Ch. 8: First Ultrasound
Sakura, Kurenai, Lee, and Shikamaru all sat in the waiting room at the hospital with their respective partners, except for Shikamaru. Temari was still not back from her trip to Suna, so Asuma was sitting with him.
The four were now two and a half months along in their pregnancies, and they were waiting for their first ultrasounds. Sakura and Kurenai were talking together excitedly about the ultrasounds, Kiba was also excited to see his baby for the first time, but Kakashi was just sitting next to Sakura reading his perverted book Make Out Tactics. Lee and Guy were just sitting there silently, both looking down at the floor, Lee doing something with his fingers and Guy just sitting there looking at his feet. They weren't entirely sure what exactly they felt about the ultrasound. Asuma was silent as well, but he was listening to Kurenai and Sakura's excited conversation and every once in a while glancing over at Shikamaru who kept periodically glancing at the front entrance.
"I'm sure she'll be here," Asuma said when Shikamaru glanced over to the door for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
Shikamaru looked over at Asuma. "She said she would write when she was heading back, but Lady Tsunade hasn't heard a word from her. I've barely heard a word from her in the past month and a half since she's been gone. What in the world could she be doing there that would take this long? All she was supposed to do was go there and tell the council that she was moving here, and get her things together."
Asuma placed a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder. "Maybe that council isn't taking it as well as she thought. There could be several reasons why she's been so busy."
Shikamaru sighed and laid his head on Asuma's shoulder. The two had gotten a lot closer since Temari left, and they felt more comfortable around each other now. Even though Asuma is the father of the baby, Shikamaru has come to think of Asuma as even more than a father figure than he did before. With his own father seemingly ignoring him, he's turned to Asuma for the support he needs. "I just hope she's alright."
"I'm sure she's fine. You know her. She's the toughest woman in her village. She's probably on her way, and just got so excited for coming back that she forgot to send the letter," Asuma tried to comfort him.
"Yeah, but why wouldn't Gaara send one for her? She could've just told him too since she didn't get a chance."
Asuma was about to respond, but Tsunade came into the room. "Alright, we're ready for the first ultrasound. Sakura, Kakashi, why don't you two go first."
Kiba stood up. "Why do they get to go first?"
Kurenai grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down into the seat. "Kiba, calm down. It doesn't matter who goes first. We'll still get to see our baby."
Kiba looked over to her then crossed his arms and watched as Kakashi and Sakura left the room.
Tsunade led them to a small room and had Sakura lay down on the hospital bed. The head of the bed was propped up so Sakura wasn't actually lying down, but relaxed at a forty-five degree angle. Tsunade lifted up Sakura's shirt a little so that her stomach showed and put some gel on the exposed skin. "Alright, you ready?" Sakura eagerly nodded and Kakashi gave a nod to show he was ready too.
Tsunade placed the probe on Sakura's stomach and the three looked up to the screen. She moved the device over Sakura's stomach and finally found a good clear picture. "Oh wow," Sakura said as her eyes went wide. She grabbed Kakashi's hand and looked over at him. "That's our baby," she said with a huge smile on her face.
Kakashi just stared at the screen. He was speechless at the sight.
"And," Tsunade said as she turned a dial on the machine up, "here is your baby's heartbeat."
The room was filled with soft thumping sounds and Sakura turned back to the screen. Tears filled her eyes as she listened to the sound and she saw her baby move a bit on the screen. "The baby moved."
Tsunade smiled. "Sakura, you've done ultrasounds before. Of course the baby moved."
"Sorry, Ma'am, I guess it's just different when it's my own baby," Sakura said her cheeks going a little red.
Tsunade chuckled and looked to the screen. "Well, according to this, the baby is perfectly healthy. It's moving, it's growing properly..."
"Is it a boy or girl?" Kakashi suddenly asked interrupting Tsunade.
