Chapter 3
-Lucy's P.O.V-
I sat on the bleachers with Ella watching the cheerleaders rehearse. I never really understood cheerleading personally but everyone has a hobby I guess. The coach had the boys further down the field playing soccer which Ella seemed to be taking a liking to.
"You're starting to drool" I told her, pointing to the side of her lip.
"I am not" She stated but checked with her finger anyway.
"Who are you staring at anyway?" I questioned looking at the boys.
"Matthew" She said dreamily, resting her head in her hands.
"You've liked him for so long. Just ask him out already" I said, writing down notes on my book.
"Lucy, are you stupid. Girls don't ask out boys" She exclaimed.
"Why not?" I asked still writing.
"Because it's not lady like"
"Oh I see"
We both cringed as we heard Lisa's high pitched scream. Looking to see what the commotion was, I noticed her holding onto her shoulder and Ali, Susan and Barbara accusing another girl of bumping into her. I rolled my eyes. What a drama queen. I noticed Bobby and the other cobras rush over , Bobby instantly checking on his girlfriend. I glanced over at Ella and she looked back, the both of us trying to hide our laughter at the pathetic scene that unfolded in front of us.
"Have you ever seen something so ridiculous?" Lauren's voice sounded. Her and Georgia finally joined us. I chuckled and went back to writing.
"Ooo I'm loving the outfit" Lauren complimented. I wore and black off the shoulder top and a grey skirt, sheer tights and my boots. Anytime I went out I was either in a skirt or a dress, if it was anything different you knew I was having a bad day.
"Thank you" I leaned my head on her shoulder quickly.
"When are you coming back from Bobby's?" Georgia blurted out. I frowned, I completely forgot. I didn't want to be alone with him. I didn't know him. I grew nervous at the thought.
"God knows" I muttered.
I looked up at the house once I got out of the car and my mouth hung open. It was definitely bigger than mine. I looked back down on the piece of paper and back up to make sure I got the right address. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. I knocked on three times and waited. I turned my back to the door and looked at the street. It was a nice area. I spun back round as the door opened and there stood Bobby.
"Hi" he greeted, I gave him a little wave. "You coming in or are we doing the project out here?" He asked, trying to make light of the situation. I stepped inside and he closed the door behind me. His home was beautiful.
"My parents are here so we'll go up into my room" He told me. I sighed and followed him up the stairs. I stood awkwardly by his bed not really knowing what to do with myself. I really wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
"You can sit down you know" he motioned to the end of the bed. I slowly took a seat, placing my books down beside me. "Okay I see we need to break the ice. I'm going to get us a drink, would you like a coke?" I bit my bottom lip and thought.
"Can I just have a water please" I asked in a low voiced. Bobby let out an exaggerated gasp.
"She speaks!" He placed his hand on his heart and laughed. I tried not to smile but couldn't help it. "One water coming up" And he left the room.
Being left alone, I started picking at my nails whilst scanning the room, it was fairly sized. His shelves full of trophies caught my eye. I stood up and walked over to it, examining each one. All of them were karate trophies, I saw that each of them had '2nd Place' written on them.
"Found my prize possessions I see" I heard his voice from behind me, making me jump.
"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to be nosey" I stuttered.
"Oh no it's fine I don't mind" Bobby handed me my water which I thanked him for and took a seat on his bed.
"Umm I don't want to be rude but how come they're all second place?" I asked, resuming my seat on the end of his bed.
"Johnny always beats me, but this year will be my year I just know it" He told me, nodding his head slightly and smiling to himself.
"That's good" An awkward silence took over. I cleared my throat. "So the um project"
"Yeah, how do you wanna do this?" He asked.
"Well what we could do is...Bobby?" He wasn't paying attention to me, instead he was looking down at my shoes with a raised eyebrow.
"How do you walk around in them all day?" He asked.
"You get use to it as a girl" I explained. "Hurts like hell though"
"You can take them of you know, I'm not going to steal them" He joked. I let out a small laugh before taking them off. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome" He paused. "Right so what was you saying?"
-Bobby's P.O.V-
I listened to her ideas on how we should do the project and she listened to mine. In the end, we came up with a compromise and decided on what to do. We both made some notes for today on what we'll add. She wanted to get arts and craftsy with it and make it a good project. I glanced over to see what she was writing and actually took notice.
"You're left handed?" I asked her. Lucy looked up at me and nodded.
"That's right. I know, another strange thing about me" She giggled.
"No it's not strange, I just haven't met anyone who's left handed. Very unique" I watched her for a little longer before going back to what I was doing.
"Okay so we can make a proper start let's say...I have karate for the rest of the week. Are you free Saturday?"
"I can do Saturday but we'll have to do it at my house if that's not too much trouble?"
"No thats fine by me. Do you have an address?" She noted down her address and handed it to me.
"Come over at twelve. I'll go out this week and buy some supplies"
"Sounds like a plan" I stopped her by the door and held out my hand. "Well it was nice to officially meet you Lucy"
"You too Bobby' She smiled sweetly at me and shook my hand. Her skin was soft and warm. I opened the door for her and she stepped out. The minute I closed the door, the phone rang and I rushed over to answer it.
"Hey you!" Lisa. "Are you finished?"
"Yeah only just, are you coming over?"
"Of course! I need to see my man" She flirted. I loved when she did that.
"Well hurry up then"
"On my way" I hung up the phone and ran upstairs to grab a quick shower before Lisa arrived.
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