Chapter 13
It's like I can still feel the intensity of Gabe's stare from yesterday. To say I kept replaying it in my head over and over after I went to bed is an understatement. I tossed and turned all night, my mind conjuring up the warmth of his skin on my hands.
When I offered him a massage, a selfish part of me didn't want the night to end. Seeing how tense he was, I didn't think. I just acted. Well, until he took off his shirt.
I forced myself to focus so I could be done quickly, but when he let out a soft moan, everything in me tightened and I just kept torturing myself.
Hearing him singing earlier made me more attuned to how sexy his voice is. The way he closed his eyes when he was choosing the perfect notes showed me a soft side to him. His gaze studying me as I tried to come back with better words was almost hypnotic.
And then last night... Me rubbing my hands all over him.
One can have only so much self-control.
After letting him know I was done, the look in his eyes showed me clearly I was not alone with my feelings. He was as lost in the moment as I was. He would've kissed me if I allowed it.
But I chickened out.
I got scared and ran to my room. It's as if what I've always wanted was right there in front of me, but a part of me was afraid to get it. What if things got weird? What if I was just imagining things?
He's probably thinking I'm a nutcase, and I confess I'm a little embarrassed to face him. So much so that when Maria woke up at seven to get some work done in a cafe nearby, I jumped at the chance to join her. The boys were all still sleeping when we left, so we stuck a note on the fridge saying we'd be back after lunch.
Now here we are enjoying the quiet place while trying to get some work done.
She's on a video call with a client, and I'm trying to focus on the manuscript I'm editing. The good thing is that when Maria is working, her only focus is on the job, so she doesn't realize how tense I am. Because how do I explain to her I almost kissed her brother last night?
I half expected Gabe to shoot me a message or something as we had discussed working on the songs during the morning, but it's almost noon and so far I got nothing from him.
"Do you think Josh will leave the band?" Maria asks after a while, pulling me away from my thoughts. "I can't imagine them going separate ways."
"From what I gathered, Josh is the only one thinking about that." I take a sip of my coffee.
"Do you think he wants to go solo?" She meets my gaze.
"I mean, he's the lead singer and gets most of the attention," I say. "Even if he goes solo, he'll need a band in order to make shows. So why not stay with the guys who are practically his family?"
"Maybe he has some other reasons he's not telling them."
"Maybe..."Clearing my throat, I keep my eyes on her. "Gabe suggested we wrote a couple of songs together to help me get out of my writer's block."
"Oh, that sounds exciting." She smiles, and I sigh in relief. I didn't realize I needed her approval until now. She has been my rock and lifeline for so many years, that the last thing I want is to disappoint her.
And maybe that's the real reason I didn't kiss Gabe yesterday. I'm sure he's not ready for a relationship, even though I saw how ready he was to kiss me. However, if he and I cross that line and things go south, I wouldn't want Maria to be caught in the middle.
"Yeah..." I say. "He suggested channeling my frustration after the breakup by doing something creative like writing songs. So yesterday we went to the beach and started working on a song and..."
"And?" She tilts her head to the side, studying me.
"And believe it or not, it helped me a bit."
"See, I told you guys would get along well." She grins. "I can't wait to see what you two will come up with."
We made the best of our time at the café. Maria invested her time and energy into working on a selection of cases her boss sent her. And I worked on the manuscript I'm editing and finally took the plunge and signed the contract for this new book. The feeling of accomplishment that washed over me was exactly what I need.
The growling of our stomachs let us know that it was time to take a break.
She was in the mood for tacos, so I took her to the restaurant Gabe and I went to yesterday. We had such a good time just talking and enjoying the view that we went for a little shopping after lunch.
Maybe it's the joy of spending an entire day together after such a long time apart or the unfamiliarity of being away from home. But pausing for a few days has done wonders for my spirit and my ability to think outside the box. Especially now that Maria is here. She has dedicated so much time to her job, and I have been so devoted to Jaxon that I don't remember the last time we just enjoyed an indulgent day together.
When we finally pull over in front of the house, I see Ed tending to a few flowers on his front porch. I have talked about him with Maria, so when he waves to us; I link my arms with hers and walk the short distance to his house to introduce them.
"Hey, Ed," I say, and his faithful dog, Toby, barks in my direction.
"Jo." Ed greets me with a warm smile on his lips. "It's nice to see you again. How is that new book of yours coming along?"
"Well, I signed the contract today. Does that count as progress?" I say, making him chuckle.
"Progress is progress, no matter how small it is," he says, making me smile.
"This is Maria. My best friend and Gabe's sister," I say, "Maria, this is Ed. The best chef in town,"
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Maria." He holds out his hand and she promptly shakes it. "Retired chef, I must add."
"So nice to meet you too, Ed," Maria says. "Jo couldn't stop talking about how great your food is."
Walking to me, he motions to the recliners chairs on the porch. "Why don't you too sit down for a while? I'll get some iced tea."
"Thanks, Ed." I make myself comfortable along with Maria.
A minute later, he comes back with our drinks, and I sigh when the cold liquid hits my tongue. "Is this homemade?" I ask.
"Is there any other way?" He chuckles, and I look at Maria, who seems as impressed as me.
"How are you doing?" I ask him, noticing he is in much better shape today.
"I'm feeling well, thanks." He takes a sit at a recliner. "Especially knowing my son and his daughter will come to stay with me for a couple of days."
"That's great." I smile, loving he's feeling good and that his family is coming to spend time with him soon.
We lose track of time chatting with Ed, so when Maria and I finally make our way back to the house, it's almost six in the evening.
We see the boys walking from the beach back to the house and we meet them on the front porch. They all seem tense, but they smile when they see us. Gabe's eyes soon find mine, and I don't miss the way he gives me a once-over. I'm wearing a cute flowery summer dress, and his eyes linger on my legs a little too long before he meets my gaze.
"Ah, thank God! I could do without all the testosterone." Josh jokes, making Maria roll her eyes.
"You're a walking lawsuit, aren't you?" She scoffs, and his eyes sparkle. Oh, oh! I know that look. It's pure male interest. How come I've never realized it before?
"You do know you're the first one I'm calling if I ever go to jail, right?" He throws his arms over her shoulder, and she giggles as they walk inside. Yep. She freaking giggled. Maria. My non-bulshit-taker best friend.
Before I have time to make sense of what the hell is going on, I feel Gabe grabbing my hand. "I'll meet you guys inside."
"Uh..." I turn to him, but before I can say anything, he's speaking.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asks.
I feel my cheeks getting hot at the intensity of his gaze and the way his fingers slightly entwine with mine. He's been really affectionate since I got here, but now that the house is full, I feel a little self-conscious.
Taking in the others, I see that none of them seem to care about us. So, I give him a subtle nod, and he guides me to his car.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Can I buy you a drink?" he opens the door of the car for me. "I could definitely use one right now."
"Did you guys talk?"
"Talking is an understatement." He tucks my hair behind my ear. "I'd much rather have spent the day with you."
"Gabe..." I whisper.
He comes closer, practically caging me against the car. "Yeah?"
"I signed the contract today," I say, and his eyes shine with amusement as I clear my throat. "I'm writing that book."
His lips curl. "We should definitely go out to celebrate, then."
"Maybe Maria and the guys would like to come too..." I try, looking past him to the house.
"No way." He opens the door wider for me, and when I see I'm getting inside his car.
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Please don't forget to vote & follow me for news and updates.
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