Chapter 5
That night after Preston falls asleep Sonny climbs out of their shared bed and heads to Hanji's room knocking on her door to find her trying to figure out how to fix the watch.
"Hanji," Sonny whispers grabbing the attention of the titan loving brunette. "Want to help me with something fun?"
A shared glint of mischievousness shines in their eyes as she explains her plan making Hanji laugh almost evil. "You have a wonderful mind and now I know where you get it from," Hanji says with a big grin.
They go down into the dungeon and stand in front of the cell that Eren is sleeping in. "I have been wanting these two to get together since I met Eren and now that I learned that they actually do get together I am so happy," Hanji says unlocking the cellar door and heading inside. Hanji grabs Eren under his arms while Sonny grabs his feet getting ready to lift him up. They silently count to three and lift him up and start heading out if his 'room'.
"You know I wonder if it's because of us that they actually get together in the end," Sonny says while they are walking up the stairs out of the cellar.
"That would be so awesome that means they will eventually have to thank both of us," Hanji says as they reach Corporal Levi's room. They slowly open the door to see him fast asleep and while sharing a grin they lower Eren onto the bed covering him with the blanket. Eren sighs softly in his sleep, scooting closer to Levi, and hugging him from behind with a small smile on his face. Levi turns around, still asleep, and hugs Eren back still with his same neutral face.
Hanji and Sonny slowly walk out of the room as to not wake up the sleeping 'not yet couple.' They give each other a high five and walk down the hall. As Sonny is about to head back to her room Hanji speaks up.
"Who's your father?" Hanji asks out of the blue. "I didn't want to talk about it in front of the boys because it seemed kind of awkward."
"I'm not sure if I can tell you because I want you to fall in love with the person because you love them not because they are who you are said to have ended up with. But I will tell you they are from the other world," Sonny says before giving her a soft smile and heading back to her and Preston's bedroom.
"Though she may not know it, she is one smart girl," Hanji says walking back to her bedroom as well to get some sleep.
The next morning Levi wakes up to feel a weight around his waist as he buries his face in his pillow and begins to drift back to sleep. Then a low thumping noise keeps him awake so he decides it is time to get up. When he opens his eyes he see that it wasn't a pillow that he's hugging but Eren who is also still asleep.
Levi looks up at Eren's sleeping face to see that he appears very relaxed and he then looks down to see that Eren's arms are around his waist. As he tries to pull out of his grip it only makes Eren hold onto his waist tighter.
"Don't go, don't leave me," Eren whimpers softly in his sleep making Levi feel sorry for him.
'How did he get in here? I know he wouldn't dare to go this far... HANJI!' Levi thinks beginning to become angry and ends up kicking Eren off the bed on accident. Eren jump starts awake while breathing heavily and looks up to see Corporal Levi staring blankly at him making him blush.
"I...I'm sorry Heichou, I..I'm not sure how I got here," Eren stutters frightened on how he ended up in Corporal Levi's bed.
"Hanji, she probably snuck in here last night and left you in my bed," Levi says standing up and walking into his closet to change.
"I think Sonny might have helped her," Eren says gaining his composure and standing up off the floor. "I will just head back to my room." He says as he heads toward the bedroom door.
"Don't, you can stay in here till breakfast," Levi says walking out of his closet dressed and ready for the day.
"But I need to change as well, I can't just go all day in my night clothes," Eren says reaching for the door knob but is quickly blocked by Levi as he stands in front of the door.
"That can wait till after breakfast," He says walking toward Eren making him gulp and walk backwards with everyone of his steps forward.
In the cafeteria everyone has already gotten their breakfast as they sit at the seats they chose.
"Where are Eren and Levi?" Sonny wonders aloud from next to Hanji and across from Preston before taking a sip of water.
"Probably having sex," Hanji says bluntly making Sonny spit out her water spraying it all over Preston and making Mikasa choke on the bread she was eating.
"I'm going to kill that shorty," Mikasa says standing up from her seat but quickly being grabbed by Armin getting her to sit down.
