Chapter 26: Angry
My eyes widen at Rene's response. I think she's confusing things....or unless that is the reason why Harry didn't want me to do any talking! Oh my God, could he be capable of doing this? Use me as a lie to impress his friends or whatever he's doing. Did he really make Rene and Leo believe I'm his girlfriend? No! Oh God! I thought he truly was going to introduce me as his sister in law. He lied to me, and used me.
Looking over at the liar standing beside me, he's smiling over at the other two couples in this place. I swallow back a lump of my saliva, and act cool. I truly feel like clearing things up here, but I'd put Lottie's secret at risk if I what do I do? I don't think I get a choice, just go with the flow for Lottie and Liam's sake. They're the only thing holding me back from slapping the shit out of Harry for making them all believe I'm his girlfriend.
"Wow! Welcome...." A blonde, beautiful woman extends her small hand at me, and I think she waits for me to introduce myself.
Collecting myself from this shocking news, I shake my head a bit and shake her hand.
"Emma." Adding a smile, I play along with Harry's wicked and unexpected idea. Why is he doing this? I notice Harry from the end of my eye, smirking over at us.
"Emma, it's a pleasure to have you here at our home. Please also feel at home! My name is Francis and this is my girlfriend Jade." The blonde girl's boyfriend steps in front of us and greets me as well.
"Thank you." Shaking his hand, his smile grows wider.
"Please come on in lads! Everyone must be hungry." Francis extends his hand out for his girlfriend and leads her into the place.
Leo and Rene wait for Harry and I to walk before them. Harry's hand rests on the small of my back as he slightly pushes me to walk. I move forward and follow the other couple. It's taking me a lot to stay calm and not turn over and slap the shit out of Harry. The other couple that was here with Francis and Jade once we came, waits to introduce themselves until Harry and I step into the diner area where a beautiful, long table is decorated so detailed.
"Harry, are you?" The young, handsome man shakes his hand. The woman does the same before turning their attention to me and exchanging hellos.
"I'm Danna and this is my boyfriend Rob." The short haired woman, introduces herself and her boyfriend. It's funny how they all have to label themselves.
"Let's have a seat mates." Francis speaks as he stands beside his girlfriend at the other end of the table.
Rob leads Danna to sit as well. Harry puts his hand on my back again as a cue to do the same. Leo and Rene pick the seats beside us. Then everyone's seated! As I thought so, Francis happens to have a cook. The woman dressed in white steps into the diner and starts serving everyone.
I watch Harry from the corner of my eye and notice he's answering a text under the table. Oh God! The anger I feel towards him at the moment is unbelievable. How could he do this to me?
The men start doing majority of the speaking as we eat, and honestly I couldn't be more grateful. With all the anger building up inside me, I feel like if anyone asks something, I'll explode and embarrass Harry in front of all his friend. Which seems that they're very important to him. I notice Harry talks to Francis with the most respect and tries to impress him the most. He must be quite important to him. Unless...he's here for another reason.
"So do you feel about Harry working with me now?" Francis speaks up, capturing my attention.
"Uhh...good. I don't really get involved into his work so I don't know much about it." Harry's hand comes to rest on my thigh. He pats me as to assure me how good I'm handling things. I roll my eyes on the low. Bringing my hand under the table, I push his hand off in a hard manner.
Francis drops the conversation quickly with me, and speaks with the men. As I force the food into my body, not feeling hungry at all, I then hear the loud rumbling of the sky. It sort of startles us all, because it was really loud. Maybe this storm will be bad! Rene, who happens to be sitting beside me, looks back and forth at the men with a wide smile as she seems to enjoy listening to others. Everyone else is so concentrated on the men, but when I glance at Francis' girlfriend Jade, she's eyeing me with a smirk on her mouth.
I only smile at her, feeling a bit awkward that she caught me watching her. Looking down at my food, I swallow it then put my fork in the plate.
"Excuse me, where's your restroom?" Everyone stops speaking, and then I feel all eyes on me.
"I'll show her the way." Of course Harry has to barge in. They all nod with huge smiles.
Harry waits for me to stand up, then himself gets up and walks behind me.
"This way." He points towards the left and we disappear into a long corridor. Reaching the end of it, he points at a door to the right.
"This is it." Gripping my hands around his suit, I pull him into the restroom. I then close the door and lock it.
"Eager much?" I frown at him, but then understand as to what he meant. I bring my hand up and slap him with all of my strength.
"Why did you lie to me?" After the slap, I make sure to push him from his chest, making him stumble back a bit.
"What the fuck Emma!" He examines his face on the mirror beside us to notice if I left my hand printed on his skin.
"You're using me! You lied to me about presenting me as Adam's wife!" I point an accusing index finger at him. He opens his mouth to move his cheek around, still not over the slap.
"Relax Emma, I only need Francis to buy it. He owns a big company back in the US and he didn't want to accept me at first because he though I was a fuck up. Once I mentioned how much my girlfriend and I are in love, I convinced him since he believes in all that love shit so much and well now...he definitely bought it." I frown at him in disgust. He's so fake!
