Chapter 23: Observe
Stepping foot into the dark brown house, I am met with a huge living room space. The place is completely empty. Walking around, I admire the place.
But something doesn't feel right. I honestly feel so bad about what I said to Harry. Should I call and apologize?
Pulling the black phone out of my pocket, I call him.
"What?" Geez!
"Harry, I'm sorry." I don't care if he doesn't want to hear me out.
He doesn't respond.
"I know you might not want to hear me, but I feel bad about what I said." I continue.
"I'm sorry for being such a dick as well." I jump, the phone flying out of my hands. His voice replied right behind me.
"Oh my God! Why did you do that?" I push him from his chest with both of my hands.
"I thought you heard me come in." He smirks. Not new!
"No, I did not." I bend and pick up my cellphone from the floor and end the call still running.
"What made you come back?" Walking around the kitchen, I watch as he stands on the other side of the island in the center of the place.
"Well taxi's do charge and I realized you probably didn't have enough money to go around to each house." Wow! We're actually having a normal conversation.
"Oh I thought you felt bad for leaving me all alone back here." I pout at him playfully.
"Don't flatter yourself baby." Harry's eyes darken.
I giggle softly. This is fun!
"So how is this house looking for you?" He makes further conversation. Me and my soul are suddenly stunned by his actions. So not you Styles!
"This house is pretty." I admit as I close one of the cabinet doors.
"Like Zayn's eyelashes." I don't know why I just compared this house to Zayn's eyelashes.
"Well you seem to do good studying." Harry stands his frame straight.
"I observe." Where are we going with this?
"Oh really?" Harry walks around the kitchen island, never disconnecting his vision from mine.
Shit, I think he misunderstood me in a naughty way.
"What do you observe Emma?" Crossing his arms over his chest, I try and ignore the fact that he rests himself right beside from where I stand.
"Faces, clothes....houses." I try and make this less intimidating pointing around the house.
"....and have you ever observed me Emma?" His eyes are glazing right through me, I can feel it. Even if I'm trying my best to avoid eye contact.
"I've observed every face I met, don't you?" I try to turn the cards around.
"Oh yes, I have...I observe everything. I believe you do too." He takes a step closer to me, cornering me into the edge of the kitchen.
"Harry." I squeak. Great! This doesn't help when I feel so intimidated by him. I want to overcome him, but he's so good at making me feel weak.
"Observe me now Emma." Harry's left hand comes to eye view.
"I've seen you observe me before." He states. I blush crimson.
His hand reaches my cheek. The tip of his knuckles softly slide through my cheek, down to my neck.
"I see the way your beautiful eyes watch the way my lips move." I look at his lips and he smirks. Fuck, I fell for it!
"Your body gets chills at my touch."
"Don't flatter yourself baby, you're not the only one to give me the chills." Back at you Styles. His smirk grows even wider, almost turning into a smile.
He brings his face even closer in, leaving literally two centimeters of space. I feel his hot, minty breath on my face. That makes me suck in my own. My mouth parts open as I can already almost feel his pink lips against my own.
But it backfires. One last smirk reveal and he takes a step back. I can't believe he actually left me wanting. I don't think I've ever wanted Harry Styles to kiss me as bad as I did now.
"Did you observe what I just did?" He licks his bottom lip and supposedly starts having an interest of looking around the place. Asshole!
"Let's get on with the next house." I roll my eyes and walk towards the door.
"Yes ma'am." I hear him follow closely behind. Once he steps out of the house, I lock up the place.
Harry seems to want to play games. I just hope he won't get mad when it's my turn.
Hopping into his car, I wait for him to make it over to the driver's side. Once he hops in, he switches the engine to life. As we move away from the house, I then speak up.
"Can I put music on?" Turning to him, I wait for a nod or something.
"For what? Am I annoying to hear?" He frowns.
"What?" I giggle under my breath.
"I just thought it'd be good to hear music since we're not talking."
"Talk to me then." He states, keeping his eyes on the road.
"About what?" I look out the window.
"Let's play twenty one questions." Even though I'm not looking at him, I can hear an evident smirk curling onto his lips. Boy am I right! That smirk is obviously sitting on his soft looking lips once I turn my vision to him.
"Okay." I decide not to brush him off.
"What's your favorite color?" Eyeing him wondrously, he turns to me with a raised brow.
"Seriously?" His accent is thick, filled with some sort of annoyance.
"If you're not going to answer something properly, then what's the point of playing?"
"Fine, but we both have to answer every question truthfully, okay?" Harry points his long, right index finger at me. I notice his ring, but quickly look forward so he doesn't point me out for 'observing'.
"Okay." He better make simple questions.
"Orange." Harry replies, then places his right hand on the steering wheel.
"Oh." I didn't think orange would really be his type of color honestly. Maybe it's because he wears so much black.
"Why did you accept moving to London with Adam?" Harry takes a turn to right on a street called pine.
"I didn't."
I watch him frown.
"What do you mean?" He watches me momentarily while we're at a stop sign.
"One question at a time Harry, and it happens to be my turn." I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at him. He literally rolls his eyes at me. Didn't know you were one to roll eyes Styles!
"Are you still with Camely?" I felt the need to ask since I saw Zayn making out with her. I won't rat him out though, Zayn has my word.