"Calm down it's probably not even true, it's Hanji," Armin says making Hanji huff and Mikasa nod reluctantly. When Mikasa couldn't see his face he mouthed a 'I'm sorry' to Hanji making her nod.
But abruptly the cafeteria doors swing open making everyone turn, to see a disheveled Eren in his night clothes and a calm Levi all dressed in his clothes, walk in. At seeing Eren's state Mikasa stands up angrily as Armin tries to stop her but it's no use as she walks toward him.
"As protective as ever I presume," Sonny mumbles softly to which Hanji just nods while she tries to hide her laughter at the way Eren looks.
"Definitely sex, he has that kind of glow people have after it," Hanji says a little too loudly which makes Mikasa angrier.
"What did you do to him shorty?" Mikasa says daring to call him that to his face making everyone else stiffen but Hanji, Sonny, and Preston.
Sonny laughs the loudest and says, "That never gets old!" While everyone else looks at her weird making both Hanji and Preston laugh.
"What are you laughing at little girl, do you want to fight?" Mikasa threatens her making her laugh some more.
"No, no continue," Sonny says resting her head on her hands and intently watching as she attempts to fight Levi but inevitable gives up and takes Eren to her seat. Levi then goes to get his food and sits next to Preston eating his food.
"So, how was it," Hanji asks after a few minutes of silence making Levi almost choke on his bread but he stops chewing and slowly swallows it.
"What do you mean?" Levi asks acting impervious to Hanji's comment making Preston chuckle.
"Oh we know what you all were doing in your room alone," Hanji says with an evil smile as Levi just shakes his head. "I mean just look at Eren." They all look over to see a dazed and slightly confused Eren staring down at his food. His hair sticking up all over the place with him not even attempting to fixing it.
"Stupid Brat," Levi whispers to himself and as if Eren felt his gaze he turns to look at Levi. He blushes and quickly turns his head to look back at the food before slowly eating.
After everyone leaves the cafeteria except Levi and Eren who are sitting on the opposite sides of the long table. Levi stands up walking over to Eren and saying, "Why did you look away so..."
Eren then asks cutting Levi off, "Did you mean it?" Levi looked at him confused and he meets his eyes.
"Mean what?" Levi asks still staring at him but Eren remains quiet a few moments but then mumbles a quick 'Never mind' and begins to walk toward the door. Then as he gets closer to the door to walk out of the cafeteria, it clicks and Levi understands. "Yes."
Eren stops walking still facing the door not daring to turn around to face the Corporal. "Or is it just because of the whole we are together in the future thing with Sonny?" Eren asks looking back to see Levi slowly walking towards him.
"I don't care what that little brat says I make my own decisions because I want to make them, unless someone else is involved and it's not entirely my choice. And in that case it's you," Levi says backing Eren against the door so he can't move and stares him straight in the eyes as he talks. "I've had my eyes on you since I met you though it may not be that long ago. You have this aura around you, it's saying that you are a trustworthy and caring person but when you need to be you can get aggressive and violent and try to kill someone. I like that."
Levi begins to kiss Eren's neck and smirking at Eren's little moans when an ear piercing scream echoed throughout the whole building making Levi cuss and pull away. "Hanji!" He yells angrily grabbing Eren's arm and pulling him to go find her.
When Sonny hears the scream she had been anxiously pacing around her room about how to fix the watch. Preston had been resting on the bed under the covers watching her pace. She squeals loudly and jumps under the covers like a frightened child. "I know that scream," Sonny says quietly. "I hear it when ever mom is really sad and mad at the same time. Like when she dropped her favorite mug."
Preston chuckles lifting up the end of the covers to look at his hidden girlfriend and sees her sticking her tongue out at him. "She probably found the titans, it seems like the right time for that to happen," he says pulling her up and having her lean her head on his chest.
"Yeah, I feel bad that they died," She mumbles into his chest feeling it vibrate with laughter at her next remark. "One even had my name. I was named after a big, dead titan."
"I love you so much," He says looking down into her eyes lovingly.
"Love you too," She says sitting up and kissing his lips softly before pulling away to get up and head towards Hanji.
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