Chapter 30: Sunrise after the Storm.
By the next morning, the storm doesn't seem to tame down either. Harry hasn't been in the room since last night, or at least I didn't hear him come in at all. I managed to anger him by rejecting him and now I'm left with the shitty feeling.
I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't want something to happen between us yesterday, but a part of me is thankful with me that I didn't let things escalate. I already have to live with enough guilt, I really don't feel like adding up to it. Adam is faithful, a great husband, supporter, and whatnot. He doesn't deserve this from my part at all.
Sitting up on the bed, I look around the room. What is there to do in a hotel room when you've already been stuck in here for a whole day? I start picking up home fever, and I don't mean Anne's place. I mean back home, in New York. Where Adam and I lived in a small complex apartment. It was nothing fancy like Anne's beautiful house, but it was my home. I start to miss the odor of it. It always smelled like lavender, and my small, comfy couch that sat beside a large window.
I start questioning what Adam did with all of our things, and if he ended the contract from over here. Maybe I should ask him when I go back to Anne's.
Hours pass and still no sign of Harry. I've had breakfast and lunch inside the room. After a while, I start pacing back and forth. It's been far too long since Harry's been gone. Deciding to leave the room, I search for a sign of him through the halls. To my dismay, there is none. I end up looking in every possible place in this hotel, and he's nowhere to be seen.
As I walk through the front lobby while looking around, my feet begin to ache a bit from searching. The leather couches that design the space allow me to sit and relax. Maybe if I hang around here for a bit, I might actually see him. Few minutes pass by and I sit, watching people move all around. Harry finally comes to vision. My eyes widen and my mouth parts a bit as I notice he's walking in through the front doors of the hotel. He is soaking wet and he doesn't look so happy either. Standing up, I move towards where he comes from and when he sees me, he rolls his eyes at me. God, such an asshole!
"Where have you been?" I ask as I reach him, but he keeps walking forward, and I'm left with no other choice then to follow.
"Trying to get my car to work." He doesn't bother to look at me as he steps into the elevator.
I join him rapidly before the doors close.
"Oh." I look at the floor embarrassed. I mean, it is my fault after all that his car is wrecked.
Harry doesn't bother to speak at all anymore. I feel even worse with his silence. He makes his way through the hall, to our room in a fast pace, regardless of me trying to keep up right behind him. I hate when it comes down to this. I just wish he would understand my situation and at least tried to get along with me for once.
But my hopes are far from happening.
"Are you ready to go?" He stops a few feet before reaching the hotel room door. Which makes me bump into him of how fast I was trying to manage to keep up with his long strides.
"Go?" I swallow and step back, clearly confused.
"Back to my mums." Harry seems suddenly annoyed. He turns back around and steps into the room.
"Yes, but does your car even work?" I frown at him, even though he's too busy pacing around, picking up his belongings.
"Isn't the storm still really bad?" I ask, even though he's simply ignoring me.
He stops pacing and looks me dead in the eyes.
"My car is a total loss Emma."
"The storm has tamed down if you haven't noticed.* Harry moves towards the window and pulls the curtains open, and he isn't wrong. The storm is gone like magic! Normal rain is the only thing left out there by now.
If you could feel awful about something, this was my moment. His car was a total loss and it was all my fault.
"Harry I'm so sorry about your car." I decide to look at his shirt.
"My new one will be here in ten minutes, so be ready by then." He once again ignores my words and leaves with a plastic bag with his things. Once the door shuts, I sit on the edge of the bed, the sensation of crying stuck in my throat, but nothing comes out.
I know how most of the reasons of this situation are my fault, but he messed up too. He doesn't have to go and treat me so shitty and making me feel like the whole blame is on me.
I feel a chill in my whole body and even though I lay under the sheets, I know that I'll be sick. Adam comes in with a tray of food, and I pull half a smile at him.
"Still cold love?" He sets the tray on the bedside table.
"Yes, thank you." I reply, referring to the food.
"But I'm not really hungry." He smiles.
"I figured you wouldn't be hungry, but it was worth a try." I admire him.
"I'm guessing Harry didn't keep his promise." Adam says, quickly capturing my attention.
"He said he'd take good care of you." I calm down and smile at him.
"He did, just the storm didn't respect." I joke.
Adam smiles and kisses my forehead.
"Rest my love. You need it." Adam stands up and leaves the room.
The drive back with Harry was quiet and annoying.
I honesty couldn't wait for the second he disappeared out of my sight. I don't even understand how I even managed to be around him that long. Well, it's not like I had a choice. How did I ever even want something with him? It was horrible just being with him for that long. I can only imagine how it'd be if I lived with him.
I hate him for being such a dick to me. There is a thousands better ways to treat someone. I was so disappointed right at this moment, and I honestly didn't want anything to do with Harry Styles.
I was truly thinking that the only thing I felt towards Harry was some sort of sexual attraction.
After going through my thoughts for quite a while, the gut stuck in my throats somehow managed to ride from where it was stuck, and a sob escaped out of my mouth. I covered my mouth with the bed sheet to prevent anyone from hearing me.
Anne and the whole crew were so happy to know we were okay, and that sort of calmed how awful Harry had managed to make me feel today. But I knew that this was coming. It the other big storm. Nothing nice can ever last with a guy like him. We are so incompatible. I am a sunrise and he is a storm.
We all know those two don't go together.
Guys I know this chapter isn't long, like AT ALL!
But I wanted to give you guys something, at least to read.
I'm sorry for this awfully long wait.
I appreciate your patience guys!
All the love.
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