♡Chapter 12♡
I couldn't wait to get home.
I was so excited so happy..
I couldn't express my Joy.
As soon as i got home i called Yeji to come over.(Not the idol just a normal girl with that name)
Yeji: Now?
Yeji: ok ok im on my way.
I couldn't wait to tell her, as i sat there rehearsing how i would tell her.
When out of the blue i heard the door bell ring.
"Huh how'd she get here so fast?" I thought. I ran down and saw none other then Hyunjin.
"Hyunjin?? Whatcha doin' here??" I asked.
"Well you left your hoodie at the practice room," he said while shyly handing it to me.
"Ohh yeah i guess i got so excited that i forgot about it," i said putting my hand on my head.
"Guess so, anyway J.y.p. told me to inform you that you will meet yourgroup members tomorrow. And by the looks of it you may either be the center or... The Leader." He said looking at me excitedly.
"Naah your pulling my leg," i said punvhing him in the arm.
"Honest im not, i cross my heart and hope to die." He said putting his hand to his chest.
I couldn't believe it..
I jumped on him and hugged him tight while he spinned me around for a few seconds.
I then realized what i was doing and got down from him clearing my throat," im sorry about that, i got a bit distracted again" i said blushing.
"Dont worry about it," he said smilling.
Soon after he left.
As soon as he left someone else knocked on the door, Yeji.
"Girl start explaining, who the Heart attack was that?! He looks like An Angel? Was he real?? Oh my goodness if he was, he must be like some fallend angel or something. Y/n so help respond. Is he your Boyfrie- " she was about to continue when i stopped her.
"Woah there cowgirl slowdown.
No hes not my boyfriend hes just a friend." I said smirking a bit.
She looked at me in disbelief then as if she realized something she said," Waait is that the boy you told me about?!" She asked, then out of nowhere she slapped my back and squealed "AHHHHH GIRL hes sauuurr cute!! Marry him... NOW!!"
I gasped.
"WHAAT?!" I looked at her in shock.
"You heard me right, Marry him" then with a smirk she added. "Or i will"
I immediately hit her in the head.
Yeji: Owww what was that for??
Y/n: Stop speaking foolishness. And yes hes the one that i told you about.
Then with a shy smile i said.
Y/n: And im debuting.
At this she choked on her saliva and almost fell back.
"Debating?" She asked.
"Yess ofcourse my dear im debating while im a trainee," i said sarcastically, then added "Ofcourse not idiot! Im D.E.B.U.T.I.N.G Debuting"
"Ohhh" she said.
"Tell me all about it.
She squealed as i told her everything from start to finish.
As I she couldn't believe it.
But after i explained again. (In total she explained like 50 times)
Yeji finally got it.
"Sheeeesh i wanna be you girl!! Ik so Proud of you!! And tell me again whats your relationship with Mr. Angel from Heaven That should be banned from Earth cause hes So good looking even Nature is in Love with him??" Yeji asked dreamily.
I slapped out of her reverie.
"Augh for goodness sakes Yeji keep it together! And we're just friends." I added .
She sighed and pouted.
"Its so sad."
"Whats so sad?" I asked her raising my right eyebrow.
"Your in love with a man you can never have," she said under her breath.
"Youuuu little!" I said as i chased her around the house.
"Ok ok fine i give up i give up!!" She said laughing while she tumbled unto the couch.
Ten mintues before
Hyunjin POV
I left Y/n's house blushing to myself think about how warm her body was against mine, even if it was just a few seconds.
I sighed and walked to my car.
I wondered if i ever could be with her.
"Probably not," said i voice behind me.
"Huh what?!" I almost jumped back in fear when i heard the voice, had i said that outloud?
The voice laughed," Woah chill bud its just me" they said as i turned around to see Lee Know.
"Hyung! Dont scare me like that!"
I said playfully punching his arm.
"Fine im sorry" he said giggling.
Hyunjin: what are you dong here anyway?
Lee Know: oh i was just gonna come congratulate Y/n. I heard shes gonna debute. But i just saw another girl go in so I'd better not interrupt. That might be talking about something private.
Hyunjin: oh yeah best not go now then.
He agreed then asked if i wanted to join
For icecream, ofcourse i agreed and we both left.
Main POV
All of them went their separate ways all thinking about Y/n debuting, and how her and Hyujin had feeling for each other.
Ofcourse neither of then knew that the other had feelings too.
But they both knew that they wanted the other to like them just the same as they liked the other.
The next Day
After a almost a restless night Y/n got up from her comfy bed and got ready to meet her future members.
"Will they like me? Will i like them?"
I asked myself.
I was so nervous about meeting the other girls who i was gonna debute with.
I hoped none of them were mean.
I promised myself that no matter what i wasn't going to let anything or anyone affect my Career.
A few minutes later at the J.y.p Entertainment building.
I was almost shaking with nervousness.
Then one by one they came in.
Hana.(4 years older then me 23) Korean
Binna. (2and a half years older 21) Half Korean half Japanese
Ma-ri.( 1 year younger18) Korean
And Ji-yoo( 2 years younger17) Half Korean half Australian
We all bowed to each other with hearty "Anyeong-Haseyo!" .
I immediately felt warm at seeing Ji-yoo se looked so sweet snd innocent, i knew we were gonna be good friends. I also wondered to myself why Hana was debuting at such and age. (Hana was 23) i also thought she looked oddly familiar.
As if he read my J.y.p. said, " Hana was a trainee under Hybe labels, but had to go abroad for medical treatment due to an illness in her Stomach." To this i answered " Oh i knew i had seen her somewhere! Its nice to meet you Eonni" i said giving her my sweetest smile.
"Thank you Y/n was it? Do you not have a stage name yet? " she asked.
"Stage name?"
"Yeah all of our names are what we chose to be our stage names." Answered Ji-yoo laughing a bit.
"Ohh ok, well then how about.." i thought for a minute then said, "Nali? "
"Ohh yes!! It means Lily and you kinda do resemble it Y/n," said Mari "Or should i say, Nali?" She laughed.
I absolutely loved them they were all so sweet and nice.
Then J.y. Park started to appoint our positions. Ok Hana you'll be main dancer, Binna lead rapper, Y/n oops i Mean Nali you'll be lead in Production,Ma-ri you'll be main vocalist, and Ji-yoo you'll Be the Maknae.
"Everyone understand?" He asked.
We all nodded.
"Oh and i almost forgot the Leader.. Remember the Leader will be Lead in all of these things but please dont hold a grudge against her. Without further ado i think we all know who it will be anyways but.." he waited then suddenly was calles out of the room quickly he said.
"Oh im sorry girls i guess you won't know now but tonight you'll know at tour congratulatory Party!" He said running out.
We all squealed and i hugged eahc one of them.
The room was buzzing with the same question "Who do you think it will be?"
Ma-ri: i think it will be Nali, i mean shes good at everything and shes also kind of the center.
Bina: I agree, we've heard a lot about yoru succes Nali.
Nali: I dunno..
Hana: C'mon Nali you know you will!
Ji-yoo: yeah i really hope you do Nali! Id really love you to be our Leader
She said this while running to hug me.
"Aww thank you Ji-yoo,and thank you all your so kind." I said huggibg her.
"Group hug" said Bina and Ma-ri at the same time.
We all embraced ready to face anything.
Authors note:
Hey there!! Sorry for not uploading like i usually do, i didn't really have much inspiration.
But i hope you liked this Chapter!
Did you like how its goibg so far?
And do you like your new name? Hehe
Anyway you know the drill, Take care, don't get sick, and Remember " Someone in this cruel world loves you"
Thats it!
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