Tsunade and Sakura both looked over at him. "Kakashi, I told you, we won't find out what it is until the second ultrasound at around five months," Sakura said.
Kakashi never tore his one visible eye away from the screen and just nodded. Tsunade laughed at the reaction one of her strongest shinobi. "Alright," she said as she pulled the probe away from Sakura's stomach and handed her a towel to start wiping off the gel, "that's everything. I've taken a few pictures so you'll be able to take your first picture of your baby home."
"Maybe after my parents see the baby, they'll be happy for us," Sakura said a bit sadly.
"Parents still not happy with the whole marriage and pregnancy?" Tsunade asked.
Sakura finished wiping the gel off and handed the towel back to Tsunade. "No. They absolutely hate Kakashi, and won't hear one word about the pregnancy." Kakashi squeezed her hand. "I just hope a picture of the baby will make them change their minds."
Sakura got out of the bed and she and Kakashi followed Tsunade out of the room. "I'm sure they'll come around. The child is their first grandchild after all," Tsunade said.
They got back to the waiting room and Tsunade told them to wait for the picture. The two nodded and went to sit down. "Alright..."
"We're next, right?" Kiba said standing back up.
"Kiba," Kurenai said sternly.
"It's alright, Kurenai," Tsunade said. "Yes, Kiba, you and Kurenai are next."
"Yeah!" Kiba shouted as he fist pumped the air.
"Keep your voice down," Kurenai said as she pulled her husband down the hall.
"Sorry," Kiba replied a little embarrassed.
Shikamaru glanced over again at the front entrance and sighed.
"Alright," Tsunade said as they walked into the room. "Kurenai, please have a seat." Kurenai nodded and sat down on the bed. Kiba quickly got to her side and stared eagerly at the screen. Tsunade chuckled at the way Kiba was acting as she lifted Kurenai's shirt and applied the gel. She was glad Kurenai decided to wear a shirt and shorts to this appointment. "I think he's more excited than you are," she said to Kurenai.
"It's all he's been talking about for the last several days after I reminded him about it," Kurenai said with a smile as she looked over at her husband.
Kiba rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry," he said and then calmed himself down.
Tsunade placed the probe on Kurenai's stomach and a picture was displayed on the screen. "There's your child, Kiba," Tsunade said as she watched the screen to find a good clear picture.
Kiba's eyes went wide and the biggest grin appeared on his face. "He's so small."
Tsunade looked over to him with a smile. "Yes, right now the baby's about the size of a kumquat. Although, why you're showing this much... hmmm..." Tsunade squinted her eyes and moved closer to the screen.
"What? What's wrong?" Kiba asked worried.
Kurenai looked concerned too, but Tsunade just smiled. "Well, I guess that explains it," she said and looked over at the two.
"What? Is something wrong?" Kiba asked starting to panic.
"Calm down, Kiba," Kurenai said looking at him then turned to Tsunade. "Explains what?"
"Well," Tsunade began and moved the probe around Kurenai's stomach, "if you look at the screen," she looked up to the screen, "you can see not one, but two babies."
Kiba and Kurenai looked at the screen in shock. "Twins?" Kurenai asked.
Tsunade smiled and looked at them. "Yep, twins. Congratulations guys."
Kiba jumped up in the air. "We're having twins!"
"Kiba, I swear, if you start telling people we're having puppies, I'm going to kill you," Kurenai said. She looked over and saw Tsunade's confused look. "He's already told a couple people that I was having a 'pup,'" she explained.
Tsunade shook her head. "While you may be part of a dog centric clan, Kiba, your child is not a dog."
Kiba smiled. "Yeah, I know, but it's a joke my clan came up with a long time ago."
Kurenai grabbed his hand and smiled. "Fine, you can say it to your family, but not to other people."
"Ok," Kiba answered and planted a kiss on her lips. "Thanks."
Tsunade turned a dial on the machine and thumping could be heard. "I guess if we would've turned this on earlier we would've known sooner," she said as they heard the thumps echo.
