Chapter 17: Projects
"Emma are you ready?" Adam peaks half of his face into the bedroom from out in the hallway.
"Yes." I smile as I walk towards him.
Last night, Adam got here very excited and enthusiastic about this new project his dad assigned him to do.
Today, I get to finally join him to work and see what he really does and I get to see what the project persists of.
I don't mind being in Anne's house all day long, but if someone asked me if I'm happy to get out for once, I'd answer yes.
Once we reach Adam's car, I hop into the passenger seat. He gets on his side and buckles himself up.
"How far is the job from here?" I question him as I myself, buckle up.
"It's ten minutes away." He pulls out of the parking spot and drives away from Anne's place.
During our ride, he goes through a drive through and buys us breakfast burritos. He mainly talks about how he's going to show me everything he does at work.
We finally arrive to a 3 story high modern building after a few minutes.
Adam takes one of the closest parking spots to the entrance. He goes over to open the car door for me. One of the things I love about him.
"Thank you." I peck his lips softly. He smiles and holds my hand while walking into the building.
I read the big letters on the large oval desk in the lobby.
"What exactly does your dad do?" I frown in confusion as we then step into the elevator. Adam clicks the three and the elevator begins to move up.
"He's an architect." Adam looks over at me.
"Right." I breath in.
"You look so stunning." He comments, making me blush a bit.
I turn and kiss him softly.
"So do you." I reply, noticing him in a nice black suit.
"Thank you love." He winks and motions for me to step out of the elevator once the doors open.
I then follow him down a long corridor until we reach the second to last office. He opens the dark wooden door for me.
There's a large desk in the middle of the office with a computer on top. All around the walls are modern frames. Behind the desk sits a book holder with lots of books may I add.
To the left of the room is a huge window that allows the light of the day to shine in the place.
"So, do you like my office?" Adam walks in front of me as he was standing behind me.
"Yes, it's really pretty." I admire truly.
"Let me just get some papers from the desk and we'll head across the hall to the project room." He seems so excited about it and quickly pulls a folder out of the desk and walks towards the door.
Following him just to walk across the hallway to the door right in front of his office, we step into a much larger room with at least three large windows.
In the middle of the large room, sits a huge rectangular table that holds a huge 3D project on top.
"Hello Emma." Geoff then greets me once I notice him coming in right behind us.
"Oh hi sir...I mean..Geoff." I blush in embarrassment and extend my hand out to greet him.
"It's good to see you here, did you come to see my son's project?" Geoff pats Adam on the back, then starts to walk towards the project.
"Yes, I did." I slowly walk towards the project once Adam does too.
"Okay well I only came to give you some other news so I don't waste any of your time explaining to your wife." Geoff looks at Adam.
"The landowners have agreed to sell their land to us." Geoff smiles, which makes Adam very happy because his face grows very happy.
"Dad this is great news!" He moves over and pats Geoff on the back as he hugs him.
"I know, I'm proud to have you here with me son...we'll go far together." His dad pats him one last time and moves over to me.
"It was good seeing you Emma, you two have a great day now." He then leaves.
Looking over at Adam, he's smiling. It's not just any smile, it's that sort of smile you make when you get a Christmas gift as a child and you finally get to open it.
"Congratulations Adam!" I walk over to him and hug him.
"Thank you Emma, now please let me show you the project I've been desperately trying to show you." He says in a rush of excitement.
"Okay." I smile widely and turn my attention over to the 3D project.
Adam was more than thrilled to show me everything. He explained to me what the two beautiful 3D, twenty story high glass buildings that are connected with a corridor will be the new PAYNE ENTERPRISES.
They will be located right in London. He explained how much of a success PAYNE ENTERPRISES has been ever since the start and he even mentioned to me how it was actually his idea to rebuild the enterprise in London.
His father agreed with and actually then left him in charge of handling all of it. I now see why he's been so busy, having to talk business and have meeting with landowners and other enterprises.
I can't help but be so proud and happy for Adam. His job back in America didn't make him as happy as this does
As I eat a sandwich and fruits in his office, I look through a book on his desk.
Once men arrived into the project room, I left back to his office to allow him to work.
It's already past three so I decided to accept to be brought lunch once his secretary offered to bring me.
So now I sit eating a sandwich and pineapple slices, while I scan through a book that literally isn't even fun to read.
Once I finish the chicken sandwich, I then stuff my mouth with the only chocolate chip cookie the secretary brought me. It's not just any chocolate chip cookie though. It's a huge cookie!
Adam then steps in and I try to smile at him as I chew at the same time.
"Hey babe." He takes a seat on the other side of his desk, because I'm sitting right on his comfy dark leather chair.
"Hi." I greet him happily once I manage to swallow the cookie.
"Did you just finish eating?" He chuckles under his breath.
"Yes, I was hungry." I laugh a bit.
"I want to tell you something Emmy." Adam looses the laughter and looks at me intently.
Gulping down my saliva nervously, I quickly meet eyes with him.
"What's up?" If I said I'm not nervous by his sudden mood change, would anyone believe me? Hell, I wouldn't even believe it myself!
"Emma...we're moving over here from America." Some weight falls off of my shoulders, but I'm still breathless.
I watch Adam carefully, but don't move or answer.
"Emma, say something." He then speaks up again.
"I.." I then get up and walk over to his window.
"What is it?" I hear him follow.
"It's just that...well aren't we supposed to make these decisions together?" Keeping my vision out the window, I ask him.
I notice this window faces the parking lot.
