Chapter 1
-Lucy's P.O.V-
"Jesus!" I shrieked and ducked out of the way of the pile of clothes that came flying down from the top of my wardrobe. I really needed to organise this better. I sighed and picked up the pile, throwing them onto the bed. I pulled out a black skirt that sat just about my knees and paired it with a white long sleeved top. I grabbed a pair of socks and my suede ankle boots.
"Morning mom!" I greeted once I was dressed and downstairs.
"Good morning, ready for school?"she asked.
"Not yet!" I hurriedly rushed into the sitting room to find my grandmother watching one of her favourite shows. I smiled to myself at the sight. I slowly walked over to her and placed a kiss on her cheek, in return, she reached up and wrapped her arms around me.
"Hello dear, you look pretty" she beamed up at me.
"Thank you grandma"
My smile quickly faded as she burst into a violent coughing fit. I acted quickly and started patting her back, her hand holding my wrist, the other covering her mouth. I hurriedly grabbed ahold of her water and handed it to her, informing her to sip and not gulp. My heart ached to see her like this, she's been sick for a few months now and is showing no signs of getting better.
"Are you sure you don't want us to call a doctor mom?" My mother asked entering the room, clearly hearing what went on.
"No! I'm perfectly fine" My grandmother snapped.
"You look pale" I told her, her expression softened.
"I'm fine honey, you have a great day at school and when you get home I'll teach you my brownie recipe" She placed her hand on my cheek and I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Okay" I kissed her forehead and grabbed my car keys.
"Your father will be back later" My mom told me, I nodded and headed out the door.
West Valley High, I hated it. The place was full of morons and idiots. I pulled into a parking space and cut off the engine. I giggled to myself seeing my friends Lauren, Georgia and Ella sat on a bench clearly debating about something. I got curious, stepped out of my car and headed over to them.
"Oh Lucy, glad you're here!" Lauren pulled me down beside her. Out of the three girls, Lauren is my best friend. "What came first, the chicken or the egg. These two idiots think the egg"
"How can it not be the egg?" Georgia fired back.
"Well how can it be" I began to say.
"What do you mean?" Ella asked her eyebrow slightly raising.
"Well, what layed the egg? An egg has to be layed in order for it to be here no?"
"Yeah..but.." Ella began.
"Therefore it is the chicken!" Lauren spoke a little loudly and raised her hands high. I watched in amusement.
"But where did the chicken come from?" Georgia quizzed.
"Well if you read the bible, Genisis to be exact it says 'And God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moveth' So to end this argument the chicken did infact come first because God created it" I smiled triumphantly. "And now we have class" I grabbed Lauren's hand and rushed to the entrance of the school, leaving the other two dumbfounded.
"Thanks for that" Lauren said.
"You're welcome"
The bell rang just as I took my seat in the far end of the room for the lesson, Biology. Who wants to do Biology first thing in the morning, but then again I guess it beats P.E. I grabbed my book and pen, setting it on the table. I folded my arms over one another a rested my chin on them.
My thoughts were distracted by large chatter coming from the doorway. I looked up and spotted the Cobras. They were the most popular boys in school, everyone knew them! Their leader, Johnny Lawrence had won two karate tournaments so far. Each of them had girlfriends who were cheerleaders at this school. That don't stop every girl from fantasising over them. I however, paid them no mind. Personally, I thought they were just arrogant assholes.
"Okay class settle down!" Our teacher finally arrived. "So as you all know, today I'm assigning you a project that you will do after school with a partner" The whole class began to grow excited.
"I'm with you" Lauren tapped my shoulder with a wide grin on her face. I smiled back at her.
"You will not be picking your partners though! I will be paring you" My teacher seemed to enjoy the shouts of disagreement coming from everyone in the class. I sighed and put my head down. Snickering slightly as Georgia spoke.
"What if we don't like who we are paired with?"
"You'll have to get use to them" Mrs Robinson said.
"But what if we can't?" Georgia questioned again.
"You will just have to"
"But I'm not a people person, if I don't like someone I am not working with them" Georgia gave slight attitude in her response.
"Georgia!" MrsRobinson snapped.
"I'm just saying" Georgia held her hands up in defeat, a couple of students from behind us snickering.
We all eagerly waited for her to read out the parings. Some friends got put together and others were separated. I grew hope and glanced over at Lauren, who shared the same expression once we heard she had paired Ella and Georgia together.
"Dutch and Tommy!" Mrs Robinson read aloud. I heard the two boys high fiving one another.
"Lauren and" we both crossed our fingers and prayed. "Alex"
"What?!" Lauren yelled and stood up. "That's not fair!"
"Miss Fowler life isn't fair now sit down" Lauren huffed and sat back down looking at me in disappointment. This sucked big time. I sighed and put my head back down.
"Johnny and Becky" I heard Johnny let out a sigh and his friends mocking him.
"Lucy and Bobby" My head shot up hearing my name. Did I hear her right. I slowly turned my head to find Bobby Brown staring back at me looking just as confused. One of the cobras. Just great.
"I will hand you an envelope and your project will be on that subject. In a two months time, you will present it to the class. I'm giving you two months because I want you all to work hard and put all your effort into this. It will go towards your final grade. Now let's get on with the lesson" I groaned and face palmed.
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