(Y/N)'s POV:
"Okay, heads up, you're going to be in a carriage with me and another woman. The woman is crazy as hell, but she's a good friend of mine. You can tell her whatever you choose. I'll be next to you the entire time." Levi explained quickly as he put the cloak on me, holding my hand after.
I sigh and interlock my fingers with his, shielding my eyes as I see the sun for the first time. Levi lead me to the carriage and helped me in and I sat on the side of the carriage that was empty, letting Levi sit next to me and wrap his arm around me.
The woman in front of me gawked and I tensed. "Shorty, who's she?" She asked and I chuckled at the nickname causing Levi to pinch my side causin me to giggle. "Hange, this is (Y/N) (L/N)." He said and I laid my left hand on my thigh, causing the lady to gasp and grab my hand to look at the ring.
"Shorty, you're engaged?!" She screeched causing me to flinch. "Chill out, Four-Eyes. She was told about Isabel and Farlan." He said the last part quietly and I frowned at the reminder. "Sorry..." She trailed off and I shook my head.
"You're fine! It's actually nice to be talking to people, especially Levi. When he left I rarely talked, the only ones to talk to me were kids or men who wanted a quick fuck." I say with a sigh. "Well, as you know, I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" I asked and she perked up.
"My name is Hange Zoe! Now, are you and Shorty engaged?" She asked and I sighed. "Yeah... we were supposed to get married the year after he was captured." I said softly and she grinned. "We can throw you two a wedding!" She squealed with a laugh, causing me to chuckle as well. "That would be amazing, but on a different note." I said, trailing off at the end.
I take a deep breath. "You seem like a scientist, so I'm gonna ask what all I should know about titans?" I ask and Levi chuckled and smiled softly. "Just tell her how to kill them, the known history, our resident titan shifter, and our captured titan shifter." He said with a smile causing Hange to nod.
"Okay! First off History!" She squealed and sat forward. "Titans appeared one hundred years ago and we made 3DMG to defeat them, so basic history. Next is how to kill them! You just slice into the nape, but it has to be pretty deep! Okay then there is titan classes!" I sigh, this is going to be long... I think.
"Okay! There are the 3-6 Meter Class titans, they are generally more human-like in appearance, but they usually have large heads. 7 Meter Class titans are the most common and have very large heads for their frame with a semi-quadruped ape-like stance. 8-14 Meter class titans are the most similar to human body proportions, they are an active and spry form of titan. Then there's the 60 meter class who broke wall Maria. We know two fifteen meter titans, one is the Armored Titan and the other is our resident titan shifter." She said and I nodded.
"Titans can regenerate, unless you slice the nape. Titans are surprisingly light whenever their limbs are cut off. Titans are less active at night or deprived of sunlight. Some titans can feel pain while others can't. All titans are deformed in some form or fashion. And I'm sure that's all the simple stuff." She said and I nodded. "As soon as I'm settled into my room, I want to see how you slice the nape of a titan and maybe see one..." I said and Levi nodded. "We can take you to the wall to see the titans, or make Eren shift to show her. And then I'm guessing you would want to teach her, Levi?" Hange asked and I nodded along with Levi.
"Hey, (Y/N), can I ask a pretty invasive question?" She asked and I rose a brow and tentatively nodded. "Is Shorty any good in bed?" She asked and I blushed and hid my face in Levi's side. "U-um... Isn't that too personal?" I whispered and she smirked causing Levi to sigh. "Four-eyes, you are dumb as fuck. You don't ask someone that, especially with their lover in the room." He said causing her to smirk wider.
"So you aren't denying you had sex. So you two have done it." She said causing me to sigh softly. "Yeah. It is mostly a drunken blur because we decided to drink and me being my lightweighted ass was wasted in like ten minutes." I say and she nodded. I close my eyes and lean against Levi.
I wonder how Farlan and Isabel are. I wonder how my little angel is. I think and Levi poked me. I look up and gave him a questioning stare. "You're crying." He said and I nodded, wiping my tears. "I was thinking of Farlan and Isabel." I say, which was half true.
Not only was I thinking of my two friends who were like family, I was thinking of the child I could have had if it wasn't for the stress of the underground.
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