Chapter 3: Family
Harry's arm untangles from my body, leaving me with a wide mouth and large, shocked eyes.
He steps aside, revealing a confused Louis. I, myself probably look just like him. My cheeks redden in complete embarrassment.
"Dirty minded." Harry snorts out.
I turn to him completely confused as to what he just said. He chuckles while staring into his cousin's eyes.
"She's so good at being dumb, that she almost slipped. My sister in law was very luck to have me walking right behind her." Harry comes up with a lie, I think. He rolls his eyes at me, before pulling Louis inside with him.
What was that? I wasn't about to slip. Why did he pull me into his hold that way? What is wrong with him? I have so many questions at the moment.
Before Louis can actually think otherwise from Harry's lie, I step inside. Fixing my clothes up a bit, I then take a deep breath and step into the main living room.
Adam sits on the large couch. Two younger looking men sit beside him. The skinny one with his hands full of tattoos quickly makes eye contact with me and a smile suddenly appears.
Anne sits beside an older man, who is probably Adam's dad. I'm sure he's the one in the pictures that Adam has. I notice the other guy beside my husband is Liam, his half brother.
"Emma, come here love!" Adam quickly stands up, stretching his hand out to reach for me.
"I'm so glad to see you Adam." I whisper in his ear as he pulls me into a hug. I feel safe around his arms.
Harry's attitude and character is very uncomfortable and as much as I'm trying, everyone seems to be okay with me but him.
"Aww babe." He chuckles before pulling himself away and pulling me further into the living room.
"Dad, Liam..this is my wife Emma." He turns to me with a confident smile.
I look over to stare at Geoff, who suddenly smiles and stands. He steps close to me and pulls me into a tight hug.
"Welcome to the family Emma. It's great meeting you." He greets me, feeling much more comfortable to be here.
"Thank you Mr. Payne, I'm so happy to be able to finally meet you." He pulls back.
"Please call me Geoff." He insists.
"Sure." I smile at him.
"I'm Liam, I don't know if you've heard of me." Liam stands beside Geoff with a huge smile plastered.
"Of course I have, it's my pleasure to meet you." I giggle as I admire his nice demeanor.
"Oh..this is a friend of the family! Zayn." He introduces the tatted boy, who jolts up from the couch and extends his arm out to politely greet me.
"That's me." He chuckles. His eyes capture my attention. I notice he has really long eyelashes, which honestly makes him look very handsome.
"Nice to meet you Zayn." I reply as we still shake hands.
"I'm sorry to ruin the meeting time, but we need her in the kitchen." Gemma speaks up as she stands by the door frame dividing the kitchen and living room.
"For what?" Adam frowns.
"We are gonna bake cookies." Gemma smiles proudly.
"Oh okay." He turns back to me.
"Excuse me." I excuse myself as I turn to stare at everyone. Harry is nowhere in sight. Is he seriously always missing out?
Wait, why should I even care?
It's not like I really want to see him without knowing why he did what he did back there.
As I follow Gemma into the kitchen, I watch as Lottie puts away the grocery once we step into the kitchen.
"Liking the family yet?" Lottie questions as she puts away the last can in her hand.
"Yeah, of course! You are all so nice to me." I wink at her.
"Harry isn't, I wouldn't say all Emma." She replies and Gemma quickly turns to me as she leans up from where she was pulling out an aluminum plate.
"Is he being a dick?" Her face expression goes from happy to serious quick.
"Not really." I quickly reply, not sure if saying the truth will get him into some sort of trouble.
He already hates me as it seems, that's for sure! I don't wanna be the reason to make him hate me even more.
"He kind of is! We went grocery shopping for your mum and we sort of bumped into him at the store. Well he was having sex with the employee behind a closed door. I heard it and then the smart ass girl, opened the door too fast and hit Emma right on the head! He just walks out and tells Emma to move out of the way." Lottie speaks as she takes out the material needed for the cookies.
"Okay wait! First, eww! Fucking in a store? Then, he blames Emma for getting hurt? I'm so mad right now!" Gemma's voice begins rising.
"It's okay, it kind of was my fault for standing so close to the door." I try and calm her.
"None of that is your fault Emma!" She replies.
"Can we just please not let Adam find out?" I ask nervously.
"Why?" Lottie's brows furrow in confusion.
"I just think it wasn't that much of a big deal." I lie.
"Wasn't much? You fainted on us for two hours Emma!" Lottie replies frustrated. Gemma's eyes widen.
"Two?" She turns to me.
"Please girls?" I plea them both.
"I know Adam will want to leave and I won't get to spend more time with you both." I put that up as a more convincing excuse.
"Uhh.." Gemma thinks about it.
"Okay, but please Emma! If anything like that happens again, let me know!" She finally agrees.
"Thank you ladies! I sure will!" I let out a breath I'd been holding for a few seconds now.
"He's still not escaping from this one!" She adds.
"What do you guys want me to help with?" I change the subject as I watch Lottie measure flour.