"So that's the babies' heartbeats?" Kurenai asked.
"Yes, and they are strong which means the babies are doing good," Tsunade replied then pulled the probe away, wiped the gel off it, and sat it on the keyboard."
Tsunade handed a clean towel to Kurenai to wipe the gel off then escorted them back to the waiting room. "I took a picture of your twins and the picture should be ready in a few minutes. Please wait here until you get it."
"Thank you," Kurenai said. She grabbed Kiba's hand and sat down next to Sakura.
"Did Lady Tsunade just say twins?" Sakura asked as soon as Kurenai sat down.
"Yeah, we're having twins," Kiba said excitedly.
"Congratulations," Kakashi said.
Lee, Guy, Shikamaru, and Asuma congratulated them too, and before anything else could be said, the front entrance doors burst open. Shikamaru quickly turned his head hoping to see Temari, but saw two shinobi carrying a third. Tsunade quickly went over to them, found out what happened, ordered a nurse to take them to a room, then went over to the others.
"I'm sorry, I need to take care of this. I'll just be a few minutes," Tsunade said then walked off.
Shikamaru slumped back into his seat. "Thought it was Temari?" Asuma asked.
"Yeah," Shikamaru answered.
Asuma put his arm around Shikamaru's shoulders. "I'm sorry. I'm sure she wants to be here."
Shikamaru looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "I'm the one that's sorry." Asuma raised an eyebrow. "While I want Temari here, you're the father. I shouldn't be so worried about Temari not being here."
"It's only natural that you would want your wife here, Shikamaru," Asuma said.
Shikamaru took a deep breath. "If she doesn't get here in time, then I'll be happy with just you here. According to those four," he said indicating Sakura, Kurenai, Kakashi, and Kiba, "we'll get a picture of the kid anyway, so she can just see it then."
Asuma nodded. "Yeah."
After twenty minutes, Tsunade came back into the waiting room. "Ok, sorry for the delay. Lee, Guy, why don't you two go next."
Lee and Guy stood up, Guy wrapped his arm around Lee's shoulders, and they followed Tsunade to the room. When they got there, Lee sat down on the bed and Guy went to the side of the bed.
"Lay down for me," Tsunade said. Lee did as he was asked. "Thank you for wearing regular clothes for this," she said as she raised Lee's shirt up.
"Guy Sensei said it would be better to wear a regular shirt and pants from now on," Lee said as he watched Tsunade pour some gel onto his stomach.
"Good thinking," Tsunade said. "While your jumpsuit may be stretchy, it probably won't be too comfortable when you get bigger."
"How big do you think he'll get?" Guy asked.
Tsunade grabbed the probe off the keyboard, brought it over to hover above Lee's stomach, but stopped at the question. "Well, it all depends. If it's anything like a woman's pregnancy, he'll probably get pretty big, but it could be different since he's a male."
"I see," Guy said.
"It doesn't really matter how big he gets as long as the baby is healthy. Now, would you two like to see your baby?"
Lee nodded. "Yes please."
Tsunade smiled and placed the probe on Lee's stomach. She moved it around and found a good place, and the screen showed a very clear picture of the child. "There it is."
Lee stared at the screen. "So, it really is in there."
Tsunade looked at him. "I realize this is probably a bit difficult to accept, but yes, the baby really is inside you."
"This is incredible," Guy said as he stared at the screen. "Can you tell what it is now?"
"No, we won't find out until we do Lee's second ultrasound," Tsunade replied.
"And when will that be?" Lee asked.
"When you're around five months," she said then turned the dial on the machine. "This is your baby's heart beat."
"Is it supposed to be that fast?" Guy asked.
"Yes, the baby's heartbeat is faster now, but it'll slowly start to decrease as it grows," Tsunade explained.
"So it is healthy?" Lee asked.
