Chapter 8
-Lucy's P.O.V-
The four of us raced down the corridor towards biology. Turns out watching a scary movie on a school night means you barely get any sleep and when you do, you're late. Mrs Robinson was going to be pissed. She hated people turning up late and now she had four to deal with.
Ella burst through the door first, the rest of us creeped in behind her. Everyone's eyes turned to us, Mrs Robinson did not look impressed. I quickly scanned the room and frowned. The tables were now pushed together in pairs, strange.
"We can explain!" Georgia said. Mrs Robinson put her hands on her hips. "We got up late"
"All four of you?" She asked curiously raising an eyebrow. We all slowly nodded, a few of the other students snickered. "Go take your seats"
"I don't know where my seat is anymore" Ella muttered, looking at where she usually sat to see someone else there.
"Find your project partner and figure it out" Mrs Robinson answered back.
I put my head down to hide my smile and made my way over to the empty seat beside Bobby. As I sat down, I felt his eyes burning into the side of my head. I quickly turned to him, he looked very amused.
"well now that everyone is here, we can begin" Mrs Robinson clapped her hands together. "Oh and by the way girls. Detention" I groaned and placed my head in my hands.
"We're not even that late" Lauren blurted out in disbelief.
"I don't think I did this right" I heard from beside me. I stopped doing my work and looked over at Bobby's.
"No thats fine" I reassured him.
"Then why have done two pages full and I've only done one?"
"I go over the top. To be honest if I do more she might let me off and I won't have to do detention" I smiled slightly causing Bobby to let out a small laugh.
"That'll never happen" He paused. "How's your grandma?"
"She's fine thank you" I beamed at him. How sweet.
"So listen, everyone I hang out with is busy after school, so I'm free today if you wanna get together and work on our project?" Bobby suggested.
"You do understand how that sounds right?" I joked. I couldn't help but laugh at his panicked facial expression.
"No I didn't mean..I"
"It's fine Bobby I was joking, sure we can do the project today" He let out a sigh of relief.
"Cool, my house?" He asked.
I nodded and went back to my work. I paused and looked over at him, the top of my pen resting in between teeth. He had a really cute side profile, I admired the way his hair sat and how his little button nose suited his face. I was broken out of my trance when I felt something hit the side of my head. I looked down and saw a balled up piece of paper, looking up I saw Lauren staring at me with a wide eyed expression. I instantly grew red and swiftly went back to doing my work.
"What was that?" Lauren question as we both walked out of the lesson towards the lockers. God knows where Ella and Georgia went.
"What was what?" I asked innocently, staring straight ahead. I started to walk a little bit faster, trying to avoid what she was going to say.
"Don't play dumb with me, you were staring a little too much at Bobby" She said, catching up with me. She grabbed a hold of my wrist, forcing me to face her. "Oh my god, do you have a crush on him?"
"Are you crazy?" I blurted out in a high pitch voice looking at her in disbelief. Yet, I could feel myself smirking slightly. Something I seemed to do whenever I lied. Honestly, this is why I don't lie often, I always get caught!
"You do!" Lauren squealed.
"No! I don't know....I mean he is a little cute but..." I admitted.
"Since when Lucy?!"
When did I realise? Honestly, since he stayed for dinner on the weekend. When I realised that me and him had so much in common. Even yesterday, I found myself thinking about him throughout the day. This wasn't like me...I hated the cobras but Bobby....Bobby Brown was different, not like the others at all. But he also had a girlfriend and I wasn't stupid. He wouldn't take a second look at me.
"Since this whole project thing" I replied. I let out a loud sigh and a fake cry, leaning my head on her shoulder.
"I don't believe this" Lauren chuckled. "Out of all of us you were the least I expected"
"I know, I know" I whined. My head instantly shot up and I gripped her shoulders tightly. "You can't tell anyone! No one can know"
"Okay I promise" She held up her right hand as she spoke. "But this is huge!"
"Stop! It'll blow's just a little crush"
"When are you seeing him again?"
"After school today"
As I noticed the cobras and their girlfriends approaching us, I cut off my conversation. Lisa was laughing at something Bobby said while he put his arm around her shoulder. I gave Bobby a quick glance as they passed us and he gave me a sweet smile, my heart skipped a beat. I smiled back, making sure no one else saw.
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