"Why the fuck didn't you dress up Camely to look presentable and used her instead? She's your fuck buddy anyways!" I breath fast, my anger taking the best of me.
"Are you jealous?" He smirks, still making fun of me after I'm almost trying to fume his existence.
Bringing my hand up to try and slap the shit out of him again, he actually manages to catch my hand mid air.
"I deserved the first one." He looks me dead in the eye.
Tears prick at the end of my eyes. I jerk my hand out his tight hold. My body pushes itself back, until my back hits the door. I look Harry straight in the eyes and cry. Sliding myself, leaving my knees up, I dig my face in between my knees and sob loud.
"Emma..." After a few seconds, Harry kneels in front of me and studies me carefully as I look up to see him.
"Just when I think you're doing things to be okay with me Harry, you have to go and do something worse." I watch as on his throat, he takes a lump of saliva because his Adam's apple moves.
"Emma..if I would've asked you to do me the favor willingly, you would've never accepted." He's so damn selfish! This is why I hate guys my age.
"Why me Harry? I'm married, I just want to make a happy life with your brother. I love him Harry!" I cry out.
Harry doesn't answer. He only grabs my arms and pulls to take a stand.
"I'll make you a deal." He says. I already don't like this. I can't even stand having to be this calm and not getting to make a scene in this place.
"After you do this favor for me, I promise to never bother you again." He looks like he thought about that at least a thousand times before actually saying it.
"You're so selfish." I tell him straight up, cleaning my tears out of pure anger.
"I know." He looks down at his hands. It shocks me a bit, because I didn't think this would be his response to my insult.
"What do you expect? I've always gotten everything ever I wanted, always have gotten away with things. But not you. You belong to someone and that only makes me want you more." I notice he's getting to close, so before he can try anything on me, I turn and leave the restroom. I'm angry at him and that is how I want this to stay, because then we're right back to where we started.
I glance at myself on a tall mirror at the other end of the hall and fix myself up, before taking a step back into the diner area. I hope they don't think wrong of me since I did stay back there longer than expected. They all smile up at me, and I just hurry to take my seat.
"Where's Harry?" Francis asks me, a smirk on his lips.
"He stayed back and used the restroom after me." I lie.
Francis gets back to his conversation, which I haven't been catching up to at all, but from what it sounded like before I left to the restroom, they were talking work. I think they all sort of work altogether.
After dinner, the men escort themselves out to Francis' office. I feel so relieved to not have the betrayer sitting beside me anymore. Jade invites us down to her large living room. Rene helps her carry glass cups and expensive wine into the living room. Jade watches me too much, which honestly begins to make me nervous after a while. Jade serves everyone a full glass of red wine and moves over to sit right next to me, even though the couch I decided to sit in, is quite vast. She's a little odd.
The women start speaking about their nails and hair do's. I just listen and smile, not to be inappropriate.
"So Emma, what do you do for a living? Or does Harry not let you work?" Jade turns and pats my thigh.
The mention of Harry's name makes me sip all of the wine she served me.
"Uhh...well I'm not working at the moment." I honestly don't know what else to say.
Jade leans over right in front of me to reach for the wine bottle. She starts serving me once again, a full cup. I thank her with a smile.
"Do you guys ever plan on getting married?" All of their attention fully on me, intimidating me a bit.
"Not at the moment." God, why do I have to be in this situation?! I take another long drink of the wine, which actually tastes amazing.
After a while longer, Jade has served me wine at least four times. I then feel my head lighter and as I watch Danna speak, she's spinning a bit. She's talking about how her boyfriend Rob had proposed to her and everyone is so intrigued. Then there's me! Lost and clearly not being able to focus. I think I'm tipsy.
Yet, when Jade turns to eye my cup, she offers more wine and I accept.
"You like wine Emma?" She hands me the glass back in my hand, then rests her left hand on the back of the couch above my head. Her other hand holds the wine, she makes me feel like it's overheated in here. She's sitting so close to me.
"It's my first time trying it and I like it." I admit, at this point I feel sort of numb everywhere, but I swear I feel a hand come to rest on my thigh.
Looking down at my thigh, I check to see if it's just my mind fooling me, but I find Jade's hand resting there. When did she get it there?
"You're really beautiful Emma." She squeezes my thigh. I look into her eyes, a bit confused, but I try to pull up a smile at her comment.
"Jade leave the poor girl." Suddenly Francis voice is heard to be in the room. I shoot up my eyes and find them stepping into the living room.
Rob takes a sit besides Danna and Leo besides Rene. Francis comes to sit next to the other empty side of Jade.
Harry takes a seat on the smaller couch. I watch him, admiring how good he actually looks. God, his face features! That suit does him good. Hugging every part of his body. No wait! I was mad at him! He's only using me! I shake my head lightly and look away. There's a drunk in me at the moment, she's doing all the observing. Stop drunk Emma!
"You're a lucky man Harry." Jade tells him as she watches me. My cheeks redden, even though the inner me knows I don't even belong to Harry, but drunk me just thinks of how Harry might be admiring me at this moment while she looks down at her lap, while blushing.
