Chapter 13
-Bobby's P.O.V-
Another day of Sensei Kreese's wild teaching really tired me out. I love karate, I do, but man. His way is literally kill or be killed. The others soaked it all in with no problem but it just didn't seem right to me. Besides that, I was hurt he always favoured Johnny. I was just as good and strong if not stronger. There was no jealousy or animosity towards Johnny, he's my best friend and great at karate. I just wanted to be seen as his equal by our Sensei.
I questioned the boys as we were getting dressed how their girlfriends treated them when they next saw them following the spa vacation. According to Johnny, Ali almost leaped into his arms. Susan and Barbara showed similar behaviour towards Tommy and Jimmy. So what was Lisa's problem. Even though we had an incredible day yesterday, I couldn't shake how she acted when I first arrived.
"So are we going to the movies or no?" Tommy asked, clearly not ready to go home yet.
"Yeah, I really wanna see Police Academy" Johnny added as we walked out of then dojo. The five of us went to walk across the street before being stopped by Jimmy.
"Let this lady go first" He muttered, stepping aside. I wasn't paying attention and began conversing with Tommy.
"Bobby?" I turned my head towards the sweet voice and smiled over at her.
"Oh hi Mrs Morley" I greeted, seeing her stood with who I believed to be Lucy's mom. She gave me a death stare in return and I quickly corrected myself "I mean Doris"
"How are you?" The boys watched our interaction curiously. Probably wondering how I knew this old woman.
"I'm doing good" A white object caught my eye, I looked down to see her left arm wrapped in a cast. I grew concerned, remembering how Lucy told me she was very sick. "What happened to your arm?"
"Oh this?" She glanced down, letting out a small laugh. "I just had a fall, nothing to0 serious. I'll be healed in no time" I noticed Lucy mother shift uncomfortably.
"Ok mom, we better get home" Lucy's mom butted in. "It was nice seeing you again Bobby" She took ahold of Mrs Morley's arm, supporting her.
"Well I hope to see you soon Bobby" Doris smiled over at me before walking off with her daughter. I heard her telling her how she thought was a 'nice boy' as the walked away.
"Who was that?" Tommy asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.
"That's Lucy's grandma" I told him.
"That's probably why she left the beach that day" Johnny said.
"And why she never showed up to school today" Jimmy added. I glanced over at him and instantly felt bad. Now it made sense. I hope she's ok.
~Time Skip~
-Lucy's P.O.V-
"You know what I really want to learn" Lauren said.
"What's that?" I looked over at her.
"Double Dutch" I turned my face away from the girls, desperately trying to suppress my laughter. Ella snorted and Lauren smirked over at Georgia, taking a bite out of her apple.
"Will you stop it" Georgia aggressively whispered throwing one of her grapes in Lauren's direction.
We were sat in the cafeteria and had been teasing Georgia all week about her little get together with Dutch. She had told me everything that happened in English and just knew we wasn't going to let her live this down. I personally couldn't believe it, she always told me she couldn't stand him.
"Do you think you'll go there again?" Ella had a wide smile when asking. Georgia blushed.
"Well he was great so I wouldn't say no, definitely a top three"
"Hey come here!" We turned to see no other than Dutch, motioning for Lauren, of all people, to go over to them.
"Don't!" Georgia warned.
Lauren giggled mischievously and ran over to the table the cobras were sat at. We all watched as Dutch whispered something in her ear and handed her a folded up piece of paper. Lauren turned her back and slowly walked away from them, opening the note. Which clearly she was instructed not to, judging by Dutch throwing his hands up in a questioning way. Her mouth hung open, quickly covering it with her hand she rushed over and handed the note to me. I snatched it off of her and read.
"Give it to me!" Georgia yelled, jumping out of her seat. Thankfully Ella stopped her. I sat up and looked over at Dutch laughing so hard that barely any noise came out. Dutch face palmed, the other cobras watching in amusement as I passed the note onto Ella.
"Oh my god!" She squeaked. Georgia looked over Ella's shoulder,reading the note and turned bright red.
"Can't wait to hear you screaming my name again, winky face!" Ella read aloud, causing me and Lauren to laugh even harder. We felt all eyes on us.
"Stop now" I giggled. I saw how embarrassed Georgia got as Lauren slapped the table still dying from the note.
"Screaming my name" she quoted from the note. Georgia huffed, grabbed her bag and stormed off, she put her head down when passing the cobras. I stood up and quickly ran after her. Smirking over at Dutch, who gave me the finger.
"OH DUTCH!" Lauren mocked after us.
"What's that all about?" I heard Lisa's voice. I turned and saw her take a seat on Bobby's lap. I grew sad at the sight, I hung my head and walked off to find Georgia.
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