Chapter 10 part 2
-Bobby's P.O.V-
As everyone engaged in their little talk, I sat with my head down in complete stillness. I had been absorbed in my own thoughts. What was happening, I had a girlfriend yet..I found myself being drawn towards Lucy. Sneaking glances at her whenever I could in school, really wanting to stay a little longer when with her. This isn't right. I couldn't like her, I like Lisa! I even had to stop myself earlier, the urge to kiss her was strong! I needed advice and quick.
"Johnny, can I talk to you?" I asked. Everyone grew quiet.
"Sure" Johnny stood up, I followed suit. The two of us slowly walking away from them. Johnny led us to sit on a rock. I sighed, running my hand through my hair.
"What's up?" Johnny questioned, patiently waiting for me to answer.
"I don't know what's going on with me man" I mumbled. I rested my head in left hand. "I think I like Lucy"
"Your partner, the girl you barely know?"Johnny let out a loud laugh when I shot him a serious look he stopped. "Bobby, don't be ridiculous" He playfully shoved me.
"I'm serious" I mumbled. "I'm really attracted to her all of a sudden"
"Dude, you can't be. You have a girlfriend, Lisa. Remember her?" I glanced behind us, hearing the sirens of an ambulance passing by.
"Of course I do but that's my problem. There's just something about Lucy that...I don't know" I groaned leaning my head back. "She's smart and funny and her laugh is just so adorable. You should see how caring she is. Oh man I'm in such a predicament"
"You're over exaggerating. You're in no predicament. I bet the girl doesn't even like you. What is it, you've not been spending as much time with Lisa as before and you miss that. So you're looking for it else where. Trust me, you don't like Lucy, you miss Lisa. You'll see that I'm right. Besides, you've only known this girl a week, you barely know her enough to like her" Johnny suggested.
I instantly perked up. That did make a lot of sense. Lisa always seemed to be busy lately and the times I did see her our time together only lasted a maximum of three hours. A lot different from when we first started dating, we spent the whole day together. I looked over at him, my head nodding slightly.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. Thanks Johnny" He gave me a high five which I gladly returned.
"I will admit though, Lucy does look hot today" well that's not really helping! I couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. He laughed along with me and slapped my shoulder.
"Where is she going?" We heard Tommy yell. Me and Johnny both turned to see Lucy running off of the beach, Lauren shouting after her to come back. I shot Johnny a confused look and we both hurried back over to the group. One of them must've upset her.
"What happened?" Johnny asked as we approached them.
"I don't know she heard the sirens and panicked" Ella replied biting one of her finger nails.
"Do you think everything's ok?" Georgia asked her, shooting a worried glance at Ella.
"I hope so" Lauren muttered.
"Stop being boring!" Dutch Spat. "Would you girls like a drink?" Dutch wiggled his eyebrows. This guy was something else.
-Lucy's P.O.V-
As a child I was always told to trust my gut feeling because it was always right. The minute I heard the sirens, my gut told me something was wrong. I swiftly grabbed my bag and took off running towards my home. Ignoring the yelling from the others. I ran faster than I ever had before. I prayed that I was just being paranoid.
However the sight of my front door wide open and the ambulance's bright blue lights outside when I arrived at my house confirmed my gut feeling, my heart instantly sunk. A lump began to form in my throat and I froze. I saw my dad step out of house, he looked distressed and I rushed over to him.
"Dad!" I screamed. He turned to me and caught me as I flung myself into him. "What's going on"
"Everything's fine grandma just had a nasty fall" He told me as he kissed the top of my head.
"Is she awake" I asked anxiously.
"She is but she's in a lot of pain, they're going to take her in" As he spoke, the paramedics wheeled my grandmother out in a gurney, I heard her moaning and groaning
"Grandma" I whispered. I couldn't help but let my tears fall seeing her in that position. I quickly wiped them away when she turned her head towards me. I noticed a bruise slowly forming on the left side of her face.
"Lucy, she'll be fine" My mom reassured me, following her out of the house and locking the door. "Get in the car" I quickly turned to the paramedics.
"Can I ride with her?" The paramedics looked hesitant. "Please" I begged. They finally agreed and I climbed in after her. I took a hold of my grandma's hand, she still groaned in pain.
"You're gonna be ok grandma" I told her, lightly kissing her cheek. She gave my hand a little squeeze, not letting go the whole ride to the hospital.
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