Chapter Twenty Two
John Pov
I sighed, looking to Alex who was passed out on the couch next to me. His legs were tangled with mine. We haven't got in any fights for quite some time, which is nice. I miss the fighting, but this is..
I'm still trying to work out the internalized self directed homophobia or whatever I should call that but all and all, the hate lessens day by day.
Alex groaned, shifting and moving his hand up to loosely grip the couch.
It's weird to think that five years ago, I was in a high school classroom taking my last pre-graduation test.
My last fire drill and last First Friday with Alex on my shoulders because he couldn't see shit.
And after the First Friday parties when everyone had gone home, Alex, Laf and I stayed back, looking at the stars and talking about whatever came to our minds. And Alex would tell us about the weird ass shit he'd see in his hallucinations.
God, he's amazing.
In his own really strange way.
Alex groaned, grabbing his head.
"You good?" I asked, my voice groggy.
I propped myself up on my elbows.
He waved a hand and muttered,
"I'm fine."
"Aight," I said, looking back to our kitchen. "We have class today." I told him, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Fucking shoot me."
Alex said so quickly you'd think it was on instinct.
"What time is it?" I asked, scooting back and sitting up fully.
Alex sighed, lazily taking it his phone. "Twelve." He replied, leaning over slightly and tossing his phone on the coffee table.
"It's just a lecture though.
We got an hour." I said.
"If I have to see Jacobs face one more time, I will jump off a bridge."
Alex said.
"Remember when we did that project with him?" I asked.
"Oh god, don't remind me."
He muttered.
I snickered, slowing getting up. Alex stretched, then hopped over the back of the couch, going off to his room.
I wiped my eyes, going into my room. I pulled on a tank top, and grabbed my brown flannel lined coat, leaving my black jeans on because I'm fuckin' lazy. And it's not like anyone would notice. Alex might, but it's not like he'd really give a shit.
I picked up my bag, taking my phone off my desk. I ran a hand through my hair, walking out of my room.
Alex was sitting on the kitchen counter, taking his pills. I glanced to the time on the stove. We've got time, and honestly I couldn't care less if I was late to Mr.Legers lecture.
That mansnake motherfucker.
Then there's Mr.Leckman,
the goblin thot.
Alex hopped off the counter, grabbing his bag and walking out, me behind him.
I tapped my pencils eraser on my journal, waiting for the professor to stop talking and start writing things on the board again.
I don't really listen to what he says unless it's, 'This will be on the test' and 'You have to know this,' otherwise I just copy off the board.
Then I go back to my dorm and rewrite the notes in a different journal and then study off of those ones or I'll retype it on my computer.
"Hey guys do-"
"Please shut the fuck up Jacob, I'd rather die than talk to you." Alex deadpanned from beside me.
I snorted, shaking my head.
"Wow okay then bastard. John, could you-"
"John hates you too he's just less verbal about it." Alex said, putting his pencil on his ear.
"He's right."
I said with a shrug.
Though if this dude was Lee?
Oh damn, I would shoot that dude, Alex there or not.
"I hate you both."
Jacob muttered.
"The feeling is mutual." I replied, not taking my eyes off the professor.
Alex snickered, looking back to his notes. I wrote down a few things, glancing back to the board every now and then.
Alex put his head on the desk muttering, "Please end my life."
I rolled my eyes, flicking him.
He glared at me.
I drummed my fingers on my knee, wishing this would go faster and I could go home and sleep. I just want to fucking sleep. Or watch a movie and fall asleep because that'd be acceptable as well. Also lying in bed staring at the ceiling would be okay..
I'd prefer sleep over that but if I couldn't sleep than that's what I'd do. Wait until my body literally shuts down and falls asleep. I sighed, wiping my eyes.
Some days go by so fast.
This is not one of those days.
I dropped my hand down by my side, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I felt something- someone, per say- grab my hand. I furrowed my eyebrows and said nothing.
It didn't take me long to put two and two together and realize that was Alex.
What the hell?!
Why's he doing this class?
In public?
He intertwined our fingers and I was internally flipping the fuck out. That woke me up.
"What the hell are you doing?"
I whispered angrily.
"What? You don't like it?" Alex asked in a somewhat mocking tone.
"I..I never said that I just..
in public?"
I asked quietly.
Alex gave a small shrug, bringing our hands to the table. This definitely woke me up by a lot.
I can't say I don't like it.
Guess who drew shit instead of doing their homework?
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