"Yes...I know, but'll be so much better here." He replies.
"Yeah Adam for you." I turn back to stare at him a little frustrated.
"I thought you liked it here." He sounds a bit hurt.
"I do, but I also was gonna start working now in summer back in New York remember?" I look into his eyes.
"You don't need a job with me working Emma. You know that." He tries to make a point.
"Adam, I love you and I'm very happy that everything is going so great for you...but I don't just want to be a bother to Anne all the time." I huff out a bit frustrated.
"We're gonna get our own place...and you can look for a job here too." He tries to cheer me up.
I turn back towards the window and give him my back.
"Besides what else do we have good left in America to go back to?" He makes another point to make me see how he's right.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore Adam." I sigh and look out the window and at the parking lot.
My eyes land right on the person I least expect. Harry.
He's walking over towards the building.
"Harry's outside." I let out in a sort of shaky breath, but luckily Adam doesn't notice it.
"I know, I asked him to take you back home. I'm gonna be working until very late today." Adam sighs. I turn back to him.
"Why didn't you ask someone else to come for me?" I cross my arms over my chest, but because I suddenly feel nervous.
"No one else answered me." He replies.
"Emmy, we need to finish talking about this moving thing." He insists.
"There's nothing to talk about've made it clear that our lives will be better here." I huff out as my eyes slowly water up.
"Emmy.." He begins, but I cut him off.
"Don't worry Adam, I'm glad you're deciding for the two of us what's best." I kiss his cheek, and leave his office.
Once I step out into the hallway, a tear rolls down my cheek.
Walking away from his office, I make my way through the long hallway.
I bump into someone's chest as I keep my face down so people don't notice my crying.
"Oh.." I look up to meet eyes with Harry.
"I'm sorry." Staring back down, I decide to avoid him.
"Are you okay?" He sounds a bit concerned.
"It doesn't matter, just take me back to your mother's place." I walk around him and over to the elevator and press the button to it.
Adam already made me feel left out and Harry has been avoiding me and ignoring me for a while. The least I can do is avoid them. Besides I still haven't forgotten how scary it is when Harry gets violent out of the nowhere.
Reminder to not get on his bad side, because he is very mean.
Stepping into the elevator, I corner myself away from him.
He looks at me a few times, but I only look down at the shiny floor in the elevator.
Walking out of the elevator, I want to just walk behind and follow him, but he walks so slow just to stay behind.
I recognize his car and walk over to the passenger side. He unlocks it and hops in.
Putting on the seatbelt, I wait for him to start the car, but he doesn't move. He just sits there, thinking.
"Are you gonna start the car?" I ask him, as I get a little nervous.
He turns to me and looks me in the eyes.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks bluntly.
"What?" I act ignorant and frown at him.
"You have been ignoring me ever since the party." Harry confirms.
"So have you." I answer.
"Only because you were ignoring me." He defends himself.
"Yeah good one, please take me to Anne's place." I look out the passenger window.
"I said sorry that day Emma, what else did you expect?" He says as if a sorry would heal the boy he hurt.
"Sorry didn't fix the beating you gave that boy!" I turn over to him.
"You're married! I only stopped you from doing something you'd then regret." He does it again. Defends himself with dumb replies.
"Oh really? Well then why didn't you stop yourself the day you kissed me after you opened up your gift on Christmas night?" I breath a bit faster.
"Or the next day after that one when you found in nothing but a towel in the kitchen and well..." As much as I'm a little angry, I can't make the words out of my mouth. I turn away from watching him.
"The point is...I was also married by that time as well!" I huff out.
He looks at me intently.
"The difference is that, you don't regret doing things with me." He says straightforward.
"Don't." I close my eyes and shake my head.
"Tell me Emma, what do you feel when my hands touch you?"
His hand comes right in between my legs and only a few inches near my private area. I squeeze me legs tightly, but he only smirks, as it makes his hand grip my inner thigh easier.
"Remove your hand please Harry." My chest rises up and down.
"Not until you accept my apology." He taunts.
"That's all?" I ask him a bit confused.
"Yes." He winks.
"Fine." I look over at him. He hints up a smile little by little, revealing his deep dimples.
He does removes his hand away from me though. I let out a hard breath of relief.
Harry finally decides to drive away.
We don't speak at all durning the ride. After a few minutes, we arrive at Anne's place.
"As much as I'd love to spend more time with you love, I have other plans." Harry says as he waits for me to get off.
"Thanks, but no thanks." I open the door and step out of the car.
I sort of slam his door and quickly walk into Anne's house.
I am greeted by Gemma at the door.
"Hey Emma, can you help me cook?" She quickly asks me.
"Sure." I smile at her.
"Tomorrow is New Years and we need to get everything prepared." She huffs out as I follow her into the kitchen.
"Oh, I had forgotten." I clearly had forgotten.
If Adam wouldn't have decided to move over here, we would be leaving in a few days.
I really don't have a problem with Adam making this decision. The problem is with me. I've done so wrong and I can't stand the fact that when I'm around Harry, I'm not myself.
I thought this would be left behind and we could just sort of run away from this after New Years, but as I see things now; that seems to not be happening.
I am truly sorry for not updating anytime soon!
Also, I have gotten a new idea.
So since you AMAZING people have reached 12k reads! (Emoji heart eyes) I will be granting you guys to ask the character questions! ((:
So if you guys have questions for them, ask them here!
Thank you so much for giving this story a chance! I appreciate it with all of my heart.
Please vote & comment! & THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!
All the love,
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