"Can you please go get butter from the storage closet?" Lottie answers, keeping her focus on what she's doing.
"Sure, where is it?" I ask either one.
"Do you see that back door?" Gemma points down the hallway that runs at the edge of the house.
"Walk all the way down there and to the left side, there's a door. That's the storage closet." She smiles.
"Okay." I reply as I walk into the hallway.
Finally reaching the last door to the left, I open it and step inside. Switching the lights on, I search through the cabinets for the butter.
I hear a door open, and then close. Ignoring it, I keep searching for the butter. I feel a presence inside the small space and quickly turn back.
Harry stands leaned on the door frame and keeps his intense gaze on me. I jump a bit, as he startles me.
"Hey." I awkwardly stand straight.
"What are you looking for?" A smirk forms on his lips, and his eyes travel up and down my frame.
"Butter." I gulp my saliva and rub my hands slowly on my thighs as they sweat.
He slowly pulls himself away from the doorframe. Taking long steps towards me, he stops right in front of me.
My eyes stay focused on his, and he suddenly reaches for the cabinet door right above my head. I keep my eyes on him, nervous.
He seems to not be able to reach and pushes himself further forward, making me bump on the bottom cabinet. I try and lean as much far back, to not be near him.
"Thank you." I gulp nervously once he places the plastic cup with butter in it on my hand.
He only looks at me fully once again and walks away. I sigh and breathe deeply, feeling very intimidated and dumb. What is wrong with me? No man my age could ever intimidate me so badly!
Shaking away the questions running around my head, I turn off the lights and step out of the storage closet. I speed walk my way back into the kitchen.
"You found it!" Lottie smiles happily and takes it with her.
The next day when I wake up, Adam isn't in bed anymore. Doing my usual morning routine, I get ready and walk downstairs.
"Good morning." I greet Anne, Lottie and Gemma.
"Good morning!" They reply back all at once.
"How was your sleep Emma?" Anne asks me as she serves me a cup of orange juice.
"Thank you Anne, and it was good." I take a sip of her homemade juice.
"That's good, you girls stayed up late doing the cookies last night." She comments.
"Yes we did!" I smile over at her.
"You guys were all still sleeping when the boys left." She turns to look at us as we sit around the table.
"Where did they go mum?" Gemma asks her as she keeps her eyes focused on her phone.
"To get a Christmas tree." Anne replies. She serves us a plate of a new, very delicious looking breakfast.
"All of them?" Lottie questions her auntie.
"Thank you Anne." I whisper softly, to not disturb the two of them talking.
"Only Harry said he had other things to do." She replies Lottie while nodding her head yes with a smile over at me.
"Oh." Lottie begins eating her breakfast.
"Lottie, Emma...Gemma is going to drive me to the airport to pick up my mother, would you beautiful ladies do me the great favor of setting up the stairs, kitchen and living room Christmas decorations?" She asks with a pleading look added.
"Of course tee!" Lottie replies.
"Yeah, sure Anne." I agree as well.
"Thank you girls! I left the boxes on the couch in the living room." She leans over to peck my cheek.
"Let's go Gemma." She hustles her and she quickly gets up.
"I'll see you chicas later!" We laugh at her cute response. They quickly walk out.
"This should be fun." Lottie laughs.
"What?" I frown.
"Fixing up the decorations." She finishes.
"Yeah!" I agree.
"We'll go separate so we can get more done. Yeah?" She gets up and places her dish inside the sink.
"Yeah okay." I finish my breakfast and place the plate in the sink as well.
"I'll take the living room, you do the stairs. Then we'll do the kitchen together, sound cool?" She begins to walk her way into the living room and I follow.
"Okay." I pick up the box with the label 'stairs' on it.
"I'll play loud music since we're home alone." She says and I nod my head as I walk out of her sight.
Taking a seat on the last step, I open the box and pull out some really pretty decorations and Christmas light that go around the stair hand holder.
I begin from the top and make my way down on the right side first. I admire my own work, even though the other side is still undone. The lights look so pretty once lit up.
As I pull out the others, the front door opens, letting in a cold gush of air. Turning around, I watch as Harry and that girl from the store Camely, walk in.
"Hah, what did I tell you?" Harry speaks with her, while pointing at me.
"Harry stop. Hi Emma, how's your head?" She smiles at me.
"'s good." I reply a bit confused.
"Okay enough chit chat! Let's go." Harry pulls Camely's arm and they begin walking up the stairs.
"Oh and Emma..." He turns back to stare at me.
"Yeah?" I stare up at him as I stand at the bottom of the stairs and they're already halfway up.
"Don't go standing behind doors if you don't want to get hurt again." He states bluntly with a smirk from cheek to cheek.
Lol so there you guys go!!!
Took me kinda long, but I hope it's worth the wait :)
Don't forget to vote!
& COMMENT ;) lol
It's my birthday in 4 days by the way!!! Haha just letting you guys know xD
Our beautiful Camely is great right?!
I love you guys <3
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