Harry makes the weirdest face expression, it's like annoyed, frowning, and in disbelief.
"Who ever even said we were a thing?" I see him clench his jaw as his cheek muscles tense up.
"Well, I...just thought....since you and her..." My bad.
"She was just a girl I fucked with." Geez, the honesty! It makes my face flush and my blood boil.
"Your turn." I want to even forget I asked that.
"My question to you is that why are you so curious to know if I'm still with Camely, even though that's not true." I can feel his deep, intense green eyes studying the right side of my face.
"I'm not curious, it's just a question....part of this game." I half lie.
I know he doesn't believe me, but I'm glad when he decides to drop it and turns his attention back to the road.
"Do you live here in the UK?" I just actually thought about this. Gemma did say that Harry didn't come around often and he didn't stay at Anne's place for long every holiday.
"No." He answers simply. Of course he's gonna try the same method as I did earlier. He won't tell me exactly where he lives, because that would be another question and I didn't actually told him to tell me where he actually lives. Cheeky Harold!
"Enough of this game, I have an actual real question." Quitting so fast Harry?
"I thought these were real questions." I actually smirk at him.
He parks in front of a one floor, large house. Must be one of others I get to see today. This one looks pretty!
"They were, but I don't want to play anymore..I want you to answer me about something I asked earlier." He suddenly seems so serious, it actually makes me a bit nervous.
"What is it?" I gulp down my saliva.
"Earlier when I asked why you had accepted Adams request to live here, you said you didn't. What do you mean by that?" I don't think I've ever seen Harry this curious for something about my life.
"Well because he made the decision himself." I reply honestly, because it's the truth.
"You didn't want to live here then?" His eyes seem to study mine carefully.
"It's not that I didn't want to...I was just thrilled by the fact that I got to start working back in New York." I feel like Harry is actually curious with knowing about my life so I decide not turn him down. He is actually listening to me carefully, which honestly makes my heart melt. This is so not him!
He's usually this cocky, intimidating, young bad boy to me, this is novelty. It's good to actually witness this, since I've always been one to hate guys my age since they're so careless. They're exactly the reason why I never even dated someone my age. But now I see Harry, a sexy, stunning, young man, who actually isn't so bad. Maybe he just hides his true feelings!
"What were you going to work on?" Harry undoes his seatbelt.
"In a preschool." I sigh.
"You like kids?" And there he is again. Couldn't the caring Harry last a little longer?
"Yes." I keep it short, because honestly I don't want to hear the whole 'I hate kids and I don't want any' typical guy talk.
"Let's go check out the house?" I suggest, before he'll decide to open his mouth. He nods and I step out. He follows behind as we make our way towards the front door.
It's been the longest Thursday ever! I seriously am done seeing so many houses. Well they haven't been that much, but I'm tired of checking out a house and getting back into the car.
Harry has actually gotten perfectly along with me today. After that stunt he pulled on me earlier with teasing me, he actually didn't bother me anymore with any of that throughout the day. I can honestly say I had a really good day, even with Harry..which honestly I think it's even weird for him.
He was actually so nice and patient with me today.
"Ready to go home now?" He pats the steering wheel as he drives towards a highway.
"We're done?" I sigh and smile. It's actually getting dark already.
"Yes." He takes a bite of his burrito. He bought us burritos from Taco Bell.
"Yes! I can't wait to go and relax." I even surprise myself as I lean closer to his side and plant a kiss on his cheek.
Even Harry stops his chewing.
"Sorry." I mutter, a bit embarrassed. I push myself to lean towards the door.
"I deserved that, since I steal so many from you." Harry takes another bite of his burrito.
I blush cherry red.
We don't talk at all anymore as we drive home. It's a comfortable silence.
Harry parks his car in between Adam's and Anne's. Shutting the car off, I step off first taking my trash out with me.
Harry then closes his door and follows me. Before I even reach for the door handle, Harry's hand stops me.
"Emma?" He sounds uncertain.
"Yes?" I smile at him.
"I had a fun day with you today." He admits, which takes me by surprise. Harry's been surprising me a lot today.
"So did I Harry. Thank you for driving me around and for buying me food." I try and show my appreciation through an honest smile and crinkly eyes.
"Can I ask you something?" He almost looks...shy.
"Still not done with twenty one questions?" I joke through a huge grin.
"Nope." He actually plays along and doesn't brush me off or roasts me.
"What's up?" I hold on tightly to the trash inside my lap.
"Would you accept going with me to a party tomorrow? I'll ask Adam if he lets you go." He quickly states.
"Umm, well..." I blink a bit fast for a second.
"Please? I'll ask him personally." His green eyes look pleasing.
Seriously! Where is Harry Styles, cocky, reckless today?
"Okay." I let out a breath.
"Really?" His brows rise.
"Yes, but only if Adam is okay with it." I assure him and he nods.
He looks excited and finally decides to even open the front door for me. I am greeted by Adam.
Hi guys! I know I took a while to update, but here it finally is!
I appreciate it so much!
Don't forget to vote & comment. If you guys have any questions, please feel free to message me privately or follow me on twitter @Harry_as_fuck
I'll follow back and answer whatever your questions are (:
All the love beautiful people!
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