Tsunade pulled the probe away from his stomach. "Yes, everything looks good so far. It looks like your pregnancy is progressing just like any woman's would."
She handed Lee a towel to wipe off the gel and turned to clean off the probe for the final ultrasound. "Ma'am, if I may ask, how is the baby to be born?" Lee asked.
Tsunade turned to him. "I've been trying to figure that out myself. We could do a C section on you, but I'm going to do a bit more research to see if there is another way. I'm just a little worried about when you start to go into labor."
"Why?" Guy asked concerned.
Tsunade took the towel from Lee and threw it into a hamper that was by the ultrasound machine with the other towels. "Because, usually when a woman goes into labor, her water breaks and she knows that the baby is about to be born, but you being male... I just don't know if that's what's going to happen. I can't even figure out where the fluid would come out, that is if your water breaks at all."
"Does the water always break?" Lee asked.
"Not always, so maybe it'll be that way, and you may not feel anything at all," Tsunade said.
"What do you mean?" Guy asked.
"Well, again, I've never dealt with a male pregnancy before, so I don't even know if you'll start having contractions or if we just have to cut it out." Guy and Lee were silent. "But let's not worry about that for now. We'll figure it out when it comes to it, but I think it's safe to say you probably will have contractions. I've never seen a pregnancy that didn't have contractions."
"Will they hurt?" Lee asked.
"Well, yeah, but with all your training you've done, and you better not be doing that intense training while in your condition," Tsunade warned.
"We haven't, Ma'am," Guy replied quickly.
"Good. But with all your intense training, you should be able to handle the pain," Tsunade continued.
"The other's mentioned a picture of the baby," Guy said. "Will we get one as well?"
"Yes," Tsunade said as she got up and walked toward the door, Lee and Guy following. "I took a few pictures and will give you one when I get the others."
Guy nodded and they walked the rest of the way in silence. They sat back down in their seats when they got back to the room and Tsunade went up to Shikamaru and Asuma.
"I take it Temari didn't get here while I was in the room with Guy and Lee?" Tsunade asked.
"No," Shikamaru replied as he stood up, "but it's ok. As long as someone's here with me it's fine."
"Ok, then shall we go?"
Shikamaru nodded and Asuma got up and followed the two, but before they got completely out of the room, the front entrance doors burst open again, only this time it was a panting Temari that stood in the doorway.
Shikamaru smiled as he watched his wife walk over to them. "Sorry I'm late. I ran into a sandstorm an hour after I left Suna and it lasted for four hours," Temari said after finally catching her breath.
"You could've wrote to tell us you were on your way, or had Gaara do it," Shikamaru said.
"What? I did ask Gaara to write and tell you I was on my way back," Temari replied surprised. "Dang it, Gaara."
"Well it doesn't matter now. You're here and we were just about to go to the room to do the ultrasound," Tsunade said. "You can write to Gaara and yell at him later." Temari nodded and then the four of them headed to the room.
They walked into the room and over to the bed, but Shikamaru stopped and just stared at the machine. 'This is going to make it completely real.'
"Shikamaru?" Tsunade asked. He looked over to her. "Please have a seat," she said as she motioned toward the bed.
Shikamaru sat down and Temari and Asuma went to the other side of the bed to stand, Temari being the closest to Shikamaru's face. "You know, this is weird seeing him in the bed," Temari said.
Shikamaru blushed. "Troublesome woman."
Tsunade smiled. "I know what you mean." She then lifted Shikamaru's shirt and applied the gel to his stomach then placed the probe and began moving it around until she found a good spot. She frowned when she saw that the baby didn't move.
"What's wrong?" Asuma said when he saw the frown.
Tsunade didn't answer and moved the probe a little bit more while applying a little pressure. She then turned the dial to hear a strong steady heartbeat. She sighed in relief when she heard it. "Nothing, I just should've realized that a Nara child wouldn't be moving."