"I am Jade, but remember Jade..she's mine. So give her back to me." I think he goofs around. I turn to Jade and smile, then take another sip of wine.
"You should back away from Jade, Emma. She can get a little excited if you're that close to her." Francis jokes.....Or not! I look up to him giggling softly at what I thought was a joke, but he looks dead serious.
"Yeah you know, it's kind of hard to keep away from such beauty." Jade pushes a strand that came to my face and places it behind my ear. Is she..flirting with me?
"Wait, you like me, like like me?" I frown. For a moment, even though I'm drunk, I feel like they're going to all laugh at me and make fun of me, but as they all stay silent, it hits me like the hard lightning outside in the storm.
"You like girls?" I ask, my voice coming out as a squeal.
"She's an open person. That's why I love her." Francis speaks up.
I stand up, not being regular me, but the drunk Emma overtaking me at the moment who reacts. They all laugh.
I feel a large hand reach at me. Once I turn, I see Harry motioning for me to sit with him, and regular me would've probably slapped him and even embarrass him in front of this important people to him, but instead drunk me takes a tight seat with Harry. Half of my ass sits on top of him. I glance at Jade, trying to make out an apologetic look over this drunk face.
"I wasn't going to touch her anymore Harry." Jade plays around. Harry twirls an arm around my small waist, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a whole zoo move up inside me.
"With you Jade, no pretty girl is safe." They all laugh in unison. Francis adds.
"Very true." Jade looks over at him and kisses his lips.
"So you like men and women?" I ask, knowing it's quite obvious, but I'm still stupid enough to ask that. But no one laughs.
"Yes, I do Emma. I love Francis with all of my heart, but he's okay with this side of me and I love him so much more for that." I smile, appreciatively. They're cute, though I don't understand how Francis can handle that.
I stop talking at all for my own sake. They all speak, while I just look back and forth at whoever speaks. Harry is also just listening, but I'm sure I begin feeling him getting a boner. I can feel it on my ass and I'm sure I'm the cause of it.
It's quite loud in the living room and I whisper over to Harry.
"Are you horny?"
"Shhh. Emma!" I think I said that too loud, but I don't think anyone heard that, because they're all still in their own conversation.
"Do you want me to get off?" I try and stand, but his hands rapidly push back down, making an inner moan almost escape my past my lips.
"Don't do that." I grip his hand, because that felt amazing. His large thing rubbing me down there as he roughly pushed me not to stand. I think I'm more drunk than I had imagined. If it were for my sober self, I would've cursed Harry and left this place, just to think he had the decency to get turned on by me sitting on top of him.
"Don't move." He groans lowly, so no one hears.
"I can't help it, okay?" He says meaning to his erection. I honestly smirk, knowing that just by sitting on him, I caused quite the impact.
"Well you shouldn't have pushed me back down on you." I blame him.
"If you get up Emma, these tight jeans will not only show you how I'm feeling at the moment, but also everyone else will see this."
"Oh okay, I'm sorry." I don't even know why I just apologized.
"You're drunk, aren't you?" He sighs.
"No....okay maybe I had little to much to drink." I admit.
"I should've known." He suddenly looks stressed.
"That's why you were being so nice with me all of a sudden." I only look at him.
He then pushes to stand up. Harry quickly stands to untuck his button up shirt, to cover his bulge.
"Well it's best if we'd leave. We have a long drive back." Harry starts dismissing us.
"Rene, Leo, want a ride back?" He offers, I stand by the small couch just waiting for him.
"We're staying here actually." They smile at Harry. They're way too nice!
"Harry, mate I thought you were going to stay as well." Francis stands up.
"Yes, we were..but with Jade, it will be impossible to close my eyes at night so I'd rather go home and get a good sleep." He winks at her. She smiles back.
"So overprotective!" She stands and slaps his chest playfully.
"Kidding! We have to be up very early tomorrow so we must get going." He explains.
Francis nods. They all exchange goodbyes with us. Jade hugs me for so long, I begin to grow afraid she won't let go of me anytime soon, but she eventually does.
We make our way out ourselves and when we step foot out the door, I then realize how badly the wind is blowing and the rain doesn't fall down because the hard wind blows it in every direction.
"Oh this is bad." I say, but Harry grabs my hand.
"Brace yourself." He tugs me and runs over across the street. We make it to the car, after literally fighting the horrible weather. Once we enter the car, I realize we are soaked. If I was sober, I would've been even more mad, but as I watch us like this, I can't help but laugh.
Harry at first states at me confused, but once he kind of catches up as to why I laugh, he grows a smile. I softly and slowly stop laughing.
"You have such a beautiful smile." I say as I admire it.
Harry leans a bit closer to me.
"I usually hate drunk girls, but darling, you are nothing but cuteness." My cheeks burn. I don't know why that made me blush.
As Harry leans closer, I fill the empty space between us and kiss him.
Guys I know it's short, but greater things are about to come! This is the rise of this book, you just wait!
Oh and just to assure you, Emma isn't over Harry's stunt just yet!
I love you guys,
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