Chapter One
"Charlotte! it's time to wake up you're going to be late to school!" My mother yelled in a rushed tone. I slightly giggled as I've been awake for two hours now getting ready for school. I'm currently working on my music like I always do before I leave.
"I'm already awake mom!" I called back "I have been for at least two hours now!" I looked at the clock and stood up and grabbed my bag. I took one more look in the body mirror in my bedroom. I was wearing my favorite outfit.
A purple blouse, bleach blue skinny jeans which are ripped at the knees, my tan colored cardigan and my black converse sneakers with purple shoe strings.
My parents say I wear it too much but I don't care, It's comfortable to me. I smiled and walked downstairs. My mom gave me a smile
"Wearing that outfit again I see" I giggled and gave her a hug "We better hurry and get you to school, I have to pick something up from your grandmother's." She said. I nodded and walked out to her car and got inside. I pulled my phone and ear buds out and stuck them in my ear.
-"I turn my chin music up and I'm puffin' my chest I'm gettin' red in the face, you can call me obsessed. It's not your fault that they hover I mean no disrespect, It's my right to be hellish I still get jealous 'Cause you're too sexy beautiful and everybody wants a taste, that's why (that's why) I still get jealous 'Cause you're too sexy beautiful and everybody wants a taste, that's why (that's why) I still get jealous."
I sung along to this song until it ended and by that time I had arrived at school. I got out of my mom's car gave her a smile then walked into my school. I don't use my locker so I just walked to my first period class which was math.
"Hey it's Charlie!" My friend Heather said. I smiled at her "Hey girl!" I greeted as I sat down next to her. I took out my math book and opened it up and began to work on the sponge that was written on the chalk board. About ten minutes into the class my teacher walked up to my desk and whispered in my ear
"Gather your things, Your mother is here to pick you up." I gave her a confused look but obeyed anyway. I walked to the office where my mother was waiting for me. She had the biggest smile on her face.
"Mom? What's going on?" I asked "Your grandmother did something amazing for you!" She said with excitement in her voice. "What?!" I asked with curiosity. "Get in the car and I'll tell you on the way to the airport!" She shouted. Airport? I followed her to the car and got inside. I looked at her and waited for an explanation.
"Your grandmother signed you up for auditions to American Idol, which are tomorrow!" My eyes went wide and a smile stretched across my face. I nearly screamed.
"There's going to be a special guest judge tomorrow too!" She shouted "Who?!" I asked with excitement. My mind went to One Direction but she said A which means one. I waited for her to answer but she hesitated leaving me in suspense for about five minutes until she finally opened her mouth.
"Nick Jonas" My eyes widened even more and that's when I screamed. "NICK JONAS?! THE ONE I'VE BEEN DYING TO LEARN MUSIC FROM FOR LIKE EVER?!" I was overwhelmed with excitement, I almost passed out but, I didn't thankfully. My mother sat there and laughed at my reaction. We were parked at the airport.
"I'm not going alone though.." I told her. My mother looked at me with a stern look. "You're damn right you're not going alone Missy." She pointed out the window at something and I flicked my head and gazed out of the window.
"DADDY!" I screamed. I opened the car door, ran out, and hugged him. I haven't seen my dad for a year, he works far from where my mother and I live. My father didn't have the money nor time to move all of us, so he moved out to his location and came back on special occasions.
I was beyond happy today. I heard my father let out a loud chuckle as he hugged me back tight as he possibly could before releasing me. "Well Charlie we have fifteen minutes until our flight leaves, so we have ten minutes left to spend with your mother and another five minutes to actually board the plane." My father said. He climbed into the front seat of my mother's car while I climbed into the back and for the next ten minutes my father told us stories about his job and how things are going. My father and mother gave each other a long sweet kiss which every normal teenager would cringe to the sight of but, I'm not a normal teen. I smiled at them and then kissed my mother on the cheek when they pulled away. "Ready Charlie?" My Father asked. I nodded my head "Nervous because I've never been on a plane before and never sang for such an enormous crowd but I'm definitely ready." I said with pure determination. I grabbed my bags that my mother had already packed me then gave her another kiss on her cheek before catching up with my father into the airport. "Did your mother bring your keyboard?" My father asked "I don't need it, if she brought my music things with me then I should have all my CD copy's with the music of each song I've ever sung and or written on it." I answered my father with ease. He looked at me and chuckled "You're a little busy bee aren't ya?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, "Indeed I am" I said with a giggle. "Alright let's get on the plane!" My father said with enthusiasm. I giggled once again and boarded the plane with him.
Nick's POV
I just got word that I'll be guest judging the X factor auditions this weekend. Great. I didn't really want to, I wanted to be with Sapphire. "Nick, what're you going to wear to the auditions?" My stylist asked "I have no idea, I don't even want to go to this damn audition." I said with anger clear in my voice. I let out a long sigh and plopped down on the couch on my tour bus. Sapphire will be here shortly and I want to spend as much time as possible with her. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and when I looked at it a small smile spread across my face and I answered it. "Hey baby" I said "I'm leaving you." Sapphire said bluntly. I froze. "Please tell me you're fucking with me." I said not at amused by what I thought was a joke. "No. I'm not joking. I am seriously leaving you. I honestly never really loved you in the first place, I just needed someone to hold me and buy me nice things. Now, I don't need you at all!" She said rather enthusiastically. I froze again, I can feel the tears stinging in my eyes, but I held them back. "Oh." Was all could say. I was used yet again. I'm so done with this. I ended the call with her and let the tears fall. "Nick? What happened?" My stylist asked with concern. I looked at her, she was like a second mom to me, she treated like I was her son. "Sapphire used me.." I said as a few more tears fell. I wanted to scream and punch everything in sight but I didn't and I couldn't. My stylist sat down next to me and pulled me into her arms. "Forget about her Nick there's someone out there who's a hell of a lot better than she was and ever will be." She said with complete honesty. I sniffed. "I'm done with relationships." I said "Well, alright. Why don't you try to get some sleep? Take a little nap, I'll wake you up before your interview" She offered. I gave her a sad smile and nodded. "Thank you" I said. I stood and went to the back of the bus where my bunk was and took my shirt off and tossed it into a laundry bag. I sighed and laid down. My heart was aching but I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep.
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