Asuma smiled, as did Temari and Shikamaru. "So, it's already going to be a lazy bum," Temari teased.
Tsunade looked over at her. "Looks like it."
Shikamaru just rolled his eyes and looked at the screen. "And that's the heartbeat?" he asked.
"Yes, a good strong one too," Tsunade replied and moved the probe a little more trying to get the baby to move a little, and it worked as the baby made a small movement on the screen.
"I thought I'd be able to feel it when it moved?" Shikamaru asked confused.
"At this stage, the baby is too small for you to feel it, but later you'll be able to feel her move," Tsunade said.
"You said 'her.' So does that mean it's a girl?" Asuma asked.
"No, sorry. I have a habit of calling all the babies her until I know for sure what the baby's gender is," Tsunade said looking at him. "And that won't be until the next ultrasound when Shikamaru's around five months."
"You talk as if you knew exactly what we would ask," Shikamaru said.
"Well, after three ultrasounds and the same questions, I kind of figured you'd ask it too," Tsunade said smiling.
"Why again so quickly?" Temari asked.
"Well, that's about the time that I can tell what the gender is, and it's to do a check to make sure nothing is wrong before the final months of the pregnancy. So really, it's just a precaution."
"When will I start showing?" Shikamaru asked.
"You won't be showing enough that you can't hide it for another month or so, but you'll start noticing growth in another few weeks," Tsunade replied and pulled the probe away and wiped it off. She handed him a clean towel to clean himself up.
"And have you figured out a birthing method?" Asuma asked.
"Like I told Guy and Lee, it'll probably have to be a C section unless I can find another way."
Shikamaru sat up and threw his legs over the bed. He placed a hand under his shirt and on his stomach and stared at it. 'This really is happening. It's not just some bad dream. It actually moved and there was a heartbeat.'
"Shikamaru?" Temari asked as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
Shikamaru looked up at her and removed his hand. "I'm fine, Tem. It's just..."
"How have you and your parents been getting along?" Tsunade suddenly asked.
Shikamaru looked over at her. "What do you mean?"
"Are they ok with this?"
"Well, mom's ok with it, but dad..." Shikamaru said and looked down.
"Hasn't been taking it so easy, huh?" Tsunade finished for him.
Shikamaru looked over to the sidewall away from everyone. "He's been avoiding me lately. He was fine at the wedding, but a few weeks later when I went to ask mom for some advise, he... just started brushing me off, leaving the room whenever I'd enter saying he had other things to do."
"Why do you ask?" Temari asked.
"I've noticed Shikaku's behavior change too," Tsunade replied. "I wondered if your pregnancy was the cause." She put her hand on his shoulder and Shikamaru looked at her. "You need to talk to him about this." Shikamaru only nodded. Tsunade sighed and lowered her arm. "You three go on back to the waiting room. I'm going to get the pictures for you and the others and I'll be there in a minute."
The three nodded and headed out of the room. Lee saw Shikamaru walk into the room with a sad look and went up to him. "Shikamaru, are you ok? Is something wrong with your child?"
Shikamaru looked up at him. "Uh, no, no, everything's fine. I was just thinking about something else." He gave Lee a small smile. "Lady Tsunade went to get the pictures. She said she'd be here in a few minutes."
Everyone was happy to hear this, and the four went back to join the others. They all talked about what they saw in the ultrasounds, Temari being surprised when she heard Kurenai was having twins, and Lee was talking to Shikamaru about what Tsunade told him about what could happen when they got closer to deliver. None of them noticed when Tsunade walked in and were startled when she spoke up right behind them.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Tsunade said smiling. "Here are your pictures." She handed everyone an envelope. "I'll see you all when you are around five months along, unless something goes wrong."
They all gave her their thanks and left the hospital going their separate ways, heading off to tell their friends or family about what happened and to show them the picture of their babies.
Here you go. Let me know what you thought of it in a comment below.
Thanks for reading.
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