. I pressed my face to hers our noses touching.
"Hy-un-jin wh-what are you d-doing?" Said a very shaky voice.
"Im done waiting"
Authors note.
Hey Fellow Stays!
So sorry for my absence but ill try to make up for it. Thank you to all who have read the first few chapters! As always stay happy and healthy!
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