Chapter Six
Charlotte's POV.
"No, I never really found time for dating. I was either doing homework, working on my music or spending time with my mom" I answered Kevin. He asked me if I had ever dated anyone. As soon as I said my answer they didn't look like they believed me. "We don't know if we believe that, You're absolutely stunning and have such an amazing talent, how could you be single and also never had a boyfriend?" Joe asked. My face was red when he said that but I still stood my ground. "I wanted to work on my schooling and music, but if a guy wanted to try I would've been happy to, no one wanted to try so I stayed by myself." I said. They all nodded at me. We were all just sitting in the diner Nick had picked out, and waiting for our food to come. "So, why did you guys ask me to join you for lunch..There were many others who were really great last night" I asked. "We were impressed by you; you're young, you know how to play many instruments, you sing beautifully and you seemed to be the only calm person, especially around us." Kevin answered. I smiled a small smile, I was still kind of nervous. "So, when did you start wanting to take on being a singer and song writer?" Nick asked. "Ever since I was maybe, I wanna say five years old. I honestly don't remember the age I started I just know I started at a really young age." I said taking a sip of my drink. For the rest of the lunch they asked me more questions about myself and about the music career that I wanted to pursue. At 12:45 the lunch had ended and Joe and Kevin had to leave. Nick drove me back to the hotel. We got back inside and into the elevator and back on our floor. Once we got to the door of my hotel room Nick turned to me and said, "Sorry about all the questions Charlie..". I looked at him "It's okay, I didn't mind the questions although, some of those said questions left me wondering why they wanted to know the answers to them. For instance my favorite color." I said. Nick chuckled "They love that question. but I had fun today, thanks for joining us for lunch today." He said. I smiled and nodded, "It was a blast and pleasure. thank you for inviting me" I saw him smile. Once we got to the hotel and out of the car we went back inside. I looked at Nick and he looked like he was angry "Are you okay?" I asked nervously. "Oh yeah, I'm fine Charlie." He said with a small smile. He walked me back to my room. "Stop by my hotel room any time if you need to talk. I'll see you later tonight on stage. good luck Charlie" He said and I smiled at him "Thank you" I said. I walked into my room and looked at my dad. "How was lunch Charlie?" He asked "Amazing, I was freaking out on the inside the whole time, I think I made friends with the Jonas Brothers" I said and my dad chuckled.
Nick's POV.
I walked back to my room and inside after dropping Charlotte off at hers. I growled at myself. "No. No. NO. I can't let another girl in! it's too soon!" I yelled. I laid down on my bed and thought long and hard. We had so much and common, she's beautiful, she's kind and also shy. She doesn't seem like all she would want is material items but I'm afraid to let someone else in, she could be hiding her true intentions. I let out a sigh. "I like her, there's no doubt about that's just too soon." I said to myself. I continued to think about her. Her smile, her laugh, her kindness, the way her face would constantly turn red. She is so much better than Sapphire. 110%. I grabbed my phone and called Joe. It rang for a few seconds and I hear Kevin's voice on the other line "Dj danger's phone, Kevin speaking." He said and I just chuckled. "Seriously, you're an idiot sometimes" I said. He laughed "What's up bro?" He said. "I like Charlie. a lot and it terrifies me. I don't know what to do guys. What if she pulls the same thing Sapphire did?" I said. I heard them both sigh. "We get that you're scared man but you have to understand that not everyone is going to be exactly like Sapphire or like any of your other exes for that matter. Charlotte has very different personality traits that both Joe and I noticed from the get go." Kevin said. "Yeah man, no offense but a lot of the girls you dated in the past especially Sapphire, were rather stuck up. You may not of noticed but we did. Charlotte was very polite and clearly she was well raised. I'd say play it safe and continue to get to know her." Joe said. "But what if I wait too long?" I asked. They both sighed. "That's up to you man. but regardless we'll always have your back." They said. I sighed but smiled. "Thanks guys." I said. We talked for a little while longer. After we said our goodbyes and ended the call I set my phone down on the stand next to the bed and laid down staring up at the ceiling. My mind was hooked on Charlotte. Pretty soon I felt sleep take over me.
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